In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
from import plotting
import mia

In [2]:
raw = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('../results/2015-03-05-results.csv')
meta_data = raw[['patient_id', 'class', 'side', 'view']]
raw.index = raw.image_name

x y radius avg_intensity std_intensity skew_intensity kurtosis_intensity patient_id class
count 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 5.649600e+04 56496.000000
mean 1963.719361 1500.389089 17.024544 10.562333 16.777163 2.125780 4.379336 2.140106e+10 2.286551
std 610.241223 881.015395 19.805117 46.107491 71.274800 0.666986 5.842874 6.165381e+02 0.872022
min 160.000000 146.000000 8.000000 1.000000 1.049553 -0.772842 -1.683268 2.140106e+10 1.000000
25% 1528.000000 696.000000 8.000000 1.000000 2.316719 1.744069 2.043031 2.140106e+10 2.000000
50% 1966.000000 1464.000000 11.313708 1.890625 3.747362 2.163188 3.948978 2.140106e+10 2.000000
75% 2402.000000 2247.000000 16.000000 4.000000 7.908905 2.525493 5.987966 2.140106e+10 3.000000
max 3932.000000 3181.000000 181.019336 511.890625 1328.880730 14.407756 219.390003 2.140106e+10 4.000000

Shape Based Features

Examining the effect of shape based features and what they contribute to dimensionality reduction.

Blob Detection Features

In [15]:
[g['radius'].describe() for i, g in raw.groupby('class')]

r = raw[raw['radius']>30]
mia.plotting.plot_risk_classes(r, 'radius')

Intensity Based Features

Examining the effect of intensity based features and what they contribute to the dimensionality reduction. Firstly, extract all of the intensity features from the dataset. Summary statistics are shown below.

Raw Intensity Data

Examine the raw intensity statistics for each image. There's a really high response in the lower range of the data. This is almost certainly down to a high average intensity in the smaller blobs. Again, as with shape based measures, the risk classes differ in the intensity of the number of responses, rather than shape of the distribution

In [78]:
intensity_columns = [c for c in raw.columns if 'intensity'in c]
intensity_stats = raw[intensity_columns]

avg_intensity std_intensity skew_intensity kurtosis_intensity
count 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000 56496.000000
mean 10.562333 16.777163 2.125780 4.379336
std 46.107491 71.274800 0.666986 5.842874
min 1.000000 1.049553 -0.772842 -1.683268
25% 1.000000 2.316719 1.744069 2.043031
50% 1.890625 3.747362 2.163188 3.948978
75% 4.000000 7.908905 2.525493 5.987966
max 511.890625 1328.880730 14.407756 219.390003

In [87]:
intensity_stats['class'] = meta_data['class']
mia.plotting.plot_risk_classes_single(intensity_stats, 'avg_intensity')

Intensity Features

In [80]:
features = mia.reduction.feature_statistics(raw)
meta_data = features[['class', 'patient_id', 'view', 'side']]

blob_count avg_radius std_radius min_radius max_radius small_radius_count med_radius_count large_radius_count density lower_radius_qt ... avg_avg_intensity avg_std_intensity avg_skew_intensity avg_kurt_intensity std_avg_intensity std_std_intensity std_skew_intensity std_kurt_intensity patient_id class
count 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360 360.000000 ... 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 3.600000e+02 360.000000
mean 156.933333 18.624276 21.312272 8 151.570838 151.025000 3.097222 2.811111 0 8.230119 ... 13.646452 21.408362 2.149312 4.530314 48.577633 70.135633 0.639060 4.595784 2.140106e+10 2.533333
std 101.082779 3.949985 7.962819 0 41.586007 99.448462 4.390924 1.491999 0 0.820570 ... 8.183294 14.144367 0.223716 1.069942 27.595639 46.483148 0.189975 4.059613 5.295273e+02 0.958178
min 26.000000 11.251783 4.942047 8 32.000000 24.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0 8.000000 ... 2.310020 3.553002 1.535727 2.118016 2.702558 4.345298 0.380111 2.106592 2.140106e+10 1.000000
25% 81.000000 15.828461 15.449720 8 128.000000 76.750000 1.000000 2.000000 0 8.000000 ... 7.709935 10.969145 1.986801 3.848934 24.798375 30.502043 0.532565 2.667155 2.140106e+10 2.000000
50% 131.000000 18.024105 20.845785 8 181.019336 127.000000 2.000000 3.000000 0 8.000000 ... 11.557075 17.897254 2.138407 4.356317 48.859672 63.259866 0.599148 3.030966 2.140106e+10 3.000000
75% 198.250000 20.307923 26.569746 8 181.019336 189.250000 4.000000 4.000000 0 8.000000 ... 17.654056 27.732207 2.291443 5.081154 68.743505 98.691971 0.669634 3.897467 2.140106e+10 3.000000
max 648.000000 33.661574 46.518068 8 181.019336 620.000000 37.000000 8.000000 0 11.313708 ... 51.369960 92.965144 3.073701 9.312543 132.856182 231.725405 1.625442 25.687622 2.140106e+10 4.000000

8 rows × 21 columns

In [81]:
intensity_columns = [c for c in features.columns if 'intensity'in c]
intensity_features = features[intensity_columns]

avg_avg_intensity avg_std_intensity avg_skew_intensity avg_kurt_intensity std_avg_intensity std_std_intensity std_skew_intensity std_kurt_intensity
count 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000 360.000000
mean 13.646452 21.408362 2.149312 4.530314 48.577633 70.135633 0.639060 4.595784
std 8.183294 14.144367 0.223716 1.069942 27.595639 46.483148 0.189975 4.059613
min 2.310020 3.553002 1.535727 2.118016 2.702558 4.345298 0.380111 2.106592
25% 7.709935 10.969145 1.986801 3.848934 24.798375 30.502043 0.532565 2.667155
50% 11.557075 17.897254 2.138407 4.356317 48.859672 63.259866 0.599148 3.030966
75% 17.654056 27.732207 2.291443 5.081154 68.743505 98.691971 0.669634 3.897467
max 51.369960 92.965144 3.073701 9.312543 132.856182 231.725405 1.625442 25.687622

Radviz on Intensity Features

Using radviz on the intensity features shows that the biggest contributors are (in order of importance):

  • std_std_intensity
  • std_avg_intensity (most, with some pull on the risk 3 classes to avg_std_intensity)
  • All classes pulled equally between avg_std_intensity and avg_avg_intensity
  • Removeing both the aboe leads to avg_kurtosis being the primary measure
  • After this skew becomes the primary measure for the rest of the features

In [82]:
intensity_norm = mia.analysis.normalize_data_frame(intensity_features)
intensity_norm.columns = intensity_columns
intensity_norm['class'] = meta_data['class']

In [83]:
columns = [c for c in intensity_norm.columns if c not in ['std_std_intensity', 'std_avg_intensity', 'avg_avg_intensity', 'avg_std_intensity']]
plotting.radviz(intensity_norm[columns], 'class')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1114830d0>

Initial Run With t-SNE

Firstly, examine the strength of the reduction with all features in place. There appears to be some clustering but with extreme high and low risk all mixed up

In [84]:
intensity_features = intensity_features.fillna(0)
mapping = mia.analysis.tSNE(intensity_features)
mapping['class'] = meta_data['class']
mia.plotting.plot_scatter_2d(mapping, [0,1], label_name='class')

[t-SNE] Computing pairwise distances...
[t-SNE] Computed conditional probabilities for sample 360 / 360
[t-SNE] Mean sigma: 0.826757
[t-SNE] Error after 80 iterations with early exaggeration: 3.367466
[t-SNE] Error after 250 iterations: 0.339204

Taking the most significant elements determined via radviz, the data set appears to form clear bands. Also, risk class 2 appears to be more clustered towards the end of the data.

In [85]:
sig_features = intensity_features[['std_std_intensity', 'std_avg_intensity', 'avg_avg_intensity', 'avg_std_intensity']]
sig_mapping = mia.analysis.tSNE(sig_features)
sig_mapping['class'] = meta_data['class']
mia.plotting.plot_scatter_2d(sig_mapping, [0,1], label_name='class')

[t-SNE] Computing pairwise distances...
[t-SNE] Computed conditional probabilities for sample 360 / 360
[t-SNE] Mean sigma: 0.353174
[t-SNE] Error after 83 iterations with early exaggeration: 2.998553
[t-SNE] Error after 256 iterations: 0.255339

Plot some the the features in 3D against one another to examine the relationship

In [86]:
intensity_features['class'] = meta_data['class']
columns = ['avg_std_intensity', 'std_avg_intensity', 'avg_avg_intensity']
mia.plotting.plot_scatter_3d(intensity_features, columns=columns, labels=meta_data['class'])