In [1]:
# import numpy as np

# # !/usr/bin/env python3
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# """
# Created on 20181219

# @author: zhangji

# Trajection of a ellipse, Jeffery equation. 
# """

# %pylab inline
# pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (25, 11)
# fontsize = 40

# import numpy as np
# import scipy as sp
# from scipy.optimize import leastsq, curve_fit
# from scipy import interpolate
# from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# from import loadmat, savemat
# # import scipy.misc

# import matplotlib
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# from matplotlib import animation, rc
# import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
# from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, zoomed_inset_axes
# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, axes3d

# from sympy import symbols, simplify, series, exp
# from sympy.matrices import Matrix
# from sympy.solvers import solve

# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
# import pandas as pd
# import re
# from scanf import scanf
# import os
# import glob

# from codeStore import support_fun as spf
# from src.support_class import *
# from src import stokes_flow as sf

# rc('animation', html='html5')
# PWD = os.getcwd()
# font = {'size': 20}
# matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
# np.set_printoptions(linewidth=90, precision=5)

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import os
import glob
import natsort 
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, curve_fit
from scipy import interpolate, integrate
from scipy import spatial, signal
# from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import loadmat, savemat
# import scipy.misc
# import importlib
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import re
from scanf import scanf

import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('agg')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib import animation, rc
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, zoomed_inset_axes
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, axes3d
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection
from matplotlib import cm

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as tqdm_notebook
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import time
from src.support_class import *
from src import jeffery_model as jm
from codeStore import support_fun as spf
from codeStore import support_fun_table as spf_tb

# %matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline
rc('animation', html='html5')
fontsize = 40
PWD = os.getcwd()

In [2]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 2))
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

In [3]:
job_dir = 'ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b'
table_name = 'ecoC01B05_tao1_wm0.5'
t_headle = '(.*?).pickle'

In [5]:
t_dir = os.path.join(PWD, job_dir)

data = spf_tb.load_table_data_pickle_dir(t_dir, t_headle)
lst_eta = data.lst_eta
theta_max_fre = data.theta_max_fre
phi_max_fre = data.phi_max_fre
psi_max_fre = data.psi_max_fre
eta_max_fre = data.eta_max_fre
data_idx = data.data_idx.fillna(-1).astype(int)

In [32]:
theta, phi = 0.857, 2.285

tpick, _ = spf_tb.load_table_date_pickle(job_dir, theta, phi)
Table_t = tpick['Table_t']
Table_dt = tpick['Table_dt']
Table_X = tpick['Table_X']
Table_P = tpick['Table_P']
Table_P2 = tpick['Table_P2']
Table_theta = tpick['Table_theta']
Table_phi = tpick['Table_phi']
Table_psi = tpick['Table_psi']
Table_eta = tpick['Table_eta']
save_every = 1
print('-ini_theta %f -ini_phi %f -ini_psi %f' % 
      (tpick['Table_theta'][0], tpick['Table_phi'][0], tpick['Table_psi'][0]))

# freq_pk = spf_tb.get_major_fre(Table_t, Table_theta)
# idx = Table_t > Table_t.max() - 1 / freq_pk * 10
idx = Table_t > 9500
spf_tb.show_table_result(Table_t[idx], Table_dt[idx], Table_X[idx], Table_P[idx], Table_P2[idx], 
                         Table_theta[idx], Table_phi[idx], Table_psi[idx], Table_eta[idx], save_every)
spf_tb.show_theta_phi(Table_t[idx], Table_dt[idx], Table_X[idx], Table_P[idx], Table_P2[idx], 
                      Table_theta[idx], Table_phi[idx], Table_psi[idx], Table_eta[idx], show_back_direction=0)
spf_tb.show_theta_phi_psi_eta(Table_t[idx], Table_dt[idx], Table_X[idx], Table_P[idx], Table_P2[idx], 
                              Table_theta[idx], Table_phi[idx], Table_psi[idx], Table_eta[idx])
spf_tb.show_center_X(Table_t[idx], Table_dt[idx], Table_X[idx], Table_P[idx], Table_P2[idx], 
                     Table_theta[idx], Table_phi[idx], Table_psi[idx], Table_eta[idx], 

-ini_theta 0.856798 -ini_phi 2.284795 -ini_psi 1.570796
/anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not compatible "

In [8]:
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 100, 'display.max_columns', 100):

ini_phi 0.000 0.143 0.286 0.428 0.571 0.714 0.857 1.000 1.142 1.285 1.428 1.571 1.714 1.856 1.999 2.142 2.285 2.428 2.570 2.713 2.856 2.999 3.142 3.284 3.427 3.570 3.713 3.856 3.998 4.141 4.284 4.427 4.570 4.712 4.855 4.998 5.141 5.284 5.426 5.569 5.712 5.855 5.998 6.140 6.283
0.000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999
0.143 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015001 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015001 0.014999
0.286 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015001 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015001 0.015001 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998
0.428 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.018999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.018998 0.018999 0.014999 0.019000 0.015000 0.018999 0.019000 0.014999 0.015000 0.018999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999
0.571 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.018999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015001 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.018999 0.014999 0.018998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.018998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999
0.714 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.018998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999
0.857 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.018998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.018997 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.019035 0.015001 0.015000
1.000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015001 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000
1.142 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.018998 0.014999
1.285 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.018998 0.014999 0.018998 0.015001 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.018999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999
1.428 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015001 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.018998 0.018999 0.018999 0.019110 0.018999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998
1.571 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.020687 0.087286 0.020593 0.014998 0.015000 0.015001 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.019000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.018999 0.018998 0.018999 0.019000 0.018999 0.018999 0.018998 0.019000 0.019000 0.018999 0.019000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998
1.714 0.015000 0.018999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.018998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.018998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998
1.856 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.018998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015001 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999
1.999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.019000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015001 0.015001 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.018999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.018999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.018999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000
2.142 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.015001 0.014998 0.018998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.018998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.018999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999
2.285 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.015001 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015001 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.018999 0.019001 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.015001 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000
2.428 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014998 0.015001 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.015001 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.015001 0.014999 0.014998 0.018998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014998 0.015001 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015001 0.014998
2.570 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015001 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999
2.713 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.015001 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000
2.856 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.015001 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015000 0.015001 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999
2.999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.015000 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998
3.142 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014998 0.015000 0.014999 0.015000 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.014999 0.014998 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014999 0.015000 0.014999 0.014998 0.015001

In [9]:
# sort all frequrents
with np.printoptions(precision=10, suppress=True, threshold=1e10):

[0.0872855035 0.0206871181 0.0205932935 0.0191096539 0.0190347496
 0.019000742  0.0190002029 0.018999989  0.0189998888 0.018999768
 0.0189996555 0.0189996519 0.0189996247 0.0189995243 0.0189993975
 0.0189993806 0.0189992858 0.0189991952 0.0189991748 0.0189991672
 0.0189991231 0.0189990427 0.0189990201 0.0189990123 0.0189988953
 0.0189988945 0.0189988915 0.0189988874 0.0189988551 0.0189988316
 0.0189987977 0.0189987892 0.0189987547 0.0189986928 0.0189986451
 0.018998619  0.0189985538 0.0189985193 0.018998519  0.0189985178
 0.0189983824 0.0189983606 0.0189983495 0.0189983481 0.0189983452
 0.0189983215 0.0189983196 0.0189982992 0.0189982922 0.0189979898
 0.0189979865 0.0189979816 0.018997958  0.0189979011 0.0189977499
 0.0189976709 0.0189975896 0.0189973596 0.015001156  0.0150010612
 0.0150009618 0.0150009319 0.0150009055 0.0150008704 0.015000854
 0.0150008411 0.015000841  0.0150008136 0.0150007231 0.0150006907
 0.0150006815 0.0150006734 0.015000667  0.0150006618 0.0150006568
 0.0150006538 0.015000652  0.0150006243 0.0150005777 0.0150005557
 0.015000552  0.0150005298 0.0150005233 0.015000514  0.0150005138
 0.0150005013 0.0150004914 0.0150004729 0.0150004653 0.0150004544
 0.0150004542 0.0150004539 0.0150004497 0.0150004481 0.0150004314
 0.015000423  0.0150003965 0.015000392  0.0150003731 0.0150003643
 0.015000347  0.0150003455 0.0150003297 0.0150003162 0.0150003041
 0.0150003032 0.0150002964 0.0150002739 0.0150002661 0.0150002548
 0.0150002526 0.0150002458 0.0150002457 0.0150002387 0.0150002367
 0.0150002356 0.0150002298 0.0150002286 0.0150002272 0.0150002127
 0.0150002034 0.0150001912 0.0150001849 0.0150001693 0.0150001627
 0.0150001557 0.0150001549 0.0150001528 0.0150001509 0.0150001507
 0.0150001383 0.0150001353 0.0150001347 0.0150001335 0.0150001267
 0.0150001242 0.0150001201 0.0150001107 0.0150001095 0.0150001077
 0.0150001072 0.015000102  0.0150001011 0.0150000964 0.0150000932
 0.0150000818 0.0150000802 0.0150000732 0.0150000698 0.0150000662
 0.0150000582 0.0150000569 0.0150000559 0.0150000527 0.0150000366
 0.0150000321 0.0150000314 0.0150000305 0.0150000299 0.0150000265
 0.0150000219 0.015000017  0.0150000099 0.0150000056 0.0149999946
 0.0149999932 0.0149999926 0.0149999899 0.0149999841 0.0149999793
 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793
 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793
 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793
 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793 0.0149999793
 0.0149999781 0.0149999741 0.0149999723 0.0149999706 0.0149999668
 0.0149999624 0.0149999527 0.014999944  0.0149999414 0.0149999318
 0.0149999317 0.0149999305 0.0149999203 0.014999915  0.0149999128
 0.0149999004 0.0149998987 0.0149998986 0.0149998982 0.0149998953
 0.0149998835 0.0149998818 0.0149998808 0.0149998733 0.0149998718
 0.014999871  0.01499987   0.0149998694 0.014999859  0.0149998563
 0.0149998494 0.0149998443 0.0149998424 0.0149998342 0.014999833
 0.0149998323 0.0149998317 0.0149998315 0.0149998259 0.0149998233
 0.0149998189 0.0149998189 0.0149998112 0.0149998111 0.0149998016
 0.0149997987 0.0149997951 0.0149997937 0.0149997936 0.0149997894
 0.014999786  0.0149997819 0.0149997791 0.014999778  0.0149997713
 0.014999767  0.0149997638 0.014999756  0.0149997544 0.0149997529
 0.014999752  0.0149997505 0.01499974   0.0149997393 0.0149997387
 0.0149997387 0.0149997314 0.0149997285 0.0149997268 0.0149997225
 0.0149997222 0.0149997144 0.0149997098 0.0149997089 0.0149997085
 0.0149997077 0.0149997075 0.0149996985 0.0149996943 0.0149996942
 0.0149996895 0.0149996887 0.0149996881 0.0149996862 0.0149996838
 0.0149996827 0.0149996811 0.0149996801 0.0149996792 0.0149996786
 0.0149996772 0.0149996767 0.0149996767 0.0149996744 0.0149996736
 0.0149996703 0.0149996658 0.0149996643 0.0149996593 0.0149996582
 0.0149996581 0.0149996505 0.0149996492 0.0149996433 0.0149996403
 0.0149996399 0.0149996372 0.0149996366 0.0149996357 0.0149996325
 0.0149996164 0.0149996138 0.0149996043 0.0149996032 0.0149995933
 0.0149995927 0.0149995908 0.0149995888 0.0149995826 0.0149995806
 0.0149995806 0.0149995789 0.0149995777 0.0149995738 0.0149995728
 0.0149995714 0.0149995661 0.0149995661 0.014999565  0.0149995631
 0.0149995628 0.0149995614 0.0149995589 0.014999543  0.0149995422
 0.0149995368 0.0149995331 0.0149995331 0.0149995304 0.0149995287
 0.0149995282 0.0149995276 0.014999527  0.0149995192 0.0149995148
 0.0149995122 0.0149995097 0.0149995033 0.0149994942 0.014999488
 0.014999476  0.0149994755 0.0149994737 0.0149994719 0.014999462
 0.0149994608 0.0149994606 0.0149994591 0.0149994514 0.0149994488
 0.0149994463 0.0149994462 0.0149994441 0.0149994408 0.0149994394
 0.0149994387 0.0149994365 0.0149994365 0.0149994345 0.0149994337
 0.0149994336 0.0149994331 0.0149994327 0.0149994283 0.0149994248
 0.0149994221 0.0149994201 0.014999414  0.0149994134 0.0149994101
 0.0149994097 0.014999398  0.0149993975 0.0149993969 0.0149993962
 0.0149993941 0.0149993924 0.014999389  0.0149993833 0.0149993832
 0.0149993793 0.0149993782 0.0149993734 0.0149993725 0.0149993712
 0.0149993708 0.0149993697 0.014999368  0.0149993678 0.0149993655
 0.014999364  0.0149993625 0.0149993574 0.0149993529 0.0149993524
 0.0149993468 0.0149993457 0.0149993427 0.0149993414 0.0149993405
 0.0149993402 0.0149993371 0.0149993361 0.014999334  0.0149993329
 0.0149993324 0.0149993317 0.014999331  0.0149993282 0.0149993222
 0.0149993206 0.0149993204 0.01499932   0.0149993195 0.014999318
 0.0149993164 0.014999316  0.0149993149 0.0149993048 0.0149993047
 0.014999298  0.0149992962 0.0149992951 0.0149992945 0.0149992927
 0.0149992898 0.0149992764 0.0149992728 0.0149992687 0.0149992665
 0.0149992651 0.0149992613 0.0149992582 0.0149992561 0.0149992554
 0.0149992531 0.0149992442 0.0149992416 0.0149992399 0.0149992338
 0.014999231  0.0149992308 0.0149992261 0.0149992226 0.0149992198
 0.0149992178 0.0149992155 0.014999211  0.0149992084 0.0149992069
 0.0149992061 0.0149992056 0.0149992055 0.0149992051 0.014999205
 0.0149992024 0.0149991991 0.0149991959 0.0149991952 0.0149991894
 0.0149991857 0.0149991821 0.0149991787 0.0149991761 0.0149991709
 0.0149991708 0.0149991626 0.0149991613 0.0149991607 0.0149991602
 0.0149991582 0.0149991534 0.0149991511 0.0149991493 0.0149991471
 0.0149991467 0.0149991406 0.01499914   0.0149991387 0.0149991361
 0.0149991324 0.0149991301 0.0149991259 0.0149991257 0.0149991232
 0.0149991145 0.0149991125 0.0149991116 0.0149991082 0.0149991078
 0.0149991043 0.0149991037 0.0149991002 0.0149990983 0.0149990957
 0.0149990928 0.0149990926 0.0149990905 0.0149990896 0.014999088
 0.0149990877 0.0149990856 0.0149990812 0.0149990798 0.0149990766
 0.0149990738 0.0149990707 0.0149990703 0.0149990666 0.0149990665
 0.0149990621 0.0149990598 0.0149990593 0.0149990575 0.014999055
 0.0149990519 0.0149990518 0.014999046  0.0149990455 0.0149990445
 0.0149990437 0.0149990432 0.01499904   0.0149990375 0.0149990364
 0.0149990339 0.0149990298 0.0149990296 0.0149990287 0.0149990252
 0.014999025  0.0149990244 0.0149990227 0.0149990221 0.0149990157
 0.0149990134 0.0149990117 0.014999009  0.0149990085 0.0149990046
 0.0149990003 0.014998997  0.0149989947 0.0149989929 0.0149989924
 0.0149989899 0.0149989889 0.0149989872 0.014998986  0.014998983
 0.0149989827 0.0149989812 0.0149989773 0.0149989745 0.0149989724
 0.014998969  0.0149989666 0.0149989661 0.0149989657 0.0149989645
 0.0149989644 0.0149989622 0.0149989603 0.0149989579 0.0149989554
 0.0149989526 0.0149989525 0.0149989459 0.0149989433 0.0149989433
 0.0149989431 0.0149989405 0.0149989399 0.0149989388 0.0149989377
 0.0149989252 0.0149989236 0.0149989224 0.0149989186 0.0149989175
 0.0149989154 0.0149989133 0.0149989073 0.014998907  0.0149989048
 0.0149989018 0.0149989015 0.0149989012 0.0149988998 0.0149988973
 0.0149988943 0.0149988926 0.0149988921 0.0149988911 0.0149988907
 0.0149988899 0.0149988885 0.0149988834 0.0149988821 0.0149988804
 0.0149988799 0.0149988784 0.0149988708 0.0149988676 0.0149988646
 0.0149988631 0.0149988595 0.0149988569 0.0149988519 0.0149988479
 0.0149988447 0.0149988429 0.0149988416 0.0149988401 0.0149988395
 0.0149988384 0.0149988356 0.0149988334 0.0149988307 0.0149988306
 0.0149988271 0.0149988259 0.0149988227 0.0149988211 0.0149988209
 0.0149988206 0.014998818  0.0149988178 0.0149988152 0.0149988128
 0.0149988124 0.0149988099 0.014998807  0.0149988024 0.0149988015
 0.0149988002 0.0149987991 0.0149987984 0.014998798  0.0149987965
 0.0149987919 0.0149987861 0.0149987832 0.0149987816 0.0149987806
 0.0149987786 0.0149987777 0.0149987737 0.0149987728 0.0149987675
 0.0149987674 0.0149987668 0.0149987618 0.0149987617 0.0149987609
 0.0149987599 0.0149987594 0.0149987538 0.0149987533 0.0149987526
 0.0149987475 0.0149987472 0.014998746  0.0149987458 0.0149987437
 0.0149987406 0.0149987403 0.0149987379 0.0149987352 0.0149987297
 0.014998727  0.0149987259 0.0149987238 0.0149987236 0.0149987197
 0.0149987197 0.0149987189 0.0149987185 0.0149987126 0.0149987059
 0.0149987053 0.0149986999 0.0149986973 0.0149986965 0.0149986949
 0.0149986919 0.0149986915 0.0149986802 0.0149986792 0.0149986773
 0.0149986767 0.0149986765 0.0149986747 0.0149986726 0.0149986692
 0.0149986683 0.0149986674 0.0149986662 0.0149986633 0.0149986623
 0.0149986607 0.01499866   0.0149986589 0.0149986562 0.0149986553
 0.0149986544 0.01499865   0.0149986476 0.0149986469 0.0149986445
 0.0149986423 0.0149986422 0.0149986417 0.0149986371 0.014998635
 0.014998634  0.0149986327 0.0149986312 0.0149986294 0.0149986241
 0.0149986215 0.0149986214 0.0149986194 0.0149986193 0.0149986167
 0.0149986151 0.014998615  0.014998614  0.0149986139 0.0149986098
 0.0149986093 0.0149986078 0.0149986056 0.0149986053 0.0149986045
 0.0149986035 0.0149985999 0.0149985986 0.0149985966 0.0149985922
 0.0149985886 0.0149985885 0.0149985851 0.0149985833 0.0149985817
 0.0149985811 0.0149985801 0.0149985759 0.0149985753 0.0149985719
 0.0149985668 0.0149985622 0.0149985603 0.0149985593 0.0149985579
 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579
 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579
 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579
 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579
 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985579 0.0149985571
 0.0149985562 0.0149985557 0.0149985553 0.0149985553 0.0149985523
 0.0149985518 0.0149985506 0.0149985483 0.0149985481 0.0149985387
 0.0149985383 0.0149985331 0.0149985329 0.0149985328 0.0149985281
 0.0149985274 0.0149985263 0.0149985223 0.0149985221 0.014998521
 0.0149985187 0.0149985186 0.014998517  0.0149985169 0.0149985156
 0.0149985142 0.0149985133 0.0149985125 0.0149985078 0.0149985074
 0.014998506  0.0149985042 0.0149984957 0.0149984954 0.0149984922
 0.014998491  0.0149984883 0.0149984856 0.0149984774 0.0149984772
 0.0149984714 0.0149984706 0.0149984697 0.0149984695 0.0149984694
 0.0149984662 0.0149984656 0.0149984641 0.0149984607 0.01499846
 0.0149984587 0.0149984517 0.0149984479 0.0149984385 0.0149984359
 0.0149984347 0.014998434  0.0149984317 0.0149984314 0.0149984311
 0.0149984302 0.0149984287 0.0149984277 0.0149984259 0.0149984248
 0.0149984209 0.0149984196 0.0149984154 0.0149984122 0.014998407
 0.014998403  0.0149983998 0.0149983991 0.0149983989 0.0149983978
 0.0149983965 0.0149983962 0.0149983953 0.0149983804 0.0149983794
 0.0149983777 0.0149983765 0.0149983693 0.0149983683 0.0149983668
 0.0149983624 0.0149983595 0.014998359  0.0149983587 0.0149983552
 0.0149983549 0.0149983537 0.01499835   0.0149983485 0.0149983472
 0.0149983443 0.0149983441 0.0149983431 0.0149983421 0.0149983304
 0.0149983297 0.0149983289 0.0149983277 0.0149983269 0.0149983259
 0.0149983215 0.0149983164 0.0149983162 0.014998312  0.0149983115
 0.0149983104 0.0149983048 0.0149983015 0.014998301  0.014998301
 0.0149983001 0.0149982952 0.0149982935 0.0149982912 0.0149982881
 0.0149982881 0.0149982856 0.0149982836 0.0149982806 0.014998278
 0.0149982743 0.0149982665 0.0149982624 0.0149982617 0.0149982597
 0.014998258  0.0149982523 0.0149982522 0.0149982491 0.0149982489
 0.0149982459 0.0149982452 0.0149982451 0.0149982442 0.0149982433
 0.0149982402 0.014998239  0.0149982388 0.0149982365 0.0149982358
 0.014998233  0.0149982273 0.0149982267 0.0149982263 0.0149982161
 0.014998216  0.0149982149 0.0149982105 0.0149981974 0.0149981969
 0.0149981918 0.0149981908 0.0149981866 0.0149981842 0.0149981842
 0.0149981792 0.0149981782 0.0149981745 0.0149981693 0.0149981675
 0.014998165  0.0149981593 0.0149981578 0.0149981573 0.0149981483
 0.0149981473 0.0149981405 0.0149981401 0.0149981316 0.0149981252
 0.0149981164 0.0149981155 0.0149981098 0.0149981091 0.0149981086
 0.0149981057 0.0149981028 0.014998099  0.0149980962 0.0149980886
 0.0149980884 0.014998085  0.0149980806 0.0149980747 0.0149980741
 0.0149980719 0.0149980693 0.0149980656 0.0149980649 0.0149980613
 0.0149980534 0.0149980524 0.0149980484 0.0149980457 0.0149980408
 0.0149980353 0.0149980306 0.0149980306 0.0149980237 0.0149980149
 0.0149980144 0.0149980004 0.0149979986 0.0149979926 0.0149979905
 0.0149979902 0.0149979897 0.0149979895 0.0149979846 0.0149979828
 0.014997976  0.0149979735 0.0149979728 0.0149979717 0.0149979692
 0.014997966  0.0149979651 0.0149979595 0.0149979489 0.0149979396
 0.0149979388 0.0149979072 0.014997902  0.0149978976 0.0149978931
 0.0149978894 0.0149978879 0.0149978789 0.0149978729 0.0149978703
 0.0149978702 0.0149978616 0.0149978445 0.0149978371 0.0149978365
 0.0149978196 0.0149978067 0.0149978052 0.0149977882 0.0149977865
 0.0149977826 0.0149977822 0.0149977543 0.0149977466 0.0149977339
 0.0149977215 0.0149976858 0.0149976759 0.0149976028 0.0149975937]

In [6]:
# put images with same frequence into a subdirect
check_fre_list = [0.0150, 0.0190]
atol_fre_list =  [0.0002, 0.0002]
Table_t_range = np.array((9500, np.inf))

def sub_seperate_a(i1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range):
    t1 = np.zeros_like(iidx[0])
    return t1

def sub_seperate_0(i1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range):
    theta = type_fre.index.values[iidx[0]]
    phi = type_fre.columns.values[iidx[1]]
    theta_phi_list = np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
    tuse = []
    for theta, phi in tqdm_notebook(theta_phi_list, desc='No. %d  ' % i1):
        tpick, _ = spf_tb.load_table_date_pickle(job_dir, theta, phi)
        Table_t = tpick['Table_t']
        Table_theta = tpick['Table_theta']
        Table_phi = tpick['Table_phi']
        Table_psi = tpick['Table_psi']
        idx = np.logical_and(Table_t >= Table_t_range[0], Table_t <= Table_t_range[1])
    tuse = np.hstack(tuse)
    t1 = np.ones_like(tuse)
    t1[tuse > 5.7] = 0
    t1[tuse < 5.674] = 2
    return t1

def sub_seperate_1(i1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range):
    theta = type_fre.index.values[iidx[0]]
    phi = type_fre.columns.values[iidx[1]]
    theta_phi_list = np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
    tuse = []
    for theta, phi in tqdm_notebook(theta_phi_list, desc='No. %d  ' % i1):
        tpick, _ = spf_tb.load_table_date_pickle(job_dir, theta, phi)
        Table_t = tpick['Table_t']
        Table_theta = tpick['Table_theta']
        Table_phi = tpick['Table_phi']
        Table_psi = tpick['Table_psi']
        idx = np.logical_and(Table_t >= Table_t_range[0], Table_t <= Table_t_range[1])
    tuse = np.hstack(tuse)
    t1 = np.ones_like(tuse)
    t1[tuse < 5.3] = 0
    return t1
# def sub_seperate_other(i1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range):
#     theta = type_fre.index.values[iidx[0]]
#     phi = type_fre.columns.values[iidx[1]]
#     theta_phi_list = np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
#     tuse = []
#     for theta, phi in tqdm_notebook(theta_phi_list, desc='No. %d  ' % i1):
#         tpick, _ = spf_tb.load_table_date_pickle(job_dir, theta, phi)
#         Table_t = tpick['Table_t']
#         Table_theta = tpick['Table_theta']
#         Table_phi = tpick['Table_phi']
#         Table_psi = tpick['Table_psi']
#         idx = np.logical_and(Table_t >= Table_t_range[0], Table_t <= Table_t_range[1])
#         tuse.append(Table_psi[np.argmax(Table_phi)])
#     tuse = np.hstack(tuse)
#     t1 = np.ones_like(tuse)
#     t1[tuse < np.pi] = 0
#     return t1

sub_seperate = {0: sub_seperate_0, 
                1: sub_seperate_1, 
                'other': sub_seperate_a, }

tfre = theta_max_fre.copy()
type_fre = tfre.copy()
type_fre.iloc[:, :] = -1
i0 = 0
process_total = 0
for i1, (check_fre, atol_fre) in enumerate(zip(check_fre_list[:], atol_fre_list)):
    use_idx = np.isclose(tfre, check_fre, rtol=0, atol=atol_fre)
    iidx = np.where(use_idx)
    process_total = process_total + np.sum(use_idx)
    t1 = sub_seperate[i1](i1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range)
    type_fre.iloc[use_idx] = i0 + t1
    i0 = i0 + 1 + np.max(t1)
    print(i0, np.sum(use_idx))

# plot one of the remaind cases
if np.any(type_fre.values == -1):
    iidx = np.where(type_fre.values == -1)
    t1 = sub_seperate['other'](-1, type_fre, iidx, Table_t_range)
    for (i3, i4), t11 in zip(np.vstack(iidx).T, t1):
        type_fre.iloc[i3].iloc[i4] = i0 + t11

assert np.all(type_fre.values >= 0)
type_fre2 = type_fre.copy()
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 0] = 0
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 1] = 1
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 2] = 0
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 3] = 2
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 4] = 3
type_fre2.iloc[type_fre.values == 5] = 2
# spf_tb.save_separate_angleList_fft(job_dir, tfre, check_fre_list, atol_fre_list)

3.0 977
5.0 55

In [7]:
t1 = []
for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1):
    t1.append(np.isclose(type_fre2.values, i0).sum())

print(t1 / np.sum(t1))

[627, 350, 57, 1]
[0.6057971  0.33816425 0.05507246 0.00096618]

In [44]:
fast_mode1 = 0
figsize = np.array((16, 9)) * 0.5
dpi = 200

tipical_th_ph_list = []
for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1)[:]:
    iidx = np.where(np.isclose(type_fre2.values, i0))
    spf_tb.phase_map_show_idx(type_fre2, tipical_th_ph_list, iidx, job_dir, table_name, fast_mode=fast_mode1, )

-ini_theta 0.000000 -ini_phi 1.714000
-ini_theta 0.000000 -ini_phi 0.000000 -ini_psi 4.712389
/anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not compatible "
-ini_theta 0.000000 -ini_phi 0.000000
-ini_theta 0.000000 -ini_phi 0.000000 -ini_psi 1.570796
-ini_theta 0.428000 -ini_phi 0.857000
-ini_theta 0.428399 -ini_phi 0.856798 -ini_psi 1.570796
-ini_theta 0.857000 -ini_phi 2.285000
-ini_theta 0.856798 -ini_phi 2.284795 -ini_psi 1.570796

In [43]:
Table_t_range1 = np.array((9500, np.inf))
Table_t_range2 = np.array((9500, np.inf))
nshow = np.inf
# nshow = 2
fast_mode2 = True
figsize = np.array((16, 9)) * 0.5
dpi = 200

for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1)[:]:
    iidx = np.where(np.isclose(type_fre2.values, i0))
    spf_tb.phase_map_show_idx_list(type_fre2, iidx, job_dir, nshow=nshow, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, 
                                   Table_t_range1=Table_t_range1, Table_t_range2=Table_t_range2, fast_mode=fast_mode2, )

In [17]:
# for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1)[:]:
i0 = 3
Table_t_range = (9500, np.inf)

iidx = np.where(np.isclose(type_fre2.values, i0))
theta = type_fre.index.values[iidx[0]]
phi = type_fre.columns.values[iidx[1]]
theta_phi_list = np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
# print(theta_phi_list)

t1 = []
for theta, phi in theta_phi_list:
    tpick, _ = spf_tb.load_table_date_pickle(job_dir, theta, phi)
    Table_t = tpick['Table_t']
    idx = np.logical_and(Table_t >= Table_t_range[0], Table_t <= Table_t_range[1])
    Table_theta = tpick['Table_theta'][idx]
    Table_phi = tpick['Table_phi'][idx]
    Table_psi = tpick['Table_psi'][idx]
    t2 = (np.max(Table_theta), np.min(Table_theta), np.mean(Table_theta), 
          np.max(Table_phi), np.min(Table_phi), np.mean(Table_phi), 
          Table_psi[np.argmax(Table_phi)], Table_psi[np.argmin(Table_phi)], np.mean(Table_psi), )

In [18]:
figsize = np.array((16, 9))
dpi = 50

t1 = np.vstack(t1)
# t1[t1[:, 3] > 5.74, :] = np.nan 
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
for i0, axi in enumerate(axs.ravel()):
#     print(t1[:, i0])
    axi.plot(t1[:, i0], '.')

In [4]:
tipical_th_ph_list = [[0.000, 1.714],
                      [0.000, 0.000],
                      [0.000, 0.000],
                      [0.857, 2.285]]

tipical_th_ph_use_idx = [0, 1, 3]
Table_t_range = np.array((9000, np.inf))
figsize = np.array((16, 9)) * 0.7
dpi = 200

tipical_th_ph_list_use = np.array(tipical_th_ph_list)[tipical_th_ph_use_idx]
label_list = np.arange(len(tipical_th_ph_list))[tipical_th_ph_use_idx]
spf_tb.show_table_theta_phi_psi_fft_list(tipical_th_ph_list_use, job_dir, label_list=label_list, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, 
spf_tb.show_table_theta_phi_psi_fft_list(tipical_th_ph_list_use, job_dir, label_list=label_list, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, 
spf_tb.show_table_result_list(tipical_th_ph_list_use, job_dir, label_list=label_list, Table_t_range=Table_t_range,
                              figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)


In [9]:
psi_lim_fct = 20
resampling_fct = 10
figsize = np.array((16, 9)) * 0.7
dpi = 200

# case_path_list = separate_fre_path_v2(type_fre2)
# color_list =     [np.array(plt.get_cmap('tab20', len(check_fre_list))(i0)[:3]).reshape((1, 3)) 
#                   for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1)]
for idx, psi_lim1 in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, psi_lim_fct * 16, endpoint=False)[::psi_lim_fct]):
    psi_lim = (psi_lim1, psi_lim1 + 2 * np.pi / (psi_lim_fct * 16))
    # create fig
    desc = '$\\psi \\in [%.3f \\pi, %.3f \\pi)$' % ((psi_lim[0] / np.pi), (psi_lim[1] / np.pi))
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
    n_xticks = 32
    xticks = np.arange(n_xticks)
    ax1.set_xticks(xticks / n_xticks * 2 * np.pi)
    ax1.set_xticklabels(['$\dfrac{%d}{%d}2\pi$' % (i0, n_xticks) for i0 in xticks])
    ax1.set_ylim(0, np.pi)
    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
    for i0 in np.arange(type_fre2.values.max() + 1):
        # get case_path
        iidx = np.where(np.isclose(type_fre2.values, i0))
        theta = type_fre2.index.values[iidx[0]]
        phi = type_fre2.columns.values[iidx[1]]
        theta_phi_list = np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
        case_path = []
        for theta, phi in theta_phi_list[:]:
            t_headle = 'th%5.3f_ph%5.3f_(.*?).pickle' % (theta, phi)
            filename = [filename for filename in os.listdir(job_dir)
                        if re.match(t_headle, filename) is not None][0]
            case_path.append(os.path.join(PWD, job_dir, filename))
        thandle = ''
        color = np.array(plt.get_cmap('tab20', int(type_fre2.values.max() + 1))(int(i0))[:3]).reshape((1, 3)) 
#         print(int(type_fre2.values.max()), i0, color)
        spf_tb.draw_phase_map_theta(case_path, color, psi_lim, axs=[ax1, ], thandle=thandle, 
                                    resampling=True, resampling_fct=resampling_fct)
    tdir = os.path.join(PWD, job_dir, 'phase_mape_fre')
    if not os.path.exists(tdir):
    figname = os.path.join(tdir, '%04d.png' % (idx))
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(tdir, figname))
    print('save to %s' % figname)

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0000.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0001.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0002.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0003.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0004.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0005.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0006.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0007.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0008.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0009.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0010.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0011.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0012.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0013.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0014.png

save to /home/zhangji/stokes_flow_master/head_Force/do_calculate_table/ecoC01B05_wt0.5_psi-0b/phase_mape_fre/0015.png

In [53]:
