find first occurrence of ONE string in ONE or MORE mailing lists....PAM!
In [4]:
from bigbang.archive import load as load_archive
In [5]:
#insert ONE OR MORE urls of mailing lists
urls = ["",
arch_paths =[]
for url in urls:
archives = [load_archive(arch_path).data for arch_path in arch_paths]
arch_paths =[]
for url in urls:
archives = [load_archive(arch_path).data for arch_path in arch_paths]
In [11]:
checkword = 'Freedom of expression'
In [25]:
def get_first_occurrence(word,mailing_list):
for mail in mailing_list.iterrows():
if str.lower(word) in str.lower(mail[1]["Body"]):
return mail
In [26]:
for i in range(0,len(archives)):
first_mail = get_first_occurrence(checkword, archives[i])
print urls[i]
print first_mail[1]["Date"]
print first_mail[1]["From"]
print first_mail[1]["Body"]
print "****************************************************************"
In [ ]: