GEM-PRO - Calculating Protein Properties

This notebook gives an example of how to calculate protein properties for a list of proteins. The main features demonstrated are:

  1. Information retrieval from UniProt and linking residue numbering sites to structure
  2. Calculating or predicting global protein sequence and structure properties
  3. Calculating or predicting local protein sequence and structure properties
**Input:** List of gene IDs
**Output:** Representative protein structures and properties associated with them


In [1]:
import sys
import logging

In [2]:
# Import the GEM-PRO class
from ssbio.pipeline.gempro import GEMPRO

In [3]:
# Printing multiple outputs per cell
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"


Set the logging level in logger.setLevel(logging.<LEVEL_HERE>) to specify how verbose you want the pipeline to be. Debug is most verbose.

    • Only really important messages shown
    • Major errors
    • Warnings that don't affect running of the pipeline
  • INFO (default)
    • Info such as the number of structures mapped per gene
    • Really detailed information that will print out a lot of stuff
**Warning:** `DEBUG` mode prints out a large amount of information, especially if you have a lot of genes. This may stall your notebook!

In [4]:
# Create logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)  # SET YOUR LOGGING LEVEL HERE #

In [5]:
# Other logger stuff for Jupyter notebooks
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
logger.handlers = [handler]


Set these three things:

    • The directory where a folder named after your PROJECT will be created
    • Your project name
    • Your list of gene IDs

A directory will be created in ROOT_DIR with your PROJECT name. The folders are organized like so:

    └── PROJECT
        ├── data  # General storage for pipeline outputs
        ├── model  # SBML and GEM-PRO models are stored here
        ├── genes  # Per gene information
        │   ├── <gene_id1>  # Specific gene directory
        │   │   └── protein
        │   │       ├── sequences  # Protein sequence files, alignments, etc.
        │   │       └── structures  # Protein structure files, calculations, etc.
        │   └── <gene_id2>
        │       └── protein
        │           ├── sequences
        │           └── structures
        ├── reactions  # Per reaction information
        │   └── <reaction_id1>  # Specific reaction directory
        │       └── complex
        │           └── structures  # Protein complex files
        └── metabolites  # Per metabolite information
            └── <metabolite_id1>  # Specific metabolite directory
                └── chemical
                    └── structures  # Metabolite 2D and 3D structure files
**Note:** Methods for protein complexes and metabolites are still in development.

In [6]:
import tempfile
ROOT_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir()

PROJECT = 'ssbio_protein_properties'
LIST_OF_GENES = ['b1276', 'b0118']

In [7]:
# Create the GEM-PRO project
my_gempro = GEMPRO(gem_name=PROJECT, root_dir=ROOT_DIR, genes_list=LIST_OF_GENES, pdb_file_type='pdb')

[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Creating GEM-PRO project directory in folder /tmp
[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: /tmp/ssbio_protein_properties: GEM-PRO project location
[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 2: number of genes

Mapping gene ID --> sequence

First, we need to map these IDs to their protein sequences. There are 2 ID mapping services provided to do this - through KEGG or UniProt. The end goal is to map a UniProt ID to each ID, since there is a comprehensive mapping (and some useful APIs) between UniProt and the PDB.

**Note:** You only need to map gene IDs using one service. However you can run both if some genes don't map in one service and do map in another!

In [8]:
# UniProt mapping
print('Missing UniProt mapping: ', my_gempro.missing_uniprot_mapping)

[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: Begin
[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: user_agent: EBI-Sample-Client/ (; Python 3.6.3; Linux) Python-requests/2.18.4
[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: End
A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 2/2: number of genes mapped to UniProt
[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed ID mapping --> UniProt. See the "df_uniprot_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.
Missing UniProt mapping:  []
uniprot reviewed gene_name kegg refseq pdbs pfam description entry_date entry_version seq_date seq_version sequence_file metadata_file
b0118 P36683 False acnB ecj:JW0114;eco:b0118 NP_414660.1;WP_001307570.1 1L5J PF00330;PF06434;PF11791 Aconitate hydratase B 2018-01-31 165 1997-11-01 3 P36683.fasta P36683.xml
b1276 P25516 False acnA ecj:JW1268;eco:b1276 NP_415792.1;WP_000099535.1 NaN PF00330;PF00694 Aconitate hydratase A 2018-01-31 153 2008-01-15 3 P25516.fasta P25516.xml

In [9]:
# Set representative sequences
print('Missing a representative sequence: ', my_gempro.missing_representative_sequence)

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 2/2: number of genes with a representative sequence
[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: See the "df_representative_sequences" attribute for a summary dataframe.
Missing a representative sequence:  []
uniprot kegg pdbs sequence_file metadata_file
b0118 P36683 ecj:JW0114;eco:b0118 1L5J P36683.fasta P36683.xml
b1276 P25516 ecj:JW1268;eco:b1276 NaN P25516.fasta P25516.xml

Mapping representative sequence --> structure

These are the ways to map sequence to structure:

  1. Use the UniProt ID and their automatic mappings to the PDB
  2. BLAST the sequence to the PDB
  3. Make homology models or
  4. Map to existing homology models

You can only utilize option #1 to map to PDBs if there is a mapped UniProt ID set in the representative sequence. If not, you'll have to BLAST your sequence to the PDB or make a homology model. You can also run both for maximum coverage.

In [10]:
# Mapping using the PDBe best_structures service

[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Mapping UniProt IDs --> PDB IDs...
[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: Begin
[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: user_agent: EBI-Sample-Client/ (; Python 3.6.3; Linux) Python-requests/2.18.4
[2018-02-05 16:52] [root] INFO: getUserAgent: End
A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 1/2: number of genes with at least one experimental structure
[2018-02-05 16:52] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed UniProt --> best PDB mapping. See the "df_pdb_ranking" attribute for a summary dataframe.
pdb_id pdb_chain_id uniprot experimental_method resolution coverage start end unp_start unp_end rank
b0118 1l5j A P36683 X-ray diffraction 2.4 1 1 865 1 865 1
b0118 1l5j B P36683 X-ray diffraction 2.4 1 1 865 1 865 2

In [11]:
# Mapping using BLAST
my_gempro.blast_seqs_to_pdb(all_genes=True, seq_ident_cutoff=.7, evalue=0.00001)

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:53] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Completed sequence --> PDB BLAST. See the "df_pdb_blast" attribute for a summary dataframe.
[2018-02-05 16:53] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 0: number of genes with additional structures added from BLAST
[2018-02-05 16:53] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] WARNING: Empty dataframe

Homology models

Below, we are mapping to previously generated homology models for E. coli. If you are running this as a tutorial, they won't exist on your computer, so you can skip these steps.

In [15]:
import pandas as pd
import os.path as op

In [16]:
# Creating manual mapping dictionary for ECOLI I-TASSER models
homology_models = '/home/nathan/projects_archive/homology_models/ECOLI/zhang/'
homology_models_df = pd.read_csv('/home/nathan/projects_archive/homology_models/ECOLI/zhang_data/160804-ZHANG_INFO.csv')
tmp = homology_models_df[['zhang_id','model_file','m_gene']].drop_duplicates()
tmp = tmp[pd.notnull(tmp.m_gene)]

homology_model_dict = {}

for i,r in tmp.iterrows():
    homology_model_dict[r['m_gene']] = {r['zhang_id']: {'model_file':op.join(homology_models, r['model_file']),

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Updated homology model information for 2 genes.

In [17]:
# Creating manual mapping dictionary for ECOLI SUNPRO models
homology_models = '/home/nathan/projects_archive/homology_models/ECOLI/sunpro/'
homology_models_df = pd.read_csv('/home/nathan/projects_archive/homology_models/ECOLI/sunpro_data/160609-SUNPRO_INFO.csv')
tmp = homology_models_df[['sunpro_id','model_file','m_gene']].drop_duplicates()
tmp = tmp[pd.notnull(tmp.m_gene)]

homology_model_dict = {}

for i,r in tmp.iterrows():
    homology_model_dict[r['m_gene']] = {r['sunpro_id']: {'model_file':op.join(homology_models, r['model_file']),

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Updated homology model information for 2 genes.

Downloading and ranking structures

**Warning:** Downloading all PDBs takes a while, since they are also parsed for metadata. You can skip this step and just set representative structures below if you want to minimize the number of PDBs downloaded.

In [18]:
# Download all mapped PDBs and gather the metadata

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Updated PDB metadata dataframe. See the "df_pdb_metadata" attribute for a summary dataframe.
[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: Saved 1 structures total
pdb_id pdb_title description experimental_method mapped_chains resolution chemicals taxonomy_name structure_file
b0118 1l5j CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF E. COLI ACONITASE B. Aconitate hydratase 2 (E.C. X-ray diffraction A;B 2.4 F3S;TRA Escherichia coli 1l5j.pdb

In [19]:
# Set representative structures

A Jupyter Widget

[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: 2/2: number of genes with a representative structure
[2018-02-05 16:56] [ssbio.pipeline.gempro] INFO: See the "df_representative_structures" attribute for a summary dataframe.
id is_experimental file_type structure_file
b0118 REP-1l5j True pdb 1l5j-A_clean.pdb
b1276 REP-ACON1_ECOLI False pdb ACON1_ECOLI_model1_clean-X_clean.pdb

Computing and storing protein properties

In [20]:
# Requires EMBOSS "pepstats" program
# See the ssbio wiki for more information:
# Install using:
# sudo apt-get install emboss

A Jupyter Widget

In [ ]:
# Requires SCRATCH installation, replace path_to_scratch with own path to script
# See the ssbio wiki for more information:

In [22]:

A Jupyter Widget

In [23]:
# Requires DSSP installation
# See the ssbio wiki for more information:

A Jupyter Widget

In [24]:
# Requires MSMS installation
# See the ssbio wiki for more information:

A Jupyter Widget

Additional annotations

Loading feature files to the representative sequence

"Features" are currently loaded directly from UniProt, but if another feature file is available for each protein, it can be loaded manually.

In [25]:
# for g in my_gempro.genes_with_a_representative_sequence:
#     g.protein.representative_sequence.feature_path = '/path/to/new/feature/file.gff'

Adding more properties

Additional global or local properties can be loaded after loading the saved GEM-PRO.

Make sure to add 'seq_hydrophobicity-kd' to the list of columns to be returned later on!

Example with hydrophobicity

In [26]:
# Kyte-Doolittle scale for hydrophobicity
kd = { 'A': 1.8,'R':-4.5,'N':-3.5,'D':-3.5,'C': 2.5,
       'Q':-3.5,'E':-3.5,'G':-0.4,'H':-3.2,'I': 4.5,
       'L': 3.8,'K':-3.9,'M': 1.9,'F': 2.8,'P':-1.6,
       'S':-0.8,'T':-0.7,'W':-0.9,'Y':-1.3,'V': 4.2 }

In [27]:
# Use Biopython to calculated hydrophobicity using a set sliding window length
from Bio.SeqUtils.ProtParam import ProteinAnalysis

window = 7

for g in my_gempro.genes_with_a_representative_sequence:
    # Create a ProteinAnalysis object -- see
    my_seq = g.protein.representative_sequence.seq_str
    analysed_seq = ProteinAnalysis(my_seq)
    # Calculate scale
    hydrophobicity = analysed_seq.protein_scale(param_dict=kd, window=window)
    # Correct list length by prepending and appending "inf" (result needs to be same length as sequence)
    for i in range(window//2):
        hydrophobicity.insert(0, float("Inf"))
    # Add new annotation to the representative sequence's "letter_annotations" dictionary
    g.protein.representative_sequence.letter_annotations['hydrophobicity-kd'] = hydrophobicity

Global protein properties

Properties of the entire protein sequence/structure are stored in:

  1. The representative_sequence annotations field
  2. The representative_structure's representative chain SeqRecord

These properties describe aspects of the entire protein, such as its molecular weight, the percentage of amino acids in a particular secondary structure, etc.

In [28]:
# Printing all global protein properties

from pprint import pprint

# Only looking at 2 genes for now, remove [:2] to gather properties for all
for g in my_gempro.genes_with_a_representative_sequence[:2]:
    repseq = g.protein.representative_sequence
    repstruct = g.protein.representative_structure
    repchain = g.protein.representative_chain
    print('Gene: {}'.format(
    print('Number of structures: {}'.format(g.protein.num_structures))
    print('Representative sequence: {}'.format(
    print('Representative structure: {}'.format(
    print('Global properties of the representative sequence:')
    print('Global properties of the representative structure:')

Gene: b1276
Number of structures: 3
Representative sequence: P25516
Representative structure: REP-ACON1_ECOLI
Global properties of the representative sequence:
{'amino_acids_percent-biop': {'A': 0.08641975308641975,
                              'C': 0.007856341189674524,
                              'D': 0.06397306397306397,
                              'E': 0.06172839506172839,
                              'F': 0.025813692480359147,
                              'G': 0.08754208754208755,
                              'H': 0.020202020202020204,
                              'I': 0.04826038159371493,
                              'K': 0.04826038159371493,
                              'L': 0.09427609427609428,
                              'M': 0.028058361391694726,
                              'N': 0.037037037037037035,
                              'P': 0.05611672278338945,
                              'Q': 0.030303030303030304,
                              'R': 0.05723905723905724,
                              'S': 0.05723905723905724,
                              'T': 0.06060606060606061,
                              'V': 0.0819304152637486,
                              'W': 0.014590347923681257,
                              'Y': 0.03254769921436588},
 'aromaticity-biop': 0.07295173961840629,
 'instability_index-biop': 36.28239057239071,
 'isoelectric_point-biop': 5.59344482421875,
 'molecular_weight-biop': 97676.06830000057,
 'monoisotopic-biop': False,
 'percent_acidic-pepstats': 0.1257,
 'percent_aliphatic-pepstats': 0.31089,
 'percent_aromatic-pepstats': 0.09315,
 'percent_basic-pepstats': 0.1257,
 'percent_charged-pepstats': 0.2514,
 'percent_helix_naive-biop': 0.29741863075196406,
 'percent_non-polar-pepstats': 0.56341,
 'percent_polar-pepstats': 0.43659,
 'percent_small-pepstats': 0.53872,
 'percent_strand_naive-biop': 0.27048260381593714,
 'percent_tiny-pepstats': 0.29966000000000004,
 'percent_turn_naive-biop': 0.2379349046015713}
Global properties of the representative structure:
{'percent_B-dssp': 0.010101010101010102,
 'percent_C-dssp': 0.2222222222222222,
 'percent_E-dssp': 0.1739618406285073,
 'percent_G-dssp': 0.03928170594837262,
 'percent_H-dssp': 0.345679012345679,
 'percent_I-dssp': 0.005611672278338945,
 'percent_S-dssp': 0.09427609427609428,
 'percent_T-dssp': 0.10886644219977554}
Gene: b0118
Number of structures: 4
Representative sequence: P36683
Representative structure: REP-1l5j
Global properties of the representative sequence:
{'amino_acids_percent-biop': {'A': 0.11213872832369942,
                              'C': 0.011560693641618497,
                              'D': 0.06358381502890173,
                              'E': 0.06589595375722543,
                              'F': 0.03352601156069364,
                              'G': 0.08786127167630058,
                              'H': 0.017341040462427744,
                              'I': 0.05433526011560694,
                              'K': 0.056647398843930635,
                              'L': 0.10173410404624278,
                              'M': 0.026589595375722544,
                              'N': 0.035838150289017344,
                              'P': 0.06242774566473988,
                              'Q': 0.028901734104046242,
                              'R': 0.04508670520231214,
                              'S': 0.04161849710982659,
                              'T': 0.05433526011560694,
                              'V': 0.06705202312138728,
                              'W': 0.009248554913294798,
                              'Y': 0.024277456647398842},
 'aromaticity-biop': 0.06705202312138728,
 'instability_index-biop': 32.79631213872841,
 'isoelectric_point-biop': 5.23931884765625,
 'molecular_weight-biop': 93497.01500000065,
 'monoisotopic-biop': False,
 'percent_acidic-pepstats': 0.12948,
 'percent_aliphatic-pepstats': 0.33526000000000006,
 'percent_aromatic-pepstats': 0.08439,
 'percent_basic-pepstats': 0.11907999999999999,
 'percent_charged-pepstats': 0.24855,
 'percent_helix_naive-biop': 0.29017341040462424,
 'percent_non-polar-pepstats': 0.59075,
 'percent_polar-pepstats': 0.40924999999999995,
 'percent_small-pepstats': 0.53642,
 'percent_strand_naive-biop': 0.3063583815028902,
 'percent_tiny-pepstats': 0.30751,
 'percent_turn_naive-biop': 0.22774566473988442}
Global properties of the representative structure:
{'percent_B-dssp': 0.016241299303944315,
 'percent_C-dssp': 0.20765661252900233,
 'percent_E-dssp': 0.14037122969837587,
 'percent_G-dssp': 0.03480278422273782,
 'percent_H-dssp': 0.3805104408352668,
 'percent_I-dssp': 0.0,
 'percent_S-dssp': 0.08236658932714618,
 'percent_T-dssp': 0.13805104408352667}

Local protein properties

Properties of specific residues are stored in:

  1. The representative_sequence's letter_annotations attribute
  2. The representative_structure's representative chain SeqRecord

Specific sites, like metal or metabolite binding sites, can be found in the representative_sequence's features attribute. This information is retrieved from UniProt. The below examples extract features for the metal binding sites.

The properties related to those sites can be retrieved using the function get_residue_annotations.

UniProt contains more information than just "sites"

In [29]:
# Looking at all features
for g in my_gempro.genes_with_a_representative_sequence[:2]:
    # UniProt features
    [x for x in g.protein.representative_sequence.features]
    # Catalytic site atlas features
    for s in g.protein.structures:
        if s.structure_file:
            for c in s.mapped_chains:
                if s.chains.get_by_id(c).seq_record:
                    if s.chains.get_by_id(c).seq_record.features:
                        [x for x in s.chains.get_by_id(c).seq_record.features]

[SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(1)), type='initiator methionine'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(1), ExactPosition(891)), type='chain', id='PRO_0000076661'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(434), ExactPosition(435)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(500), ExactPosition(501)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(503), ExactPosition(504)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(521), ExactPosition(522)), type='sequence conflict')]
[SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(865)), type='chain', id='PRO_0000076675'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(243), ExactPosition(246)), type='region of interest'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(413), ExactPosition(416)), type='region of interest'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(709), ExactPosition(710)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(768), ExactPosition(769)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(771), ExactPosition(772)), type='metal ion-binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(190), ExactPosition(191)), type='binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(497), ExactPosition(498)), type='binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(790), ExactPosition(791)), type='binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(795), ExactPosition(796)), type='binding site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(768), ExactPosition(769)), type='mutagenesis site'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(1), ExactPosition(14)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(23), ExactPosition(35)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(41), ExactPosition(51)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(58), ExactPosition(72)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(82), ExactPosition(90)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(98), ExactPosition(104)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(104), ExactPosition(107)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(108), ExactPosition(111)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(111), ExactPosition(120)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(127), ExactPosition(137)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(140), ExactPosition(151)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(153), ExactPosition(157)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(165), ExactPosition(178)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(178), ExactPosition(182)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(184), ExactPosition(190)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(193), ExactPosition(197)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(197), ExactPosition(200)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(213), ExactPosition(216)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(219), ExactPosition(227)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(232), ExactPosition(243)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(247), ExactPosition(257)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(257), ExactPosition(261)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(263), ExactPosition(269)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(271), ExactPosition(278)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(279), ExactPosition(288)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(291), ExactPosition(295)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(305), ExactPosition(310)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(310), ExactPosition(314)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(314), ExactPosition(318)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(318), ExactPosition(321)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(323), ExactPosition(327)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(333), ExactPosition(341)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(343), ExactPosition(360)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(383), ExactPosition(391)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(391), ExactPosition(394)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(408), ExactPosition(413)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(414), ExactPosition(417)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(417), ExactPosition(427)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(437), ExactPosition(440)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(443), ExactPosition(448)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(450), ExactPosition(465)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(465), ExactPosition(468)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(478), ExactPosition(483)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(483), ExactPosition(486)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(491), ExactPosition(497)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(502), ExactPosition(507)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(511), ExactPosition(521)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(530), ExactPosition(538)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(545), ExactPosition(559)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(572), ExactPosition(576)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(576), ExactPosition(583)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(588), ExactPosition(597)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(597), ExactPosition(600)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(600), ExactPosition(603)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(604), ExactPosition(609)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(612), ExactPosition(632)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(637), ExactPosition(653)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(666), ExactPosition(673)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(673), ExactPosition(676)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(680), ExactPosition(683)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(690), ExactPosition(693)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(693), ExactPosition(696)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(696), ExactPosition(699)), type='turn'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(703), ExactPosition(707)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(713), ExactPosition(726)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(731), ExactPosition(737)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(741), ExactPosition(750)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(752), ExactPosition(760)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(769), ExactPosition(772)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(774), ExactPosition(777)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(783), ExactPosition(790)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(795), ExactPosition(798)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(801), ExactPosition(805)), type='strand'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(807), ExactPosition(817)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(822), ExactPosition(834)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(836), ExactPosition(840)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(845), ExactPosition(848)), type='helix'),
 SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(849), ExactPosition(857)), type='helix')]

In [30]:
metal_info = []

for g in my_gempro.genes:
    for f in g.protein.representative_sequence.features:
        if 'metal' in f.type.lower():
            res_info = g.protein.get_residue_annotations(f.location.end, use_representatives=True)
            res_info['gene_id'] =
            res_info['seq_id'] =
            res_info['struct_id'] =
            res_info['chain_id'] = g.protein.representative_chain
cols = ['gene_id', 'seq_id', 'struct_id', 'chain_id',
        'seq_residue', 'seq_resnum', 'struct_residue','struct_resnum',
        'struct_SS-dssp','struct_RSA-dssp', 'struct_ASA-dssp', 
        'struct_PHI-dssp', 'struct_PSI-dssp', 'struct_CA_DEPTH-msms', 'struct_RES_DEPTH-msms']

pd.DataFrame.from_records(metal_info, columns=cols).set_index(['gene_id', 'seq_id', 'struct_id', 'chain_id', 'seq_resnum'])

seq_residue struct_residue struct_resnum seq_SS-sspro seq_SS-sspro8 seq_RSA-accpro seq_RSA-accpro20 struct_SS-dssp struct_RSA-dssp struct_ASA-dssp struct_PHI-dssp struct_PSI-dssp struct_CA_DEPTH-msms struct_RES_DEPTH-msms
gene_id seq_id struct_id chain_id seq_resnum
b1276 P25516 REP-ACON1_ECOLI X 435 C C 435 NaN NaN NaN NaN H 0.059259 8.0 -61.1 -26.6 2.656722 2.813536
501 C C 501 NaN NaN NaN NaN S 0.088889 12.0 -61.0 -50.0 1.999713 2.409119
504 C C 504 NaN NaN NaN NaN G 0.259259 35.0 -56.0 -45.6 1.999634 1.961484
b0118 P36683 REP-1l5j A 710 C C 710 NaN NaN NaN NaN T 0.118519 16.0 -67.1 -7.2 10.148960 10.009109
769 C C 769 NaN NaN NaN NaN - 0.088889 12.0 -67.8 -28.3 8.296585 8.049832
772 C C 772 NaN NaN NaN NaN G 0.081481 11.0 -50.2 -38.0 8.282292 8.239369

Column definitions

  • gene_id: Gene ID used in GEM-PRO project
  • seq_id: Representative protein sequence ID
  • struct_id: Representative protein structure ID, with REP- prepended to it. 4 letter structure IDs are experimental structures from the PDB, others are homology models
  • chain_id: Representative chain ID in the representative structure
General -- residue specific
  • seq_resnum: Residue number of the amino acid in the representative sequence
  • site_name: Name of the feature as defined in UniProt
  • seq_residue: Amino acid in the representative sequence at the residue number
  • struct_residue: Amino acid in the representative structure at the residue number
  • struct_resnum: Residue number of the amino acid in the representative structure
Residue-level properties calculated or predicted from sequence:
  • seq_SS-sspro: Predicted secondary structure, 3 definitions (from the SCRATCH program)
  • seq_SS-sspro8: Predicted secondary structure, 8 definitions (SCRATCH)
  • seq_RSA-accpro: Predicted exposed (e) or buried (-) residue (SCRATCH)
  • seq_RSA-accpro20: Predicted exposed/buried, 0 to 100 scale (SCRATCH)
Residue-level properties calculated from structure:
  • struct_SS-dssp: Secondary structure (DSSP program)
  • struct_RSA-dssp: Relative solvent accessibility (DSSP)
  • struct_ASA-dssp: Solvent accessibility, absolute value (DSSP)
  • struct_PHI-dssp: Phi angle measure (DSSP)
  • struct_PSI-dssp: Psi angle measure (DSSP)
  • struct_RES_DEPTH-msms: Calculated residue depth averaged for all atoms in the residue (MSMS program)
  • struct_CA_DEPTH-msms: Calculated residue depth for the carbon alpha atom (MSMS)

Visualizing residues

In [31]:
for g in my_gempro.genes:
    # Gather residue numbers
    metal_binding_structure_residues = []
    for f in g.protein.representative_sequence.features:
        if 'metal' in f.type.lower():
            res_info = g.protein.get_residue_annotations(f.location.end, use_representatives=True)
    # Display structure
    view = g.protein.representative_structure.view_structure()
    g.protein.representative_structure.add_residues_highlight_to_nglview(view=view, structure_resnums=metal_binding_structure_residues)

[435, 501, 504]
[2018-02-05 17:00] [ssbio.protein.structure.structprop] INFO: Selection: ( :X ) and not hydrogen and ( 504 or 435 or 501 )
A Jupyter Widget
[710, 769, 772]
[2018-02-05 17:00] [ssbio.protein.structure.structprop] INFO: Selection: ( :A ) and not hydrogen and ( 769 or 772 or 710 )
A Jupyter Widget

Comparing features in different structures of the same protein

In [32]:
# Run all sequence to structure alignments
for g in my_gempro.genes:
    for s in g.protein.structures:
        g.protein.align_seqprop_to_structprop(seqprop=g.protein.representative_sequence, structprop=s)

In [33]:
metal_info_compared = []

for g in my_gempro.genes:
    for f in g.protein.representative_sequence.features:
        if 'metal' in f.type.lower():
            for s in g.protein.structures:
                for c in s.mapped_chains:
                    res_info = g.protein.get_residue_annotations(seq_resnum=f.location.end, 
                                                                 structprop=s, chain_id=c,
                    res_info['gene_id'] =
                    res_info['seq_id'] =
                    res_info['struct_id'] =
                    res_info['chain_id'] = c
cols = ['gene_id', 'seq_id', 'struct_id', 'chain_id',
        'seq_residue', 'seq_resnum', 'struct_residue','struct_resnum',
        'struct_SS-dssp','struct_RSA-dssp', 'struct_ASA-dssp', 
        'struct_PHI-dssp', 'struct_PSI-dssp', 'struct_CA_DEPTH-msms', 'struct_RES_DEPTH-msms']

pd.DataFrame.from_records(metal_info_compared, columns=cols).sort_values(by=['seq_resnum','struct_id','chain_id']).set_index(['gene_id','seq_id','seq_resnum','seq_residue','struct_id'])

chain_id struct_residue struct_resnum seq_SS-sspro seq_SS-sspro8 seq_RSA-accpro seq_RSA-accpro20 struct_SS-dssp struct_RSA-dssp struct_ASA-dssp struct_PHI-dssp struct_PSI-dssp struct_CA_DEPTH-msms struct_RES_DEPTH-msms
gene_id seq_id seq_resnum seq_residue struct_id
b1276 P25516 435 C ACON1_ECOLI X C 435 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E01201 X C 435 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-ACON1_ECOLI X C 435 NaN NaN NaN NaN H 0.059259 8.0 -61.1 -26.6 2.656722 2.813536
501 C ACON1_ECOLI X C 501 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E01201 X C 501 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-ACON1_ECOLI X C 501 NaN NaN NaN NaN S 0.088889 12.0 -61.0 -50.0 1.999713 2.409119
504 C ACON1_ECOLI X C 504 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E01201 X C 504 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-ACON1_ECOLI X C 504 NaN NaN NaN NaN G 0.259259 35.0 -56.0 -45.6 1.999634 1.961484
b0118 P36683 710 C 1l5j A C 710 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1l5j B C 710 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E00113 X C 710 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-1l5j A C 710 NaN NaN NaN NaN T 0.118519 16.0 -67.1 -7.2 10.148960 10.009109
769 C 1l5j A C 769 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1l5j B C 769 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E00113 X C 769 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-1l5j A C 769 NaN NaN NaN NaN - 0.088889 12.0 -67.8 -28.3 8.296585 8.049832
772 C 1l5j A C 772 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1l5j B C 772 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
E00113 X C 772 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
REP-1l5j A C 772 NaN NaN NaN NaN G 0.081481 11.0 -50.2 -38.0 8.282292 8.239369