Create EPIC weather files from NARR data

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Follow these steps to create daily and monthly weather files from NARR datset for EPIC:
1. Update config_NARR.txt to establish starting and ending year, paths to directories.

2. Run 
################################## config_NARR.txt ##################################
project_name = OpenLands_LS                                          ; Name of project directory (to be created within out_dir)
TAG          = NARR                                                  ; A log file is created as Log_<TAG>.txt

meta_dir   = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\Meta                      ; Contains WXPM3020.exe 
data_dir   = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\Data\NETCDF\narr_download ; Directory for NETCDF NARR files
out_dir    = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\EPIC                      ; Output directory

START_YR    = 1979           ; Starting year of weather data
END_YR      = 2014           ; Ending year of weather data
LAT_BOUNDS  = [41.5,49.5]    ; Lat boundary of study region  
LON_BOUNDS  = [-98.0,-81.0]  ; Lon boundary of study region
EPIC_DLY    = iewedlst.dat   ; Tag of NARR folder
EPIC_MON    = iewealst.dat   ; Name of EPIC daily weather station list file
WXPMRUN     = WXPMRUN.DAT    ; Name of EPIC monthly weather station list file
WXPM_EXE    = WXPM3020.exe
DO_PARALLEL = True           ; Use multiprocessing or not?                    
DO_SITE     = False          ; Run for single site (True) or not (False)
SITE_LAT    = 42.0           ; If DO_SITE is True, then lat
SITE_LON    = 86.0           ; If DO_SITE is True, then lon

| EPIC Variable |                  Description                   |  Units  |  Notes to convert into EPIC format  |
|     DSWRF     | Daily downward shortwave radiation at surface  |  W m^-2 |          Convert to Mj m^-2         |
|     USWRF     |  Daily upward shortwave radiation at surface   |  W m^-2 |          Convert to Mj m^-2         |
|      TMAX     | Max daily temp at 2m height above ground level |    K    | Subtract 273.15 to convert to deg C |
|      TMIN     | Min daily temp at 2m height above ground level |    K    | Subtract 273.15 to convert to deg C |
|     PRATE     |        Daily precipitation accumulation        | kg m^-2 |                                     |
|       RH      |         Relative humidity at 2m height         |    %    |            Divide by 100            |
|      UGRD     |      Windspeed at 10m height (west->east)      |  m s^-1 |   Wind speed = sqrt(UGRD^2+VGRD^2)  |
|      VGRD     |     Windspeed at 10m height south->north)      |  m s^-1 |   Wind speed = sqrt(UGRD^2+VGRD^2)  |