In [1]:
# import the owslib package
import owslib.wms
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import color
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# get the wms
wmsurl = ''
wms = owslib.wms.WebMapService(wmsurl)
In [3]:
# let's check out the contents of the wms
In [4]:
# we will use the png layer
wmslayer = ['luchtfoto_png']
In [5]:
# set the GPS coordinates of Delft
# top, left, bottom, right = (52.02,4.30,51.97,4.40)
top, left, bottom, right = (52.013,4.357,52.011,4.364)
bbox = (left, bottom, right, top)
In [6]:
# Get the x and y proportionalities right
ypix = 500
xpix = ypix * np.cos(top/360.*2*np.pi) * np.sin(right-left) / np.sin(top-bottom)
size = (int(round(xpix)), ypix)
print 'Size [pixels]:',size
In [7]:
# Set coordinate system
coor = 'EPSG:4326'
In [8]:
# get map
f = wms.getmap(layers = wmslayer,
srs = coor,
bbox = bbox,
size = size,
format = 'image/png')
In [9]:
# plot the map
img = plt.imread(f)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Aerial photograph of Delft')
In [10]:
# The map looks good, but a bit gray. Let's increase the saturation
# Let us increase the saturation with 50 percent
# Convert rgb to hsv (hue saturation value), increase saturation and convert
# back
imgsat = color.rgb2hsv(img)
imgsat[:,:,1] *= 1.5
imgsat = color.hsv2rgb(imgsat)
In [11]:
# Now plot the map again
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_title('Aerial photograph of Delft, 150% saturation')
In [ ]: