In [1]:
import numpy as np # Linear Alg
import pandas as pd # CSV file I/O & data processing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns
import warnings 
from matplotlib import style
from import candlestick_ohlc

%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12.0, 8.0)

from subprocess import check_output

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The finance module has been deprecated in mpl 2.0 and will be removed in mpl 2.2. Please use the module mpl_finance instead.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)

In [2]:
data_dir = '../../input'
ripple_price = pd.read_csv('{}/ripple_price.csv'.format(data_dir), parse_dates=['Date'], index_col=0)

Open          float64
High          float64
Low           float64
Close         float64
Volume         object
Market Cap     object
dtype: object

In [3]:
# first fifteen rows of ripple

Open High Low Close Volume Market Cap
2017-09-05 0.205110 0.218674 0.190232 0.215189 242,636,000 7,864,700,000
2017-09-04 0.228781 0.228781 0.195960 0.204968 239,613,000 8,772,340,000
2017-09-03 0.227229 0.236443 0.218662 0.228811 186,526,000 8,712,840,000
2017-09-02 0.249348 0.249680 0.217774 0.226669 329,928,000 9,560,940,000
2017-09-01 0.255803 0.256162 0.243833 0.248479 283,576,000 9,808,460,000
2017-08-31 0.227558 0.261038 0.225907 0.255630 432,574,000 8,725,450,000
2017-08-30 0.218871 0.229805 0.217476 0.228006 181,186,000 8,392,340,000
2017-08-29 0.224026 0.225926 0.214867 0.218564 269,770,000 8,590,000,000
2017-08-28 0.203425 0.236260 0.196610 0.224508 542,468,000 7,800,090,000
2017-08-27 0.212617 0.212617 0.197717 0.202995 193,971,000 8,152,540,000
2017-08-26 0.218256 0.229086 0.210324 0.212577 184,121,000 8,368,790,000
2017-08-25 0.217200 0.232184 0.203022 0.217828 504,484,000 8,328,300,000
2017-08-24 0.252371 0.288783 0.212543 0.218958 1,342,360,000 9,676,890,000
2017-08-23 0.240987 0.297662 0.219992 0.246827 1,770,400,000 9,240,380,000
2017-08-22 0.194971 0.254659 0.171483 0.239286 1,450,040,000 7,475,950,000

In [4]:
# last fifteen rows of ripple

Open High Low Close Volume Market Cap
2013-08-18 0.005687 0.006263 0.005585 0.005617 - 44,458,200
2013-08-17 0.003138 0.005684 0.003138 0.005671 - 24,533,400
2013-08-16 0.003082 0.003162 0.002875 0.003134 - 24,092,600
2013-08-15 0.003788 0.003804 0.003067 0.003092 - 29,615,000
2013-08-14 0.004267 0.004267 0.003785 0.003788 - 33,359,300
2013-08-13 0.004463 0.004463 0.004171 0.004245 - 34,893,700
2013-08-12 0.004414 0.004520 0.004359 0.004449 - 34,511,100
2013-08-11 0.004314 0.004421 0.004300 0.004415 - 33,725,000
2013-08-10 0.004291 0.004366 0.004279 0.004314 - 33,547,500
2013-08-09 0.004257 0.004367 0.004253 0.004291 - 33,282,700
2013-08-08 0.004397 0.004424 0.004175 0.004254 - 34,372,500
2013-08-07 0.004669 0.004682 0.004333 0.004417 - 36,503,500
2013-08-06 0.005637 0.005661 0.004629 0.004680 - 44,067,600
2013-08-05 0.005875 0.005980 0.005613 0.005613 - 45,928,400
2013-08-04 0.005874 0.005927 0.005874 0.005882 - 45,921,000

In [5]:
rip_ohlc = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']

for feat in rip_ohlc:
    print('Statistics for Ripple {} values:'.format(feat))

Statistics for Ripple Open values:
count    1494.000000
mean        0.027803
std         0.063325
min         0.002809
25%         0.005974
50%         0.007478
75%         0.012785
max         0.394931
Name: Open, dtype: float64
Statistics for Ripple High values:
count    1494.000000
mean        0.029456
std         0.067624
min         0.003082
25%         0.006084
50%         0.007698
75%         0.013157
max         0.435170
Name: High, dtype: float64
Statistics for Ripple Low values:
count    1494.000000
mean        0.026254
std         0.059060
min         0.002802
25%         0.005894
50%         0.007296
75%         0.011890
max         0.332222
Name: Low, dtype: float64
Statistics for Ripple Close values:
count    1494.000000
mean        0.027934
std         0.063490
min         0.002810
25%         0.005982
50%         0.007484
75%         0.012859
max         0.394132
Name: Close, dtype: float64

In [6]:
# plotting ripple's high, low, close, open values
for feat in rip_ohlc:
    plt.plot(ripple_price[feat], label=feat)


In [7]:
#ripple's more recent data
n_days = 365 # number of recent days

for feature in rip_ohlc:
    plt.plot(ripple_price[feature].iloc[:n_days], label=feature)

plt.title('Pricing Trend (last year)')

In [ ]: