In [1]:
import time    
#time measuring decorator that is called as a wrapper by @timeit above func names
def timeit(method):
    def timed(*args, **kw):
        ts = time.time()
        result = method(*args, **kw)
        te = time.time()

        #print('%r (%r, %r) %2.2f sec' %(method.__name__, args, kw, te-ts))
        print('%r %2.5f sec' %(method.__name__, te-ts))
        return result
    return timed

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict

handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles))
plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x9b5ab17710>

In [104]:
import collections as c
import pickle
train = pickle.load( open( "train.p", "rb" ) )
valid = pickle.load( open( "valid.p", "rb" ) )

In [3]:
import nltk 
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from nltk import ngrams
import re #to download averaged perceptron

In [105]:
def convert(input_list):
    return c.Counter(input_list)

lem = WordNetLemmatizer()

def get_wordnet_pos(treebank_tag):
    if treebank_tag.startswith('N'):
        return wordnet.NOUN
    #elif treebank_tag.startswith('I') | treebank_tag.startswith('U') | treebank_tag.startswith('C'):
    #    return 'i'
    elif treebank_tag.startswith('J'):
        return wordnet.ADJ
    elif treebank_tag.startswith('V'):
        return wordnet.VERB
    elif treebank_tag.startswith('R'):
        return wordnet.ADV
        return wordnet.NOUN

def process_data(data):
    X = []
    y = []

    for review in data:
        #nltk stopword removal as part of pre-processing
        s_filtered = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z]+", '', word) for word in review[0:-2]] #eliminate none-alphabetic 
        s_filtered = [word for word in s_filtered if word not in stopwords.words('english')]
        s_filtered = list(filter(None, s_filtered))
        #POS tagging then convert to bag of words dicts
        POS_tagged = pos_tag(s_filtered)
        POS_tagged = [(word, p) for word, p in POS_tagged if word.isalpha()]
        #lemmad = []
        for word, p in POS_tagged:
            p = get_wordnet_pos(p)
            lemmad.append(lem.lemmatize(word, pos = get_wordnet_pos(p)))
        #add bigrams 
        for bgram1, bgram2 in ngrams(s_filtered, 2):
            lemmad.append(bgram1+' '+bgram2)
    del data
    return X,y

X_train, y_train = process_data(train)
X_valid, y_valid = process_data(valid)

In [5]:
import numpy as np
# Taken from Assignment #2 Support Code

def dotProduct(d1, d2):
    @param dict d1: a feature vector represented by a mapping from a feature (string) to a weight (float).
    @param dict d2: same as d1
    @return float: the dot product between d1 and d2
    if len(d1) < len(d2):
        return dotProduct(d2, d1)
        return sum(d1.get(f, 0) * v for f, v in d2.items())

def increment(d1, scale, d2):
    Implements d1 += scale * d2 for sparse vectors.
    @param dict d1: the feature vector which is mutated.
    @param float scale
    @param dict d2: a feature vector.

    NOTE: This function does not return anything, but rather
    increments d1 in place. We do this because it is much faster to
    change elements of d1 in place than to build a new dictionary and
    return it.
    for f, v in d2.items():
        d1[f] = d1.get(f, 0) + v * scale

In [6]:
#Pegasos is a SGD SVM using step size rule 1/(lambda*t), run the next version 
def pegasos1(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
    w = dict()
    t = 0
    for iteration in range(num_iter):
        for j in range(len(X)):
            t += 1
            step = 1/(t*lamb)
            if y[j]*dotProduct(w,X[j]) < 1:
                w.update( (y, x*(1-lamb*step)) for y, x in w.items())
                increment(w, step*y[j], X[j])
                w.update( (y, x*(1-lamb*step)) for y, x in w.items())
    return w
#pegasos(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)

In [7]:
def pegasos2(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
    w = dict()
    W = dict()
    t = 0
    s = 1
    for iteration in range(num_iter):
        for j in range(len(X)):
            t += 1
            step = 1/(t*lamb)
            s *= 1-(step*lamb)
            if s == 0:
                s = 1
                W = dict()
            if y[j]*dotProduct(w,X[j]) < 1:
                increment(W, step*y[j]/s, X[j])
            w.update( (y, x*s) for y, x in W.items())
    return w
#w = pegasos2(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 15)

In [110]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
v = DictVectorizer()
X_train_v = v.fit_transform(X_train)
X_valid_v = v.transform(X_valid)

In [9]:
def pegasos3(X, y, lamb, num_iter):
    v_loss = []
    t_loss = []
    num_reviews, num_fea = X.shape
    w = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
    W = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
    t = 0
    s = 1
    for iteration in range(num_iter):
        for j in range(X.shape[0]):
            t += 1
            step = 1/(t*lamb)
            s *= 1-(step*lamb)
            if s == 0:
                s = 1
                W = np.zeros((1,num_fea))
            if not (y[j]*(X[j].dot(w.T)) >= 1):
                W += ((step*y[j])/s)*X[j]
            w = s*W
        v_loss.append(loss(w, X_valid_v, y_valid))
        t_loss.append(loss(w, X, y))
    return v_loss, t_loss, w

In [13]:
v_l, t_l, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)
c =v.inverse_transform(w)[0]['long able']
a= pegasos1(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)['long able']
b= pegasos2(X_train, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 1)['long able']
print(a, b, c)

'pegasos3' 6.87056 sec
'pegasos1' 136.05831 sec
'pegasos2' 104.81657 sec
-0.0006666666666666668 -0.000666666666666667 -0.000666666666667

In [ ]:

In [112]:
def loss(w, X, y):
    #zero one loss of linear predictor
    loss = 0
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        loss += y[i] != np.sign((X[i].dot(w.T)))
        # add boolean to loss whenever pred is incorrect 
    return (loss/X.shape[0])[0,0]

def loss2(w, X, y):
    #zero one loss of linear predictor
    loss = 0
    for i in range(len(X)):
        loss += y[i] != np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[i]))
        # add boolean to loss whenever pred is incorrect 
    return (loss/len(X))
#loss(w, X_valid_v, y_valid)

In [ ]:
regularizer = np.logspace(-6, 1, 10)
v_loss = []
t_loss =[]
w = []
for r in regularizer:
    af, sd, w= pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = r, num_iter = 10)
    w = v.inverse_transform(w)
    t_loss.append(loss(w, X_train, y_train))
    v_loss.append(loss(w, X_valid, y_valid))
plt.plot(np.log10(regularizer), t_loss, 'k--', label = 'training loss')
plt.plot(np.log10(regularizer), v_loss, 'r', label = 'validation loss')
plt.xlabel('Regularizer in log10')
plt.ylabel('0-1 loss')

In [41]:
iterations = 200
#v_loss, t_loss, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = iterations)

plt.plot(range(iterations), t_loss[0:iterations], 'k--', label = 'training loss')
plt.plot(range(iterations), v_loss[0:iterations], 'r', label = 'validation loss')
plt.xlabel('Number of Epochs')
plt.ylabel('0-1 loss')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

In [84]:
vl, tl, w = pegasos3(X_train_v, y_train, lamb = 1, num_iter = 70)

'pegasos3' 63.09581 sec

In [86]:
import operator
#error analysis 

def error_analysis(w, X, y):
    #returns indices of worst mistakes
    errors = dict()
    for i in range(len(X)):
        if y[i] != np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[i])):
            errors[i] = abs(dotProduct(w, X[i]))
    #object is [(index 1 , |w_1 x_1|), ...  ] sorted on the mistake magnitude
    #take the first 4 of sorted, take the index i argument
    worst = []
    for index, value in sorted(errors.items(), key=lambda e: e[1], reverse = True)[0:3]:
        print(index, value, y[index], np.sign(dotProduct(w, X[index])))
    return worst

indices = error_analysis(w[0], X_train, y_train)

1432 1.44512380952 1 -1.0
372 1.16348571429 1 -1.0
1136 1.06592380952 1 -1.0
[1432, 372, 1136]

In [73]:
for i in indices:
    bad_features = []
    subdic = list(set(w[0].keys()).union(set(X_train[i])))
    occurences = c.Counter(X_train[i])
    for word in subdic:
        bad_features.append([abs(w[0][word]*occurences[word]),  i, word, w[0][word]])
    print(sorted(bad_features, key = lambda e: e[0], reverse= True)[0:3])

[[1.9108380952380728, 1432, '.', -0.022219047619047357], [0.31548571428571115, 1432, 'have', -0.052580952380951861], [0.30352380952380892, 1432, 'as', 0.030352380952380891]]
[[0.9554190476190364, 372, '.', -0.022219047619047357], [0.53059047619046562, 372, '"', -0.016580952380952051], [0.48014285714287352, 372, 'and', 0.032009523809524904]]
[[0.73322857142856279, 1136, '.', -0.022219047619047357], [0.42342857142854295, 1136, 'to', -0.023523809523807941], [0.38411428571429884, 1136, 'and', 0.032009523809524904]]

In [98]:
" ".join(train[372][0:-2])

'i didn\'t realize how apt the name of this movie was until i called the mpaa ( the motion picture association of america - the folks who decide what\'s g , nc 17 , pg , r or x ) to ask why the preview was rated r . so that we can make some sense of their response , let me tell you about the movie itself . ; " the celluloid closet " is a documentary about how homosexuality has been portrayed in the movies over the past several decades . ;it\'s brilliant , funny , naughty and extremely poignant . ;it tore at my heart to watch a gifted lesbian screenwriter explain that , as a rule , gay audiences hunger for any hint of homosexuality on screen . ;regardless of how veiled - or how sordid - the presence of a gay or lesbian person allows others to lessen their sense of isolation and makes them feel as if they\'re not quite so invisible as america seems to want them to be . ;the movie itself is rated r - and for good reason . ;it contains scenes of bloody , violent gay bashing and graphic , uninhibited , sex . ;as with any movie , i appreciate knowing about these things ahead of time , so i can decide for myself whether to see the movie with a friend , a date , my 11 year old niece , alone or not at all . ;but , that\'s the movie . ;now back to the preview . ;prior to this film being theatrically released ( it was originally filmed as a documentary for hbo ) i had seen the coming attractions trailer for it at least six times . ;there was no nudity , no violence , no bad language , nothing that i could see that would be offensive or inappropriate for a general audience ( okay , whoopi goldberg did refer to someone " boning " someone , but the last i knew that wasn\'t one of the seven words you can\'t say on tv ) . ;except for a scene of two fully clothed men kissing . ;hmmmmm . ;when i inquired about the rating on the trailer , a very nice woman at the mpaa quoted from " the handbook " that a trailer approved for all audiences could contain " no homosexuality or lesbianism and no going down on someone . " ;hello ? i was in the office and it was the middle of the day . ;bravely , i pursued . ; " i\'ve seen that trailer , oh . . . ;probably half a dozen times , " i gulped . . . ; " and i don\'t remember that scene . " ; " well , " she chirped . ; " it\'s there . ;our little eyes are trained to see that . " ;no really . ;in the words of dave barry , " i am not making this up . " ;they are " trained " to " see that ? " ;when someone who was shocked at the rating the first time and made a note to watch it carefully the following five times or so managed to let it slip past her ? ;gosh , i certainly don\'t mean to question the mpaa , or " the handbook " . ;i would , however , like to suggest that it\'s they who are in the closet on this one . ;and the light ain\'t good in there . ;but , having seen " the celluloid closet , " and being one of a handful of straight people involved in a primarily gay and lesbian weekly bible study ( email me and i\'ll give you the details ) , none of this was any big surprise . ;the point of the movie was that homosexuality , even in the politically correct 90s , is ridiculously perceived as a threat to a mostly heterosexual society . ;a point well made in this candid and honest film . ;now , i could go off on the mpaa\'s ruling that a trailer must contain " no homosexuality or lesbianism " and ask how that is defined , particularly in light of some of the things , both sexual and non-sexual , that i\'ve watched straight people do in trailers . ;i just don\'t feel the need to go there , because it seems so obvious . ;i\'ll instead suggest that the mpaa re-evaluated their evaluation criteria . ;let the ratings reflect not subject content , like " sex " and " violence " . ;let them reflect attitude content . ;in the future , i\'d be interested in knowing whether the movie is rated d for disrespectful or s for stereotyped . ;then i\'d truly be able to make an informed decision about how i spent my time .'

Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.