In [1]:
from fast import *
from sympy import sqrt
from sympy.physics.wigner import wigner_6j
In [2]:
atoms = [["Rb", 85, 5], ["Rb", 87, 5], ["Cs", 133, 6]]
atom = atoms[2]
In [3]:
e1 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 0, 1/Integer(2))
e2 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 1, 3/Integer(2))
e3 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 2, 5/Integer(2))
fine_states = [e1, e2, e3]
hyperfine_states = make_list_of_states(fine_states, "hyperfine", verbose=0)
Ne = len(hyperfine_states)
We calculate the fine reduced matrix elements using FAST
In [4]:
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from math import pi
a0 = physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]
# In meters.
r = Matrix(calculate_reduced_matrix_elements(fine_states))
In [5]:
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from math import pi
a0 = physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]
# In meters.
r = Matrix(calculate_reduced_matrix_elements(fine_states))#*a0
In [6]:
The previous model using only fine states shows effective couplings
r1: 1.14989940728 Bohr radii
r2: 2.10757914438 Bohr radii
In [7]:
gamma32_mine = Transition(e3, e2).einsteinA
In [8]:
from scipy.constants import e, hbar, c, epsilon_0
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from math import pi
a0 = physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]
r32 = 6.13*a0
omega32 = Transition(e3,e2).omega
factor = (3*pi*hbar*c**3*epsilon_0)/e**2
gamma32_safronova = omega32**3 * r32**2 / (2*5.0/2.0+1)/factor
print gamma32_safronova/2/pi*1e-6
In [9]:
Ji = 5.0/2
r32_ = sqrt((2.0*Ji+1)*factor*gamma32_safronova/omega32**3)
In [10]:
gam = 2*pi*3.2e6
# If the branching ratios between
# 6D_5/2 -> 6P_3/2 and 6D_5/2 -> 7P_3/2
# are 0.74 and 0.26 as they are for
# 5D_5/2 -> 5P_3/2 and 5D_5/2 -> 6P_3/2 in rubidium, then
gam1 = gam*0.74
print gam1
Now, let us asume that we have the reduced matrix elements $r_1 = \langle N, 1, 3/2|| T^1(\vec{r}) || N, 0, 1/2 \rangle$ and $r_2 = \langle N, 2, 5/2|| T^1(\vec{r}) || N, 1, 3/2 \rangle$. We can relate these numbers with the hyperfine reduced matrix elements via
\begin{equation} \langle N_i, L_i, J_i, F_i|| T^1(\vec{r}) || N_j, L_j, J_j, F_j \rangle = (-1)^{J_i+I+F_j+1} \sqrt{(2F_i+1)(2F_j+1)}\mathrm{Wigner6j}(J_i, F_i, I, F_j, J_j, 1)\langle N_i, L_i, J_i|| T^1(\vec{r}) || N_j, L_j, J_j \rangle \end{equation}
In [11]:
r1, r2 = symbols("r1 r2", real=True)
N = atom[2]
def fine_reduced_matrix_element(Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj):
if (Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj) == (N, 1, 3/Integer(2), N, 0, 1/Integer(2)):
return r1
if (Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj) == (N, 0, 1/Integer(2), N, 1, 3/Integer(2)):
return r1*(-1)**(Jj-Ji)
if (Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj) == (N, 2, 5/Integer(2), N, 1, 3/Integer(2)):
return r2
if (Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj) == (N, 1, 3/Integer(2), N, 2, 5/Integer(2)):
return r2*(-1)**(Jj-Ji)
return 0
In [12]:
hyperfine_reduced = [[0 for j in range(Ne)] for i in range(Ne)]
II = hyperfine_states[0].i
for i, ei in enumerate(hyperfine_states):
iso, Ni, Li, Ji, Fi = ei.quantum_numbers
for j, ej in enumerate(hyperfine_states):
iso, Nj, Lj, Jj, Fj = ej.quantum_numbers
red = fine_reduced_matrix_element(Ni, Li, Ji, Nj, Lj, Jj)
red *= (-1)**(Ji+II+Fj+1)*sqrt((2*Fi+1)*(2*Fj+1))
#print Ji, Fi, II, Fj, Fj, 1
# red *= wigner_6j(Ji, Fi, II, Fj, Fj, 1)
red *= wigner_6j(Ji, Jj, 1, Fj, Fi, II)
# red *= wigner_6j(Ji, Fi, II,
# Fj, Fj, 1 )
# ref *= wigner_6j(Ji, Jj, 1,
# Jj, Fi, II)
hyperfine_reduced[i][j] = red
hyperfine_reduced = Matrix(hyperfine_reduced)
In [13]:
hyperfine_reduced.subs({r1: 1, r2: 1}).n()
We get the code to calculate the hyperfine reduced matrix elements.
In [14]:
for i in range(Ne):
for j in range(i):
if r1 in hyperfine_reduced[i, j].atoms():
s = "r_1_"+str(i+1)+"_"+str(j+1)+" = "
s += str(hyperfine_reduced[i, j].n())
print s
if r2 in hyperfine_reduced[i, j].atoms():
s = "r_2_"+str(i+1)+"_"+str(j+1)+" = "
s += str(hyperfine_reduced[i, j].n())
print s
In [15]:
magnetic_states = make_list_of_states(fine_states, "magnetic")
hyperfine_states = make_list_of_states(fine_states, "hyperfine")
gamma = calculate_gamma_matrix(magnetic_states)
In [16]:
fin_bound, hyp_bound = calculate_boundaries(fine_states, magnetic_states)
In [17]:
In [40]:
gamma21 = Transition(hyperfine_states[2], hyperfine_states[0]).einsteinA#/2/pi*1e-6
gamma32 = Transition(hyperfine_states[6], hyperfine_states[5]).einsteinA#/2/pi*1e-6
gamma32 = gamma32_safronova
print gamma21, gamma32
In [47]:
for i in range(2, 6):
for j in range(0, 2):
s = "gamma_"+str(i+1)+"_"+str(j+1)+" ="
print s,
for ii in range(hyp_bound[i][0], hyp_bound[i][1]):
gammaij = sum([gamma[ii][jj] for jj in range(hyp_bound[j][0], hyp_bound[j][1])])/gamma21
print str(gammaij)+"*gamma21"
In [48]:
for i in range(6, Ne):
for j in range(2, 6):
s = "gamma_"+str(i+1)+"_"+str(j+1)+" ="
print s,
for ii in range(hyp_bound[i][0], hyp_bound[i][1]):
gammaij = sum([gamma[ii][jj] for jj in range(hyp_bound[j][0], hyp_bound[j][1])])/gamma32_mine
print str(gammaij)+"*gamma32"
In [21]:
gamma_3_1 = 32886191.8978
gamma_3_2 = 0.0
gamma_4_1 = 24664643.9233
gamma_4_2 = 8221547.97444
gamma_5_1 = 13702579.9574
gamma_5_2 = 19183611.9404
gamma_6_1 = 0.0
gamma_6_2 = 32886191.8978
gamma_7_3 = 0.0
gamma_7_4 = 0.0
gamma_7_5 = 0.0
gamma_7_6 = 16430153.6484
gamma_8_3 = 0.0
gamma_8_4 = 0.0
gamma_8_5 = 11829710.6268
gamma_8_6 = 4600443.02155
gamma_9_3 = 0.0
gamma_9_4 = 7530487.08884
gamma_9_5 = 8132926.05595
gamma_9_6 = 766740.503591
gamma_10_3 = 3520747.21037
gamma_10_4 = 10268846.0302
gamma_10_5 = 2640560.40778
gamma_10_6 = 0.0
gamma_11_3 = 9858092.18903
gamma_11_4 = 6572061.45935
gamma_11_5 = 0.0
gamma_11_6 = 0.0
gamma_12_3 = 16430153.6484
gamma_12_4 = 0.0
gamma_12_5 = 0.0
gamma_12_6 = 0.0
We prove that these amount to the total decay of the transitions as expected.
In [22]:
from math import pi
print (gamma_3_1+gamma_3_2)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_4_1+gamma_4_2)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_5_1+gamma_5_2)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_6_1+gamma_6_2)/2/pi*1e-6
In [23]:
print (gamma_7_3 +gamma_7_4 +gamma_7_5 +gamma_7_6)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_8_3 +gamma_8_4 +gamma_8_5 +gamma_8_6)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_9_3 +gamma_9_4 +gamma_9_5 +gamma_9_6)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_10_3+gamma_10_4+gamma_10_5+gamma_10_6)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_11_3+gamma_11_4+gamma_11_5+gamma_11_6)/2/pi*1e-6
print (gamma_12_3+gamma_12_4+gamma_12_5+gamma_12_6)/2/pi*1e-6
We get the hyperfine frequencies for all atoms.
In [53]:
for atom in atoms:
e1 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 0, 1/Integer(2))
e2 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 1, 3/Integer(2))
e3 = State(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2], 2, 5/Integer(2))
fine_states = [e1, e2, e3]
hyperfine_states = make_list_of_states(fine_states, "hyperfine", verbose=0)
Ne = len(hyperfine_states)
for i in range(Ne):
print "omega_"+str(i+1)+" =",hyperfine_states[i].omega-hyperfine_states[0].omega
In [24]:
In [25]:
r_1_3_1 = 1.11803398874989*r1
r_1_4_1 = -1.14564392373896*r1
r_1_4_2 = 0.661437827766148*r1
r_1_5_1 = 0.968245836551854*r1
r_1_5_2 = -1.14564392373896*r1
r_1_6_2 = 1.6583123951777*r1
r_2_7_6 = 1.47196014438797*r2
r_2_8_5 = 1.14891252930761*r2
r_2_8_6 = -0.716472842006823*r2
r_2_9_4 = 0.82915619758885*r2
r_2_9_5 = -0.861684396980704*r2
r_2_9_6 = 0.264575131106459*r2
r_2_10_3 = 0.5*r2
r_2_10_4 = -0.853912563829966*r2
r_2_10_5 = 0.433012701892219*r2
r_2_11_3 = -0.707106781186548*r2
r_2_11_4 = 0.577350269189626*r2
r_2_12_3 = 0.707106781186548*r2
gamma_3_1 = 32886191.8978
gamma_4_1 = 24664643.9233
gamma_4_2 = 8221547.97444
gamma_5_1 = 13702579.9574
gamma_5_2 = 19183611.9404
gamma_6_2 = 32886191.8978
gamma_7_6 = 14878582.8074
gamma_8_5 = 10712579.6213
gamma_8_6 = 4166003.18607
gamma_9_4 = 6819350.45339
gamma_9_5 = 7364898.48966
gamma_9_6 = 694333.864345
gamma_10_3 = 3188267.74444
gamma_10_4 = 9299114.25463
gamma_10_5 = 2391200.80833
gamma_11_3 = 8927149.68444
gamma_11_4 = 5951433.12296
gamma_12_3 = 14878582.8074
In [26]:
from sympy import symbols, diff, Sum, oo
N, n = symbols("N n", real=True)
Pn = N**n/(1+N)**(1+n)
In [27]:
solve(diff(Pn.subs({n:1}), N), N)
In [28]:
Pn.subs({n:1, N:1})
In [29]:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [30]:
def Pn(n, N): return N**n/(1.0+N)**(1.0+n)
In [31]:
N = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)
P0 = Pn(0, N)
P1 = Pn(1, N)
Pm = 1-P0-P1
#plt.plot(N, P0)
plt.plot(N, P1)
plt.plot(N, Pm)
In [32]:
N = np.linspace(0, 0.06, 500)
P0 = Pn(0, N)
P1 = Pn(1, N)
Pm = 1-P0-P1
#plt.plot(N, P0)
plt.plot(N, P1)
plt.plot(N, Pm)
In [33]:
Nsmall = 0.01
1-Pn(0, Nsmall)-Pn(1, Nsmall), Pn(1, Nsmall), (1-Pn(0, Nsmall)-Pn(1, Nsmall))/Pn(1, Nsmall)
In [34]:
Nmedium = 0.056
1-Pn(0, Nmedium)-Pn(1, Nmedium), Pn(1, Nmedium), (1-Pn(0, Nmedium)-Pn(1, Nmedium))/ Pn(1, Nmedium)
In [35]:
sum([Pn(i, 0.25) for i in range(0, 10)])
In [ ]: