A simple pipeline using hypergroup to perform community detection and network analysis

A social network of a karate club was studied by Wayne W. Zachary [1] for a period of three years from 1970 to 1972. The network captures 34 members of a karate club, documenting 78 pairwise links between members who interacted outside the club. During the study a conflict arose between the administrator "John A" and instructor "Mr. Hi" (pseudonyms), which led to the split of the club into two. Half of the members formed a new club around Mr. Hi, members from the other part found a new instructor or gave up karate. Basing on collected data Zachary assigned correctly all but one member of the club to the groups they actually joined after the split.

[1] W. Zachary, An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups, Journal of Anthropological Research 33, 452-473 (1977)

Data Preparation

Import packages: SAS Wrapper for Analytic Transfer and open source libraries

In [1]:
import swat
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.cm as cmx

# Also import networkx used for rendering a network
import networkx as nx

%matplotlib inline

Connect to Cloud Analytic Services in SAS Viya

In [2]:
s = swat.CAS('http://cas.mycompany.com:8888') # REST API

Load the action set for hypergroup

In [3]:

NOTE: Added action set 'hypergroup'.
§ actionset

elapsed 0.0164s · user 0.015s · sys 0.001s · mem 0.259MB

Load data into CAS

In [4]:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([[2,1],[3,1],[3,2],[4,1],[4,2],[4,3],[5,1],[6,1],[7,1],[7,5],[7,6],[8,1],[8,2],[8,3],[8,4],[9,1],[9,3],[10,3],[11,1],[11,5],[11,6],[12,1],[13,1],[13,4],[14,1],[14,2],[14,3],[14,4],[17,6],[17,7],[18,1],[18,2],[20,1],[20,2],[22,1],[22,2],[26,24],[26,25],[28,3],[28,24],[28,25],[29,3],[30,24],[30,27],[31,2],[31,9],[32,1],[32,25],[32,26],[32,29],[33,3],[33,9],[33,15],[33,16],[33,19],[33,21],[33,23],[33,24],[33,30],[33,31],[33,32],[34,9],[34,10],[34,14],[34,15],[34,16],[34,19],[34,20],[34,21],[34,23],[34,24],[34,27],[34,28],[34,29],[34,30],[34,31],[34,32],[34,33]],
df['SOURCE'] = df['FROM'].astype(str)
df['TARGET'] = df['TO'].astype(str)

0 2 1 2 1
1 3 1 3 1
2 3 2 3 2
3 4 1 4 1
4 4 2 4 2

Hypergroup doesn't support numeric source and target columns - so make sure to cast them as varchars.

In [5]:
if s.tableexists('karate').exists:

dataset = s.upload(df,
                   casout=dict(name='KARATE', promote=True)).casTable

NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services dropped table KARATE from caslib CASUSER(kesmit).
NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services made the uploaded file available as table KARATE in caslib CASUSER(kesmit).
NOTE: The table KARATE has been created in caslib CASUSER(kesmit) from binary data uploaded to Cloud Analytic Services.

Data Exploration

Get to know your data (what are variables?)

In [6]:

Selected Rows from Table KARATE
0 2.0 1.0 2 1
1 3.0 1.0 3 1
2 3.0 2.0 3 2
3 34.0 23.0 34 23
4 4.0 1.0 4 1

In [7]:

§ Summary
Descriptive Statistics for KARATE
Column Min Max N NMiss Mean Sum Std StdErr Var USS CSS CV TValue ProbT
0 FROM 2.0 34.0 78.0 0.0 22.423077 1749.0 11.506654 1.302872 132.403097 49413.0 10195.038462 51.316126 17.210498 4.131705e-28
1 TO 1.0 33.0 78.0 0.0 12.076923 942.0 11.267433 1.275786 126.955045 21152.0 9775.538462 93.297215 9.466264 1.519630e-14

elapsed 0.022s · user 0.023s · sys 0.003s · mem 1.76MB

Graph rendering utility

In [8]:
def renderNetworkGraph(filterCommunity=-1, size=18, sizeVar='_HypGrp_', 
                       colorVar='', sizeMultipler=500, nodes_table='nodes', 
    ''' Build an array of node positions and related colors based on community '''
    nodes = s.CASTable(nodes_table)
    if filterCommunity >= 0:
        nodes = nodes.query('_Community_ EQ %F' % filterCommunity)
    nodes = nodes.to_frame()

    nodePos = {}
    nodeColor = {}
    nodeSize = {}
    communities = []
    i = 0
    for nodeId in nodes._Value_:    
        nodePos[nodeId] = (nodes._AllXCoord_[i], nodes._AllYCoord_[i])
        if colorVar: 
            nodeColor[nodeId] = nodes[colorVar][i]
            if nodes[colorVar][i] not in communities:
        nodeSize[nodeId] = max(nodes[sizeVar][i],0.1)*sizeMultipler
        i += 1
    # Build a list of source-target tuples
    edges = s.CASTable(edges_table)
    if filterCommunity >= 0:
        edges = edges.query('_SCommunity_ EQ %F AND _TCommunity_ EQ %F' % 
                            (filterCommunity, filterCommunity))
    edges = edges.to_frame()

    edgeTuples = []
    for i, p in enumerate(edges._Source_):
        edgeTuples.append( (edges._Source_[i], edges._Target_[i]) )
    # Add nodes and edges to the graph
    graph = nx.DiGraph()

    # Size mapping
    getNodeSize=[nodeSize[v] for v in graph]
    # Color mapping
    jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet')
    if colorVar: 
        getNodeColor=[nodeColor[v] for v in graph]
        cNorm  = colors.Normalize(vmin=min(communities), vmax=max(communities))
        scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet)
        # Using a figure here to work-around the fact that networkx doesn't 
        # produce a labelled legend
        f = plt.figure(1)
        ax = f.add_subplot(1,1,1)
        for community in communities:
            ax.plot([0],[0], color=scalarMap.to_rgba(community), 
                    label='Community %s' % '{:2.0f}'.format(community), linewidth=10)
    # Render the graph
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, nodePos, node_size=getNodeSize, 
                           node_color=getNodeColor, cmap=jet)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, nodePos, width=1, alpha=0.5)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, nodePos, font_size=11, font_family='sans-serif')
    if len(communities) > 0:
        plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size':11})
    plt.title('Zachary Karate Club social network', fontsize=30)

Execute community and hypergroup detection

In [9]:
# Create output table objects
edges = s.CASTable('edges', replace=True)
nodes = s.CASTable('nodes', replace=True)

dataset[['SOURCE', 'TARGET']].hyperGroup(
    createOut = 'never',
    allGraphs = True,
    edges     = edges,
    vertices  = nodes

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 CASUSER(kesmit) edges 78 19 CASTable('edges', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')
1 CASUSER(kesmit) nodes 34 9 CASTable('nodes', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')

elapsed 0.0535s · user 0.048s · sys 0.042s · mem 7.86MB

In [10]:
renderNetworkGraph(size=10, sizeMultipler=2000)

Note: Network of the Zachary Karate Club. Distribution by degree of the node. Node 1 stands for the instructor, node 34 for the president

In [11]:
dataset[['SOURCE', 'TARGET']].hyperGroup(
    createOut = 'never',
    allGraphs = True,
    community = True,
    edges     = edges,
    vertices  = nodes

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 CASUSER(kesmit) edges 78 21 CASTable('edges', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')
1 CASUSER(kesmit) nodes 34 10 CASTable('nodes', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')

elapsed 0.0489s · user 0.046s · sys 0.049s · mem 7.53MB

How many hypergroups and communities do we have?

In [12]:

§ Distinct
Distinct Counts for NODES
Column NDistinct NMiss Trunc
0 _HypGrp_ 1.0 0.0 0.0
1 _Value_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
2 _Index_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
3 _IndexH_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
4 _AllXCoord_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
5 _AllYCoord_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
6 _XCoord_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
7 _YCoord_ 34.0 0.0 0.0
8 _Color_ 1.0 0.0 0.0
9 _Community_ 3.0 0.0 0.0

elapsed 0.00954s · user 0.008s · sys 0.004s · mem 2.05MB

In [13]:

§ Summary
Descriptive Statistics for NODES
Column Min Max N NMiss Mean Sum Std StdErr Var USS CSS CV TValue ProbT
0 _HypGrp_ 0.000000 0.000000 34.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN
1 _Index_ 0.000000 33.000000 34.0 0.0 16.500000 561.000000 9.958246 1.707825 99.166667 12529.000000 3272.500000 60.353007 9.661411 3.808328e-11
2 _IndexH_ 0.000000 33.000000 34.0 0.0 16.500000 561.000000 9.958246 1.707825 99.166667 12529.000000 3272.500000 60.353007 9.661411 3.808328e-11
3 _AllXCoord_ 22.781645 77.218355 34.0 0.0 57.289114 1947.829868 12.775281 2.190943 163.207798 116975.304237 5385.857349 22.299666 26.148159 1.233624e-23
4 _AllYCoord_ 17.283506 82.716494 34.0 0.0 49.178759 1672.077822 20.381366 3.495375 415.400089 95938.915968 13708.202933 41.443433 14.069664 1.690800e-15
5 _XCoord_ 22.781645 77.218355 34.0 0.0 57.289114 1947.829868 12.775281 2.190943 163.207798 116975.304237 5385.857349 22.299666 26.148159 1.233624e-23
6 _YCoord_ 17.283506 82.716494 34.0 0.0 49.178759 1672.077822 20.381366 3.495375 415.400089 95938.915968 13708.202933 41.443433 14.069664 1.690800e-15
7 _Color_ 0.000000 0.000000 34.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN
8 _Community_ 0.000000 2.000000 34.0 0.0 0.647059 22.000000 0.733706 0.125830 0.538324 32.000000 17.764706 113.390920 5.142345 1.212431e-05

elapsed 0.00624s · user 0.003s · sys 0.005s · mem 1.69MB

Basic community analysis

What are the 2 biggest communities?

In [14]:
topKOut = s.CASTable('topKOut', replace=True)

    aggregator = 'N',
    topK       = 4,
    casOut     = topKOut

topKOut = topKOut.sort_values('_Rank_').head(10)

Index(['_Column_', '_Fmtvar_', '_Rank_', '_Score_'], dtype='object')

In [15]:
nCommunities = len(topKOut)

ind = np.arange(nCommunities)    # the x locations for the groups

p1 = plt.bar(ind + 0.2, topKOut._Score_, 0.5, color='orange', alpha=0.75)

plt.ylabel('Vertices', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Community', fontsize=12)
plt.title('Number of nodes for the top %s communities' % '{:2.0f}'.format(nCommunities))
plt.xticks(ind + 0.2, topKOut._Fmtvar_)


Note: This shows that the biggest communities have up to 18 vertices.

What nodes belong to community 4?

In [16]:
nodes.query('_Community_ EQ 1').head(5)

Selected Rows from Table NODES
_HypGrp_ _Value_ _Index_2 _IndexH_ _AllXCoord_ _AllYCoord_ _XCoord_ _YCoord_ _Color_ _Community_
0 0.0 15 6.0 14.0 49.141918 30.294436 49.141918 30.294436 0.0 1.0
1 0.0 16 7.0 13.0 52.662150 24.219019 52.662150 24.219019 0.0 1.0
2 0.0 19 10.0 12.0 56.957410 21.330565 56.957410 21.330565 0.0 1.0
3 0.0 21 13.0 11.0 77.218355 29.467282 77.218355 29.467282 0.0 1.0
4 0.0 23 15.0 10.0 73.352523 24.251782 73.352523 24.251782 0.0 1.0

What edges do we have?

In [17]:

Selected Rows from Table EDGES
_HypGrp_ _Source_ _Target_ _Sindex_ _Tindex_ _SindexH_ _TindexH_ _AllSourceX_ _AllSourceY_ _AllTargetX_ ... _SourceX_ _SourceY_ _TargetX_ _TargetY_ _SColor_ _TColor_ _SCommunity_ _TCommunity_ FROM TO
0 0.0 5 1 29.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 40.262209 74.728537 52.387480 ... 40.262209 74.728537 52.387480 65.891710 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 5.0 1.0
1 0.0 6 1 30.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 36.989588 77.249461 52.387480 ... 36.989588 77.249461 52.387480 65.891710 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 1.0
2 0.0 7 1 31.0 0.0 19.0 0.0 32.749605 64.891412 52.387480 ... 32.749605 64.891412 52.387480 65.891710 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 7.0 1.0
3 0.0 34 27 27.0 19.0 2.0 8.0 60.790407 34.815954 58.812846 ... 60.790407 34.815954 58.812846 17.283506 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 34.0 27.0
4 0.0 34 20 27.0 12.0 2.0 27.0 60.790407 34.815954 52.868892 ... 60.790407 34.815954 52.868892 51.842244 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 34.0 20.0

5 rows × 21 columns

Render the network graph

In [18]:
renderNetworkGraph(size=10, colorVar='_Community_', sizeMultipler=2000)

Analyze node centrality

How important is a user in the network?

In [19]:
dataset[['SOURCE', 'TARGET']].hyperGroup(
    createOut = 'never',
    community = True,
    centrality = True,
    mergeCommSmallest = True,
    allGraphs = True,
    graphPartition = True,
    scaleCentralities = 'central1', # Returns centrality values closer to 1 in the center
    edges     = edges,
    vertices  = nodes

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 CASUSER(kesmit) edges 78 33 CASTable('edges', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')
1 CASUSER(kesmit) nodes 34 16 CASTable('nodes', caslib='CASUSER(kesmit)')

elapsed 0.0433s · user 0.037s · sys 0.07s · mem 7.59MB

In [20]:

Selected Rows from Table NODES
_HypGrp_ _Value_ _Index_2 _IndexH_ _AllXCoord_ _AllYCoord_ _XCoord_ _YCoord_ _Color_ _Community_ _Reach_ _Stress_ _Closeness_ _Betweenness_ _CentroidMag_ _CentroidAngle_
0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 52.387480 65.891710 52.387480 65.891710 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.852234 1.000000 0.841033 17.416910 343.646723
1 0.0 10 1.0 15.0 60.625389 47.517593 60.625389 47.517593 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.945017 0.689655 0.908564 3.726957 116.623096
2 0.0 11 2.0 33.0 49.564706 82.716494 49.564706 82.716494 0.0 2.0 4.0 0.563574 0.500000 0.398798 34.415783 347.095422
3 0.0 12 3.0 32.0 38.228319 63.035964 38.228319 63.035964 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.553265 0.448276 0.382094 23.565568 306.143115
4 0.0 13 4.0 31.0 62.795477 76.877460 62.795477 76.877460 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.467354 0.465517 0.335769 28.240717 11.142467

Between-ness centrality quantifies the number of times a node acts as a bridge along the shortest path(s) between two other nodes. As such it describes the importance of a node in a network.

In [21]:
renderNetworkGraph(size=10, colorVar='_Community_', sizeVar='_Betweenness_')

Filter communities

Only filter community 2.

In [22]:
renderNetworkGraph(1, size=10, sizeVar='_CentroidAngle_', sizeMultipler=5)

In [23]:

Falko Schulz ▪ Principal Software Developer ▪ Business Intelligence Visualization R&D ▪ SAS® Institute ▪ falko.schulz@sas.comhttp://www.sas.com

In [ ]: