In [2]:
import pandas as pd
from glob import glob
import os
from collections import defaultdict as dd

In [5]:
df = pd.read_csv('meanval/wmt15.csv', sep="\t")

judgeid rank rankingid segmentid srcindex srclang system trglang reference transition
0 judge47 1 487 1387 1387 ces newstest2015.uedin-syntax.4004.cs-en.txt eng 18 machine got loose coming out of turn 2 and ... 18 got out of control, out of the second bend ...
1 judge47 2 487 1387 1387 ces newstest2015.CU-TectoMT.4138.cs-en.txt eng 18 machine got loose coming out of turn 2 and ... 18 it got out of a control, it came from the s...
2 judge47 4 488 2061 2061 ces newstest2015.uedin-jhu-phrase.4071.cs-en.txt eng Among the rejected items were the writings of ... Among the items we find odmítnutými writings a...
3 judge47 1 488 2061 2061 ces eng Among the rejected items were the writings of ... Among the rejected items we find the writings ...
4 judge47 2 488 2061 2061 ces eng Among the rejected items were the writings of ... Declined items can be found among the writings...