Advanced matplotlib (or Problems I faced with matplotlib)

Alejandro Sazo Gómez
Ingeniero Civil Informático, UTFSM.
Estudiante Magíster en Cs. Ing. Informática, UTFSM

I) 3D Histograms

Let's suppose you have a dynamical system modeling a phenomena and we perform an iterative numerical simulation until we reach a steady state. At each step of the iteration, let's say, a step (or time) $t$, we can get the distribution plot of a certain data.

In this case I worked with grain growth simulations... What is grain growth? OK, briefly we got a system of microscopical grains in ceramic and metals and under certain conditions of temperature and presure the grains grows at expense of other grains, which shrinks and even dissapear.


The distribution of grain areas defines some material properties (conductivity, resistance...). So, at each step of the numerical simulation, we can get the (relative) distribution of grain areas. We should find by theoretical results and by experimental data with some real materials that a steady state in distribution is reached independently of the number of grains...

Let's take a look on how a distribution plot should look

1) Save and load data

The data of each simulation step has been saved using pickle package. This package helps to serialize and deserialize objects (convert our object to a byte stream and vice versa).

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
# This is my custom object which holds the structure for my grains
from GrainStructure import Grain_Structure

In order to save our structure we call the funcion pickle.dump() which receives as arguments the object that we want to save, the output file and a protocol to serialize. For example,

In [2]:
# Example path and object, path must be created!
path = "grains_data/test/all.pkl"
GS = Grain_Structure()
# Save object to a file
with open(path, 'wb') as output:
    pickle.dump(GS, output)

In order to recover the saved object we can use the function pickle.load() which receives as arguments a file object. This file must be open!. The return of this function is the desired object.

In [3]:
# The class of the stored object must be loaded before!
GS = pickle.load(open("grains_data/10/all.pkl", "rb"))

2) Building histograms from loaded data

Now that we have our data we can make some histograms...

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline

# This is the data of the histogram recovered from pickle object
areas = GS.areas[GS.grains_ids]
relareas = len(areas) * areas

# Let's plot
fs = 20
bins = np.linspace(-2, 7, 20)
plt.title(r"Distribution (linear) of relative area at 10%", fontsize=fs)

# Here is the histogram. We wanted a distribution, so normed help us to check
# the integral of the distribution be 1
plt.hist(relareas, bins, align='right', normed=True)
# A nice latex label, if it's written in latex, then it must be true...
plt.xlabel(r"$A_i / \overline{A}$", fontsize=fs)
plt.xlim([0, 8])

This distribution corresponds to a numerical simulation after 10% of grains were removed. The histogram has been normed so we can take is as a distribution. A plot of what happens in an advanced state (40% of grains removed) is shown here:

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline

GS = pickle.load(open("grains_data/40/all.pkl", "rb"))
areas = GS.areas[GS.grains_ids]
relareas = len(areas) * areas
plt.title(r"Distribution (linear) of relative area at 40%", fontsize=fs)
plt.hist(relareas, bins, align='right', normed=True, color='r')
plt.xlabel(r"$A_i / \overline{A}$", fontsize=fs)
plt.xlim([0, 8])

3) 3D plots for histograms

How is the distribution of areas along the simulation? We could plot the histograms over time as a 3D plot. A lot of data has been generated and we can load it as shown above.

In [17]:
# Simple package for 3D plotting, not the fastest but lightweight
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# Create a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
# Add a 3D subplot in figure, in general its methods are the same as a plt.*
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d')
# Our bins for plot log(distribution)
binslog = np.linspace(-3, 1, 10)
# The data files are labeled from 10 to 40
percentages = np.arange(0, 50, 10)
# For each file
for i in percentages:
    # Load data
    GS = pickle.load(open("grains_data/"+str(i)+"/all.pkl", "rb"))
    areas = GS.areas[GS.grains_ids]
    relareas = np.log10(len(areas) * areas) # or areas.shape[0] * areas
    # Generate an histogram data with numpy instead of directly plot
    # n is actually the histogram, we use the bins to plot "manually" the bars
    n, bins_edges = np.histogram(relareas, binslog, density=True)[:-1], n, width=0.4, zs=i, zdir='y', color=(i/40.0, 0.0, 1.0), alpha=0.8)
# Fancy axis labels...
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\log_{10} A_i / \overline{A}$', fontsize=fs)
ax.set_ylabel(r'grains removed (\%)', fontsize=fs)
# I wanted to show the history in the y axis from back to front
ax.set_xlim([-3, 1.0])

II) Videos and animations

1) A simple video recorder

What if I want to record the simulation to analyze its behavior or debug logical errors in my code? Any simple plot can be seen as a frame of a video, we just need to plot it and have a writer which creates a video for us.

In [7]:
# The core module!
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as manimation

# Some fancy settings for use with LaTeX (Remember, LaTeX = True)
plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Times']})
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12.5, 8.]

# Declare the video writter. For simple setting I use ffmpeg, other formats are available
FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg']
metadata = dict(title='Pythonclub Demo', artist='John Doe', comment='')
writer = FFMpegWriter(metadata=metadata)

# Simulation data
t = 0
dt = 0.01
MAX_TIME = 2.0
xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

# The figure and video
f, ax = plt.subplots()
with writer.saving(f, "videos/myvideo.mp4", 100):
    while t < MAX_TIME:
        yy = np.sin(xx + t)
        ax.plot(xx, yy)
        t = t + dt
print "Finished"

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe6a01474d0>

2) Animations inline

If we want to see animations in our jupyter notebook, we must take another approach. We can easily embed animations using html5 since matplotlib 1.5.1

In [37]:
# Classic inline and modules
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as manimation
from IPython.display import HTML
# Set the backend for inline display using html5
plt.rc('animation', html='html5')

The following code sets the figure and the necessary functions for an animation

In [87]:
# Declare the initial figure just like before
f = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
# This is useful so our animation remains with fixed axis
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-10, 10), ylim=(0, 1))

# My functions
num_functions = 2

def fun1(xx, i):
    return np.exp(-(xx + i/2)**2.0)

def fun2(xx, i):
    return np.exp(-(xx - i/2)**2.0)

# Where to plot!
lines = [plt.plot([], [], lw=2)[0] for i in range(num_functions)]
xx = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)

# Function for clear plot
def init():
    for line in lines:
        line.set_data([], [])
    return lines

# Update function, the real animation
def animate(i):
    #for j, line in enumerate(lines):
    lines[0].set_data(xx, fun1(xx, i))
    lines[1].set_data(xx, fun2(xx, i))
    return lines

The animation part. We use the method FuncAnimation which needs a figure to draw, the update (animate) function, a function to draw background (clear frame), number of frames.

The interval argument indicates the time interval between frames in milliseconds.

The blit argument indicates that func and init_func must return an iterable of artists to be re-drawn, thus we draw only the parts that have changed.

In [88]:
myanim = manimation.FuncAnimation(f, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=100, interval=50, blit=True)


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