Class Central Survey: compare target group 'Willingness to pay' with the rest of the sample

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display

Read the survey data

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('raw/2016-17-ClassCentral-Survey-data-noUserText.csv', decimal=',', encoding = "ISO-8859-1")

Create target group 'Willingness to pay'

In [3]:
df['How willing are you to pay for a certificate for a MOOC?'].value_counts()

1                              673
3                              669
2                              598
4                              273
5                              204
Generally not that willing.      1
Name: How willing are you to pay for a certificate for a MOOC?, dtype: int64

In [4]:
target_name = 'Willingness to pay'
willing = (pd.to_numeric(df['How willing are you to pay for a certificate for a MOOC?'], errors='coerce') > 3)

Generic function to plot barchart for any categorical feature on any target/nontarget split

In [5]:
def binary_compare_categorical_barh(mask, feature, df=df,
                                            target_name='target', nontarget_name='Other', 
                                            split_name='visitor', answer='answer'):
    """Split dataframe into two based on mask
    Draw horizontal barcharts for each category item for both masked and unmasked object"""
    target = df[mask]
    nontarget = df[~mask]
    target_size, nontarget_size = len(target), len(nontarget)
    res_target = target[feature].value_counts()/target_size*100
    res_nontarget = nontarget[feature].value_counts()/nontarget_size*100
    result = pd.DataFrame({target_name: res_target, nontarget_name: res_nontarget})
    result[answer] = result.index
    res_df = pd.melt(result, id_vars=answer, var_name=split_name, value_name='percentage')
    sns.factorplot(x='percentage', y=answer, hue=split_name, data=res_df, kind='bar', orient='h', size=6, aspect=2)
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

Generic function to plot barchart for any multi-categorical feature on any target/nontarget split

In [6]:
def binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target, target_name, question, selectors, nontarget_name = 'Others'):
    """draw a barchart for Survey results on a question that allows to select multiple categories
    df: dataframe to use
    target: selection of rows based on column values
    question: the question you want to analyse
    selectors: list of df column containing the selectors (values 0/1)"""
    size = {}
    target_df = df[target]
    nontarget_df = df[~target]
    size[target_name], size[nontarget_name] = len(target_df), len(nontarget_df)
    graph_targetdata = target_df.loc[:, selectors]
    graph_targetdata['target'] = target_name
    graph_nontargetdata = nontarget_df.loc[:, selectors]
    graph_nontargetdata['target'] = nontarget_name
    graph_data = pd.concat([graph_targetdata, graph_nontargetdata])
    melted = pd.melt(graph_data, id_vars='target', var_name='select', value_name='percentage')
    grouped = melted.groupby(['target', 'select'], as_index=False).sum()
    grouped.percentage = grouped.percentage/grouped['target'].map(size)*100 # make it percentage of total
    grouped['select'] = grouped['select'].apply(lambda x: x.split(": ")[1]) # remove prefix from string
    sns.factorplot(x='percentage', y='select', hue='target', data=grouped, kind='bar', orient='h', size=6, aspect=2)
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

Apply this plot on the target 'Willing to pay' for some categorical features

In [7]:
            target_name='Willing to pay', feature='How familiar are you with MOOCs?')

answer visitor percentage
0 5.0 Other 29.890765
1 4.0 Other 22.641509
2 1.0 Other 21.996028
3 3.0 Other 14.846077
4 2.0 Other 9.682224
5 5.0 Willing to pay 38.784067
6 4.0 Willing to pay 21.593291
7 1.0 Willing to pay 16.981132
8 3.0 Willing to pay 12.788260
9 2.0 Willing to pay 9.014675

In [8]:
            target_name='Willing to pay', feature='Which region of the world are you in?')

answer visitor percentage
0 Africa Other 9.235353
1 Australia / New Zealand Other 3.574975
2 Canada Other 4.518371
3 Central or South America Other 5.759682
4 East & Southeast Asia Other 7.845084
5 Eastern Europe Other 6.156902
6 India Other 8.887786
7 Mexico Other 1.936445
8 United Kingdom Other 4.170804
9 United States Other 33.366435
10 Western Europe (except UK) Other 12.264151
11 Africa Willing to pay 18.867925
12 Australia / New Zealand Willing to pay 4.192872
13 Canada Willing to pay 2.725367
14 Central or South America Willing to pay 6.498952
15 East & Southeast Asia Willing to pay 8.805031
16 Eastern Europe Willing to pay 6.079665
17 India Willing to pay 8.385744
18 Mexico Willing to pay 1.677149
19 United Kingdom Willing to pay 2.935010
20 United States Willing to pay 30.607966
21 Western Europe (except UK) Willing to pay 8.385744

Africa is the only region where there are far more people willing to pay for a certificate than people who wont. The higher education quality available at a lower cost in the region, the lesser people are willing to pay for a MOOC certificate.

In [9]:
                                        target_name='Willng to pay', feature='How important is the ability to earn a certificate when you complete a MOOC?')

answer visitor percentage
0 1.0 Other 20.953327
1 2.0 Other 13.952334
2 3.0 Other 22.740814
3 4.0 Other 18.619662
4 5.0 Other 22.542205
5 1.0 Willng to pay 3.773585
6 2.0 Willng to pay 2.935010
7 3.0 Willng to pay 13.207547
8 4.0 Willng to pay 27.253669
9 5.0 Willng to pay 52.201258

Those who find the ability to earn a certificate important are more willing to pay than the others. This is one of the first actions the platform providers took to increase there business: quit with the free certificates.

In [10]:
reasons = ['Reasons: Learning skills for current career', 'Reasons: Learning skills for new career', 
           'Reasons: School credit', 'Reasons: Personal interest', 'Reasons: Access to reference materials']
binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target=willing, target_name='Willing to pay',
                question='Which of the following are important reasons for you to take MOOCs?', 

{'Willing to pay': 477, 'Others': 2014}
target select percentage
0 Others Access to reference materials 27.706058
1 Others Learning skills for current career 49.553128
2 Others Learning skills for new career 45.183714
3 Others Personal interest 80.834161
4 Others School credit 7.994042
5 Willing to pay Access to reference materials 29.140461
6 Willing to pay Learning skills for current career 57.442348
7 Willing to pay Learning skills for new career 60.167715
8 Willing to pay Personal interest 72.536688
9 Willing to pay School credit 11.320755

There is only a slight difference in the reasons to follow MOOCs between those who are willing to pay and those who don't. When the reasons are career related respondents are willing to pay for a certificate.

In [11]:
decisions = ['Decide: Topic/Subject', 'Decide: Instructor', 'Decide: Institution/university', 
             'Decide: Platform', 'Decide: Ratings', 'Decide: Others recommendations']
binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target=willing, target_name='Willing to pay',
                question='Which are the most important factors in deciding which MOOC to take?', 

{'Willing to pay': 477, 'Others': 2014}
target select percentage
0 Others Institution/university 38.977160
1 Others Instructor 16.137041
2 Others Others recommendations 25.571003
3 Others Platform 26.067527
4 Others Ratings 32.025819
5 Others Topic/Subject 91.559086
6 Willing to pay Institution/university 50.943396
7 Willing to pay Instructor 15.723270
8 Willing to pay Others recommendations 23.899371
9 Willing to pay Platform 31.865828
10 Willing to pay Ratings 36.268344
11 Willing to pay Topic/Subject 89.098532

The Institution is a more appealing reason to follow a MOOC for those who are willing to pay compared to those that are not.

In [12]:
aspects = ['Aspects: Browsing discussion forums', 
           'Aspects: Actively contributing to discussion forums',
           'Aspects: Connecting with other learners in the course environment',
           'Aspects: Connecting with learners outside the course environment',
           'Aspects: Taking the course with other people you know (friends, colleagues, etc.)']
binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target=willing, target_name='Willing to pay',
                question='Which of the following are important aspects of the MOOC experience to you?', 

{'Willing to pay': 477, 'Others': 2014}
target select percentage
0 Others Actively contributing to discussion forums 27.805362
1 Others Browsing discussion forums 53.574975
2 Others Connecting with learners outside the course en... 13.853029
3 Others Connecting with other learners in the course e... 36.494538
4 Others Taking the course with other people you know (... 14.051639
5 Willing to pay Actively contributing to discussion forums 41.509434
6 Willing to pay Browsing discussion forums 55.136268
7 Willing to pay Connecting with learners outside the course en... 21.593291
8 Willing to pay Connecting with other learners in the course e... 45.911950
9 Willing to pay Taking the course with other people you know (... 19.916143

Connecting with other students is more important for those who are willing to pay. Is this an opportunity for the platforms to increase their revenue by improving forum features and quality?

In [13]:
benefits = ['Benefit: Have not taken MOOCs', 
            'Benefit: Not Really',
            'Benefit: School credit towards a degree',
            'Benefit: Promotion at current organization',
            'Benefit: Higher performance evaluation at current job',
            'Benefit: Helped me get a new job in the same field',
            'Benefit: Helped me get a new job in a different field']
binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target=willing, target_name='Willing to pay',
                question='Have you received any tangible benefits from taking MOOCs?', 

{'Willing to pay': 477, 'Others': 2014}
target select percentage
0 Others Have not taken MOOCs 15.988083
1 Others Helped me get a new job in a different field 3.574975
2 Others Helped me get a new job in the same field 4.170804
3 Others Higher performance evaluation at current job 10.129096
4 Others Not Really 35.849057
5 Others Promotion at current organization 2.333664
6 Others School credit towards a degree 2.929494
7 Willing to pay Have not taken MOOCs 16.561845
8 Willing to pay Helped me get a new job in a different field 7.127883
9 Willing to pay Helped me get a new job in the same field 7.966457
10 Willing to pay Higher performance evaluation at current job 16.771488
11 Willing to pay Not Really 28.930818
12 Willing to pay Promotion at current organization 5.450734
13 Willing to pay School credit towards a degree 3.773585

People willing to pay see more benefits in MOOCs

In [14]:
pays = ['Pay: The topic/subject',
        'Pay: The institution/university offering the MOOC',
        'Pay: The instructor/professor', 
        'Pay: The MOOC platform being used',
        'Pay: A multi-course certification that the MOOC is a part of']
binary_compare_multi_select_categorical_barh(df, target=willing, target_name='Willing to pay',
                question='Which of the following have a strong impact on your willingness to pay for a MOOC certificate?', 

{'Willing to pay': 477, 'Others': 2014}
target select percentage
0 Others A multi-course certification that the MOOC is ... 22.095333
1 Others The MOOC platform being used 8.689176
2 Others The institution/university offering the MOOC 36.494538
3 Others The instructor/professor 12.859980
4 Others The topic/subject 43.247269
5 Willing to pay A multi-course certification that the MOOC is ... 35.010482
6 Willing to pay The MOOC platform being used 19.077568
7 Willing to pay The institution/university offering the MOOC 53.878407
8 Willing to pay The instructor/professor 18.867925
9 Willing to pay The topic/subject 60.377358

In [15]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', feature='# MOOCs Started')

answer visitor percentage
0 0 Other 26.613704
1 1 Other 9.582920
2 15 Other 9.533267
3 2.5 Other 15.392254
4 25 Other 11.122145
5 4.5 Other 12.313803
6 8 Other 13.306852
7 0 Willing to pay 27.672956
8 1 Willing to pay 10.062893
9 15 Willing to pay 9.014675
10 2.5 Willing to pay 17.819706
11 25 Willing to pay 7.337526
12 4.5 Willing to pay 13.207547
13 8 Willing to pay 12.997904

The willingness to pay drops after starting about 7 course

In [16]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', feature='# MOOCs Finished')

answer visitor percentage
0 0 Other 36.693148
1 1 Other 12.015889
2 15 Other 5.263158
3 2.5 Other 17.576961
4 25 Other 5.958292
5 4.5 Other 10.675273
6 8 Other 8.341609
7 0 Willing to pay 37.106918
8 1 Willing to pay 12.368973
9 15 Willing to pay 5.241090
10 2.5 Willing to pay 16.981132
11 25 Willing to pay 3.983229
12 4.5 Willing to pay 12.578616
13 8 Willing to pay 6.708595

The more people finish MOOCs the less willingnes to pay. Is this the reason why Coursera is switching to a subscription model?

In [17]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', feature='When did you first start taking MOOCs?')

answer visitor percentage
0 I have not taken any MOOCs yet Other 29.841112
1 2+ years ago Other 27.805362
2 1-2 years ago Other 16.385303
3 Within past 6 months Other 15.193644
4 6 months to 1 year ago Other 10.029791
5 I have not taken any MOOCs yet Willing to pay 30.817610
6 2+ years ago Willing to pay 22.012579
7 1-2 years ago Willing to pay 17.819706
8 Within past 6 months Willing to pay 17.400419
9 6 months to 1 year ago Willing to pay 11.530398

People who more recently started taking MOOCs are more willing to pay

In [18]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', 
                                        feature='How much do you think employers value MOOC certificates?')

answer visitor percentage
0 1.0 Other 11.320755
1 2.0 Other 22.045680
2 3.0 Other 37.735849
3 4.0 Other 14.895730
4 5.0 Other 8.242304
5 1.0 Willing to pay 3.144654
6 2.0 Willing to pay 8.595388
7 3.0 Willing to pay 37.106918
8 4.0 Willing to pay 27.044025
9 5.0 Willing to pay 23.480084

People who are more willing to pay for a certificate think employer value the certificates about twice as much as people who are less willing to pay for the certificate

In [19]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', 
                                        feature='What is your level of formal education?')

answer visitor percentage
0 Graduate school degree Other 45.084409
1 3 or 4 year college degree Other 28.401192
2 High school degree Other 13.455809
3 2-year college degree Other 7.894737
4 Did not graduate from high school Other 3.624628
5 Graduate school degree Willing to pay 40.041929
6 3 or 4 year college degree Willing to pay 30.398323
7 High school degree Willing to pay 17.190776
8 2-year college degree Willing to pay 8.176101
9 Did not graduate from high school Willing to pay 2.515723

There is very little correlation between willingness to pay for certificates and the education level of the respondent

In [20]:
                                        target_name='Willing to pay', 
                                        feature='What is your age range?')

answer visitor percentage
0 10-17 years old Other 2.085402
1 18-21 years old Other 7.199603
2 22-25 years old Other 8.192651
3 26-29 years old Other 7.547170
4 30-35 years old Other 10.029791
5 36-45 years old Other 15.292949
6 46-55 years old Other 19.066534
7 56-65 years old Other 17.080437
8 66+ years old Other 12.264151
9 10-17 years old Willing to pay 1.886792
10 18-21 years old Willing to pay 6.498952
11 22-25 years old Willing to pay 7.966457
12 26-29 years old Willing to pay 9.853249
13 30-35 years old Willing to pay 10.691824
14 36-45 years old Willing to pay 23.480084
15 46-55 years old Willing to pay 19.077568
16 56-65 years old Willing to pay 12.159329
17 66+ years old Willing to pay 7.966457

In the age range 36-45 there is significant more willingness to pay, the age range with biggest need to upgrade their skills? In the age range 56+ the willingness to pay drops.