In [2]:
import os
import logging

# compute
import numpy as np

# interpolation and triangulation
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.spatial
import matplotlib.tri

import plyfile

# colormapping
import matplotlib.colors

# interact
from ipywidgets import interact

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

In [3]:
filename = '6400x4800, zonder'
# replaced filename by my local copy
filename = os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/6650x5000, zonder')
xyz = np.loadtxt(filename)

In [4]:
# we need a few extra points around the edge so we know that we have a square
# define an interpolation function
L = scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator(xyz[:,:2], xyz[:,2])
xmin = xyz[:,0].min()
xmax = xyz[:,0].max()
ymin = xyz[:,1].min()
ymax = xyz[:,1].max()

Y, X = np.mgrid[(ymin-20):(ymax+20):100, (xmin-20):(xmax+20):2j]
xy_extra = np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]
# create a xyz
xyz_extra = np.hstack((xy_extra, L(xy_extra)[:,np.newaxis]))
# append to xyz
xyz = np.vstack((xyz, xyz_extra))

Y, X = np.mgrid[(ymin-20):(ymax+20):2j, (xmin-20):(xmax+20):100]
xy_extra = np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]
# create xyz
xyz_extra = np.hstack((xy_extra, L(xy_extra)[:,np.newaxis]))
# append to xyz
xyz = np.vstack((xyz, xyz_extra))

In [5]:
# convert from world to engineering coordinates (our local sandbox)
# also cleanup and rescale vertical > 0 different from vertical < 0
def x2bak(x):
    # from 0,6400m to 1.28m
    result = (x/6400.)*1.28
    return result
def y2bak(y):
    # from 0,4800m to 1m
    result = (y/4800.)*.96
    return result
def z2bak(z):
    # chop
    z[z < -12] = -12.
    z[z > 0] *= .5
    z[z > 12] = 12.
    # raise to 0
    z -= -12
    # from 0,24m to 0.20m
    result = (z/24.)*0.2
    return result

xyz_scaledd = np.c_[

# remove all the points lower than 1 mm
# xyz_scaled = xyz_scaled[xyz_scaled[:,2]>.001]

In [6]:
# remove all the points lower than 1 mm

bigger_than_1mm = xyz_scaledd[:,2]>.01
xyz_scaled = np.zeros((np.sum(bigger_than_1mm), 3))

xyz_scaled[:,0] = xyz_scaledd[:,0][bigger_than_1mm]
xyz_scaled[:,1] = xyz_scaledd[:,1][bigger_than_1mm]
xyz_scaled[:,2] = xyz_scaledd[:,2][bigger_than_1mm]

In [7]:
# define a triangular mesh
tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(xyz_scaled[:,0], xyz_scaled[:,1])

In [8]:
# this should look somewhat regular, it's the basis for the mesh
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 8))
_ = ax.triplot(tri, 'k-', linewidth=0.1)

In [9]:
# rescale z to 0,1 for computing colors
N = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(xyz[:,2].min(), xyz[:,2].max())
N = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(0, .2)

In [10]:
# these are the properties of the layers that we need to mill
t_wood = .006 # thickness of the wood
# vertical levels (in steps of thickness of wood)
V = np.arange(0, 0.2+t_wood, t_wood)
contours = plt.tricontourf(tri, xyz_scaled[:,2], V, cmap='Accent')

In [27]:
plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 8))

conpoints = []
for i, (v, segment) in enumerate(zip(V, contours.allsegs)):
    if len(segment) != 1:
        logger.warning('expected len segment 1 for segment %s', i)
    contour = segment[0]

    if not len(contour):
        logger.warning('no points in segment %s, skipping', i)

    # get the coordinates
    # compute a convex hull    
    hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(contour)
    hull_points = hull.points[hull.vertices]
    # plot it
    plt.plot(contour[:,0], contour[:,1], 'k.', alpha=1, markersize=1)
             label='layer '+str(i))
# plt.legend()
plt.xlim(xyz_scaled[:, 0].min(), xyz_scaled[:, 0].max())
plt.ylim(xyz_scaled[:, 1].min(), xyz_scaled[:, 1].max())
plt.title(str(len(V)-1) + ' laagjes van ' + str(t_wood*1000) + ' mm');

WARNING:__main__:no points in segment 0, skipping

In [68]:
def plot(layer):
    x_domain = xyz_scaled[:, 0].min(), xyz_scaled[:, 0].max()
    contour = contours.allsegs[layer][0]
    kinds = contours.allkinds[layer][0]

    hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(contour)
    hull_points = hull.points[hull.vertices]
    y_domain = contour[:,1].min(), contour[:,1].max()
    # add some points to the bottom
    # convert to list so we can add points
    contour_with_points = list(contour)
    plt.fill(hull_points[:,0], hull_points[:,1], alpha=0.2)
    for part in np.split(contour, np.nonzero(kinds == 1)[0]):
        plt.plot(part[:,0], part[:,1], 'k-')
    plt.ylim(xyz_scaled[:, 1].min(), xyz_scaled[:, 1].max())

interact(plot, layer=(0, len(V)-1))

<function __main__.plot>

In [66]:


In [28]:
def plot(n):
    plt.plot(conpoints[n][:, 0], conpoints[n][:, 1])
    plt.xlim(0, 1.28)
    plt.ylim(0, .5)
    plt.title('hoogte = ' + str(conpoints[n][0, 2]))

interact(plot, n=(0, len(conpoints)-1, 1))

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-5360bb4b56bd> in <module>()
      5     plt.title('hoogte = ' + str(conpoints[n][0, 2]))
----> 7 interact(plot, n=(0, len(conpoints)-1, 1))

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in interact(__interact_f, **kwargs)
    356         #        ...
    357         f = __interact_f
--> 358         w = interactive(f, **kwargs)
    359         try:
    360             f.widget = w

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in interactive(__interact_f, **kwargs)
    234         getcallargs(f, **{n:v for n,v,_ in new_kwargs})
    235     # Now build the widgets from the abbreviations.
--> 236     kwargs_widgets.extend(_widgets_from_abbreviations(new_kwargs))
    238     # This has to be done as an assignment, not using container.children.append,

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in _widgets_from_abbreviations(seq)
    187     result = []
    188     for name, abbrev, default in seq:
--> 189         widget = _widget_from_abbrev(abbrev, default)
    190         if not widget.description:
    191             widget.description = name

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in _widget_from_abbrev(abbrev, default)
    131         return abbrev
--> 133     widget = _widget_abbrev(abbrev)
    134     if default is not empty and isinstance(abbrev, (list, tuple, dict)):
    135         # if it's not a single-value abbreviation,

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in _widget_abbrev(o)
    116             if step <= 0:
    117                 raise ValueError("step must be >= 0, not %r" % step)
--> 118             min, max, value = _get_min_max_value(o[0], o[1], step=step)
    119             if all(isinstance(_, Integral) for _ in o):
    120                 cls = IntSlider

/Users/baart_f/.virtualenvs/main/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipywidgets/widgets/ in _get_min_max_value(min, max, value, step)
     43     if value is None:
     44         if not max > min:
---> 45             raise ValueError('max must be greater than min: (min={0}, max={1})'.format(min, max))
     46         diff = max - min
     47         value = min + (diff / 2)

ValueError: max must be greater than min: (min=0, max=-1)

In [ ]:
# conpoints = conpoints[:50]

In [ ]:
copo1 = conpoints[0].copy()
copo2 = conpoints[0].copy()
copo2[:, 2] = 0
copo = np.vstack((copo1, copo2))
for i in range(1, len(conpoints)):
    copo = np.vstack((copo, conpoints[i]))

In [ ]:
tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(copo[:,0], copo[:,1])
_ = plt.triplot(tri)

In [ ]:
N = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(0, .2)

In [ ]:
# see
# compute vertex array (bit of hack with the tulpes)
vertex = np.array([
        for row
        in copo.tolist()
    ], dtype=[
        ('x', 'f4'),
        ('y', 'f4'),
        ('z', 'f4')

# create a list of tuples followed by red,green,blue
facelist = []
for triangle in tri.triangles:
    z_triangle = copo[triangle[0], 2]
    r, g, b, a =, bytes=True)
    facelist.append((triangle, r, g, b))
face = np.array(facelist,
        ('vertex_indices', 'i4', (3,)),
        ('red', 'u1'), ('green', 'u1'),
        ('blue', 'u1')

In [ ]:
ply = plyfile.PlyData([
                vertex, 'vertex',
                comments=['tetrahedron vertices']
        plyfile.PlyElement.describe(face, 'face')
    comments=['single tetrahedron with colored faces']

In [ ]:

In [ ]: