Network Modeling of the U.S. Senate 2009-2014

Chisheng Li, Galvanize Data Science May 2015

The U.S. Senate is the upper legislative chamber of Congress consisting of 100 members, with 2 senators representing each of the 50 states on a 6-year term. Every 2 years, a third of the senate seats are eligible for re-election during the midterm elections. Senators are also often prime candidates for U.S. presidencies and cabinet positions such as the Secretary of State.

The 112th-113th U.S. Congress (2011-2014) is often described as partisan, polarised and divided. This is in part driven by Democratic control of the Senate and Republican control of the House of Representatives that have fundamentally opposite legislative priorities and ideologies after the 2010 mid-term election. This project examines the voting relationships among U.S. Senators from 2009 to 2014 in attempt to quantify congressional bipartisanship. It also assesses each Senator's legislative influence in Congress using Google's PageRank algorithm. All data in this project is directly accessed from, a public archive of Congressional bills and congressmen's voting records.

Composition of the U.S. Senate:

  • 111th Congress (Jan. 3rd 2009 - Jan. 3rd 2011): 57 Democrats, 41 Republicans and 2 Independents
  • 112th Congress (Jan. 3rd 2011 - Jan. 3rd 2013): 51 Democrats, 47 Republicans and 2 Independents
  • 113th Congress (Jan. 3rd 2013 - Jan. 3rd 2015): 53 Democrats, 45 Republicans and 2 Independents

In [75]:
%matplotlib inline
import json

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import requests
from pattern import web
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# matplotlib configurations
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)
rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
rcParams['axes.grid'] = False
rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white'
rcParams['font.size'] = 14
rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'none'

# Remove axis ticks and plot borders
def remove_border(axes=None, top=False, right=False, left=True, bottom=True):
    ax = axes or plt.gca()
    if top:
    if bottom:
    if left:
    if right:

Accessing Senate voting records

Congressional voting records are directly retrievable as json files at[sessionnumber]/votes/[year], where directories beginning with "h" correspond to the House of Representatives and "s" correspond to the Senate. First, retrieve all the Senate votes and compile them into collection according to the year.

Senate 2009 votes

In [32]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2009 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote09(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [33]:
# Scrapes all the 2009 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes09():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote09(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate09 = all_votes09()

Senate 2010 votes

In [34]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2010 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote10(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [35]:
# Scrapes all the 2010 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes10():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote10(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate10 = all_votes10()

Senate 2011 votes

In [36]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2011 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote11(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [37]:
# Scrapes all the 2011 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes11():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote11(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate11 = all_votes11()

Senate 2012 votes

In [38]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2012 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote12(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [39]:
# Scrapes all the 2012 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes12():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote12(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate12 = all_votes12()

Senate 2013 votes

In [40]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2013 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote13(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [41]:
# Scrapes all the 2013 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes13():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote13(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate13 = all_votes13()

Senate 2014 votes

In [42]:
# Scrapes a single JSON page for a particular 2014 Senate vote, given by the vote number
def senate_vote14(vote):
    url = '' % vote
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [43]:
# Scrapes all the 2014 Senate votes and returns a list of dicts
def all_votes14():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    votes = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    number_votes = len(votes)
    return [senate_vote14(i) for i in range(1, number_votes + 1)]

senate14 = all_votes14()

Senate network visualizations

The Senators are visualized as undirected network graphs where every node is labeled by the last name, the political party and the state of the Senator. The nodes are colored according to their party affiliations (blue for Democrats, red for Republicans and black for Independents). The edges between 2 nodes in every network are weighted based on the number of times two Senators voted 'Yea' or 'Nay' together. The networks are displayed as minimum spanning trees, assuming that every Senator is connected to one another by their voting records and that even the most polarized Senators would occassionally cast the same vote together on legislations that do not receive much public attention.

The most bipartisan Senators are plotted towards the center of the graph, connecting a Republican Senator to a Democrat Senator, whereas partisan Senators are plotted away from the center of the graph where they cluster into the party cliques. Republican Senator Susan Collins (Maine) is commonly connected to her Democratic colleagues, suggesting that she shares common ideologies with moderate members of the opposite party. The graph also reveals that the Independent Senators, such as Senator Angus King (Maine) and Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont), often caucused and voted together with the Democrats, which is unsurprising because they represent liberal New England states that are traditional Democratic strongholds.

In [44]:
# Political party: Republican = red, Democrat = blue, Independent = black 
def _party(s):
    if '(R' in s:
        return 'r'
    if '(D' in s:
        return 'b'
    return 'k'

# NetworkX graph function
def networkX(data):    
    senators = set(x['display_name'] for d in data for vote_grp in d['votes'].values() for x in vote_grp)
    weights = {s: {ss: 0 for ss in senators if ss != s} for s in senators}
    for d in data:
        for grp in ['Yea', 'Nay']:
            if grp not in d['votes']:
            vote_grp = d['votes'][grp]
            for i in range(len(vote_grp)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(vote_grp)):
                    sen1 = vote_grp[i]['display_name']
                    sen2 = vote_grp[j]['display_name']                
                    weights[min(sen1, sen2)][max(sen1, sen2)] += 1
    g = nx.Graph()
    for s in senators:
        g.node[s]['color'] = _party(s)
    for s1, neighbors in weights.items():
        for s2, weight in neighbors.items():
            if weight == 0:
            g.add_edge(s1, s2, weight= weight, difference = 1./weight)
    return g

In [45]:
votes09 = networkX(senate09)
votes10 = networkX(senate10)
votes11 = networkX(senate11)
votes12 = networkX(senate12)
votes13 = networkX(senate13)
votes14 = networkX(senate14)

NetworkX plots

In [74]:
# 2009 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst09 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes09, weight='difference')
pos09 = nx.spring_layout(mst09, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges09 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes09, weight='difference'))

nl09 = votes09.nodes()
c09 = [votes09.node[n]['color'] for n in nl09]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes09, pos09, edgelist=mst_edges09, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes09, pos09, nodelist = nl09, node_color = c09, node_size=200)

for p in pos09.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes09, pos09, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2009", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

# 2010 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst10 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes10, weight='difference')
pos10 = nx.spring_layout(mst10, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges10 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes10, weight='difference'))

nl10 = votes10.nodes()
c10 = [votes10.node[n]['color'] for n in nl10]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes10, pos10, edgelist=mst_edges10, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes10, pos10, nodelist = nl10, node_color = c10, node_size=200)

for p in pos10.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes10, pos10, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2010", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

# 2011 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst11 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes11, weight='difference')
pos11 = nx.spring_layout(mst11, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges11 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes11, weight='difference'))

nl11 = votes11.nodes()
c11 = [votes11.node[n]['color'] for n in nl11]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes11, pos11, edgelist=mst_edges11, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes11, pos11, nodelist = nl11, node_color = c11, node_size=200)

for p in pos11.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes11, pos11, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2011", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

# 2012 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst12 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes12, weight='difference')
pos12 = nx.spring_layout(mst12, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges12 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes12, weight='difference'))

nl12 = votes12.nodes()
c12 = [votes12.node[n]['color'] for n in nl12]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes12, pos12, edgelist=mst_edges12, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes12, pos12, nodelist = nl12, node_color = c12, node_size=200)

for p in pos12.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes12, pos12, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2012", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

# 2013 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst13 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes13, weight='difference')
pos13 = nx.spring_layout(mst13, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges13 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes13, weight='difference'))

nl13 = votes13.nodes()
c13 = [votes13.node[n]['color'] for n in nl13]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes13, pos13, edgelist=mst_edges13, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes13, pos13, nodelist = nl13, node_color = c13, node_size=200)

for p in pos13.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes13, pos13, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2013", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

# 2014 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 25))
mst14 = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(votes14, weight='difference')
pos14 = nx.spring_layout(mst14, iterations=1000, k=0.006, weight='difference')

mst_edges14 = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(votes14, weight='difference'))

nl14 = votes14.nodes()
c14 = [votes14.node[n]['color'] for n in nl14]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(votes14, pos14, edgelist=mst_edges14, alpha=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(votes14, pos14, nodelist = nl14, node_color = c14, node_size=200)

for p in pos14.values():
    p[1] += 0.02
nx.draw_networkx_labels(votes14, pos14, font_color='k', font_size=15)

plt.title("Senate Voting Relationship 2014", fontsize=40)
remove_border(left=False, bottom=False)

Senate Closeness Centrality scores

The closeness centrality score calculates the average difference between an individual Senator and all his/her colleagues. The centrality score merely reflect how centralized each node is relative to the entire network. It is a poor measure of bipartisanship because casting more similar votes with members of the opposite political party will increase a Senator's centrality, but voting against members of their own party simultaneously decreases their centrality. There is also an inherent biasness in centrality scores, where the Democrats were the majority party in the Senate and the members were more centralized because as they share more similar votes together.

The scatter plot shows that the betweenness centrality and bipartisan score correlate with each other. However, the betweenness centrality judges Democrats to be more bipartisan as a whole. Part of this is a bias due to the fact that Democrats are the majority party in the Senate right now, so their votes are considered more "central" due to their bigger numbers.

Senators with extremely low closeness centrality scores are the most dissimilar to all other Senators. While the low scores do not necessarily reflect partisanship, they are very revealing about important personnel changes in the Senate. For example:

  1. Joe Biden (Delaware), Hilary Clinton (New York) and Ken Salazar (Colorado) had very few voting records in 2009 because they left the Senate to join the Obama administration as his Vice President, Secretary of State and Secretary of the Interior respectively. Ted Kennedy (Massachusetts) was long absent in the Senate, eventually succumbing to brain cancer in 2009.
  2. Paul Kirk (Massachusetts) temporarily served as in Ted Kennedy's vacancy as interim Senator until he was replaced by Scott Brown via election.
  3. John Ensign (Nevada) resigned from Senate in May 2011 amid ethics investigation of ethics violations from his extramarital affairs with an administrative aide.
  4. Mark Kirk (Illinois) was absent from his congressional duties for the entire legislative year because of his recovery from stroke.
  5. John Kerry (Massachusetts) resigned from the Senate to replace Hilary Clinton as the Secretary of State on February 1st 2013.
  6. Max Baucus (Montana) is the sole outlier in 2014 because he was confirmed as the U.S. Ambassador to China and resigned from the Senate on February 6, 2014, and did not cast many votes that year as a result.

In [49]:
# 2009 scores
cent09 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes09, distance='difference')
centrality09 = sorted(cent09, key=lambda x: -cent09[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2009"
for senator in centrality09[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent09[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2009"
for senator in centrality09[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent09[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2010 scores
cent10 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes10, distance='difference')
centrality10 = sorted(cent10, key=lambda x: -cent10[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2010"
for senator in centrality10[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent10[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2010"
for senator in centrality10[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent10[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2011 scores
cent11 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes11, distance='difference')
centrality11 = sorted(cent11, key=lambda x: -cent11[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2011"
for senator in centrality11[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent11[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2011"
for senator in centrality11[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent11[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2012 scores
cent12 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes12, distance='difference')
centrality12 = sorted(cent12, key=lambda x: -cent12[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2012"
for senator in centrality12[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent12[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2012"
for senator in centrality12[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent12[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"
# 2013 scores
cent13 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes13, distance='difference')
centrality13 = sorted(cent13, key=lambda x: -cent13[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2013"
for senator in centrality13[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent13[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2013"
for senator in centrality13[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent13[senator])
print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2014 scores
cent14 = nx.closeness_centrality(votes14, distance='difference')
centrality14 = sorted(cent14, key=lambda x: -cent14[x])

print "10 highest closeness centrality scores 2014"
for senator in centrality14[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent14[senator])
print "10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2014"
for senator in centrality14[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, cent14[senator])

10 highest closeness centrality scores 2009
        Snowe (R-ME)	72.073
      Collins (R-ME)	71.775
       Nelson (D-NE)	71.747
         Bayh (D-IN)	70.651
         Webb (D-VA)	70.375
      Lincoln (D-AR)	70.173
    McCaskill (D-MO)	70.088
        Pryor (D-AR)	69.816
    Klobuchar (D-MN)	69.814
    Voinovich (R-OH)	69.731

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2009
      Specter (D-PA)	58.085
     Martinez (R-FL)	57.075
      Franken (D-MN)	54.650
      Specter (R-PA)	50.598
      LeMieux (R-FL)	43.909
         Kirk (D-MA)	43.674
      Kennedy (D-MA)	8.144
      Salazar (D-CO)	4.847
      Clinton (D-NY)	4.847
        Biden (D-DE)	1.988


10 highest closeness centrality scores 2010
       Nelson (D-NE)	136.318
      Collins (R-ME)	127.326
      Lincoln (D-AR)	124.873
       Bennet (D-CO)	124.752
        Pryor (D-AR)	124.359
    Klobuchar (D-MN)	124.351
         Webb (D-VA)	123.935
         Bayh (D-IN)	123.576
        Snowe (R-ME)	123.460
       Conrad (D-ND)	122.727

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2010
       DeMint (R-SC)	94.583
      Roberts (R-KS)	94.453
    Hutchison (R-TX)	92.402
      Isakson (R-GA)	90.130
         Byrd (D-WV)	50.748
        Coons (D-DE)	35.435
      Manchin (D-WV)	31.765
      Goodwin (D-WV)	31.659
         Kirk (R-IL)	27.206
         Kirk (D-MA)	17.532


10 highest closeness centrality scores 2011
        Brown (R-MA)	156.451
      Collins (R-ME)	155.333
        Snowe (R-ME)	151.966
       Nelson (D-NE)	150.064
      Manchin (D-WV)	147.701
      Johanns (R-NE)	145.852
      Cochran (R-MS)	144.632
    Alexander (R-TN)	144.451
       Bennet (D-CO)	144.164
       Nelson (D-FL)	143.416

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2011
       Inhofe (R-OK)	112.968
        Rubio (R-FL)	111.997
       Vitter (R-LA)	106.724
        Risch (R-ID)	106.476
       Coburn (R-OK)	104.647
          Lee (R-UT)	101.529
       DeMint (R-SC)	95.368
         Paul (R-KY)	91.784
       Heller (R-NV)	82.222
       Ensign (R-NV)	40.132


10 highest closeness centrality scores 2012
      Collins (R-ME)	149.681
        Brown (R-MA)	146.365
        Snowe (R-ME)	145.373
      Manchin (D-WV)	142.817
       Hoeven (R-ND)	141.780
        Lugar (R-IN)	141.184
       Nelson (D-NE)	140.299
      Cochran (R-MS)	140.197
        Pryor (D-AR)	138.648
    Murkowski (R-AK)	138.634

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2012
       Inhofe (R-OK)	103.153
       Toomey (R-PA)	102.980
       Vitter (R-LA)	100.273
       Coburn (R-OK)	99.006
        Hatch (R-UT)	94.807
         Paul (R-KY)	89.828
          Lee (R-UT)	86.400
       DeMint (R-SC)	79.062
       Schatz (D-HI)	17.514
         Kirk (R-IL)	0.000


10 highest closeness centrality scores 2013
      Collins (R-ME)	117.855
      Manchin (D-WV)	112.650
        Pryor (D-AR)	111.204
    Murkowski (R-AK)	111.100
     Donnelly (D-IN)	109.469
        Hagan (D-NC)	109.278
       Baucus (D-MT)	105.645
       Bennet (D-CO)	105.517
        Kaine (D-VA)	105.290
    Klobuchar (D-MN)	105.207

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2013
       Vitter (R-LA)	83.654
         Paul (R-KY)	83.181
         Cruz (R-TX)	82.473
       Inhofe (R-OK)	81.825
        Cowan (D-MA)	71.631
       Markey (D-MA)	64.722
       Booker (D-NJ)	44.066
       Chiesa (R-NJ)	41.580
   Lautenberg (D-NJ)	26.173
        Kerry (D-MA)	3.962


10 highest closeness centrality scores 2014
      Collins (R-ME)	212.224
    Murkowski (R-AK)	199.313
       Ayotte (R-NH)	191.035
      Manchin (D-WV)	189.662
     Heitkamp (D-ND)	184.845
         King (I-ME)	183.351
         Reid (D-NV)	183.170
     Donnelly (D-IN)	181.902
       Hirono (D-HI)	180.823
       Tester (D-MT)	180.613

10 lowest closeness centrality scores 2014
        Risch (R-ID)	141.210
         Cruz (R-TX)	138.963
       Inhofe (R-OK)	138.399
          Lee (R-UT)	136.791
      Roberts (R-KS)	135.722
      Boozman (R-AR)	133.569
        Moran (R-KS)	132.678
      Cochran (R-MS)	127.824
       Coburn (R-OK)	112.909
       Baucus (D-MT)	21.775

In [50]:
# 2009 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl09))
y = np.array([cent09[n] for n in nl09])
c = np.array([votes09.node[n]['color'] for n in nl09])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2009", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl09[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

# 2010 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl10))
y = np.array([cent10[n] for n in nl10])
c = np.array([votes10.node[n]['color'] for n in nl10])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2010", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl10[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

# 2011 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl11))
y = np.array([cent11[n] for n in nl11])
c = np.array([votes11.node[n]['color'] for n in nl11])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2011", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl11[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

# 2012 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl12))
y = np.array([cent12[n] for n in nl12])
c = np.array([votes12.node[n]['color'] for n in nl12])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2012", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl12[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

# 2013 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl13))
y = np.array([cent13[n] for n in nl13])
c = np.array([votes13.node[n]['color'] for n in nl13])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2013", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl13[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

# 2014 plot
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
x = np.arange(len(nl14))
y = np.array([cent14[n] for n in nl14])
c = np.array([votes14.node[n]['color'] for n in nl14])

ind = np.argsort(y)
y = y[ind]
c = c[ind], y, color=c, align='center', width=0.8)

remove_border(left=None, bottom=None)
plt.title("Senate Closeness Centrality Scores 2014", fontsize=20)
ticks = plt.xticks(x, [nl14[i] for i in x[ind]], rotation='vertical', fontsize=7)
limits = plt.xlim(-1, x[-1] + 1)

Senate Bipartisanship scores

The Senators' bipartisanship are assessed with an alternative measure that only consider how similarly a Senator vote with colleagues from the opposite party by calculating the mean weight of the edges that connect one node to nodes in the other party (ie. a red node to the blue/black nodes and vice versa). The Independents are treated as Democrats in this analysis because they are similar according to the voting records.

The bipartisanship scores reveal that Republicans as a polarizing party because it is composed of some of the most bipartisan and the least bipartisan Senators. The scatter plots also suggest a correlationship between the Centrality Score and the Bipartisanship Score.

In [53]:
def bipartisanship(graph, node):
    party = graph.node[node]['color']
    other = 'r' if party != 'r' else 'b'
    return np.mean([v['weight'] for k, v in graph[node].items() if graph.node[k]['color'] == other])

In [54]:
# 2009 bipartisanship score
bp_score09 = {node: bipartisanship(votes09, node) for node in votes09.nodes()}
bp09 = sorted(bp_score09, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score09[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2009"
for senator in bp09[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score09[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2009"
for senator in bp09[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score09[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2010 bipartisanship score
bp_score10 = {node: bipartisanship(votes10, node) for node in votes10.nodes()}
bp10 = sorted(bp_score10, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score10[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2010"
for senator in bp10[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score10[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2010"
for senator in bp10[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score10[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2011 bipartisanship score
bp_score11 = {node: bipartisanship(votes11, node) for node in votes11.nodes()}
bp11 = sorted(bp_score11, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score11[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2011"
for senator in bp11[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score11[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2011"
for senator in bp11[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score11[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2012 bipartisanship score
bp_score12 = {node: bipartisanship(votes12, node) for node in votes12.nodes()}
bp12 = sorted(bp_score12, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score12[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2012"
for senator in bp12[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score12[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2012"
for senator in bp12[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score12[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2013 bipartisanship score
bp_score13 = {node: bipartisanship(votes13, node) for node in votes13.nodes()}
bp13 = sorted(bp_score13, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score13[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2013"
for senator in bp13[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score13[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2013"
for senator in bp13[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score13[senator])

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 2014 bipartisanship score
bp_score14 = {node: bipartisanship(votes14, node) for node in votes14.nodes()}
bp14 = sorted(bp_score14, key=lambda x: -1 * bp_score14[x])

print "10 most bipartisan Senators 2014"
for senator in bp14[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score14[senator])
print "10 least bipartisan Senators 2014"
for senator in bp14[-10:]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (senator, bp_score14[senator])

10 most bipartisan Senators 2009
      Collins (R-ME)	229.339
        Snowe (R-ME)	228.306
       Nelson (D-NE)	207.643
    Voinovich (R-OH)	192.194
         Bayh (D-IN)	191.833
    Murkowski (R-AK)	172.339
    McCaskill (D-MO)	164.500
        Lugar (R-IN)	163.758
      Cochran (R-MS)	159.787
     Feingold (D-WI)	159.762

10 least bipartisan Senators 2009
         Byrd (D-WV)	79.190
      Specter (D-PA)	77.122
       Coburn (R-OK)	72.086
      Franken (D-MN)	56.878
      LeMieux (R-FL)	41.897
         Kirk (D-MA)	32.400
      Kennedy (D-MA)	2.645
      Salazar (D-CO)	2.630
      Clinton (D-NY)	2.630
        Biden (D-DE)	1.211


10 most bipartisan Senators 2010
       Nelson (D-NE)	160.024
      Collins (R-ME)	128.803
        Snowe (R-ME)	119.754
    Voinovich (R-OH)	117.279
         Bayh (D-IN)	115.714
      Lincoln (D-AR)	112.762
        Brown (R-MA)	98.417
        Lugar (R-IN)	95.918
         Webb (D-VA)	95.476
        Pryor (D-AR)	94.833

10 least bipartisan Senators 2010
       Coburn (R-OK)	54.033
    Brownback (R-KS)	52.869
    Hutchison (R-TX)	52.016
       DeMint (R-SC)	51.082
         Byrd (D-WV)	19.366
      Manchin (D-WV)	14.952
         Kirk (R-IL)	14.893
        Coons (D-DE)	12.143
         Kirk (D-MA)	7.225
      Goodwin (D-WV)	5.780


10 most bipartisan Senators 2011
      Collins (R-ME)	164.020
        Brown (R-MA)	161.157
        Snowe (R-ME)	152.020
       Nelson (D-NE)	133.312
      Cochran (R-MS)	130.314
    Murkowski (R-AK)	130.137
    Alexander (R-TN)	127.510
      Manchin (D-WV)	126.250
      Johanns (R-NE)	126.216
         Kirk (R-IL)	124.980

10 least bipartisan Senators 2011
        Rubio (R-FL)	87.706
        Crapo (R-ID)	87.412
       Vitter (R-LA)	83.000
        Risch (R-ID)	81.000
       Coburn (R-OK)	80.902
          Lee (R-UT)	77.745
         Paul (R-KY)	68.490
       DeMint (R-SC)	67.961
       Heller (R-NV)	64.745
       Ensign (R-NV)	27.941


10 most bipartisan Senators 2012
      Collins (R-ME)	180.577
        Lugar (R-IN)	137.962
      Manchin (D-WV)	128.500
    McCaskill (D-MO)	121.326
    Alexander (R-TN)	114.154
   Lieberman (ID-CT)	112.370
       Baucus (D-MT)	110.261
         Reid (D-NV)	110.174
    Klobuchar (D-MN)	109.696
      Boozman (R-AR)	109.500

10 least bipartisan Senators 2012
   Blumenthal (D-CT)	95.043
      Sanders (I-VT)	90.804
          Kyl (R-AZ)	89.750
       Inouye (D-HI)	86.500
        Risch (R-ID)	85.442
       Cornyn (R-TX)	84.692
       Toomey (R-PA)	80.769
        Hatch (R-UT)	72.962
       DeMint (R-SC)	41.863
       Schatz (D-HI)	5.111


10 most bipartisan Senators 2013
      Collins (R-ME)	185.000
    Murkowski (R-AK)	162.018
      Manchin (D-WV)	132.848
        Pryor (D-AR)	123.609
       McCain (R-AZ)	117.446
     Donnelly (D-IN)	116.522
        Hagan (D-NC)	115.500
         Kirk (R-IL)	114.518
       Corker (R-TN)	112.482
       Graham (R-SC)	110.482

10 least bipartisan Senators 2013
          Lee (R-UT)	57.273
        Risch (R-ID)	56.857
         Cruz (R-TX)	55.727
       Inhofe (R-OK)	53.518
        Cowan (D-MA)	50.391
       Chiesa (R-NJ)	39.038
       Markey (D-MA)	30.370
       Booker (D-NJ)	10.022
   Lautenberg (D-NJ)	9.289
        Kerry (D-MA)	2.235


10 most bipartisan Senators 2014
      Collins (R-ME)	247.056
    Murkowski (R-AK)	225.259
       Ayotte (R-NH)	173.870
      Manchin (D-WV)	150.978
      Isakson (R-GA)	148.556
        Hatch (R-UT)	147.352
        Flake (R-AZ)	146.222
         Kirk (R-IL)	143.630
    Alexander (R-TN)	140.111
        Coats (R-IN)	139.963

10 least bipartisan Senators 2014
  Rockefeller (D-WV)	99.244
      Boozman (R-AR)	95.630
         Cruz (R-TX)	95.000
        Crapo (R-ID)	94.852
        Moran (R-KS)	94.833
        Risch (R-ID)	90.148
      Roberts (R-KS)	88.963
          Lee (R-UT)	84.574
       Coburn (R-OK)	72.222
       Baucus (D-MT)	6.044
/Users/shengli/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  warnings.warn("Mean of empty slice.", RuntimeWarning)
/Users/shengli/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

Bipartisanship scores vs Centrality scores

In [59]:
# 2009
senators09 = bp_score09.keys()
x = [cent09[s] for s in senators09]
y = [bp_score09[s] for s in senators09]
c = [votes09.node[s]['color'] for s in senators09]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2009", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)', 'Kyl (R-AZ)', 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Snowe (R-ME)', 'Biden (D-DE)', 'Clinton (D-NY)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent09[lbl], bp_score09[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

# 2010
senators10 = bp_score10.keys()
x = [cent10[s] for s in senators10]
y = [bp_score10[s] for s in senators10]
c = [votes10.node[s]['color'] for s in senators10]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2010", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)',  'Kyl (R-AZ)', 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Nelson (D-NE)', 'Goodwin (D-WV)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent10[lbl], bp_score10[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

# 2011
senators11 = bp_score11.keys()
x = [cent11[s] for s in senators11]
y = [bp_score11[s] for s in senators11]
c = [votes11.node[s]['color'] for s in senators11]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2011", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)',  'Kyl (R-AZ)', 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Brown (R-MA)', 'Ensign (R-NV)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent11[lbl], bp_score11[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

# 2012
senators12 = bp_score12.keys()
x = [cent12[s] for s in senators12]
y = [bp_score12[s] for s in senators12]
c = [votes12.node[s]['color'] for s in senators12]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2012", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)', 'Kyl (R-AZ)', 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Lugar (R-IN)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent12[lbl], bp_score12[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

# 2013
senators13 = bp_score13.keys()
x = [cent13[s] for s in senators13]
y = [bp_score13[s] for s in senators13]
c = [votes13.node[s]['color'] for s in senators13]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2013", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)', 'Cornyn (R-TX)' , 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Murkowski (R-AK)', 'Kerry (D-MA)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent13[lbl], bp_score13[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

# 2014
senators14 = bp_score14.keys()
x = [cent14[s] for s in senators14]
y = [bp_score14[s] for s in senators14]
c = [votes14.node[s]['color'] for s in senators14]

plt.title("Senate Bipartisan Scores vs Centrality Score 2014", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter(x, y, 80, color=c, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white')
labels = ['Reid (D-NV)', 'McConnell (R-KY)', 'Durbin (D-IL)',  'Cornyn (R-TX)' , 'Collins (R-ME)', 'Murkowski (R-AK)', 'Baucus (D-MT)']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (cent14[lbl], bp_score14[lbl] + 0.002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Centrality Score")
plt.ylabel("Bipartisan Score")

Senate Legislative Influencers

The Google PageRank algorithm is employed to measure every Senator's legislative influences in Congress. The PageRank algorithm assumes that a highly ranked website is linked to many other websites, and links that are found on a highly ranked website is more significant than links found on lower ranked websites. Likewise, this approach assumes influential Senators tend to actively sponsor more legislations than others, and their legislations tend to attract co-sponsorship from other Congressional members.

Accordingly, the algorithm construct a directed graph that designate every Senator as a node and adds an edge when Senator A co-sponsors Senator B's legislation. The edge from Senator A to Senator B is weighed according to the number of legislations that are sponsored by B and co-sponsored by A.

Accessing Senate legislations

The Congressional bills are directly retrieved from[sessionnumber]/bills/s/ and compiled into a single collection according to the Congressional session.

111th Congress (2009-2010) bills

In [61]:
def congress111(bill):
    url = '' % bill
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [62]:
def all_bills111():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    links = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    return [congress111(i) for i in range(1, len(links) + 1)]

senate_bills111 = all_bills111()

112th Congress (2011-2012) bills

In [67]:
def congress112(bill):
    url = '' % bill
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [68]:
def all_bills112():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    links = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    return [congress111(i) for i in range(1, len(links) + 1)]

senate_bills112 = all_bills112()

113th Congress (2013-2014) bills

In [69]:
def congress113(bill):
    url = '' % bill
    page = requests.get(url).text
    return json.loads(page)

In [70]:
def all_bills113():
    page = requests.get('').text
    dom = web.Element(page)
    links = [a.attr['href'] for a in dom.by_tag('a') 
             if a.attr.get('href', '').startswith('s')]
    return [congress113(i) for i in range(1, len(links) + 1)]

senate_bills113 = all_bills113()

PageRank Algorithm

In [90]:
def pgrank(data):
    spon = nx.DiGraph()
    for bill in data:
        sponsor_name = bill['sponsor']['name']
        sponsor_data = bill['sponsor']
        cosponsors_name = [cs['name'] for cs in bill['cosponsors']]
        if sponsor_name not in spon:
            spon.add_node(sponsor_name, **sponsor_data)
        for cosponsor in bill['cosponsors']:
            if cosponsor['name'] not in spon:
                spon.add_node(cosponsor['name'], **cosponsor)            
            cosponsor = cosponsor['name']
                w = spon[cosponsor][sponsor_name]['weight'] + 1
            except KeyError:
                w = + 1
            spon.add_edge(cosponsor, sponsor_name, weight=w)
    return spon

In [91]:
bills111 = pgrank(senate_bills111)
bills112 = pgrank(senate_bills112)
bills113 = pgrank(senate_bills113)

Senate PageRank scores

The PageRank scores identify Senator Richard Durbin (Illinois), Chuck Schumer (New York) and John Kerry (Massachusetts) as the most influential Senators in the 111th and 112th Congress, which is unsurprising given their prominent leadership roles as Senate Majority Whip, third ranking Democrat and former Democratic Presidential candidate. However, Senator Tom Harkin (Iowa) and Senator Sherrod Brown (Ohio) subsequently emerged as the most influential Senators in the 113th Congress.

By contrast, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had lower Pagerank scores despite their leadership positions in their own party. It is possible that they were more focused on the legislative processes to gather votes, to pass and to block Congressional bills. Harry Reid also havd higher PageRank score than his number of degrees, suggesting that he sponsored fewer legislations that also had more co-sponsors and were probably more important.

In [109]:
# 111th Congress
pagerank111 = nx.pagerank_numpy(bills111)
names111 = np.array(pagerank111.keys())
vals111 = np.array([pagerank111[n] for n in names111])

ind = np.argsort(vals111)
names = names111[ind]
vals = vals111[ind]

print "10 most influential Senators 111th Congress"
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[-10:][::-1]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)
print "10 least influential Senators 111th Congress" 
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 112th Congress
pagerank112 = nx.pagerank_numpy(bills112)
names112 = np.array(pagerank112.keys())
vals112 = np.array([pagerank112[n] for n in names112])

ind = np.argsort(vals112)
names = names112[ind]
vals = vals112[ind]

print "10 most influential Senators 112th Congress"
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[-10:][::-1]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)
print "10 least influential Senators 112th Congress" 
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)

print "-------------------------------------------------------"

# 113th Congress
pagerank113 = nx.pagerank_numpy(bills113)
names113 = np.array(pagerank113.keys())
vals113 = np.array([pagerank113[n] for n in names113])

ind = np.argsort(vals113)
names = names113[ind]
vals = vals113[ind]

print "10 most influential Senators 113th Congress"
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[-10:][::-1]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)
print "10 least influential Senators 113th Congress" 
for n, v in zip(names, vals)[:10]:
    print "%20.20s\t%0.3f" % (n, v)

10 most influential Senators 111th Congress
 Schumer, Charles E.	0.033
      Kerry, John F.	0.031
     Durbin, Richard	0.031
         Reid, Harry	0.027
 Lincoln, Blanche L.	0.024
      Bingaman, Jeff	0.023
    Dorgan, Byron L.	0.022
   Leahy, Patrick J.	0.021
Dodd, Christopher J.	0.020
         Baucus, Max	0.020

10 least influential Senators 111th Congress
Kirk, Paul Grattan, 	0.001
   Manchin, Joe, III	0.001
Goodwin, Carte Patri	0.001
   Kirk, Mark Steven	0.001
Coons, Christopher A	0.001
  Shelby, Richard C.	0.001
     Risch, James E.	0.002
      Sessions, Jeff	0.002
     Byrd, Robert C.	0.002
     Brown, Scott P.	0.002


10 most influential Senators 112th Congress
 Schumer, Charles E.	0.032
     Durbin, Richard	0.031
      Kerry, John F.	0.031
         Reid, Harry	0.027
 Lincoln, Blanche L.	0.024
    Dorgan, Byron L.	0.023
         Harkin, Tom	0.021
  Kennedy, Edward M.	0.021
Dodd, Christopher J.	0.020
Rockefeller, John D.	0.020

10 least influential Senators 112th Congress
Goodwin, Carte Patri	0.001
Coons, Christopher A	0.001
Kirk, Paul Grattan, 	0.001
   Kirk, Mark Steven	0.001
  Shelby, Richard C.	0.001
     Risch, James E.	0.002
     Brown, Scott P.	0.002
      Sessions, Jeff	0.002
     Byrd, Robert C.	0.002
        Salazar, Ken	0.002


10 most influential Senators 113th Congress
      Brown, Sherrod	0.028
         Harkin, Tom	0.028
    Menendez, Robert	0.027
      Boxer, Barbara	0.023
   Leahy, Patrick J.	0.022
Casey, Robert P., Jr	0.021
    Sanders, Bernard	0.021
         Tester, Jon	0.020
     Shaheen, Jeanne	0.020
 Blumenthal, Richard	0.020

10 least influential Senators 113th Congress
        Chiesa, Jeff	0.001
   Cowan, William M.	0.001
      Kerry, John F.	0.001
      Sessions, Jeff	0.001
         Crapo, Mike	0.002
    Chambliss, Saxby	0.002
          Scott, Tim	0.002
    Heinrich, Martin	0.002
    McConnell, Mitch	0.003
     Risch, James E.	0.003

In [117]:
# 111th Congress
deg111 =

plt.title("111th Congress Senators PageRank Scores vs Degrees", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter([deg111[n] for n in bills111.nodes()],
            [pagerank111[n] for n in bills111.nodes()], 80, alpha=0.8, 
            color='k', edgecolor='white')

labels = ['Reid, Harry', 'McConnell, Mitch', 'Schumer, Charles E.', 'Durbin, Richard']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (deg111[lbl], pagerank111[lbl] + .002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Number of Degrees")
plt.ylabel("PageRank Score")

# 112th Congress
deg112 =

plt.title("112th Congress Senators PageRank Scores vs Degrees", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter([deg112[n] for n in bills112.nodes()],
            [pagerank112[n] for n in bills112.nodes()], 80, alpha=0.8, 
            color='k', edgecolor='white')

labels = ['Reid, Harry', 'McConnell, Mitch', 'Schumer, Charles E.', 'Durbin, Richard']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (deg112[lbl], pagerank112[lbl] + .002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Number of Degrees")
plt.ylabel("PageRank Score")

# 113th Congress
deg113 =

plt.title("113th Congress Senators PageRank Scores vs Degrees", fontsize=18)
plt.scatter([deg113[n] for n in bills113.nodes()],
            [pagerank113[n] for n in bills113.nodes()], 80, alpha=0.8, 
            color='k', edgecolor='white')

labels = ['Reid, Harry', 'McConnell, Mitch', 'Brown, Sherrod', 'Harkin, Tom']
for lbl in labels:
    plt.annotate(lbl, (deg113[lbl], pagerank113[lbl] + .002), fontsize=10, rotation=10)
plt.xlabel("Number of Degrees")
plt.ylabel("PageRank Score")


This project directly scrape the U.S. Senate data from to examine the Senators voting relationships in 2014 and their legislative influence. The codes can be marginally modified to extend the same analysis up to the 101st Congress (1989-1990) because the records were similarly recorded. While the centrality, bipartisanship and PageRank measures can be employed to analyze the Congressional relationships in the House of Representatives, the graphs are significantly messier because there are more members (435 as opposed to 100 Senators) in the lower legislative chamber.

In [ ]: