In [1]:
import time
#time measuring decorator that is called as a wrapper by @timeit above func names
def timeit(method):
def timed(*args, **kw):
ts = time.time()
result = method(*args, **kw)
te = time.time()
#print('%r (%r, %r) %2.2f sec' %(method.__name__, args, kw, te-ts))
print('%r %2.5f sec' %(method.__name__, te-ts))
return result
return timed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles))
plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())
In [104]:
import collections as c
import pickle
train = pickle.load( open( "train.p", "rb" ) )
valid = pickle.load( open( "valid.p", "rb" ) )
In [3]:
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from nltk import ngrams
import re #to download averaged perceptron
In [105]:
def convert(input_list):
return c.Counter(input_list)
lem = WordNetLemmatizer()
def get_wordnet_pos(treebank_tag):
if treebank_tag.startswith('N'):
return wordnet.NOUN
#elif treebank_tag.startswith('I') | treebank_tag.startswith('U') | treebank_tag.startswith('C'):
# return 'i'
elif treebank_tag.startswith('J'):
return wordnet.ADJ
elif treebank_tag.startswith('V'):
return wordnet.VERB
elif treebank_tag.startswith('R'):
return wordnet.ADV
return wordnet.NOUN
def process_data(data):
X = []
y = []
for review in data:
#nltk stopword removal as part of pre-processing
s_filtered = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z]+", '', word) for word in review[0:-2]] #eliminate none-alphabetic
s_filtered = [word for word in s_filtered if word not in stopwords.words('english')]
s_filtered = list(filter(None, s_filtered))
#POS tagging then convert to bag of words dicts
POS_tagged = pos_tag(s_filtered)
POS_tagged = [(word, p) for word, p in POS_tagged if word.isalpha()]
#lemmad = []
for word, p in POS_tagged:
p = get_wordnet_pos(p)
lemmad.append(lem.lemmatize(word, pos = get_wordnet_pos(p)))
#add bigrams
for bgram1, bgram2 in ngrams(s_filtered, 2):
lemmad.append(bgram1+' '+bgram2)
del data
return X,y
X_train, y_train = process_data(train)
X_valid, y_valid = process_data(valid)
In [5]:
import numpy as np
# Taken from Assignment #2 Support Code
def dotProduct(d1, d2):
@param dict d1: a feature vector represented by a mapping from a feature (string) to a weight (float).
@param dict d2: same as d1
@return float: the dot product between d1 and d2
if len(d1) < len(d2):
return dotProduct(d2, d1)
return sum(d1.get(f, 0) * v for f, v in d2.items())
def increment(d1, scale, d2):
Implements d1 += scale * d2 for sparse vectors.
@param dict d1: the feature vector which is mutated.
@param float scale
@param dict d2: a feature vector.
NOTE: This function does not return anything, but rather
increments d1 in place. We do this because it is much faster to
change elements of d1 in place than to build a new dictionary and
return it.
for f, v in d2.items():
d1[f] = d1.get(f, 0) + v * scale
In [6]:
#Pegasos is a SGD SVM using step size rule 1/(lambda*t), run the next version
def pegasos1(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
w = dict()
t = 0
for iteration in range(num_iter):
for j in range(len(X)):
t += 1
step = 1/(t*lamb)
if y[j]*dotProduct(w,X[j]) < 1:
w.update( (y, x*(1-lamb*step)) for y, x in w.items())
increment(w, step*y[j], X[j])
w.update( (y, x*(1-lamb*step)) for y, x in w.items())
return w
#pegasos(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)
In [7]:
def pegasos2(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
w = dict()
W = dict()
t = 0
s = 1
for iteration in range(num_iter):
for j in range(len(X)):
t += 1
step = 1/(t*lamb)
s *= 1-(step*lamb)
if s == 0:
s = 1
W = dict()
if y[j]*dotProduct(w,X[j]) < 1:
increment(W, step*y[j]/s, X[j])
w.update( (y, x*s) for y, x in W.items())
return w
#w = pegasos2(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 15)
In [110]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
v = DictVectorizer()
X_train_v = v.fit_transform(X_train)
X_valid_v = v.transform(X_valid)
In [9]:
def pegasos3(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
v_loss = []
t_loss = []
num_reviews, num_fea = X.shape
w = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
W = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
t = 0
s = 1
for iteration in range(num_iter):
for j in range(X.shape[0]):
t += 1
step = 1/(t*lamb)
s *= 1-(step*lamb)
if s == 0:
s = 1
W = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
if not (y[j]*(X[j].dot(w.T)) >= 1):
W += ((step*y[j])/s)*X[j]
w = s*W
v_loss.append(loss(w, X_valid_v, y_valid))
t_loss.append(loss(w, X, y))
return v_loss, t_loss, w
In [13]:
v_l, t_l, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)
c =v.inverse_transform(w)[0]['long able']
a= pegasos1(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)['long able']
b= pegasos2(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)['long able']
print(a, b, c)
In [ ]:
In [112]:
def loss(w, X, y):
#zero one loss of linear predictor
loss = 0
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
loss += y[i] != np.sign((X[i].dot(w.T)))
# add boolean to loss whenever pred is incorrect
return (loss/X.shape[0])[0,0]
def loss2(w, X, y):
#zero one loss of linear predictor
loss = 0
for i in range(len(X)):
loss += y[i] != np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[i]))
# add boolean to loss whenever pred is incorrect
return (loss/len(X))
#loss(w, X_valid_v, y_valid)
In [ ]:
regularizer = np.logspace(-6, 1, 10)
v_loss = []
t_loss =[]
w = []
for r in regularizer:
af, sd, w= pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = r, num_iter = 10)
w = v.inverse_transform(w)
t_loss.append(loss(w, X_train, y_train))
v_loss.append(loss(w, X_valid, y_valid))
plt.plot(np.log10(regularizer), t_loss, 'k--', label = 'training loss')
plt.plot(np.log10(regularizer), v_loss, 'r', label = 'validation loss')
plt.xlabel('Regularizer in log10')
plt.ylabel('0-1 loss')
In [41]:
iterations = 200
#v_loss, t_loss, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = iterations)
plt.plot(range(iterations), t_loss[0:iterations], 'k--', label = 'training loss')
plt.plot(range(iterations), v_loss[0:iterations], 'r', label = 'validation loss')
plt.xlabel('Number of Epochs')
plt.ylabel('0-1 loss')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
In [84]:
vl, tl, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 70)
In [86]:
import operator
#error analysis
def error_analysis(w, X, y):
#returns indices of worst mistakes
errors = dict()
for i in range(len(X)):
if y[i] != np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[i])):
errors[i] = abs(dotProduct(w, X[i]))
#object is [(index 1 , |w_1 x_1|), ... ] sorted on the mistake magnitude
#take the first 4 of sorted, take the index i argument
worst = []
for index, value in sorted(errors.items(), key=lambda e: e[1], reverse = True)[0:3]:
print(index, value, y[index], np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[index])))
return worst
indices = error_analysis(w[0], X_train, y_train)
In [73]:
for i in indices:
bad_features = []
subdic = list(set(w[0].keys()).union(set(X_train[i])))
occurences = c.Counter(X_train[i])
for word in subdic:
bad_features.append([abs(w[0][word]*occurences[word]), i, word, w[0][word]])
print(sorted(bad_features, key = lambda e: e[0], reverse= True)[0:3])
In [98]:
" ".join(train[372][0:-2])
Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.