Demonstration using the NetCDF4-Python library to access velocity data from a triangular grid ocean model (FVCOM) via OPeNDAP, specifying the desired URL, time, layer and lat/lon region of interest. The resulting plot of forecast velocity vectors over color-shaded bathymetry is useful for a variety of recreational and scientific purposes.
NECOFS (Northeastern Coastal Ocean Forecast System) is run by groups at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, led by Drs. C. Chen, R. C. Beardsley, G. Cowles and B. Rothschild. Funding is provided to run the model by the NOAA-led Integrated Ocean Observing System and the State of Massachusetts.
NECOFS is a coupled numerical model that uses nested weather models, a coastal ocean circulation model, and a wave model. The ocean model is a volume-mesh model with horizontal resolution that is finer in complicated regions. It is layered (not depth-averaged) and includes the effects of tides, winds, and varying water densities caused by temperature and salinity changes.
In [1]:
lon_track = [-70.89015, -70.927933, -70.951417, -70.976217, -70.99915, -71.03485]
lat_track = [42.3274, 42.31615, 42.3148, 42.3093, 42.322633, 42.3287]
In [2]:
base = '{}'.format
models = dict(
In [3]:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
url = models['Massbay_forecast']
nc = Dataset(url)
print(', '.join(nc.variables.keys()))
In [4]:
In [5]:
from netCDF4 import date2index, num2date
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Desired time for snapshot in UTC
# ....right now (or some number of hours from now) ...
start = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=24)
# ... or specific time (UTC)
# start = dt.datetime(2016,8,19,12,0) #Note: EDT = UTC - 4 hours , EST = UTC -5 hours
time_var = nc['time']
itime = date2index(start, time_var, select='nearest')
dtime = num2date(time_var[itime], time_var.units)
print('Time in UTC: {}'.format(dtime))
In [6]:
lat = nc['lat'][:]
lon = nc['lon'][:]
latc = nc['latc'][:]
lonc = nc['lonc'][:]
nv = nc['nv'][:].T - 1
h = nc['h'][:]
In [7]:
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
tri = Triangulation(lon, lat, triangles=nv)
In [8]:
import numpy as np
levels = np.arange(64, 72, 1) # Temperature contours to plot [48 to 65 in intervals of 1].
bbox = [-71.05, -70.82, 42.28, 42.38] # Region to plot.
maxvel = 1.0 # Velocity arrow scale.
subsample = 3 # Subsampling of velocity vectors.
In [9]:
ind = np.argwhere(
(lonc >= bbox[0]) & (lonc <= bbox[1]) &
(latc >= bbox[2]) & (latc <= bbox[3])
Nvec = int(len(ind) / subsample)
idv = ind[:Nvec]
In [10]:
ilayer = 0 # [0 = surface, -1 = bottom]
u = nc['u'][itime, ilayer, :]
v = nc['v'][itime, ilayer, :]
# Convert m/s to knots
u *= 1.94
v *= 1.94
In [11]:
t = nc['temp'][itime, ilayer, :]
# Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
t = 32 + t*9/5.
In [12]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
merc = 1.0 / np.cos(lat.mean()*np.pi/180.0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 8),
cs = ax.tricontourf(tri, t, levels=levels, shading='faceted')
cbar = fig.colorbar(cs)
cbar.set_label(r'Surface Temperature ($^\circ $F)', rotation=-90)
Q = ax.quiver(lonc[idv], latc[idv], u[idv], v[idv], scale=40)
maxstr = '%3.1f knots' % maxvel
qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.92, 0.08, maxvel, maxstr, labelpos='W')
ax.set_title('NECOFS Surface Velocity, %s UTC' % (dtime))
pt = ax.plot(lon_track, lat_track, 'm-o', linewidth=3)
In [13]:
print('Minimum temperature: {:0.2f}'.format(t.min()))
print('Maximum temperature: {:0.2f}'.format(t.max()))
In [14]:
# Convert to feet.
h *= -0.3042
hlevels = np.arange(-100, 5, 5)
In [15]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 8),
cs = ax.tricontourf(tri, h, levels=hlevels, shading='faceted',
cbar = fig.colorbar(cs)
cbar.set_label('Water Depth (ft)', rotation=-90)
Q = ax.quiver(lonc[idv], latc[idv], u[idv], v[idv], scale=40)
maxstr = '%3.1f knots' % maxvel
qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.92, 0.08, maxvel, maxstr, labelpos='W')
ax.set_title('NECOFS Surface Velocity, %s UTC' % (dtime))
pt = ax.plot(lon_track, lat_track, 'm-o', linewidth=3)