Extending this idea, it should work as follows: identify regions in ontology, pass ontology ids of inputs & outputs to webserver, get back either a) matrix of single voxel values or b) visualization of expression heatmap
Let's make this easier:
You give me a list of acronyms from the AIBS ontology (http://atlas.brain-map.org/)
For inputs
Query API for list of injections in the anatomic region
Download list of expression grid data for injection set
For outputs
Convert the acronym to ontology id
Extract the corresponding branch of the ontology
Flatten that branch into a list of ontology ids
Mask the annotation volume to generate a set of coordinates
Extract expression values from output coordinates and place into matrix
Bonus points: organize by ontology order and generate colored sidebars as seen in Figure 3.
In [1]:
import zipfile, io
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import cm
import numpy.ma as ma
import json
import requests
In [2]:
### Example regions
# LAT -> MOs
input_names = ['LAT']
output_names = ['MOs']
In [5]:
# Query via structure search
structure_search = 'http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/query.json?criteria=service::mouse_connectivity_injection_structure[injection_structures$eq%s][primary_structure_only$eqtrue]'
s_query = structure_search % (input_names[0])
experiment_list = requests.get(s_query).json()['msg']
print 'Found %d experiments with %s as the injection site' % (len(experiment_list), input_names[0])
In [64]:
# Here's what a single experiment looks like
In [67]:
#Now lets grab all of the expression volumes
all_expression = []
for experiment in experiment_list[0:4]:
print experiment['id']
experiment_summary = {}
# Download the corresponding expression grid
example_api_query = 'http://api.brain-map.org/grid_data/download/%d?include=intensity,density' % (experiment['id'])
r = requests.get(example_api_query)
memfile = io.BytesIO(r.content)
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(memfile, 'r')
for name in zfile.namelist():
if name == 'density.raw':
dt = np.dtype('<f') # little endian, float32
rawArray = np.fromstring(zfile.read(name), dtype=dt)
expressionArray = rawArray.reshape(115,81,133) # as opposed to 67, 41, 58?
#imshow(expressionArray[:,:,20].T, cmap = cm.jet) # show coronal plane, rotated (transpose)
experiment_summary = experiment
experiment_summary['expression'] = expressionArray
# if name =='density.mhd':
# pass
# print(zfile.read(name))
In [72]:
# visualizing the first of many expression volumes
imshow(all_expression[0]['expression'][:,:,20].T, cmap = cm.jet) # show coronal plane, rotated (transpose)
In [17]:
# extract the branch of the ontology graph (json)
def extractOntology(jsn, target):
if jsn['acronym'] == target:
return jsn
jsn_to_return = None
for child in jsn['children']:
ret = extractOntology(child, target)
if ret:
return ret
return None
# flattens the ontology into a list
def parseOntology(jsn, structures={}, gOrder=0):
i = jsn['id']
n = jsn["name"]
p = jsn["parent_structure_id"]
c = jsn['color_hex_triplet']
a = jsn['acronym']
struct = {"id":i, "name":n, "order":gOrder, "parent":p, "color": c, 'acronym': a}
structures[i] = struct
for child in jsn["children"]:
parseOntology(child, structures, gOrder = gOrder + 1)
In [18]:
# Downloading the complete ontology via API
full_ontology_url = 'http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/structure_graph_download/1.json'
full_ontology = requests.get(full_ontology_url).json()['msg'][0]
In [75]:
# do the same thing for the output regions
output_ontology = extractOntology(full_ontology, output_names[0])
# flatten it
output_list = {}
parseOntology(output_ontology, output_list)
# the keys are the respective ontology ids for each anatomic region
output_ontology_ids = output_list.keys()
In [76]:
# and going to ontology regions:
print 'Outputs:', output_ontology_ids
In [54]:
# grab the annotation volume from AIBS and unpack it.
# We're using a cached version to minimize downloading the same thing
atlasVolume = fromfile("gridAnnotation_100micron/gridAnnotation.raw", dtype=uint32).reshape(115,81,133) # (133, 81, 115)
imshow(atlasVolume[:,:,20].T, cmap = cm.jet) # show coronal plane, rotated (transpose)
In [77]:
# easy to figure out each ontology id at any index
atlasVolume[70, 40, 20]
In [78]:
# extract output coordinates
output_coordinates = []
for out_id in output_ontology_ids:
v = numpy.where(atlasVolume == out_id)
for c in xrange(len(v[0])):
coord = (v[0][c], v[1][c], v[2][c])
output_coordinates.append([out_id, coord])
# just to demonstrate what we have now
print 'Example output coord:', output_coordinates[0]
In [74]:
# mask the density volume with output coordinates and write to a file
masked_array = numpy.zeros_like(atlasVolume)
csv_out = open('output.csv', 'w')
# column headers
csv_out.write('injection_onto_id, flatten_idx, x,y,z')
# experiment ids (we could use any thing from the experiment metadata here instead)
for exp in all_expression:
csv_out.write(', %d' % exp['id'])
for cc in output_coordinates:
c = cc[1]
flattened_c = c[2] * (115 * 81) + c[1] * 115 + c[0]
csv_out.write('%d, %d, %d, %d, %d' % (cc[0], flattened_c, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
for exp in all_expression:
expressionArray = exp['expression']
csv_out.write(',%f' % expressionArray[c[0]][c[1]][c[2]])
In [79]:
# A nice encapsulation of the annotation library
class AtlasDereference(object):
def __init__(self):
self.atlasVolume = fromfile("gridAnnotation_100micron/gridAnnotation.raw", dtype=uint32).reshape((115, 81, 133)).T # (133, 81, 115)
self.ont = {}
jsn = json.load(open("gridAnnotation_100micron/1.json"))
parseOntology(jsn["msg"][0], self.ont)
deepestNode = -1
for struct in self.ont.values():
if struct["order"] > deepestNode:
deepestNode = struct["order"]
# print deepestNodecolor_hex_triplet
def idAtPoint(self, point):
indx = around(point).astype(int)
return self.atlasVolume[tuple(indx)]
def nameAtPoint(self, point, level):
return self.infoAtPoint(point, level)["name"]
def infoAtPoint(self, point, level):
id = self.idAtPoint(point)
info = self.ont[id]
while info["order"] > level:
info = self.ont[info["parent"]]
return info
def colorAtPoint(self, point, level):
return self.infoAtPoint(point, level)["color"]
def ontologyForAcronym(self, a):
for k,v in self.ont.iteritems():
if a == v['acronym']:
return v
return None
# helpful to convert colors to html-happy representation
HEX = '0123456789abcdef'
HEX2 = dict((a+b, HEX.index(a)*16 + HEX.index(b)) for a in HEX for b in HEX)
def rgb(triplet):
triplet = triplet.lower()
return (HEX2[triplet[0:2]]/255.0, HEX2[triplet[2:4]]/255.0, HEX2[triplet[4:6]]/255.0)
In [81]:
# instantiate
ad = AtlasDereference()
In [82]:
# ontology id at a voxel coordinate
In [83]:
# some metadata for the anatomic region at a voxel coordinate
ad.infoAtPoint((40,40,40), 5)
In [84]:
# just the color
ad.colorAtPoint((40,40,40), 5)
In [86]:
# if i give you an acronym, give me back the ontology branch and leaves
acronym_test = 'HPF'
ac_get = ad.ontologyForAcronym(acronym_test)
In [87]:
# load the complete ontology to work with locally
jsn = json.load(open("gridAnnotation_100micron/1.json"))["msg"][0]
In [88]:
# extract a branch, then flatten it
hpf_ontology = extractOntology(jsn, acronym_test)
hpf_flat = {}
parseOntology(hpf_ontology, hpf_flat)
In [93]:
# keys correspond to all ontology ids within the anatomic region defined by the acronym above
print acronym_test
# i think these retain the original ordering as well (haven't checked)
In [ ]: