In [2]:
import os
import itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
import netCDF4
import osgeo.osr
import skimage.draw
import skimage.morphology
import PIL
from PIL import ImageDraw
import tqdm'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
# open the netCDF file with velocity fields over time and depth
filename = ''
filename = os.path.expanduser('~/data/matroos/')
ds = netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
In [4]:
# convert from numbers to date objects
times = netCDF4.num2date(ds.variables['time'][:], ds.variables['time'].units)
analysis_time = netCDF4.num2date(ds.variables['analysis_time'][:], ds.variables['analysis_time'].units)
In [5]:
sep = ds.variables['sep'][-1]
u1 = ds.variables['velu']
v1 = ds.variables['velv']
lat = ds.variables['lat'][:]
lon = ds.variables['lon'][:]
In [6]:
# coordinate mask (curvilinear grid)
mask = lon.mask
assert (lon.mask == lat.mask).all()
# water levels and velocities are also masked if areas become dry
In [7]:
# let's define the systems
src_srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
# google mercator
dst_srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
wgs84 = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
# local UTM
utm = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
# and the translations between them
src2wgs84 = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, wgs84)
dst2wgs84 = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(dst_srs, wgs84)
utm2wgs84 = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(utm, wgs84)
wgs842utm = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(wgs84, utm)
wgs842dst = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(wgs84, dst_srs)
utm2dst = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(utm, dst_srs)
src2utm = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, utm)
src2dst = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, dst_srs)
In [8]:
coords_utm = np.array(src2utm.TransformPoints(np.c_[lon.ravel(), lat.ravel()]))
# utm coordinates
# reapply mask
x_utm, y_utm = ([:,0].reshape(lon.shape), mask=mask),[:,1].reshape(lat.shape), mask=mask)
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,8))
ax.plot(x_utm.ravel(), y_utm.ravel(), 'k.', alpha=0.3, markersize = 1 )
In [10]:
# compute cell edges (curvlinear grid plot)
def grid2enclosure(X, Y):
"""Generate cell boundaries """
# compute gradients in X and Y
Xx, Xy = np.gradient(X)
Yx, Yy = np.gradient(Y)
# lower left
ll = np.c_[(X - 0.5*Xx - 0.5*Xy).ravel(), (Y - 0.5*Yy - 0.5*Yx).ravel()]
# lower right
lr = np.c_[(X + 0.5*Xx - 0.5*Xy).ravel(), (Y - 0.5*Yy + 0.5*Yx).ravel()]
# upper left
ul = np.c_[(X - 0.5*Xx + 0.5*Xy).ravel(), (Y + 0.5*Yy - 0.5*Yx).ravel()]
# upper right
ur = np.c_[(X + 0.5*Xx + 0.5*Xy).ravel(), (Y + 0.5*Yy + 0.5*Yx).ravel()]
# number of cells x 5 points/cell x 2 (x,y)
verts = np.hstack(
return verts
verts_utm = grid2enclosure(x_utm, y_utm)[~mask.ravel()]
In [11]:
# pre-compute polygons for faster plotting
poly_utm = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(
In [12]:
# check if we have a map
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(620000, 640000)
ax.set_ylim(5895000, 5910000)
In [13]:
# We want velocities in pixels/s in our target coordinate system
# We thus need to know how wide each pixel is in the target system
# We also have to take into account that 1 meter in utm10n does not correspond to
# 1 meter in web mercator.
# The web mercator is not very accurate, it is not a conformal projection.
# One way to correct for this is to compute a correction factor for each point
points_gm = np.array(utm2dst.TransformPoints(np.c_[x_utm.ravel(), y_utm.ravel()]))
points_utm = np.array(np.c_[x_utm.ravel(), y_utm.ravel(), np.zeros_like(x_utm.ravel())])
# compute the local distortion
# how many meters is 1 meter in the projected system, given x,y
x_plus_half = np.array(utm2dst.TransformPoints(np.c_[x_utm.ravel() + 0.5, y_utm.ravel()]))
x_minus_half = np.array(utm2dst.TransformPoints(np.c_[x_utm.ravel() - 0.5, y_utm.ravel()]))
y_plus_half = np.array(utm2dst.TransformPoints(np.c_[x_utm.ravel(), y_utm.ravel() + 0.5]))
y_minus_half = np.array(utm2dst.TransformPoints(np.c_[x_utm.ravel(), y_utm.ravel() - 0.5]))
# compute the deformation factor
x_distort = (x_plus_half - x_minus_half)[:,0]
y_distort = (y_plus_half - y_minus_half)[:,1]
In [14]:
points_gm_central = (points_gm[~mask.ravel()] - (points_gm[~mask.ravel()]).mean(axis=0))
points_utm_central = points_utm[~mask.ravel()] - (points_utm[~mask.ravel()]).mean(axis=0)
In [15]:
# check if these velocities match up, somewhat...
# See,%20Non-Mercator%20(notes).pdf
# for details
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,8))
ax.plot(points_gm_central[:,0], points_gm_central[:,1], 'b.', alpha=0.4, markersize=0.2)
ax.plot(0,0, 'b.', label='mercator')
ax.plot(points_utm_central[:,0] , points_utm_central[:,1] , 'r.', label='utm non distorted', alpha=0.4, markersize=0.2)
ax.plot(0,0, 'r.', label='utm non distorted')
ax.plot(points_utm_central[:,0] * x_distort[~mask.ravel()], points_utm_central[:,1] * y_distort[~mask.ravel()], 'g.', label='utm distorted', alpha=0.4, markersize=0.2)
ax.plot(0,0, 'g.', label='utm distorted')
In [16]:
# create an interpolation function that gives us velocities at each point in the domain.
# in this case we use a triangulated interpolation, which isn't optimal, but ok for now
# Create an interpolation function to map the velocities in web mercator projection
F = scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(
u1[-1].filled(0).ravel()[~mask.ravel()] * x_distort[~mask.ravel()],
v1[-1].filled(0).ravel()[~mask.ravel()] * y_distort[~mask.ravel()]
F.fill_value = 0.0
In [17]:
# now create a map in google mercator
ll_gm = [F.points[:,0].min(), F.points[:,1].min()]
ur_gm = [F.points[:,0].max(), F.points[:,1].max()]
ll_point = (4.440285, 52.835796)
# up to ameland
ur_point = (5.674373, 53.542450)
# top of texel
# ur_point = (5.080980, 53.248950)
ll_gm = wgs842dst.TransformPoint(*ll_point)
ur_gm = wgs842dst.TransformPoint(*ur_point)
# we want a big map as the base layer.
nx = 1024
ny = 1024
x_gm = np.linspace(ll_gm[0], ur_gm[0], num=nx)
y_gm = np.linspace(ll_gm[1], ur_gm[1], num=ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_gm, y_gm)
In [18]:
UV = F(X, Y)
ll_wgs84 = dst2wgs84.TransformPoint(x_gm[0], y_gm[0])
ur_wgs84 = dst2wgs84.TransformPoint(x_gm[-1], y_gm[-1])
# this is the bounding box that we need for adding the map
# should this be plus 1 cell?
ll_wgs84, ur_wgs84
In [19]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2 , figsize=(15,8))
im = axes[0].imshow(UV[...,0], cmap='Reds', origin='lower', extent=[ll_wgs84[0], ur_wgs84[0], ll_wgs84[1], ur_wgs84[1] ])
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axes[0])
im = axes[1].imshow(UV[...,1], cmap='Greens', origin='lower', extent=[ll_wgs84[0], ur_wgs84[0], ll_wgs84[1], ur_wgs84[1] ])
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axes[1])
In [20]:
verts_gm = np.array(
In [21]:
verts_px = np.zeros_like(verts_gm)
verts_px[...,0] = nx*(verts_gm[...,0] - ll_gm[0])/(ur_gm[0] - ll_gm[0])
verts_px[...,1] = ny*(verts_gm[...,1] - ll_gm[1])/(ur_gm[1] - ll_gm[1])
In [ ]:
# code below is much faster
# isgrid should also compute if_wet
isgrid = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='bool')
for contour in verts_px:
rr, cc = skimage.draw.polygon(contour[:,1], contour[:,0], isgrid.shape)
isgrid[rr, cc] = True
rr, cc = skimage.draw.polygon_perimeter(contour[:,1], contour[:,0], isgrid.shape)
isgrid[rr, cc] = True
# want to dilate the grid a bit so colors will run through and holes of the grid are filled
isgrid = skimage.morphology.dilation(isgrid, skimage.morphology.square(5))
In [ ]:
# this is fast, but unfortunately it crashes
# img ='1', size=(ny, nx))
# draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# for contour in verts_px:
# draw.polygon(list(contour.ravel()), fill=1, outline=1)
# isgrid = np.asarray(img).astype(UV.dtype).copy()
# del img
In [ ]:
extent=[ll_wgs84[0], ur_wgs84[0], ll_wgs84[1], ur_wgs84[1] ]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3 , figsize=(15,8))
axes[0].imshow(UV[...,0], cmap='Reds', origin='lower', extent=extent)
axes[1].imshow(UV[...,1], cmap='Greens', origin='lower', extent=extent)
axes[2].imshow(isgrid, cmap='Blues', origin='lower', extent=extent)
In [ ]:
N_uv = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-3, 3, clip=True)
r = N_uv(UV[...,0]).filled(0)
g = N_uv(UV[...,1]).filled(0)
b = isgrid
rgb = np.dstack([r,g,b])
plt.imsave('test.png', rgb)
plt.imshow(rgb, origin='top')
In [82]:
# TODO, generate img, fix masks ...
count = itertools.count()
framescale = 30.0
for i_t, t in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(list(enumerate(times)), desc='times'):
for i in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(range(int(framescale)), desc='frames', leave=False):
u0_top = ds.variables['velu'][i_t]
v0_top = ds.variables['velv'][i_t]
u1_top = ds.variables['velu'][i_t+1]
v1_top = ds.variables['velv'][i_t+1]
# interpolate u,v
# todo: implement optical flow interpolation, like
u_top = (1.0 - (i/framescale)) * u0_top + (i/framescale) * u1_top
v_top = (1.0 - (i/framescale)) * v0_top + (i/framescale) * v1_top
mask = u0_top.mask
# compute the corrected velocities
uv = np.c_[
u_top.ravel()[~mask.ravel()] * x_distort[~mask.ravel()],
v_top.ravel()[~mask.ravel()] * y_distort[~mask.ravel()]
# Create an interpolation function to map the velocities in web mercator projection
F = scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(
F.fill_value = 0.0
UV = F(X, Y)
r = N_uv(UV[...,0]).filled(0)
g = N_uv(UV[...,1]).filled(0)
b = isgrid
rgb = np.dstack([r,g,b])
plt.imsave('vec_%04d.png' % (next(count),), rgb)