In [5]:
# requis pour OpenFisca
from datetime import date

# OpenFisca
from openfisca_france import init_country
from openfisca_france.model.base import *

# pour faire des graphiques
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')

Système socio-fiscal

In [6]:
# moteur de base (calculs de référence)
TaxBenefitSystem = init_country()
tax_benefit_system = TaxBenefitSystem()

In [7]:
# pour créer des réformes
from openfisca_core import reforms

In [8]:
# réforme du revenu de base
ReformeRevenuDeBase = reforms.make_reform(
    key = 'reforme_rdb',
    name = u"Réforme Revenu de base",
    reference = tax_benefit_system,

Réforme : 1. Revenu de base enfant

In [9]:
from numpy import logical_not as not_, minimum as min_, maximum as max_

class nbptr(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = FoyersFiscaux.column_by_name['nbptr']

    # On enlève les enfants du calcul du nbptr (quotient_familial.enf*)
    def function(self, simulation, period):
        Nombre de parts du foyer
        note 1 enfants et résidence alternée (formulaire 2041 GV page 10)

        quotient_familial.conj : nb part associées au conjoint d'un couple marié ou pacsé
        quotient_familial.enf1 : nb part 2 premiers enfants
        quotient_familial.enf2 : nb part enfants de rang 3 ou plus
        quotient_familial.inv1 : nb part supp enfants invalides (I, G)
        quotient_familial.inv2 : nb part supp adultes invalides (R)
        quotient_familial.not31 : nb part supp note 3 : cases W ou G pour veuf, celib ou div
        quotient_familial.not32 : nb part supp note 3 : personne seule ayant élevé des enfants
        quotient_familial.not41 : nb part supp adultes invalides (vous et/ou conjoint) note 4
        quotient_familial.not42 : nb part supp adultes anciens combattants (vous et/ou conjoint) note 4
        quotient_familial.not6 : nb part supp note 6
        quotient_familial.isol : demi-part parent isolé (T)
        quotient_familial.edcd : enfant issu du mariage avec conjoint décédé;
        period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('year')
        nb_pac = simulation.calculate('nb_pac', period)
        marpac = simulation.calculate('marpac', period)
        celdiv = simulation.calculate('celdiv', period)
        veuf = simulation.calculate('veuf', period)
        jveuf = simulation.calculate('jveuf', period)
        nbF = simulation.calculate('nbF', period)
        nbG = simulation.calculate('nbG', period)
        nbH = simulation.calculate('nbH', period)
        nbI = simulation.calculate('nbI', period)
        nbR = simulation.calculate('nbR', period)
        nbJ = simulation.calculate('nbJ', period)
        caseP = simulation.calculate('caseP', period)
        caseW = simulation.calculate('caseW', period)
        caseG = simulation.calculate('caseG', period)
        caseE = simulation.calculate('caseE', period)
        caseK = simulation.calculate('caseK', period)
        caseN = simulation.calculate('caseN', period)
        caseF = simulation.calculate('caseF', period)
        caseS = simulation.calculate('caseS', period)
        caseL = simulation.calculate('caseL', period)
        caseT = simulation.calculate('caseT', period)
        quotient_familial = simulation.legislation_at(period.start).ir.quotient_familial

        no_pac = nb_pac == 0  # Aucune personne à charge en garde exclusive
        has_pac = not_(no_pac)
        no_alt = nbH == 0  # Aucun enfant à charge en garde alternée
        has_alt = not_(no_alt)

        # # nombre de parts liées aux enfants à charge
        # que des enfants en résidence alternée
        enf1 = (no_pac & has_alt) * (quotient_familial.enf1 * min_(nbH, 2) * 0.5
                                     + quotient_familial.enf2 * max_(nbH - 2, 0) * 0.5)
        # pas que des enfants en résidence alternée
        enf2 = (has_pac & has_alt) * ((nb_pac == 1) * (quotient_familial.enf1 * min_(nbH, 1) * 0.5
            + quotient_familial.enf2 * max_(nbH - 1, 0) * 0.5) + (nb_pac > 1) * (quotient_familial.enf2 * nbH * 0.5))
        # pas d'enfant en résidence alternée
        enf3 = quotient_familial.enf1 * min_(nb_pac, 2) + quotient_familial.enf2 * max_((nb_pac - 2), 0)

        enf = enf1 + enf2 + enf3
        # # note 2 : nombre de parts liées aux invalides (enfant + adulte)
        n2 = quotient_familial.inv1 * (nbG + nbI / 2) + quotient_familial.inv2 * nbR

        # # note 3 : Pas de personne à charge
        # - invalide

        n31a = quotient_familial.not31a * (no_pac & no_alt & caseP)
        # - ancien combatant
        n31b = quotient_familial.not31b * (no_pac & no_alt & (caseW | caseG))
        n31 = max_(n31a, n31b)
        # - personne seule ayant élevé des enfants
        n32 = quotient_familial.not32 * (no_pac & no_alt & ((caseE | caseK) & not_(caseN)))
        n3 = max_(n31, n32)
        # # note 4 Invalidité de la personne ou du conjoint pour les mariés ou
        # # jeunes veuf(ve)s
        n4 = max_(quotient_familial.not41 * (1 * caseP + 1 * caseF), quotient_familial.not42 * (caseW | caseS))

        # # note 5
        #  - enfant du conjoint décédé
        n51 = quotient_familial.cdcd * (caseL & ((nbF + nbJ) > 0))
        #  - enfant autre et parent isolé
        n52 = quotient_familial.isol * caseT * (((no_pac & has_alt) * ((nbH == 1) * 0.5 + (nbH >= 2))) + 1 * has_pac)
        n5 = max_(n51, n52)

        # # note 6 invalide avec personne à charge
        n6 = quotient_familial.not6 * (caseP & (has_pac | has_alt))

        # # note 7 Parent isolé
        n7 = quotient_familial.isol * caseT * ((no_pac & has_alt) * ((nbH == 1) * 0.5 + (nbH >= 2)) + 1 * has_pac)

        # # Régime des mariés ou pacsés
        #m = 1 + quotient_familial.conj + enf + n2 + n4
        m = 1 + quotient_familial.conj + n2 + n4
        # # veufs  hors jveuf
     # v = 1 + enf + n2 + n3 + n5 + n6
        v = 1 + n2 + n3 + n5 + n6
        # # celib div
        #c = 1 + enf + n2 + n3 + n6 + n7
        c = 1 + n2 + n3 + n6 + n7

        return period, (marpac | jveuf) * m + (veuf & not_(jveuf)) * v + celdiv * c

In [10]:
# Suppression des allocations familiales

class af(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Familles.column_by_name['af']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        period = period.this_month
        af_base = simulation.calculate('af_base', period)
        af_majo = simulation.calculate('af_majo', period)
        af_forf = simulation.calculate('af_forf', period)

        #return period, af_base + af_majo + af_forf
        return period, af_base * 0

In [11]:
from numpy import round

# Suppression du complément familial

class cf(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Familles.column_by_name['cf']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        L'allocation de base de la paje n'est pas cumulable avec le complément familial
        period = period.this_month
        paje_base = simulation.calculate('paje_base', period)
        apje_temp = simulation.calculate('apje_temp', period)
        ape_temp = simulation.calculate('ape_temp', period)
        cf_montant = simulation.calculate('cf_montant', period)
        residence_mayotte = simulation.calculate('residence_mayotte', period)

        cf_brut = not_(paje_base) * (apje_temp <= cf_montant) * (ape_temp <= cf_montant) * cf_montant
        # return period, not_(residence_mayotte) * round(cf_brut, 2)
        return period, not_(residence_mayotte) * round(cf_brut, 2) * 0

In [12]:
# Suppression de l'allocation de rentrée scolaire

class ars(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Familles.column_by_name['ars']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        Allocation de rentrée scolaire brute de CRDS
        period_br = period.this_year
        return period_br, self.zeros()

In [13]:
# Suppression du nombre d'enfants dans le calcul du RSA socle

class rsa_socle(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Familles.column_by_name['rsa_socle']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('month')
        age_holder = simulation.compute('age', period)
        smic55_holder = simulation.compute('smic55', period)
        activite_holder = simulation.compute('activite', period)
        nb_par = simulation.calculate('nb_par', period)
        rmi = simulation.legislation_at(period.start).minim.rmi

        age_parents = self.split_by_roles(age_holder, roles = [CHEF, PART])
        activite_parents = self.split_by_roles(activite_holder, roles = [CHEF, PART])
        age_enf = self.split_by_roles(age_holder, roles = ENFS)
        smic55_enf = self.split_by_roles(smic55_holder, roles = ENFS)

        nbp = nb_par

        eligib = (
            (age_parents[CHEF] >= rmi.age_pac)
            not_(activite_parents[CHEF] == 2)
            ) | (
                (age_parents[PART] >= rmi.age_pac) * not_(activite_parents[PART] == 2)

        taux = (
            1 + (nbp >= 2) * rmi.txp2 +
            (nbp >= 3) * rmi.txp3 +
            (nbp >= 4) * ((nb_par == 1) * rmi.txps + (nb_par != 1) * rmi.txp3) +
            max_(nbp - 4, 0) * rmi.txps
        return period, eligib * rmi.rmi * taux

In [14]:
# Suppression du nombre d'enfants dans le calcul du RSA forfait logement

class rmi_nbp(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Familles.column_by_name['rmi_nbp']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('month')
        age_holder = simulation.compute('age', period)
        smic55_holder = simulation.compute('smic55', period)
        nb_par = simulation.calculate('nb_par', period)
        P = simulation.legislation_at(period.start).minim.rmi

        age = self.split_by_roles(age_holder, roles = ENFS)
        smic55 = self.split_by_roles(smic55_holder, roles = ENFS)

        return period, nb_par # + nb_enf(age, smic55, 0, P.age_pac - 1)

In [15]:
# Suppression de la cotisation patronale famille 

class famille(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Individus.column_by_name['famille']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        # cotisation = apply_bareme(
        #    simulation,
        #    period,
        #    cotisation_type = 'employeur',
        #    bareme_name = 'famille',
        #    variable_name = self.__class__.__name__,
        #    )
        #return period, cotisation        
        return period, self.zeros()

In [16]:
# Création d'un revenu de base enfant - Version famille

from openfisca_france.model.prestations.prestations_familiales.base_ressource import nb_enf

class rdb_enfant_famille(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    column = FloatCol
    entity_class = Familles
    label = u"Revenu de base enfant"

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('month')
        age_holder = simulation.compute('age', period)
        P = simulation.legislation_at(period.start)        
        bmaf = P.bmaf

        smic55_holder = simulation.compute('smic55', period)
        smic55 = self.split_by_roles(smic55_holder, roles = ENFS)        
        age = self.split_by_roles(age_holder, roles = ENFS)
        smic5 = {
            role: array * 0
            for role, array in smic55.iteritems()
        nbenf_inf13 = nb_enf(age, smic5, 0, 13)
        nbenf_sup14 = nb_enf(age, smic5, 14, 18)
        return period, (nbenf_inf13 * 0.41 + nbenf_sup14 * 0.57) * bmaf

# Les taux 0,41 et 0,16 (0,57-0,41) sont issus des allocations familiales

In [17]:
# Création d'un revenu de base enfant - Version individus

class rdb_enf(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    column = FloatCol
    entity_class = Individus
    label = u"Revenu de base enfant"

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('month')
        age = simulation.calculate('age')
        P = simulation.legislation_at(period.start)        
        bmaf = P.bmaf
        return period, ((age < 14) * 0.41 + not_(age < 14) * 0.57) * bmaf * (age <= 18)

In [18]:
# Création d'une CSG enfant

class csgenf(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    column = FloatCol
    entity_class = Individus
    label = u"CSG enfant"

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        # period = period.start.offset('first-of', 'month').period('month')
        revnet = simulation.calculate('revenu_net_individu', period)

        montant_csg = revnet * 0.025
        return period, - montant_csg

class csg(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Individus.column_by_name['csg']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        Contribution sociale généralisée
        period = period.this_year
        csg_imposable_salaire = simulation.calculate_add('csg_imposable_salaire', period)
        csg_deductible_salaire = simulation.calculate_add('csg_deductible_salaire', period)
        csg_imposable_chomage = simulation.calculate_add('csg_imposable_chomage', period)
        csg_deductible_chomage = simulation.calculate_add('csg_deductible_chomage', period)
        csg_imposable_retraite = simulation.calculate_add('csg_imposable_retraite', period)
        csg_deductible_retraite = simulation.calculate_add('csg_deductible_retraite', period)
        csg_fon_holder = simulation.compute('csg_fon', period)
        csg_cap_lib_declarant1 = simulation.calculate('csg_cap_lib_declarant1', period)
        csg_cap_bar_declarant1 = simulation.calculate('csg_cap_bar_declarant1', period)
        csg_pv_mo_holder = simulation.compute('csg_pv_mo', period)
        csg_pv_immo_holder = simulation.compute('csg_pv_immo', period)

        # add csgenf to csg calc
        csgenfant = simulation.calculate('csgenf', period)

        csg_fon = self.cast_from_entity_to_role(csg_fon_holder, role = VOUS)
        csg_pv_immo = self.cast_from_entity_to_role(csg_pv_immo_holder, role = VOUS)
        csg_pv_mo = self.cast_from_entity_to_role(csg_pv_mo_holder, role = VOUS)

        return period, (csg_imposable_salaire + csg_deductible_salaire + csg_imposable_chomage +
                csg_deductible_chomage + csg_imposable_retraite + csg_deductible_retraite + csg_fon +
                csg_cap_lib_declarant1 + csg_pv_mo + csg_pv_immo + csg_cap_bar_declarant1 + csgenfant)

In [19]:
# mise à jour du revenu disponible en tenant compte du revenu de base enfant

class revdisp(ReformeRevenuDeBase.Variable):
    reference = Menages.column_by_name['revdisp']

    def function(self, simulation, period):
        Revenu disponible - ménage
        period = period.start.period('year').offset('first-of')
        rev_trav_holder = simulation.compute('rev_trav', period)
        pen_holder = simulation.compute('pen', period)
        rev_cap_holder = simulation.compute('rev_cap', period)
        psoc_holder = simulation.compute('psoc', period)
        ppe_holder = simulation.compute('ppe', period)
        impo = simulation.calculate('impo', period)
        rdb_enfant_holder = simulation.calculate_add('rdb_enf', period)

        pen = self.sum_by_entity(pen_holder)
        ppe = self.cast_from_entity_to_role(ppe_holder, role = VOUS)
        ppe = self.sum_by_entity(ppe)
        psoc = self.cast_from_entity_to_role(psoc_holder, role = CHEF)
        psoc = self.sum_by_entity(psoc)
        rev_cap = self.sum_by_entity(rev_cap_holder)
        rev_trav = self.sum_by_entity(rev_trav_holder)
        rdb_enfant = self.sum_by_entity(rdb_enfant_holder)

        return period, rev_trav + pen + rev_cap + psoc + ppe + impo + rdb_enfant


In [20]:
# on crée un moteur de calcul pour la réforme du revenu de base
reform = ReformeRevenuDeBase()

In [21]:
# pour la partie graph
year = 2014
axes_variable = 'salaire_de_base'
ax_variable_max = 150000
count = 5000

In [22]:
scenario_ref_couple_avec_3_enfants = tax_benefit_system.new_scenario().init_single_entity(
    period = year,
    parent1 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 12000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    parent2 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 46000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    enfants = [
            birth = date(2010, 1, 1),
            birth = date(2005, 1, 1),
            birth = date(1999, 1, 1),
    axes = [[
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-2,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-1,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year,
simulation_ref_couple_avec_3_enfants = scenario_ref_couple_avec_3_enfants.new_simulation(debug = True)

In [23]:
scenario_ref_couple_pauvre_avec_3_enfants = tax_benefit_system.new_scenario().init_single_entity(
    period = year,
    parent1 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 12000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    parent2 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 6000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    enfants = [
            birth = date(2010, 1, 1),
            birth = date(2005, 1, 1),
            birth = date(1999, 1, 1),
    axes = [[
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-2,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-1,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year,
simulation_ref_couple_pauvre_avec_3_enfants = scenario_ref_couple_pauvre_avec_3_enfants.new_simulation(debug = True)

In [24]:
scenario_rdb_couple_avec_3_enfants = reform.new_scenario().init_single_entity(
    period = year,
    parent1 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 12000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    parent2 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 46000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    enfants = [
            birth = date(2010, 1, 1),
            birth = date(2005, 1, 1),
            birth = date(1999, 1, 1),
    axes = [[
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-2,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-1,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year,
simulation_rdb_couple_avec_3_enfants = scenario_rdb_couple_avec_3_enfants.new_simulation(debug = True)

In [25]:
scenario_rdb_couple_pauvre_pauvre_avec_3_enfants = reform.new_scenario().init_single_entity(
    period = year,
    parent1 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 12000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    parent2 = dict(
        birth = date(1980, 1, 1),
        salaire_imposable = 6000,
        statmarit = u'Marié',
    enfants = [
            birth = date(2010, 1, 1),
            birth = date(2005, 1, 1),
            birth = date(1999, 1, 1),
    axes = [[
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-2,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year-1,
                count = count,
                min = 0,
                max = ax_variable_max,
                name = axes_variable,
                period = year,
simulation_rdb_couple_pauvre_avec_3_enfants = scenario_rdb_couple_pauvre_pauvre_avec_3_enfants.new_simulation(debug = True)

In [ ]:

Out[ ]:
array([ 4.,  4.,  4., ...,  4.,  4.,  4.], dtype=float32)

In [ ]:
# test graph
#revdisp_ref = simulation_ref_couple_avec_3_enfants.calculate_add("revdisp")
revdisp_rdb = simulation_rdb_couple_avec_3_enfants.calculate_add("revdisp")

In [ ]:
#salaire_net_ref = simulation_ref_couple_avec_3_enfants.calculate_add("salaire_net")
salaire_net_rdb = simulation_rdb_couple_avec_3_enfants.calculate_add("salaire_net")

plt.plot(salaire_net_rdb[::2], revdisp_rdb)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
from openfisca_core import web_tools

In [ ]:
print web_tools.get_trace_tool_link(scenario, ['rsa'])

In [ ]:

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