Age Friendly Communities (AFC) Data Aggregator

The Age Friendly Communities (AFC) project requires several key datasets (pulled from a variety of data sources) to answer the data questions that are part of it.

While some of these datasets were converted from PDF to CSV, most others were downloaded from their sources in either Excel or CSV formats. Some, such as the SD demographics datasets downloaded from SANDAG, required pre-processing to wrangle the data to a format that could be used by the aggregator.

The aggregator (script follows later in this notebook) captures the most relevent information from these various datasets and consolidates them into a single dataset (in CSV format) that facilitates lookup by the following geographical types:

  • Region
  • Sub Regional Area (SRA)
  • Zipcode
  • Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA)

The following individual fields of information are to be made available (through the aggregator) as part of this single dataset:

In [1]:
table {float:left}

# Field Description Unit
1 SRA Name of the sub-Regional area to which the observation pertains string
2 Region Name of the region to which the observation pertains string
3 Zipcode 5-digit zipcode to which the observation pertains integer
4 ZCTA 5-gidit zip code tabulation area corresponding to Zipcode integer


  • If Zipcode and ZCTA fields are zero, geographical area covers the entire SRA else it covers the specified ZipCode/ZCTA.
  • Each field that follows is specific to the geographical area specified by fields (1) to (4)
# Field Description Unit
5 NumRCFELicensed Number of licensed RCFEs. integer
6 NumRCFEBedsLicensed Total number of beds aggregated across all licensed RCFEs integer
7 NumRCFEPending Number of RCFEs pending licensing. Note: This status can apply to a previously licensed RCFE that is pending approval to add additional capacity (beds) or to a previously non-existing RCFE pending approval to operate integer
8 NumRCFEBedsPending Total number of beds aggregated across all RCFEs pending licensing integer
9 NumRCFEInALWP Number of RCFEs that are part of the ALWP program integer
10 2012Pop65Over Population estimate for individuals 65 and over for year 2012 integer
11 2012Pop55Over Population estimate for individuals 55 and over for year 2012 integer
12 2030Pop65Over Population forecast for individuals 65 and over for year 2030 integer
13 2030Pop55Over Population forecast for individuals 55 and over for year 2030 integer
14 2012PopADOD55Over Population estimate for individuals 55 and over with ADOD for year 2012 integer
15 2030PopADOD55Over Population forecast for individuals 55 and over with ADOD for year 2030 integer
16 2012ADODPerRCFE Ratio of 2012 ADOD population (55+) to number of (current) licensed RCFEs float
17 2030ADODPerRCFE Ratio of 2030 ADOD population (55+) to number of (current) licensed RCFEs float
18 2012PopLowInccome65Over Population estimate for low income individuals 65 and over for year 2012 integer
19 2012PopLowInccome55Over Population estimate for low income individuals 55 and over for year 2012 integer
20 2012PercentLowIncome65Over Low income population (65+) as a percentage of the total 65+ population for year 2012 float
21 2012PercentLowIncome55Over Low income population (55+) as a percentage of the total 55+ population for year 2012 float
22 2012LowIncome65OverPerRCFE Ratio of low income population (65+) to number of (current) licensed RCFEs float
23 2012PopMinority Population estimate for minorities (single ethnicity only) for year 2012 integer
24 PopMinorityPerRCFE Ratio of minority population to number of (current) licensed RCFEs float
25 2012MedianHHIncome Median household income (USD) for year 2012 integer
26 2012MedianHHIncome65Over Median household income (USD) for families with 65+ year old as head of household for year 2012 integer


  1. The current version of the aggregator supports fields 1 - 26 in the above list.
  2. 2015 versions (latest year available) of data are available for the following fields:
    10-11, 18-19, 23, 25-26
  3. 2012 versions have been used since ADOD population counts (fields 14-15) are presently only available for year 2012

More fields may be added to the above on an as needed basis.

In [ ]:
# %load
#! /usr/bin/env python

# Script to aggregate data from multiple intermediary data files (CSV) to 
# create a single datafile (in CSV format) containing all the relevant 
# information pertaining to the Age Friendly Communities project. 
# Note: SD refers to San Diego, CA in the rest of this file
# Usage: 
# python
# Dependencies: 
# Required intermediary data files are under the current working directory

import os
import sys
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
import genutils as genpy
import sdpyutils as sdpy  


# current working directory
CWD = os.getcwd()

# output data file
OUT_VERSION = '20170321'
OUT_CSV = 'afc' + '_' + OUT_VERSION + ".csv"

# output col names
OUT_COL_Region = 'Region'
OUT_COL_Zipcode = 'Zipcode'

OUT_COL_NumRCFELicensed = 'NumRCFELicensed'
OUT_COL_NumRCFEBedsLicensed = 'NumRCFEBedsLicensed'
OUT_COL_NumRCFEPending = 'NumRCFEPending'
OUT_COL_NumRCFEBedsPending = 'NumRCFEBedsPending'

OUT_COL_2012Pop65Over = '2012Pop65Over'
OUT_COL_2012Pop55Over = '2012Pop55Over'
OUT_COL_2030Pop65Over = '2030Pop65Over'
OUT_COL_2030Pop55Over = '2030Pop55Over'

OUT_COL_2012PopADOD55Over = '2012PopADOD55Over'
OUT_COL_2030PopADOD55Over = '2030PopADOD55Over'

OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome65Over = '2012PopLowIncome65Over'
OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome55Over = '2012PopLowIncome55Over'
OUT_COL_2012LowIncome65OverPercentage = "2012PercentLowIncome65Over"
OUT_COL_2012LowIncome55OverPercentage = "2012PercentLowIncome55Over"

OUT_COL_2012LowIncome65OverPerRCFE = '2012LowIncome65OverPerRCFE'

OUT_COL_2012PopMinority = '2012PopMinority'
OUT_COL_PopMinorityPerRCFE = 'PopMinorityPerRCFE'

OUT_COL_2012MedianHHIncome = '2012MedianHHIncome'
OUT_COL_2012MedianHHIncome65Over = '2012MedianHHIncome65Over'

# FIX ME: Make these fields available at some point
OUT_COL_2015Pop65Over = '2015Pop65Over'
OUT_COL_2015Pop55Over = '2015Pop55Over'
OUT_COL_2015PopADOD55Over = '2015PopADOD55Over'
OUT_COL_2015PopLowIncome65Over = '2015PopLowIncome65Over'
OUT_COL_2015PopLowIncome55Over = '2015PopLowIncome55Over'
OUT_COL_2015LowIncome65OverPercentage = "2015PercentLowIncome65Over"
OUT_COL_2015LowIncome55OverPercentage = "2015PercentLowIncome55Over"
OUT_COL_2015LowIncome65OverPerRCFE = '2015LowIncome65OverPerRCFE'
OUT_COL_2015PopMinority = '2015PopMinority'
OUT_COL_2015MedianHHIncome = '2015MedianHHIncome'
OUT_COL_2015MedianHHIncome65Over = '2015MedianHHIncome65Over'

# field names mapping to the geoid dictionary
GEOID_PARAMS = ['sra','region','zipcodes','zctas']

# output data frame (that is eventually written to file)
out_df = pd.DataFrame()

# Datafiles 

# SD county sra, zip, zcta crosswalk (tab-seperated file)
DATAFILE_SD_GEOIDS = 'sd_county_sra_zip_zcta.txt'
# SD county RCFE list
DATAFILE_SD_RCFE = 'rcfe_sd_county_01012017.csv'
# SD county RCFEs in ALWP 
DATAFILE_SD_RCFE_IN_ALWP = 'rcfe_in_alwp_sd_county_12302016.csv'

# SD county current population estimates (yr 2015)/SANDAG
DATAFILE_SD_2015_POP = 'pop_estimate_sd_01112017_A.csv'
# SD county current population estimates (yr 2012)/SANDAG
DATAFILE_SD_2012_POP = 'pop_estimate_sd_county_2012.csv'
# SD county current population forecasts (yr 2030)/SANDAG
DATAFILE_SD_2030_POP = 'pop_forecast_sd_01112017.csv'

# SD county ADOD population; 55 and over
DATAFILE_SD_ADOD_POP_55_OVER = 'SD_County_ADOD_Pop_Data_001.csv' 
# SD county general population; 55 and over (yr 2012) / SD HHSA
DATAFILE_SD_2012_POP_55_OVER = 'SD_County_ADOD_Pop_Data_003.csv' 
# SD county general population; 55 and over (yr 2030) / SD HHSA
DATAFILE_SD_2030_POP_55_OVER = 'SD_County_ADOD_Pop_Data_005.csv' 

# SD county low income population 
DATAFILE_SD_2012_LOW_INCOME_POP_55_OVER = 'low_income_data_sd_county_2012.csv'
# SD county median house-hold income by age
DATAFILE_SD_2012_MEDIAN_HH_INCOME = 'ACS_12_5YR_B19049_with_ann.csv'

# parseRCFEList
# parses the list of RCFEs and adds relevant data to the data frame that is 
# returned
def parseRCFEList(zipdf):

	# these are the fields we are interested in
	FACZIP = 'Facility Zip'
	FACCAP = 'Facility Capacity'
	FACSTATUS = 'Facility Status'
	csvdata = pd.read_csv(DATAFILE_SD_RCFE,skipinitialspace=True, 
	#print csvdata.head()
	print("parsing data file: " + DATAFILE_SD_RCFE)

	# iterate through facility zipcode list and total number of rcfe
	# and facility capacity for each unique zipcode
	# NOTE: Only facilities with status 'Licensed' OR 'Pending' are counted
	# Further, seperate counts for only licensed and only pending facilities 
	# are computed since 'Pending' implies pending for a license and applies 
	# to facilities that were previously licensed but are pending a new license
	# for increased capacity (includes those pending for first time licenses)
	# In effect, the licensed only RCFE count is a conservative estimate of the 
	# actual capacity available (or would be available) while the pending-only 
	# RCFE count is an optimistic estimate of the same. 
	rcfe_dict = {}
	for index,row in csvdata.iterrows():
		zipcode = row[FACZIP]; capacity = row[FACCAP]
		status = row[FACSTATUS]

		#print "zipcode: {} capacity: {} status: {}".format(zipcode,capacity,status)

		if zipcode in rcfe_dict:
			if status == 'LICENSED':
				rcfe_dict[zipcode][0] += 1
				rcfe_dict[zipcode][1] += capacity
			elif status == 'PENDING':
				rcfe_dict[zipcode][2] += 1
				rcfe_dict[zipcode][3] += capacity	
			else: pass	
			if status == 'LICENSED':
				rcfe_dict[zipcode] = [1,capacity,0,0]				
			elif status == 'PENDING':
				rcfe_dict[zipcode] = [0,0,1,capacity]
			else: pass

	data = []		
	for zipcode in zipdf:
		if int(zipcode) in rcfe_dict:
	out_cols = [OUT_COL_NumRCFELicensed,OUT_COL_NumRCFEBedsLicensed,
	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=out_cols,data=data)
	#print df.head()
	return df				

# parses the data file listing RCFEs in the ALWP program and adds a column 
# indicating the same 
def parseRCFEInALWP(zipdf):

	# these are the fields we are interested in
	ZIPCODE = 'Zip Code'

	csvdata = pd.read_csv(DATAFILE_SD_RCFE_IN_ALWP,skipinitialspace=True, 
	#print csvdata
	print("parsing data file: " + DATAFILE_SD_RCFE_IN_ALWP)

	# iterate through the zipcodes
	alwp_dict = {}
	for index, zipcode in csvdata.iterrows():
		if int(zipcode) in alwp_dict:
			alwp_dict[int(zipcode)] += 1
			alwp_dict[int(zipcode)] = 1


	data = []		
	for zipcode in zipdf:
		if int(zipcode) in alwp_dict:

	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[OUT_COL_NumRCFEInALWP],data=data)
	return df

# currently unused
# parsePopulation
# parses current population (2015) and future estimates (2030) for seniors 
# in the county (per SRA) and adds columns specific to the same. 
# this version extracts data from the SANDAG dataset. 
def parsePopulation(srazipdf,datafile,out_cols):
	# these are the fields we are interested in

	csvdata = pd.read_csv(datafile,skipinitialspace=True, 

	#print csvdata	
	print("parsing data file: " + datafile)

	pop_dict = {}
	for index, row in csvdata.iterrows():
		sra = row['SRA']
		# we only care about total counts not splits by gender
		if row['TYPE'] != 'Total':
			pop_dict[sra] = int(row['80+'] + row['70-79'] + row['60-69'])

	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((int(zipcode) == 0) and (sra in pop_dict)):
	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=out_cols,data=data)
	return df

# parsePopulation_v2
# this version of the function extracts current (2012) and future (2030)
# projections for population per SRA from the San Diego HHSA dataset
# NOTE: the reason for using this dataset for the general population has to do 
# with the fact that this dataset also consists of ADOD population nos for the 
# same SRAs. Hence any forecasting models used to arrive at two would be 
# consistent - resulting in an accurate representaton of the percentage of ADOD
# in the general population
def parsePopulation_v2(srazipdf,datafile,cols):

	USECOLS = ['SRA','55-64','65-74','75-84','85 and Over','55 and Over']
	csvdata  = pd.read_csv(datafile,skipinitialspace=True,skiprows=1,
	#print csvdata
	print("parsing data file: " + datafile)

	pop_dict = {}
	for index, row in csvdata.iterrows():
		sra = row['SRA']
		pop_65_over = int(row['65-74'].replace(",","")) + \
					int(row['75-84'].replace(",","")) + \
					int(row['85 and Over'].replace(",",""))
		pop_55_over = int(row['55 and Over'].replace(",","")) 
		pop_dict[sra] = [pop_65_over,pop_55_over]

	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((int(zipcode) == 0) and (sra in pop_dict)):
	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols,data=data)
	return df

# parseADODPopulation
# Extracts ADOD population data for 55 Over from San Diego HHSA dataset
def parseADODPopulation(srazipdf):
  	USECOLS = ['SRA','2012','2030']
	out_cols = [OUT_COL_2012PopADOD55Over,OUT_COL_2030PopADOD55Over]

	#FIXME: results in XLRD Error
  	#sheet = "Page_1_1"    
	#xl = pd.ExcelFile(DATAFILE_SD_ADOD_POP_55_OVER)
	#xldata = xl.parse(sheet) 

	csvdata  = pd.read_csv(DATAFILE_SD_ADOD_POP_55_OVER,skipinitialspace=True,
	#print csvdata
	print("parsing data file: " + DATAFILE_SD_ADOD_POP_55_OVER)

	adod_dict = csvdata.set_index('SRA').T.to_dict('list')	
	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((int(zipcode) == 0) and (sra in adod_dict)):
			adod_pop_curr = (adod_dict[sra][0]).replace(",","")
			adod_pop_2030 = (adod_dict[sra][1]).replace(",","")

	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=out_cols,data=data)
	return df	

# parseLowIncomePopulation
# extracts low income senior population counts from the specified data file
def parseLowIncomePopulation(srazipdf,datafile,cols):

	USECOLS = ['SRA','Zipcode','55 and Over (Low Income)','65 and Over (Low Income)']
	csvdata  = pd.read_csv(datafile,skipinitialspace=True,usecols=USECOLS)
	#print csvdata
	print("parsing data file: " + datafile)

	# we need a nested dictionary for lookup since there is no single unique key
	# rather, the key is a combination of SRA and zipcode
	income_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
	for index, row in csvdata.iterrows():
		income_dict[row['SRA']][int(row['Zipcode'])] = \
				[row['55 and Over (Low Income)'],row['65 and Over (Low Income)']]

	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((sra in income_dict) and (int(zipcode) in income_dict[sra])):
			pop_55_over = (income_dict[sra][int(zipcode)][0])
			pop_65_over = (income_dict[sra][int(zipcode)][1])

	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols,data=data)
	return df	

# parseMinorityPopulation
# extracts population counts for minorities from the SANDAG population estimate
# dataset
def parseMinorityPopulation(srazipdf,datafile,cols):

	USECOLS=['SRA','TYPE','Two or More','Other','Pacific Islander','Asian',
			'American Indian','Black','White','Hispanic']

	csvdata = pd.read_csv(datafile,skipinitialspace=True, 
	#print csvdata.head()
	print("parsing data file: " + datafile)	

	nonWhiteCols = USECOLS[2:-2] + [USECOLS[-1]]
	pop_dict = {}
	for index, row in csvdata.iterrows():
		sra = row['SRA']
		if row['TYPE'] != 'Total':
			# for now we are only considering non-white populations of single ethnicity
			# i.e.: populations with two or more ethnicities (one of which may be white)
			# are not accounted for in minority_pop
			minority_pop = (row[nonWhiteCols[1:]].apply(pd.to_numeric)).sum()
			#minority_pop_multi_ethnic = (row[nonWhiteCols].apply(pd.to_numeric)).sum()

			pop_dict[sra] = minority_pop
			#pop_dict[sra] = [minority_pop,minority_pop_multi_ethnic]

	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((int(zipcode) == 0) and (sra in pop_dict)):
	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols,data=data)
	#print df.head()
	return df

# parseMedianIncome
# extracts the median household income information from the specified datafile
def parseMedianHHIncome(df_geoids,datafile,cols):

	# index of GEO.id2 which contains ZCTA as numbers
	COL_ZCTA = 'GEO.id2'
	COL_TOTAL = 'HD01_VD02'
	COL_65_OVER = 'HD01_VD06'
	csvdata = pd.read_csv(datafile,skipinitialspace=True,usecols=USECOLS)
	#print csvdata.head()
	print("parsing data file: " + datafile)
	# modify col names to be more readable
	csvdata.columns = [COL_ZCTA] + cols
	# merge data as per SRA/Zipcodes specified in df_geoids
	df_mi = pd.merge(left=df_geoids,right=csvdata[1:],left_on='ZCTA',

	# convert the cols to numeric (needed for aggregation) 
	tmp_df = df_mi[cols].applymap(genpy.to_stringnum)
	tmp_df = tmp_df.applymap(pd.to_numeric)
	df_mi = pd.concat([df_geoids,tmp_df],axis=1)

	# aggregate numbers for each SRA
	df_mi = df_mi[['SRA','Zipcode']+cols]
	df_mi = sdpy.addSRAaggregates(df_mi,cols)

	#print df_mi
	# we need a nested dictionary for lookup since there is no single unique key
	# rather, the key is a combination of SRA and zipcode
	mi_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))

	for index, row in df_mi.iterrows():
		mi_dict[row['SRA']][int(row['Zipcode'])] = \

	srazipdf = df_geoids[['SRA','Zipcode']]
	data = []
	for sra,zipcode in srazipdf.itertuples(index=False):
		if ((sra in mi_dict) and (int(zipcode) in mi_dict[sra])):
			mi_hh = (mi_dict[sra][int(zipcode)][0])
			mi_hh_65_over = (mi_dict[sra][int(zipcode)][1])
	df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols,data=data)
	#print df.head()
	return df
def main():
		# create geoIds (SRA, Region, Zipcode,ZCTA) data set relevant to the 
		# San Diego county
		df_geoids = sdpy.createGeoidsData()
		#print df_geoids
		geoCols = df_geoids.columns.tolist()
		# extract the zipcodes and SRAs for which we need to parse additional 
		# data
		zipdf = df_geoids['Zipcode']
		sradf = df_geoids['SRA'].where(df_geoids['Zipcode'] == 0)
		srazipdf = df_geoids[['SRA','Zipcode']]

		# add data pertaining to specified cols

		# NumRCFELicensed, NumRCFEBedsLicensed,
		# NumRCFEPending, NumRCFEBedsPending
		df_rcfe = parseRCFEList(zipdf)  	

		df_alwp = parseRCFEInALWP(zipdf)

		# 2012Pop65Over, 2012Pop55Over
		out_cols = [OUT_COL_2012Pop65Over,OUT_COL_2012Pop55Over]
		df_pop_sr_2012 = parsePopulation_v2(srazipdf,DATAFILE_SD_2012_POP_55_OVER,

		# 2030Pop65Over, 2030Pop55Over
		out_cols = [OUT_COL_2030Pop65Over,OUT_COL_2030Pop55Over] 
		df_pop_sr_2030 = parsePopulation_v2(srazipdf,DATAFILE_SD_2030_POP_55_OVER,

		# 2012PopADOD55Over, 2030PopADOD55Over
		df_pop_adod = parseADODPopulation(srazipdf)

		# 2012PopLowIncome55Over, 2012PopLowIncome65Over
		out_cols = [OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome55Over,OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome65Over]
		df_pop_li = parseLowIncomePopulation(srazipdf,

		# 2012PopMinority
		out_cols = [OUT_COL_2012PopMinority]
		df_pop_min_2012 = parseMinorityPopulation(srazipdf,

		# add following fields (data to be derived later)
		# 2012PercentLowIncome65Over, 2012PercentLowIncome55Over
		# 2012ADODPerRCFE, 2030ADODPerRCFE
		# 2012LowIncome65OverPerRCFE, 2012LowIncome55OverADODRatio
		# PopMinorityPerRCFE, PopMinorityADODRatio
		df_derived = pd.DataFrame(columns=[OUT_COL_2012ADODPerRCFE,

		# 2012MedianHHIncome, 2012MedianHHIncome65Over 
		out_cols = [OUT_COL_2012MedianHHIncome, OUT_COL_2012MedianHHIncome65Over]	
		df_hh_mi = parseMedianHHIncome(df_geoids,

		# concatenate the intermediate results into a single dataframe
		out_df = pd.concat([df_geoids,df_rcfe,df_alwp,df_pop_sr_2012, 
						df_pop_sr_2030, df_pop_adod, df_pop_li, 
						df_pop_min_2012, df_derived, df_hh_mi],axis=1)


		# Add aggregated counts (per SRA) for derived fields 
		for name, group in out_df.groupby(OUT_COL_SRA):
			idx = group.last_valid_index()
			#print out_df.loc[[idx]]

			total_rcfe_licensed = group[OUT_COL_NumRCFELicensed].sum()
			total_capacity_licensed = group[OUT_COL_NumRCFEBedsLicensed].sum()
			total_rcfe_pending = group[OUT_COL_NumRCFEPending].sum()
			total_capacity_pending = group[OUT_COL_NumRCFEBedsPending].sum()

			total_in_alwp = group[OUT_COL_NumRCFEInALWP].sum()



			adod_rcfe_ratio_2012 = float(999)
			adod_rcfe_ratio_2030 = float(999)
			minorities_per_rcfe = float(999)
			low_income_65_over_per_rcfe = float(999)
			percent_low_income_55_over = float(999)
			percent_low_income_65_over = float(999)	

			# note: this try/catch is here to deal gracefully with errors 
 			# arising from non-integer population counts (e.g.: "<5")
 				adod_pop_2012 = int(out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012PopADOD55Over))
 				adod_pop_2030 = int(out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2030PopADOD55Over))
 				minority_pop_2012 = int(out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012PopMinority))

 				li_65_over = out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome65Over)
 				li_55_over = out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012PopLowIncome55Over)

 				pop_65_over = out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012Pop65Over)
 				pop_55_over = out_df.get_value(idx,OUT_COL_2012Pop55Over)

 				if (total_rcfe_licensed > 0):
 					adod_rcfe_ratio_2012 = float(adod_pop_2012)/total_rcfe_licensed
					adod_rcfe_ratio_2030 = float(adod_pop_2030)/total_rcfe_licensed
					minorities_per_rcfe = float(minority_pop_2012)/total_rcfe_licensed
					low_income_65_over_per_rcfe = float(li_65_over)/total_rcfe_licensed

				if (pop_55_over > 0):
					percent_low_income_55_over = (float(li_55_over)/pop_55_over)*100
				if (pop_65_over > 0):
					percent_low_income_65_over = (float(li_65_over)/pop_65_over)*100		
 			except Exception, e:
 				#e = sys.exc_info()[0]
				#print("Error: " + str(e))
 				# do nothing => ratios will default to 999.0

			#print out_df.loc[[idx]]

		# remove output file if it already exists
		if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CWD,OUT_CSV)):

		out_df.to_csv(OUT_CSV, index=False)
		print("output: " + OUT_CSV)

		e = sys.exc_info()[0]
		print("Error: Failed to create " + OUT_CSV)
		print("Error: " + str(e))
# end: main

if __name__ == "__main__":
	# do nothing

Tested for Python versions: Python 2.7.12 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)