In [220]:
import pandas as pd
import math, time, datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
import dateutil
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US')
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [223]:
df_viol = pd.read_csv('violations.csv', nrows=1000000, dtype={17:str, 18:str, 20:str, 21:str, 22:str, 23:str, 29:str, 30:str, 31:str, 32:str, 36:str, 38:str, 39:str})
In [224]:
count = 0
def is_string(value):
global count
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
count += 1
return str(value)
not_string = df_viol[df_viol['Plate ID'].apply(is_string) != True]
print(count, "Plate ID converted to strings.")
df_viol[df_viol['Vehicle Year'] == 0] = math.nan
date_columns = ['Issue Date', 'Vehicle Expiration Date', 'Date First Observed']
for column in date_columns:
print("Parsing “" + column + "”…")
print("“" + column +"”: DONE\n")
In [245]:
def toDate(string):
if isinstance(string, datetime.datetime): # already converted
if string != string: # == NaN
return math.nan
elif string == 0:
return math.nan
value = str(int(string))
result = dateutil.parser.parse(value)
if not result:
print('! toDate(): Error while parsing', value, '-> value set to Nan.')
return math.nan
return result
except ValueError:
print('! toDate(): Error with string', string, '-> value set to NaN.')
return math.nan
df_viol['Date First Observed'] = df_viol['Date First Observed'].apply(toDate)
def toTime(string):
if string != string: # NaN
if string[:2] == '00':
string = '12' + string[2:]
timestamp = time.strptime(string + 'M', '%I%M%p')
except ValueError:
print('! toTime(): Error with string', string, '-> value set to Nan.')
return math.nan
return time.strftime('%H:%M %p', timestamp)
df_viol['Violation Time'] = df_viol['Violation Time'].apply(toTime)
In [253]:
# Let's find and sort the colors
colors = list(set(df_viol['Vehicle Color'].tolist()))
colors = [i for i in colors if i == i and i != None] # we remove the NaN/None
def replace_color(color):
# Dictionary of tuples for the color replacements
if color != color or color == None: # damn NaN
replacements = [
(re.compile("^(BL|BK|BLK)$"), "BLACK"),
(re.compile("^(GR|GRAY|GRY|GY)$"), "GREY"),
(re.compile("^BLU$"), "BLUE"),
(re.compile("^(BR|BRN|BRW|BRWN)$"), "BROWN"),
(re.compile("^(GR|GRAY|GRY|GY)$"), "GREY"),
(re.compile("^(W|WH|WHT)$"), "WHITE"),
(re.compile("^RD$"), "RED"),
(re.compile("^(SILVE|SILVR)$"), "SILVER")
for rep in replacements:
if color[0] == rep[1][0]: # we skip non-pertinent regexp for efficiency
color = re.sub(rep[0], rep[1], color)
return color
df_viol['Vehicle Color'] = df_viol['Vehicle Color'].apply(replace_color)
In [254]:
df_codes = pd.read_csv('DOF_Parking_Violation_Codes.csv')
# a) solve the 37-38 issue:
## we duplicate the line
df_wrong = df_codes[ df_codes['CODE'] == '37-38']
df_codes = df_codes.append(df_wrong, ignore_index=True)
## we change the value
rows = df_codes[ df_codes['CODE'] == '37-38'].index.tolist()
df_codes.set_value(rows[0], 'CODE', "37")
df_codes.set_value(rows[0], 'DEFINITION', "Parking in excess of the allowed time")
df_codes.set_value(rows[1], 'CODE', "38")
df_codes.set_value(rows[1], 'DEFINITION', "Failing to show a receipt or tag in the windshield")
# b) convert the code to an int
df_codes['Code_int'] = df_codes['CODE'].astype(int)
def toInt(value):
if value == value:
return int(value)
return 0 # An int cannot be NaN
df_viol['Code_int'] = df_viol['Violation Code'].apply(toInt)
# Note: there's no "41" code in DOF_Parking_Violation_Codes.csv
df = df_viol.merge(df_codes, how='left', left_on='Code_int', right_on='Code_int')
In [255]:
# Make sure codes 37 & 38 were correctly updated
df_codes[(df_codes['Code_int'] == 37) | (df_codes['Code_int'] == 38)]
In [268]:
vary_count = 0
def priceToInt(value):
global vary_count
if value == value:
if value == 'vary':
vary_count += 1
return math.nan
elif value[:18] == '1st Offense - $265':
return 265
elif value[:16] == "100\n(Regular Tow":
return 100
elif value[:15] == "$200 (Heavy Tow":
return 200
return toInt(value[1:])
except ValueError:
print('! priceToInt(): Error with “' + str(value) + '” -> set to Nan.')
return math.nan
return 0
df['Manhattan_fine'] = df['Manhattan 96th St. & below'].apply(priceToInt)
df['Other_areas_fine'] = df['All Other Areas'].apply(priceToInt)
print(vary_count, "fields containing “vary” were set to NaN. \n\n~~~ \n")
print("(8) NYC made at least", "$" + locale.format("%d", df['Other_areas_fine'].sum(), grouping=True), "in parking violations.")
max_fine_idx = df['Manhattan_fine'].idxmax()
print("The most lucrative fine is $" + str(df.iloc[max_fine_idx]['Manhattan_fine']), "and has following definition: “" + df.iloc[max_fine_idx]['DEFINITION'] + "”.")
df_codes = df[df['Code_int'] != 0] # we skip the "NaN" code
count = df_codes['Code_int'].value_counts()
tuples = [tuple((x, y)) for x, y in count.items()]
most_frequent_violation_definition = df_codes[df_codes['Code_int'] == tuples[0][0]].iloc[0]['DEFINITION']
most_frequent_violation_definition2 = df_codes[df_codes['Code_int'] == tuples[1][0]].iloc[1]['DEFINITION']
print("(9) The most frequent type of violation, with", tuples[0][1], "occurences, is: “" + most_frequent_violation_definition + "”.")
no_ny = df[(df['Registration State'] != 'NY') & (df['Registration State'] == df['Registration State'])]
print("(10) NYC makes at least", locale.format("%d", no_ny['Other_areas_fine'].sum(), grouping=True), "dollars off of all non-New York vehicles.")
In [257]:
df_codes[df_codes['Other_areas_fine'] > 0]['Other_areas_fine'].value_counts().head(5).plot(kind='bar')
print("(11a) The five most common fines (amount):")
In [258]:
def shorten(text):
if text == text:
return text[:30] + "…"
return math.nan
df['Short_def'] = df['DEFINITION'].apply(shorten)
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(20, 7, forward=True)
print("(11b) The five most common fines (definition):")
In [261]:
# a) 24 hours graph
def timeToHour(time):
if time == time and time != None and time[0] != '.':
hour = int(time[:2])
if hour < 24:
return hour
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(14, 7, forward=True)
viol_times = df[df['Violation Time'] == df['Violation Time']]'fivethirtyeight')
hours_graph = viol_times['Violation Time'].apply(timeToHour).value_counts(sort=False).plot(kind='bar')
plt.ylabel('Number of fines')
print("(12a) 24 hours graph:")
In [262]:
# b) 4 blocks graph
def timeToPeriod(time):
if time == time and time != None:
h = int(time[:2])
if h < 6:
return 'night'
elif h < 12:
return 'morning'
elif h < 18:
return 'afternoon'
elif h < 23:
return 'evening'
#return 'Wrong time string'
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(9, 5, forward=True)
hours_graph = viol_times['Violation Time'].apply(timeToPeriod).value_counts(sort=False).plot(kind='bar')
plt.ylabel('Number of fines')
plt.xlabel('Time block')
print("(12b) Time blocks graph:")
In [263]:
mean = df['Other_areas_fine'].mean()
print("(13) The average ticket cost in NYC is", "%.2f" % df['Other_areas_fine'].mean() + " dollars.")
In [264]:
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(14, 7, forward=True)
viol_dates = df[df['Issue Date'] == df['Issue Date']]'fivethirtyeight')
hours_graph = viol_dates['Issue Date'].value_counts(sort=False).plot(kind='bar')
plt.ylabel('Number of tickets')
print("(14) Number of tickets, daily graph:")
In [265]:
#viol_dates = df[df['Issue Date'] == df['Issue Date']]
viol_dates = df[df['Issue Date'] == df['Issue Date']]
date_groups = viol_dates.groupby('Issue Date')
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(14, 7, forward=True)'fivethirtyeight')
hours_graph = date_groups['Other_areas_fine'].sum().plot(kind='bar')
print("(15) Amount, daily graph:")
In [267]:
set(df_viol[df_viol['Registration State'] == 'NY']['Violation County'].tolist()) # to get the county abbreviations
boroughs = [
{"name": "BRONX", "abbreviation": "BX", "drivers": 456847},
{"name": "BROOKLYN", "abbreviation": "K", "drivers": 983769}, # Brooklyn = Kings
{"name": "MANHATTAN", "abbreviation": "NY", "drivers": 748583}, # New York
{"name": "QUEENS", "abbreviation": "Q", "drivers": 1134064},
{"name": "STATEN ISLAND", "abbreviation": "R", "drivers": 304250} # Richmond
for item in boroughs:
item['name'] = item['name'].capitalize()
if item['name'] == 'Staten island':
item['name'] = 'Staten Island'
df_boroughs = pd.DataFrame(boroughs)
#dfb = df.merge(df_boroughs, how='left', left_on='Violation County', right_on='abbreviation') # not useful
boroughs_dict = {}
for item in boroughs:
boroughs_dict[item['abbreviation']] = item
# The “Violation County” can be BRONX instead of B, RICH instead of R -- let's change that
def countyToAbbr(value):
if value == 'BRONX':
return 'BX'
elif value == 'RICH':
return 'R'
elif value == 'KINGS':
return 'K'
else: # we skip all other values
return value
df['Violation County'] = df['Violation County'].apply(countyToAbbr)
list_unresolved = []
grouped = df[df['Registration State'] == 'NY'].groupby('Violation County')
amount_per_county = grouped['Other_areas_fine'].sum()
amount_tuples = [tuple((x, y)) for x, y in amount_per_county.items()]
for item in amount_tuples:
if item[0] in boroughs_dict.keys(): # for the single last item Pandas couldn't update
borough = boroughs_dict[item[0]]
print(borough['name'] + ":", "the parking-ticket-$-per-licensed-driver is", str(item[1] / borough['drivers']) + ".")
if len(list_unresolved) > 0:
print("\n[ These", len(list_unresolved), "counts were skipped:", str.join(", ", list_unresolved), "]")
In [ ]: