In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

Out of core text classification with the Hashing Vectorizer

Using the Amazon movie reviews collected by J. McAuley and J. Leskovec

In [2]:
import os
print("file size: %d GB" % (os.path.getsize("data/movies.txt") / 1024 ** 3))

file size: 8 GB

In [3]:
with open("data/movies.txt") as f:

product/productId: B003AI2VGA
review/userId: A141HP4LYPWMSR
review/profileName: Brian E. Erland "Rainbow Sphinx"
review/helpfulness: 7/7
review/score: 3.0
review/time: 1182729600
review/summary: "There Is So Much Darkness Now ~ Come For The Miracle"
review/text: Synopsis: On the daily trek from Juarez, Mexico to El Paso, Texas an ever increasing number of female workers are found raped and murdered in the surrounding desert. Investigative reporter Karina Danes (Minnie Driver) arrives from Los Angeles to pursue the story and angers both the local police and the factory owners who employee the undocumented aliens with her pointed questions and relentless quest for the truth.<br /><br />Her story goes nationwide when a young girl named Mariela (Ana Claudia Talancon) survives a vicious attack and walks out of the desert crediting the Blessed Virgin for her rescue. Her story is further enhanced when the "Wounds of Christ" (stigmata) appear in her palms. She also claims to have received a message of hope for the Virgin Mary and soon a fanatical movement forms around her to fight against the evil that holds such a stranglehold on the area.<br /><br />Critique: Possessing a lifelong fascination with such esoteric matters as Catholic mysticism, miracles and the mysterious appearance of the stigmata, I was immediately attracted to the '05 DVD release `Virgin of Juarez'. The film offers a rather unique storyline blending current socio-political concerns, the constant flow of Mexican migrant workers back and forth across the U.S./Mexican border and the traditional Catholic beliefs of the Hispanic population. I must say I was quite surprised by the unexpected route taken by the plot and the means and methods by which the heavenly message unfolds.<br /><br />`Virgin of Juarez' is not a film that you would care to watch over and over again, but it was interesting enough to merit at least one viewing. Minnie Driver delivers a solid performance and Ana Claudia Talancon is perfect as the fragile and innocent visionary Mariela. Also starring Esai Morales and Angus Macfadyen (Braveheart).

product/productId: B003AI2VGA
review/userId: A328S9RN3U5M68
review/profileName: Grady Harp
review/helpfulness: 4/4
review/score: 3.0
review/time: 1181952000
review/summary: Worthwhile and Important Story Hampered by Poor Script and Production
review/text: THE VIRGIN OF JUAREZ is based on true events surrounding the crime problems of Juarez, Mexico reflected in the gringo exploitation of businesses in neighboring El Paso, Texas.  The story contains many important facts that desperately need to be brought into the light, but the impact of the film falters because of the choices made by the writer and director.<br /><br />Karina Danes (Minnie Driver) is a journalist for a Los Angeles newspaper who has flown to Juarez to investigate the multiple (in the hundreds) killings of young women. The targets for these murders seem to be young women working in the US sponsored sweatshops in Juarez who are picked up at night after work, raped, beaten and killed.  Danes is convinced the Juarez police force is doing nothing and takes on the mission of exposing the tragedies, in part due to her own past issues of being too idle with similar crimes in the US.  She meets Father Herrera (Esai Morales) and a community activist Patrick (Angus MacFadyen) and together they probe the police files and follow the most recent murder, discovering along the way a survivor named Mariela (Ana Claudia Talanc&oacute;n), a frightened young girl whose memory of her rape and beating is erased by her apparent vision of the Virgin Mary.  A father of one of the victims, Isidro (Jorge Cervera, Jr.) nurtures Mariela and helps her to escape the hospital, placing her in a 'church' where she becomes a 'saint' to the people of Juarez who long for the crimes to end.  Mariela appears to the public with the stigmata of bleeding hands and offers hope to the victims' families.  Danes works hard to discover evide

In [4]:
def review_iter(f):
    current_post = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.startswith("product/productId"):
            if len(current_post):
                score = current_post[3].strip("review/score: ").strip()
                review = "".join(current_post[6:]).strip("review/text: ").strip()
                yield int(float(score)), review
            current_post = []

In [5]:
n_reviews = 0
with open("data/movies.txt") as f:
    for r in review_iter(f):
        n_reviews += 1
print("Number of reviews: %d" % n_reviews)

Number of reviews: 112625

In [6]:
from itertools import islice

with open("data/movies.txt") as f:
    reviews = islice(review_iter(f), 10000)
    scores, texts = zip(*reviews)

[   0  743  581 1020 2048 5608]

In [7]:
from itertools import izip_longest
# from the itertools recipes
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
    # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

In [8]:
def preprocess_batch(reviews):
    reviews_filtered = [r for r in reviews if r is not None and r[0] != 3]
    scores, texts = zip(*reviews_filtered)
    polarity = np.array(scores) > 3
    return polarity, texts

In [9]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer

vectorizer = HashingVectorizer(decode_error="ignore")

with open("data/movies.txt") as f:
    reviews = islice(review_iter(f), 10000)
    polarity_test, texts_test = preprocess_batch(reviews)
    X_test = vectorizer.transform(texts_test)

In [10]:
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier

sgd = SGDClassifier(random_state=0)

accuracies = []
with open("data/movies.txt") as f:
    training_set = islice(review_iter(f), 10000, None)
    batch_iter = grouper(training_set, 10000)
    for batch in batch_iter:
        polarity, texts = preprocess_batch(batch)
        X = vectorizer.transform(texts)
        sgd.partial_fit(X, polarity, classes=[0, 1])
        accuracies.append(sgd.score(X_test, polarity_test))

In [11]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2c03d128>]

In [ ]: