Measuring GeoPopularity of US Governors using Social Media

Research Questions

  1. How can cyber popularities of the incumbent governors be measured?
  2. How can physical popularities of incumbent governors be measured?
  3. How can the relationship between incumbent governors’ physical-world and cyber-world popularities be calculated and visualized?
  4. To what extent US cities are interested in governors’ politics on the social media?

In [11]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import folium
from IPython.display import HTML
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

In [12]:
# read in election and twitter datasets in tabular format
df = pd.read_csv('../data/governors-challengers.csv')
ch = pd.read_table('../data/tw_ch.csv',usecols=['screen_name','followers_count'], encoding='utf-16')
gov = pd.read_table('../data/tw_gov.csv',usecols=['screen_name','followers'])
#rename column names for clarification and seamless merging
ch = ch.rename(columns={'screen_name':'twch','followers_count':'folch'}) 
gov = gov.rename(columns={'screen_name':'twgov','followers':'folgov'})

In [24]:
# map of Incumbent Governors Vote Shares (%)
mapname = 'gov_share'
state_geo = 'us_states.geojson'
states = folium.Map(location=[40, -99], zoom_start=4)
states.geo_json(geo_path=state_geo, data=df, data_out=mapname+'.json',
                columns=['state', 'shareGov'],
                fill_color='PuRd', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
                legend_name='Incumbent Governor Vote Share (%)')
HTML('<iframe src='+mapname+'.html style="width: 100%; height: 500px; border: none"></iframe>')


In [16]:
#let's merge on screen names
df = df.merge(gov)
df = df.merge(ch)

# governors' twitter followers share (only considering the primary challenger)
df['twshare'] = 100 * df.folgov / (df.folgov + df.folch)
# similarly, update shareGov field
df['shareGov'] = 100 * df.shareGov / (df.shareGov + df.shareCh)
# get the vote share - twitter share diff
df['shareDiff'] = abs(df['twshare'] - df['shareGov'])

state party since twgov twch shareGov shareCh voterCnt population folgov folch twshare shareDiff
0 Alabama R 2011 GovernorBentley Griffith2014 63.600000 36.40 1174575 4849377 29422 947 96.881689 33.281689
1 Alaska I 2014 AkGovBillWalker SeanParnellAK 50.899471 46.40 243597 736732 985 6198 13.712933 37.186538
2 Arizona R 2015 dougducey FredDuVal 56.256572 41.60 1492915 6731484 9586 6428 59.860122 3.603550
3 Arkansas R 2015 AsaHutchinson MikeRossUpdates 57.172343 41.50 844442 2966369 6761 3513 65.806891 8.634549
4 California D 2011 JerryBrownGov neelkashkari 59.400000 40.60 6496307 38802500 1046725 6253 99.406160 40.006160
5 Colorado D 2011 hickforco bobbeauprez 51.521511 46.20 1992332 5355866 41798 3602 92.066079 40.544568
6 Connecticut D 2011 GovMalloyOffice TomFoleyCT 51.263903 48.20 1081315 3596677 45679 3126 93.594919 42.331016
7 Florida R 2011 FLGovScott CharlieCrist 50.577125 47.10 5940898 19893297 53922 24326 68.911665 18.334541
8 Georgia R 2011 GovernorDeal carter4governor 54.098361 44.80 2539788 10097343 20108 8687 69.831568 15.733207
9 Hawaii D 2014 GovHawaii DukeAiona2014 57.159353 37.10 366125 1419561 599 4558 11.615280 45.544073
10 Idaho R 2007 ButchOtter AJYoureALiberal 58.089034 38.60 439609 1634464 10652 100 99.069940 40.980907
11 Illinois R 2015 BruceRauner GovernorQuinn 52.533609 45.90 3508302 12880580 19654 20236 49.270494 3.263115
12 Indiana R 2013 GovPenceIN GreggForGov 51.666667 46.40 2556910 6596855 56825 3164 94.725700 43.059033
13 Iowa R 2011 TerryBranstad Senator_Hatch 61.307054 37.30 1125055 3107126 14696 2419 85.866199 24.559145
14 Kansas R 2011 govsambrownback PaulDavisKS 52.029136 46.10 847988 2904021 11728 5714 67.239995 15.210859
15 Kentucky D 2007 GovSteveBeshear williamsfarmer 61.208791 35.30 833139 4413457 20110 522 97.469950 36.261158
16 Louisiana R 2008 BobbyJindal Hollis4Governor 78.632887 17.88 1023163 4649676 174123 47 99.973015 21.340128
17 Maine R 2011 Governor_LePage Michaud2014 52.677596 43.30 609963 1330089 4111 2496 62.221886 9.544290
18 Maryland R 2015 ChangeMaryland BrownforMD 52.385787 46.90 1641419 5976407 5465 3428 61.452828 9.067041
19 Massachusetts R 2015 MassGovernor marthacoakley 50.998948 46.60 2149380 6745408 117246 27312 81.106545 30.107597
20 Michigan R 2011 onetoughnerd MarkSchauer 52.147239 46.80 3137941 9909877 42558 5620 88.334925 36.187685
21 Mississippi R 2012 PhilBryantMS dupreeforgov 61.000000 39.00 893468 2994079 18261 584 96.901035 35.901035
22 Missouri D 2009 GovJayNixon spenceformo 56.217883 42.60 2715818 6063589 22524 2089 91.512615 35.294732
23 Montana D 2013 GovernorBullock RickHill2012 50.882658 47.30 479264 1023579 5564 375 93.685806 42.803147
24 Nebraska R 2015 GovRicketts Vote4Chuck 59.689119 38.90 524068 1881503 740 2169 25.438295 34.250824
25 Nevada R 2011 GovSandoval Goodman4Nevada 74.708995 23.90 547582 2839099 11356 58 99.491852 24.782857
26 New Hampshire D 2013 GovernorHassan Walt4NH 52.600000 47.40 485534 1326813 8379 641 92.893570 40.293570
27 New Jersey R 2010 GovChristie SenatorBuono 61.319797 38.10 2073642 8938175 505401 3598 99.293122 37.973325
28 New Mexico R 2011 Gov_Martinez GaryKingforGov 57.300000 42.70 503096 2085572 13874 1877 88.083296 30.783296
29 New York D 2011 NYGovCuomo RobAstorino 57.082452 40.60 1829387 19746227 145605 11491 92.685364 35.602912
30 North Carolina R 2013 PatMcCroryNC WalterDalton 55.873340 43.20 4474892 9943964 27965 1667 94.374325 38.500985
31 North Dakota R 2010 NDGovDalrymple TaylorforND 64.820513 34.30 316336 739482 332 594 35.853132 28.967381
32 Ohio R 2011 JohnKasich FitzGeraldForOH 65.977249 32.90 3011052 11594163 67029 5905 91.903639 25.926390
33 Oklahoma R 2011 GovMaryFallin JoeD4OK 57.644628 41.00 823267 3878051 20880 6721 75.649433 18.004805
34 Oregon D 2015 GovKitz DRichardsonOR 52.698413 44.70 1342101 3970239 20809 1446 93.502584 40.804171
35 Pennsylvania D 2015 WolfForPA CorbettforGov 54.900000 45.10 3459375 12787209 10187 7131 58.823190 3.923190
36 Rhode Island D 2015 GinaRaimondo MayorFung 52.918288 36.30 322324 1055173 11006 4354 71.653646 18.735358
37 South Carolina R 2011 nikkihaley vincentsheheen 57.494867 41.40 1231757 4832482 98004 4078 96.005172 38.510306
38 South Dakota R 2011 SDGovDaugaard SusanForSD 73.514077 25.40 277248 853175 7142 981 87.923181 14.409104
39 Texas R 2015 GregAbbott_TX WendyDavisTexas 60.386965 38.90 4707388 26956958 58374 171906 25.349140 35.037825
40 Utah R 2009 GovHerbert PeterSCooke 71.175858 27.70 913696 2942902 13827 630 95.642249 24.466391
41 Vermont D 2011 GovPeterShumlin MilneForVT 50.599782 45.30 193603 626562 13126 299 97.772812 47.173030
42 Virginia D 2014 GovernorVA KenCuccinelli 51.336898 45.50 2222840 8326289 22611 18351 55.199941 3.863043
43 Washington D 2013 GovInslee robmckenna 51.200000 48.80 2851938 7061530 15530 5917 72.411060 21.211060
44 West Virginia D 2010 GovTomblin MaloneyforWV 52.494802 45.70 656034 1850326 6038 1006 85.718342 33.223539
45 Wisconsin R 2011 GovWalker Burke4WI 52.881699 46.60 2408096 5757564 100413 11232 89.939541 37.057842
46 Wyoming R 2011 GovMattMead gosar4gov 68.380744 28.90 156914 584153 1341 367 78.512881 10.132137

In [23]:
states = folium.Map(location=[40, -99], zoom_start=4)
states.geo_json(geo_path=state_geo, data=df, data_out='govtw_share.json',
                columns=['state', 'twshare'],
                fill_color='PuRd', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
                legend_name='Incumbent Governors Twitter Follower Share (%)')
HTML('<iframe src="govtw_share.html" style="width: 100%; height: 510px; border: none"></iframe>')


In [71]:
mapname = 'share_diff'
states = folium.Map(location=[40, -99], zoom_start=4)
states.geo_json(geo_path=state_geo, data=df, data_out=mapname+'.json',
                threshold_scale=[5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40],
                columns=['state', 'shareDiff'],
                fill_color='YlGnBu', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
                legend_name='The Difference Between Governors Vote Share & Twitter Follower Share (%)')
HTML('<iframe src="'+mapname+'.html" style="width: 100%; height: 510px; border: none"></iframe>')


In [7]:
ax = df[['twshare','shareGov']].plot(x = df['state'], xticks=range(len(df)), rot=75,figsize=(15,3))
ax.legend(['Twitter share','Vote share'],loc='best');

In [5]:
# correlation between twitter share of governors
# and their 'normalized' vote share

twshare shareGov
twshare 1.00000 0.19558
shareGov 0.19558 1.00000

In [28]:
ax = df.plot(x='twshare', y='shareGov', kind='scatter', figsize=(15,15),xlim=(0,100),ylim=(50,80))
df.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(x['state'], (x['twshare'],x['shareGov']),
            xytext=(-40, 7), textcoords='offset points',fontsize=14), axis=1);
ax.set_xlabel("Normalized Vote Share of Sitting Governor",fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel("Normalized Twitter Follower Share of Sitting Governor",fontsize=14);
ax.set_title('Twitter Follower Share vs Vote Share of Sitting US Governors',fontsize=18);
ax.text(0.01,0.99,'Correlation between Twitter share and vote share : '+

In [9]:
# perform clustering and plot the dendrogram
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
# compute distance matrix
distxy = squareform(pdist(df[['twshare','shareGov']], metric='euclidean'))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
l = linkage(distxy,method='complete')

In [10]:
# states whose incumbent governors have less followers than their challengers...

state party since twgov twch shareGov shareCh voterCnt folgov folch twshare shareDiff
1 Alaska I 2014 AkGovBillWalker SeanParnellAK 50.899471 46.4 243597 985 6198 13.712933 37.186538
9 Hawaii D 2014 GovHawaii DukeAiona2014 57.159353 37.1 366125 599 4558 11.615280 45.544073
11 Illinois R 2015 BruceRauner GovernorQuinn 52.533609 45.9 3508302 19654 20236 49.270494 3.263115
24 Nebraska R 2015 GovRicketts Vote4Chuck 59.689119 38.9 524068 740 2169 25.438295 34.250824
31 North Dakota R 2010 NDGovDalrymple TaylorforND 64.820513 34.3 316336 332 594 35.853132 28.967381
39 Texas R 2015 GregAbbott_TX WendyDavisTexas 60.386965 38.9 4707388 58374 171906 25.349140 35.037825

In [84]:
import json
from collections import Counter
f = json.load(open('../data/geocoded.json'))
c2 = Counter()
c = Counter()
for state in f:

[('33.528370,-112.076300', 50),
 ('38.880344,-77.108260', 50),
 ('38.913611,-77.013222', 50),
 ('39.307956,-76.617016', 49),
 ('39.998012,-75.144793', 49),
 ('39.726287,-104.965486', 48),
 ('38.816242,-77.071282', 48),
 ('42.321597,-71.089115', 48),
 ('33.759506,-84.403176', 48),
 ('40.441419,-79.977292', 47)]

In [112]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))
ax = plt.gca()
ax.scatter(range(len(c2)),sorted(list(c2.values()),reverse = True))
ax.set_xlabel('Cities (ranked)')
ax.set_ylabel('Unique governors followed')
ax.set_title('Number of Unique Governors Followed by US cities');

In [77]:
plt.loglog(range(len(c2)),sorted(list(c2.values()),reverse = True));

In [122]:
import powerlaw
fit = powerlaw.Fit(list(c.values()))
#print(fit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'lognormal'))

1.99584757388 0.0346080955597
Calculating best minimal value for power law fit

In [113]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))
ax = plt.gca()
ax.scatter(range(len(c)),sorted(list(c.values()),reverse = True))
ax.set_xlabel('Cities (ranked)')
ax.set_ylabel('Residents following at least one governor')
ax.set_title('Total Number of Residents Following at least one Governor');

In [115]:
from pygeocoder import Geocoder
for i in range(10):
    x = c2.most_common(10)[i]
    results = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(
    print(results, '\t # of govs followed:',x[1])

116 West Rose Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85013, USA 	 # of govs followed: 50
4075 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203, USA 	 # of govs followed: 50
139 Randolph Place Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA 	 # of govs followed: 50
North Charles Street & Interstate 83, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA 	 # of govs followed: 49
3023 North 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19133, USA 	 # of govs followed: 49
636 Williams Street, Denver, CO 80218, USA 	 # of govs followed: 48
2729 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302, USA 	 # of govs followed: 48
146 Dale Street, Boston, MA 02119, USA 	 # of govs followed: 48
182 Northside Drive Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30314, USA 	 # of govs followed: 48
Elmore Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA 	 # of govs followed: 47

In [13]:
states = folium.Map(location=[40, -99], zoom_start=4, tiles='Mapbox Bright')
for k,v in c2.items():
    states.circle_marker(location=k.split(','), radius=v*10)
HTML('<iframe src="unique_govs.html" style="width: 100%; height: 500px; border: none"></iframe>')


In [14]:
import json
from collections import Counter
f = json.load(open('../data/geocoded.json'))
c = Counter()
for state in f:

In [15]:
from pygeocoder import Geocoder
for i in range(10):
    x = c.most_common(10)[i]
    lat,lon = x[0].split(',')
    results = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(float(lat), float(lon))
    print(results, '\t # of followers:',x[1])

139 Randolph Place Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA 	 # of followers: 26485
146 Dale Street, Boston, MA 02119, USA 	 # of followers: 14453
182 Northside Drive Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30314, USA 	 # of followers: 8384
636 Williams Street, Denver, CO 80218, USA 	 # of followers: 8379
1017 West 31st Street, Austin, TX 78705, USA 	 # of followers: 6633
2801 South Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL 60608, USA 	 # of followers: 6432
2513 East Burnside Street, Portland, OR 97214, USA 	 # of followers: 5856
Buffalo Bayou Bike Trail, Houston, TX 77019, USA 	 # of followers: 5521
1816 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA 	 # of followers: 4804
3814 Munger Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204, USA 	 # of followers: 4674

In [16]:
states = folium.Map(location=[40, -99], zoom_start=4, tiles='Mapbox Bright')
for k,v in c.items():
    states.circle_marker(location=k.split(','), radius=v)
HTML('<iframe src="all_followers.html" style="width: 100%; height: 500px; border: none"></iframe>')


In [17]:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.path import Path

# Mercator Projection
m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=-80, urcrnrlat=80,
            llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, lat_ts=20, resolution='c')

# Poly vertices
p = [[25.774252, -80.190262], [18.466465, -66.118292], [32.321384, -64.75737]]

# Projected vertices
p_projected = [m(x[1], x[0]) for x in p]

# Create the Path
p_path = Path(p_projected)

# Test points
p1 = [27.254629577800088, -76.728515625]
p2 = [27.254629577800088, -74.928515625]

# Test point projection
p1_projected = m(p1[1], p1[0])
p2_projected = m(p2[1], p2[0])
