In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pysal
from pysal.weights.util import get_points_array_from_shapefile

São Paulo Census data analysis

In [ ]:
# Build Census track dataframe reading csv file exported from shapefile
datac = "~/Git/Resolution/SC2010_CEM_RMSP_Income_Race.csv"
dfc = pd.read_csv(datac)

Income classes in function of frequency sum

In [ ]:
# slice income columns and sum each column
income = dfc.loc[:,'DR_005':'DR_014']

In [ ]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 8), dpi=300)
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Income intervals')


Income variables reference

|DR_005|Up to 1/8 minimum wage
|DR_006|1/8 to 1/4 minimum wage
|DR_007|1/4 to 1/2 minimum wage
|DR_008|1/2 to 1 minimum wage
|DR_009|1 to 2 minimum wages
|DR_010|2 to 3 minimum wages
|DR_011|3 to 5 minimum wages
|DR_012|5 to 10 minimum wages
|DR_013|More than 10 minimum wages
|DR_014|No income

Groups to be defined. Probably: up to ¼ m.w.; ¼ to ½; ½ to 1; 1 to 3, 3 to 5, more than 5.

Color or Race in function of frequency sum

In [ ]:
# slice race and color columns and sum
race = dfc.loc[:,'P3_001':'P3_006']

In [ ]:
# plot Race and color 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Race and Color')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Race and Color intervals')


Race and Color variables reference

|P3_001| Residents - Pessoas Residentes
|P3_002| White - Brancos
|P3_003| Black - Pretos
|P3_004| Asian - Amarelos
|P3_005| “Pardos” - Pardos
|P3_006| Indígenas - Indígenas

*Black and “Pardos” will be merged in the same group.

Weighting Areas data

In [ ]:
# Build weighting area dataframe reading csv file exported from shapefile
dataw = "~/Git/Resolution/AP2010_CEM_RMSP_EGP_EDU.csv"
dfw = pd.read_csv(dataw)

Education in function of frequency sum

In [ ]:
# slice education columns and sum each column
education = dfw.loc[:,'EDU1':'EDU5']

In [ ]:
# plot education
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300)
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Education intervals')


Eduacation variables reference

|EDU1| No education and incomplete elementary school - Sem instrução ou fundamental incompleto
|EDU2| Complete elementary school and incomplete high school - Fundamental completo e médio incompleto
|EDU3| Complete high school and incomplete college - Médio completo e superior incompleto
|EDU4| Complete College/University - Superior Completo
|EDU5| Not determined - Não determinado

Ocupation in function of frequency sum

In [ ]:
# slice ocupation columns and sum each column
ocupation = dfw.loc[:,'EGP1':'EGP11_']

In [ ]:
# plot ocupation
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 8), dpi=300)
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals')


Eduacation variables reference

|EGP1| I. Higher professionals
|EGP2| II. Lower professionals
|EGP3| IIIa. Routine non-manuals, higher degree
|EGP4| IIIb. Routine non-manual, lower degree
|EGP5| IVa2. Proprietors and employers 
|EGP6| IVc1. Rural employers
|EGP7| IVc2. Self-employed farmers and subsistence agriculture workers
|EGP8| V. Technicians and Supervisors of manual workers
|EGP9| VI. Skilled workers
|EGP10| VIIa. Semi- and unskilled workers
|EGP11| VIIb. Agricultural workers

[SS] Classes EGP6, EGP7 and EGP11 could be grouped in Agricultural workers

Ocupation groups Microdata


In [6]:
# Build Census Ocupation dataframe reading csv file
dataoccup = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/Original Data/Sao Paulo/occupation_micro_rmsp_2010.csv"
dfoccup = pd.read_csv(dataoccup, na_filter=True, dtype={'V6461':np.str})

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (10,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,35,36,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,103,120,123,124,128,130,131,133,134,135,136,137,141,142,143,144,145,148,149,150,151,152,153,181,182,183,184,185) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
mesoreg microreg muniat V0300 RM AREAP V1006 PESODOM V4001 V4002 ... M0668 M6681 M6682 M0669 M6691 M6692 M6693 M0670 M0671 M6800
0 3515 35061 3548708 2 20 3548708005019 1 17.624277 1 13 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3515 35059 3518800 8 20 3518800005020 1 20.064749 1 11 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3515 35059 3518800 8 20 3518800005020 1 20.064749 1 11 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3515 35060 3515004 37 20 3515004005003 1 10.589189 1 11 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 3515 35061 3550308 47 20 3550308005251 1 24.822914 1 11 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 282 columns

In [7]:
# delete militar occupations from lines
# '0':51086, '110':23, '210':112, '299':122, '411':76, '412':113, '511':21, '512':9, '599':486,'999':219 = 1181 rows

codes = ['110', '210', '299', '411', '412', '511', '512', '599', '999']
for i in codes:
    dfoccup = dfoccup.drop(dfoccup[dfoccup.V6461 == i].index)

In [8]:
dfocc = dfoccup.loc[:,("AREAP", "PESO", "V6461")]
dfocc["V6461"] = dfocc["V6461"].map(lambda x: str(x)[0:3])
# dfocc[dfocc.AREAP == 3518800005020]
# dftt["valid"] = dftt["PESO"] != dftt["PESODOM"]  #for validation only
# dfocc[dfocc.AREAP == 3503901003001]
# dfocc[(dfocc.AREAP == 3503901003001) & (dfocc.V6461 =='133')]

1216606 3550308005247 20.452609 962
1216607 3550308005153 22.266962 962
1216608 3505708005011 10.392491 962
1216609 3550308005225 17.983891 962
1216610 3550308005231 31.898793 962

In [9]:
# dfocc.groupby(["AREAP", "V6461"])["PESO"].sum()

print("Valid area: ", dfoccup["AREAP"].nunique())
print("Valid occup: ", dfoccup["V6461"].nunique())
print(len(dfoccup.V6461[dfoccup.V6461 == '0']))
print(dfoccup.V6461[dfoccup.V6461 == '110'])

Valid area:  633
Valid occup:  416
Series([], Name: V6461, dtype: object)

In [10]:
table = pd.pivot_table(dfocc, values='PESO', index=['AREAP'], columns=['V6461'], aggfunc=np.sum, fill_value=0)
dfocc_group = pd.DataFrame(table)
dfocc_group.columns = ['v' + str(col) for col in dfocc_group.columns]

v v0 v111 v112 v121 v122 v131 v132 v133 v134 ... v912 v921 v931 v932 v933 v941 v951 v952 v961 v962
3503901003001 8700.076012 172.276816 0.000000 20.923406 100.269630 51.104727 0.0 55.192262 12.193142 37.294408 ... 72.228081 0.000000 52.904704 229.796065 80.681330 61.076280 0.000000 42.020441 56.876444 28.551580
3503901003002 16067.445931 574.709706 39.201884 36.082065 227.241009 269.334371 0.0 244.266325 34.458556 76.781808 ... 54.797319 47.960623 107.592847 407.622573 81.798835 152.705570 45.816459 11.376248 80.710342 46.257429
3503901003003 16234.807887 291.125823 18.237096 0.000000 162.361431 70.790779 0.0 60.794662 20.880142 36.414524 ... 32.874508 74.881053 191.249837 450.310900 166.635115 102.263003 0.000000 22.357568 59.909501 129.840212
3505708005001 7751.571257 423.363347 68.343015 0.000000 210.212940 133.873387 0.0 59.536643 17.320791 50.384169 ... 16.631612 15.727559 59.721070 89.186892 34.718656 49.788470 33.254644 0.000000 0.000000 34.691285
3505708005002 8358.809599 128.659738 27.016410 20.162472 63.761313 127.005853 0.0 43.261048 0.000000 24.397895 ... 33.764443 0.000000 45.648686 241.772966 68.819129 53.946535 13.296389 36.063694 53.491661 23.295060

5 rows × 125 columns

In [11]:
# Compute ocupations columns for second level hierarchy
dfocc_group['v11'] = dfocc_group[['v111','v112']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v12'] = dfocc_group[['v121','v122']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v13'] = dfocc_group[['v131','v132','v133','v134']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v14'] = dfocc_group[['v141','v142','v143']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v21'] = dfocc_group[['v211','v212','v213','v214','v215','v216']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v22'] = dfocc_group[['v221','v222','v223','v224','v225','v226']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v23'] = dfocc_group[['v231','v232','v233','v234','v235']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v24'] = dfocc_group[['v241','v242','v243']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v25'] = dfocc_group[['v251','v252']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v26'] = dfocc_group[['v261','v262','v263','v264','v265']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v31'] = dfocc_group[['v311','v312','v313','v314','v315']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v32'] = dfocc_group[['v321','v322','v323','v324','v325']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v33'] = dfocc_group[['v331','v332','v333','v334','v335']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v34'] = dfocc_group[['v341','v342','v343']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v35'] = dfocc_group[['v351','v352']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v41'] = dfocc_group[['v411','v412','v413']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v42'] = dfocc_group[['v421','v422']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v43'] = dfocc_group[['v431','v432']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v44'] = dfocc_group[['v441']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v51'] = dfocc_group[['v511','v512','v513','v514','v515','v516']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v52'] = dfocc_group[['v521','v522','v523','v524']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v53'] = dfocc_group[['v531','v532']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v54'] = dfocc_group[['v541']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v61'] = dfocc_group[['v611','v612','v613']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v62'] = dfocc_group[['v621','v622']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v71'] = dfocc_group[['v711','v712','v713']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v72'] = dfocc_group[['v721','v722','v723']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v73'] = dfocc_group[['v731','v732']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v74'] = dfocc_group[['v741','v742']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v75'] = dfocc_group[['v751','v752','v753','v754']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v81'] = dfocc_group[['v811','v812','v813','v814','v815','v816','v817','v818']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v82'] = dfocc_group[['v821']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v83'] = dfocc_group[['v831','v832','v833','v834','v835']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v91'] = dfocc_group[['v911','v912']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v92'] = dfocc_group[['v921']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v93'] = dfocc_group[['v931','v932','v933']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v94'] = dfocc_group[['v941']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v95'] = dfocc_group[['v951','v952']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v96'] = dfocc_group[['v961','v962']].sum(axis=1)

# Compute ocupations columns for first level hierarchy
dfocc_group['v1'] = dfocc_group[['v11','v12','v13','v14']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v2'] = dfocc_group[['v21','v22','v23','v24','v25','v26']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v3'] = dfocc_group[['v31','v32','v33','v34','v35']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v4'] = dfocc_group[['v41','v42','v43','v44']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v5'] = dfocc_group[['v51','v52','v53','v54']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v6'] = dfocc_group[['v61','v62']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v7'] = dfocc_group[['v71','v72','v73','v74','v75']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v8'] = dfocc_group[['v81','v82','v83']].sum(axis=1)
dfocc_group['v9'] = dfocc_group[['v91','v92','v93','v94','v95','v96']].sum(axis=1)

In [14]:
# Save data with new columns to csv
csv_temp = "~/Downloads/occupation_grouped_rmsp.csv"
dfocc_group.loc[:,'v0':'v9'].to_csv(csv_temp)  #save to csv

In [8]:
# Labels level 1
labelsl1 = [
'Diretores Gerentes - v1',
'Prof. Das Ciências/Intelec - v2',
'Técnicos/Prof. Nív. méd - v3',
'Trab De Apoio Administrativo - v4',
'Trab Serv./Vend. Com Mercados - v5',
'Trab quali Agro/Florestais/Caça - v6',
'Trab quali Oper/Art Const/Mecâ - v7',
'Oper Instal/Máquinas/Montadores - v8',
'ocup Elementares - v9']

In [9]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 4), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - First level hierarchy ')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

fig1 = dfocc_group.loc[:,"v1":"v9"].sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab1 = fig1.set_xticklabels(labelsl1)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x105c6d4e0>

In [10]:
# Labels level 2
labelsl2 = [
'Dir Exe/Adm Púb./Execut Legisla - v11',
'Dirig Administrativos/Comerciais - v12',
'Dirig Geren Produção/Operação - v13',
'Ger Hotéis/Rest/Comércios - v14',
'Prof Ciências/Engenharia - v21',
'Prof Saúde - v22',
'Prof Ensino - v23',
'Esp Org/Adm Pública/Empresa - v24',
'Prof Tec Informação/Comunic - v25',
'Prof Direito/Ciên Socia/Cultura - v26',
'Prof nv méd Ciênc/Engenharia  - v31',
'Prof nv méd Saúde/Afins - v32',
'Prof nv méd Oper Financ/Adm - v33',
'Prof nv méd Jurídico/Soc/Cultura - v34',
'Téc nv méd Tec Informaç/Comun - v35',
'Escriturários - v41',
'Trab Atend Direto ao Público - v42',
'Trab cálc numéric/Encar materia - v43',
'Out Trab Apoio Administrativo - v44',
'Trab Serviços Pessoais - v51',
'Vendedores - v52',
'Trab Cuidados Pessoais - v53',
'Trab Serv Proteção/Segurança - v54',
'Agricultores/Trab Agropecuária  - v61',
'Trab Florestais qual/Pesca/Caça - v62',
'Trab qual/Oper Const/Eletricistas - v71',
'Trab qual/Oper Metal/Const/Mec - v72',
'Artesãos/Oper Artes Gráficas - v73',
'Trab Esp Eletricidade/Eletrônica - v74',
'Oper Proc Aliment/Madeir/Confec - v75',
'Operador Instal Fixas/Máquinas - v81',
'Montadores - v82',
'Condut Veíc/Opera equip pesado - v83',
'Trab Doméstic/Limpeza Edifício - v91',
'Trab Elem Agro/Pesca/Florest - v92',
'Trab elem Miner/Const/Transp - v93',
'Ajudantes Preparação Alimentos - v94',
'Trab Ambulantes Serviços Afins - v95',
'Coletor Lixo/Out ocup Elemen - v96']

In [11]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - Second level hierarchy ')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

fig1 = dfocc_group.loc[:,"v11":"v96"].sum().plot(kind='bar')
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
lab2 = fig1.set_xticklabels(labelsl2)

In [14]:
labelsl3 = [
'Super Poder Exec/Legislativo - v111',
'Diretores Gerais/Ger Gerais - v112',
'Dir Administração/Serviços - v121',
'Dir Venda/Comerc/Desenvolv - v122',
'Dir Prod Agro/Silvicult/Aq/Pesc - v131',
'Dir Ind Transf/Miner/Const/Dist - v132',
'Dirg Serv Tec Inform/Comunic - v133',
'Dirg Ger Serviços Prof - v134',
'Ger Hotéis/Restaurantes - v141',
'Ger Com Atacadista/Varejistas - v142',
'Outros Ger Serviços - v143',
'Físicos/Químicos/Afins - v211',
'Matemátic/Atuário/Estatístico - v212',
'Prof Ciências Biológicas - v213',
'Eng (Exc Eletrotecnólogos) - v214',
'Eng Eletrotécnicos - v215',
'Arquitet/Urban/Agrimens/Desen - v216',
'Médicos - v221',
'Prof Enfermagem/Partos - v222',
'Prof Medicina Tradic/Alternativa - v223',
'Paramédicos - v224',
'Veterinários - v225',
'Outros Prof Saúde - v226',
'Profe Universidades/Ensino Sup - v231',
'Profe Formação Profissional - v232',
'Profe Ensino méd - v233',
'Profe Ensino Fundam/Pré-Escol - v234',
'Outros Prof Ensino - v235',
'Especialistas Finanças - v241',
'Especialistas Organ Administ - v242',
'Prof Vendas/Comerc/Rel Púb - v243',
'Des Analist Prog Software/Multi - v251',
'Espec Base Dados/Rede Comp - v252',
'Prof Direito - v261',
'Arquivolog/Curad Museu/Biblio - v262',
'Esp Ciências Sociais/Teologia - v263',
'Escrit/Jornalistas/Linguistas - v264',
'Artistas Criativos/Interpretativos - v265',
'Téc Ciências Físic/Engenharia - v311',
'Superv Eng Minas/Transf/Const - v312',
'Téc Controle Processos - v313',
'Téc Prof nv méd Ciência Biológ - v314',
'Téc Control Nav Marítima/Aero - v315',
'Téc Médicos Farmacêuticos - v321',
'Prof nv méd Enfermag/Parto  - v322',
'Prof nv méd Medicina Trad/Alte - v323',
'Téc Assistentes Veterinários - v324',
'Outros Prof nv méd Saúde - v325',
'Prof nv méd Finança/Matemát - v331',
'Agentes Corretores Comerciais - v332',
'Agentes Serviços Comerciais - v333',
'Secretários Adm/Especializados - v334',
'Agentes Adm Pública Aplic Lei - v335',
'Prof nv méd Juríd/Socia/Relig - v341',
'Trab Esporte/Condicion Físico - v342',
'Prof nv med Cultur/Artíst/Culiná - v343',
'Téc Oper Tec Info/Comunic/Usr - v351',
'Téc Telecomunic/Radiodifusão  - v352',
'Escriturários Gerais - v411',
'Secretários (Geral) - v412',
'Oper Máquinas Escritório - v413',
'Caixas Banco/Cobrad/Pagador - v421',
'Trab Serv Informação Cliente - v422',
'Auxiliares Contáb/Financeiro - v431',
'Trab Enc Reg Mater/Transport  - v432',
'Outros Trab Apoio Administrat - v441',
'Trab ServDireto Passageiros - v511',
'Cozinheiros - v512',
'Garçons/Atendentes bar  - v513',
'Cabeleir/Trat Beleza Afins - v514',
'Sup Manuten/Limpeza Edifícios - v515',
'Outros Trab Serviços Pessoais - v516',
'Vendedores Rua/Post Mercado - v521',
'Comerciant/Vendedores Lojas - v522',
'Caixas Expedidores Bilhetes - v523',
'Outros Vendedores - v524',
'Cuidad Criança/Ajudantes Prof - v531',
'Trab Cuid Pessoais Serv Saúde - v532',
'Trab Serv Proteção/Segurança - v541',
'Agricult/Trab qual Agricultura - v611',
'Criadores/Trab qual Pecuária  - v612',
'ProdutTrab qual Agropec Mista  - v613',
'Trab Florestais qual/ Afins - v621',
'Pescadores/Caçadores - v622',
'Trab Const Civil Obra Estrutur - v711',
'Trab qual Const (Acabamento) - v712',
'Pintores/Limpad Fachada Afins - v713',
'Moldador/Sold/Chapist/Caldeir - v721',
'Ferreiros/Ferramenteiros Afins - v722',
'Mecânic/Reparad Máquinas - v723',
'Artesãos - v731',
'Trab qual/Oper Artes Gráficas - v732',
'Instal/Reparador Equip Elétrico - v741',
'Instal/Rep Equip Eletrô/Teleco - v742',
'Trab qual Proces Alimentos - v751',
'Trab qual Madeira/Marceneiros - v752',
'Trab ql Op Confec/Calçad/Aces - v753',
'Out Trab ql/Op Indúst/Artesan - v754',
'Oper Minera/Extr Proc Minerais - v811',
'Oper Proc Recobridoras Metais - v812',
'Oper Inst Máq Químic/Fotográf - v813',
'Op Máq Borrach/Papel/Plástico - v814',
'Oper Máq Têxteis/Art Couro - v815',
'Oper Máq Aliment/Prod Afins - v816',
'Op Inst Papel/Proc Madeira - v817',
'Out Op Instal Fixa/Máquinas - v818',
'Montadores - v821',
'Maquinist Locomotivas Afins - v831',
'Condut Automóv/Caminho/Moto - v832',
'Condut Cam Pesados/Ônibus - v833',
'Oper Equip Móveis Pesados - v834',
'Marinheiros Coberta E Afins - v835',
'Trab Domést/Limpeza Edifícios - v911',
'Lavador Veíc/Janel/Roupa/Limp - v912',
'Trab elem Agrop/Pesc/Florest  - v921',
'Trab elem Mineraç/Construção - v931',
'Trab elem Ind Transformação - v932',
'Trab elem Transpor/Armazen - v933',
'Ajudantes Preparação Aliment - v941',
'Trab Ambulant Serviços Afins - v951',
'Vend Ambulant (Exc Aliment) - v952',
'Coletores Lixo - v961',
'Outras Ocupações elem - v962']

In [15]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(18, 6), dpi=300)
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - São Paulo Census microdata FULL')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

fig2 = dfocc_group.loc[:,"v111":"v962"].sum().plot(kind='bar')
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
lab3 = fig2.set_xticklabels(labelsl3)

Pearson Correlations

In [16]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
cor_occup_hier1 = dfocc_group.loc[:,'v1':'v9'].corr()

v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9
v1 1.000000 0.928289 0.709880 0.267337 0.060846 -0.095253 -0.289038 -0.197872 -0.254197
v2 0.928289 1.000000 0.733399 0.267526 0.066267 -0.105128 -0.308287 -0.216068 -0.285956
v3 0.709880 0.733399 1.000000 0.752816 0.524918 -0.158945 0.138803 0.269647 0.073488
v4 0.267337 0.267526 0.752816 1.000000 0.785622 -0.127824 0.530512 0.661611 0.446542
v5 0.060846 0.066267 0.524918 0.785622 1.000000 -0.023108 0.730724 0.750341 0.734072
v6 -0.095253 -0.105128 -0.158945 -0.127824 -0.023108 1.000000 0.095952 0.010381 0.175937
v7 -0.289038 -0.308287 0.138803 0.530512 0.730724 0.095952 1.000000 0.848002 0.879039
v8 -0.197872 -0.216068 0.269647 0.661611 0.750341 0.010381 0.848002 1.000000 0.748012
v9 -0.254197 -0.285956 0.073488 0.446542 0.734072 0.175937 0.879039 0.748012 1.000000

In [17]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level1 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups first level hierarchy')
f2 = sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier1, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl1, yticklabels=labelsl1)

# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_.png")

In [18]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
cor_occup_hier2 = dfocc_group.loc[:,'v11':'v96'].corr()

v11 v12 v13 v14 v21 v22 v23 v24 v25 v26 ... v75 v81 v82 v83 v91 v92 v93 v94 v95 v96
v11 1.000000 0.677312 0.688318 0.486252 0.708815 0.655080 0.451422 0.601687 0.455376 0.755509 ... -0.219301 -0.261006 -0.203259 -0.221853 -0.135051 -0.058639 -0.264896 -0.211227 -0.109368 -0.214116
v12 0.677312 1.000000 0.875933 0.686108 0.841533 0.785891 0.706971 0.879850 0.761829 0.816510 ... -0.133757 -0.226015 -0.168157 -0.109013 -0.175915 -0.139982 -0.282232 -0.203983 0.013429 -0.187727
v13 0.688318 0.875933 1.000000 0.737071 0.864630 0.828723 0.707835 0.830280 0.755031 0.866245 ... -0.196749 -0.253375 -0.204974 -0.171848 -0.240063 -0.113541 -0.338493 -0.216275 -0.022775 -0.189298
v14 0.486252 0.686108 0.737071 1.000000 0.668225 0.662033 0.690013 0.678201 0.582400 0.663235 ... 0.055422 -0.035130 -0.057189 0.035147 -0.128583 -0.045285 -0.133637 -0.035147 0.142235 0.057286
v21 0.708815 0.841533 0.864630 0.668225 1.000000 0.898704 0.684795 0.851946 0.739292 0.897087 ... -0.236597 -0.308126 -0.246366 -0.272037 -0.268099 -0.106264 -0.370084 -0.255220 -0.043435 -0.255495

5 rows × 39 columns

In [19]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups second level hierarchy')
f2 = sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier2, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl2, yticklabels=labelsl2)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_hierl2.png")

In [21]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
cor_occup_hier3 = dfocc_group.loc[:,'v111':'v962'].corr()

v111 v112 v121 v122 v131 v132 v133 v134 v141 v142 ... v912 v921 v931 v932 v933 v941 v951 v952 v961 v962
v111 1.000000 0.435541 0.467469 0.459892 0.175977 0.412085 0.435268 0.535763 0.261144 0.324276 ... -0.070142 -0.025066 -0.175069 -0.151649 -0.116053 -0.159717 -0.084294 -0.049186 -0.137655 -0.108388
v112 0.435541 1.000000 0.580927 0.645249 0.397439 0.488921 0.531825 0.619758 0.228471 0.399989 ... -0.130804 -0.064248 -0.186371 -0.238748 -0.190422 -0.194149 -0.127617 -0.082377 -0.182205 -0.173841
v121 0.467469 0.580927 1.000000 0.852122 0.227652 0.724370 0.721610 0.767812 0.470183 0.599515 ... -0.126592 -0.125151 -0.249785 -0.208013 -0.092067 -0.182975 -0.028687 0.067666 -0.192256 -0.077425
v122 0.459892 0.645249 0.852122 1.000000 0.277184 0.747991 0.745983 0.814520 0.427946 0.600024 ... -0.141542 -0.143230 -0.302886 -0.302626 -0.163353 -0.208179 -0.081216 -0.001366 -0.240633 -0.146444
v131 0.175977 0.397439 0.227652 0.277184 1.000000 0.207883 0.245337 0.323172 0.167386 0.251139 ... -0.087000 0.192603 -0.043373 -0.066959 -0.105459 -0.134571 -0.063076 -0.027753 -0.125159 -0.024947

5 rows × 123 columns

In [22]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups third level hierarchy', fontsize=20)
f3 = sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier3, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl3, yticklabels=labelsl3)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_hierl3.png")

Moran I Correlations

In [23]:
# Read dbf associated with the same shape file
# Obs: QGIS field lenght limit(10) changed column names during join

def calc_moran(arrayi, arrayj, weight):
    moran = pysal.Moran_BV(arrayi, arrayj, weight, permutations=999)
    result = moran.I
    pvalue = moran.p_z_sim
    return result, pvalue

def block_processing(i, weight, varnames, file):
    morans = []
    pvalues = []
    for item in varnames:
        j = np.array(file.by_col[item])
        serie = calc_moran(i,j,weight)
        moran = serie[0]
        pvalue = serie[1]
    return morans, pvalues

def calc_moran_matrix(varnames, weight, file):
    moran_matrix = []
    pvalue_matrix = []
    for item in varnames:
        i = np.array(file.by_col[item])
        result = block_processing(i,weight, varnames, file)
        res_moran = result[0]
        res_pvalue = result[1]
    return moran_matrix, pvalue_matrix

In [27]:
# Save data with new columns to csv
csvoccup = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/São Paulo/occupation_grouped_rmsp_2010.csv"
dfocc_group.loc[:,'v111':'v9'].to_csv(csvoccup)  #save to csv

Based on Queen Contiguity Weight

Prepares data reading shape file for OA London and computes Contiguity Based Weights using Queen method

In [28]:
shp_path1 = "/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Shape files/" \
            "São Paulo/WeightingAreas_Shapefile/AP2010_CEM_RMSP_EGP_EDU_OCC.shp"
weight_cont_occup = pysal.queen_from_shapefile(shp_path1)

Histogram showing the distribuition of neighbors in queen weight

In [32]:
% matplotlib inline
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(6, 3), dpi=300)
plt.title('Queen weights hist. - neighbors relations for occupation SP')*zip(*weight_cont_occup.histogram))

<Container object of 14 artists>

Compute Bivariate Moran for all elements of occupation groups

Variables are compared pairwised resulting on a matrix 999 random permutations are used for calculation of pseudo p_values

In [33]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values ethnic groups
f1 ="/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Shape files/" \
            "São Paulo/WeightingAreas_Shapefile/AP2010_CEM_RMSP_EGP_EDU_OCC_CENT.dbf")

In [34]:
var_occup_hier1 = list(cor_occup_hier1)
matrices_occupl1 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier1, weight_cont_occup, f1)

In [35]:
dfmoran_occup_hier1 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl1[0], columns=var_occup_hier1, index=var_occup_hier1)

v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9
v1 0.658982 0.662151 0.469358 0.137440 -0.013946 -0.161879 -0.310532 -0.216893 -0.243257
v2 0.654885 0.695549 0.475271 0.130707 -0.008251 -0.167018 -0.331100 -0.233715 -0.262907
v3 0.474043 0.488860 0.567814 0.416968 0.242053 -0.240197 -0.058301 0.084393 -0.057416
v4 0.145112 0.141683 0.425650 0.530412 0.397935 -0.218650 0.213753 0.341231 0.180205
v5 -0.002255 -0.000777 0.248634 0.399700 0.448403 -0.145568 0.279384 0.350712 0.289927

In [36]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight Hierarchy level 1')
h1 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier1, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl1, yticklabels=labelsl1)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl1.png")

Moran Bivariate Queen weight for second hierarchy level

In [37]:
var_occup_hier2 = list(cor_occup_hier2)
matrices_occupl2 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier2, weight_cont_occup, f1)

In [38]:
dfmoran_occup_hier2 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl2[0], columns=var_occup_hier2, index=var_occup_hier2)

v11 v12 v13 v14 v21 v22 v23 v24 v25 v26 ... v75 v81 v82 v83 v91 v92 v93 v94 v95 v96
v11 0.396942 0.449160 0.480618 0.317016 0.495120 0.462388 0.288261 0.429131 0.368303 0.534710 ... -0.219276 -0.244663 -0.194843 -0.208887 -0.151966 -0.067005 -0.244311 -0.156861 -0.021651 -0.177990
v12 0.452295 0.616879 0.621938 0.445508 0.604404 0.558923 0.435836 0.600898 0.540556 0.612028 ... -0.164854 -0.215748 -0.161969 -0.117484 -0.151740 -0.143741 -0.257851 -0.143756 0.019334 -0.141841
v13 0.475960 0.612061 0.667638 0.483738 0.643622 0.599016 0.463147 0.607815 0.563025 0.662165 ... -0.203113 -0.248268 -0.201500 -0.174065 -0.213855 -0.126061 -0.316707 -0.177916 0.009617 -0.155346
v14 0.319221 0.453091 0.499478 0.442908 0.489230 0.473969 0.396988 0.481812 0.428333 0.501341 ... -0.070386 -0.122366 -0.114232 -0.087775 -0.177335 -0.095264 -0.245986 -0.086580 0.122879 -0.025289
v21 0.497776 0.595401 0.645584 0.474014 0.680640 0.645559 0.433550 0.604365 0.547930 0.689732 ... -0.238484 -0.287253 -0.217272 -0.250907 -0.231370 -0.113632 -0.337484 -0.189760 -0.018174 -0.203279

5 rows × 39 columns

In [39]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight Hierarchy level 2')
h2 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier2, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl2, yticklabels=labelsl2)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl2.png")

Moran Bivariate Queen weight for third hierarchy level

In [40]:
var_occup_hier3 = list(cor_occup_hier3)
matrices_occupl3 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier3, weight_cont_occup, f1)

In [41]:
dfmoran_occup_hier3 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl3[0], columns=var_occup_hier3, index=var_occup_hier3)

v111 v112 v121 v122 v131 v132 v133 v134 v141 v142 ... v912 v921 v931 v932 v933 v941 v951 v952 v961 v962
v111 0.227133 0.229102 0.257915 0.299434 0.105233 0.238211 0.269179 0.342132 0.180842 0.206314 ... -0.116870 -0.053130 -0.188112 -0.179611 -0.093838 -0.153572 -0.078879 0.021589 -0.111760 -0.117727
v112 0.218129 0.391424 0.386281 0.454789 0.177726 0.348598 0.421924 0.458329 0.178314 0.255942 ... -0.119796 -0.060264 -0.183358 -0.222754 -0.123668 -0.125403 -0.055596 -0.014167 -0.143368 -0.135550
v121 0.260022 0.388296 0.523291 0.563208 0.125464 0.486652 0.475854 0.542266 0.304074 0.352004 ... -0.119831 -0.135051 -0.257189 -0.235609 -0.055971 -0.143812 -0.034779 0.049390 -0.128009 -0.077500
v122 0.302091 0.458117 0.561819 0.625220 0.155688 0.530036 0.536515 0.608786 0.321766 0.387983 ... -0.115569 -0.141268 -0.264196 -0.277206 -0.097671 -0.133517 -0.055981 0.020828 -0.175562 -0.107079
v131 0.094101 0.208655 0.144399 0.184999 0.143941 0.136748 0.193994 0.211418 0.056380 0.119548 ... -0.111219 0.124579 -0.091976 -0.136294 -0.118360 -0.124301 -0.027723 -0.066854 -0.089089 -0.095241

5 rows × 123 columns

In [42]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight Hierarchy level 3', fontsize=25)
h3 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier3, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl3, yticklabels=labelsl3)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl3.png")