In [1]:
from loader import load_michigan_tweets, load_michigan_unretreived_tweet_ids
In [2]:
michigan_tweets = load_michigan_tweets() # a list of dictionaries
michigan_unretreived_tweet_ids = load_michigan_unretreived_tweet_ids()
In [4]:
tweet_ids = []
for tweet in michigan_tweets:
tweet_id = tweet['id_str']
In [5]:
for tweet_id in michigan_unretreived_tweet_ids:
if tweet_id in tweet_ids:
In [6]:
ids = [793499115028111360, 793587628041834496, 793603172103229440, 793609072343916544, 793624730708377600, 793828410166505472, 793934794908401664, 794589679043612672, 794605993107881984, 795050759662530560, 795062896891985920, 795105373002854400, 795360271275593728, 795413691302891520, 795763659427500032, 795795076773462016, 795967570251837440, 795972458587258880, 796004693709352960, 796421146778501120, 796888513090355200, 797143341632720896, 797196011085111296, 797216636143079424, 793663739681644544, 793283890282688512, 793587039224655872, 793630659592028160, 794030138161852416, 794535704864968704, 795263193673322496, 795695338912907264, 795768876931969024, 795973243157049344, 796063788076306432, 796227257840861184, 796806678234726400]
ids = [str(x) for x in ids]
In [7]:
print(142281 - 142249)
In [9]:
from downloader import *
twitter_api = access_twitter_api()
tweet_ids = ids
tweets = get_tweets_from_tweet_ids(twitter_api, tweet_ids)
Downloaded 3 tweets.
Finished downloading chunk 1 of 1 (chunk id 0). 3 tweets downloaded so far.
Finished downloading 3 tweets!
In [11]:
for tweet in tweets:
In [14]:
missing_ids = [793266471669420032, 793266527680204800, 793266595103670272, 793266687344840704, 793266786879713280, 793266822053261312, 793266844035579904, 793266943033769984, 793266956971323520, 793267110025781120, 793267136978358272, 793267140266602496, 793267152912519040, 793267188538814464, 793267240778895360, 793267263549894528, 793267298052157440, 793267339533905920, 793267377248935808, 793267385046331520, 793267437441462272, 793267483658432512, 793267517879881728]
missing_ids = [str(x) for x in missing_ids]
twitter_api = access_twitter_api()
tweet_ids = missing_ids
tweets = get_tweets_from_tweet_ids(twitter_api, tweet_ids)
for tweet in tweets:
Downloaded 10 tweets.
Finished downloading chunk 1 of 1 (chunk id 0). 10 tweets downloaded so far.
Finished downloading 10 tweets!
In [15]:
# print(tweets)
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Content source: pawarren/Fake-News-Echo-Chambers
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