In [315]:
from scipy import optimize
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

#step1 read the filein csv format
filename = 'diabetes.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print (data.shape)
print (data.describe())

       Pregnancies     Glucose  BloodPressure  SkinThickness     Insulin  \
count   768.000000  768.000000     768.000000     768.000000  768.000000   
mean      3.845052  120.894531      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
std       3.369578   31.972618      19.355807      15.952218  115.244002   
min       0.000000    0.000000       0.000000       0.000000    0.000000   
25%       1.000000   99.000000      62.000000       0.000000    0.000000   
50%       3.000000  117.000000      72.000000      23.000000   30.500000   
75%       6.000000  140.250000      80.000000      32.000000  127.250000   
max      17.000000  199.000000     122.000000      99.000000  846.000000   

              BMI  DiabetesPedigreeFunction         Age     Outcome  
count  768.000000                768.000000  768.000000  768.000000  
mean    31.992578                  0.471876   33.240885    0.348958  
std      7.884160                  0.331329   11.760232    0.476951  
min      0.000000                  0.078000   21.000000    0.000000  
25%     27.300000                  0.243750   24.000000    0.000000  
50%     32.000000                  0.372500   29.000000    0.000000  
75%     36.600000                  0.626250   41.000000    1.000000  
max     67.100000                  2.420000   81.000000    1.000000  

In [316]:
# function to check 0 in column
def chkColumnForVal(col_name,val):
    print (col_name)
    for t in df[col_name]:
    return len(out_array)

#function to find mean,median,mode
def cal_mmm(col_name): 
    mean = df[col_name].mean()
    mode = df[col_name].mode()
    #median = df[col_name].median
    return mmm_array

In [317]:
#step2 clean the data (categorize the continuous variables)
#print (data.head(10))
df = DataFrame.from_csv('diabetes.csv', header = 0, sep = ',' ,index_col = None)
#print("variance: ",df.var())
#print("std: ",df.std())

print (df.head(5))

   Pregnancies  Glucose  BloodPressure  SkinThickness  Insulin   BMI  \
0            6      148             72             35        0  33.6   
1            1       85             66             29        0  26.6   
2            8      183             64              0        0  23.3   
3            1       89             66             23       94  28.1   
4            0      137             40             35      168  43.1   

   DiabetesPedigreeFunction  Age  Outcome  
0                     0.627   50        1  
1                     0.351   31        0  
2                     0.672   32        1  
3                     0.167   21        0  
4                     2.288   33        1  

In [318]:
#calculate means,median,mode
#print("mmm_Glucose", cal_mmm("Glucose")[1][0])

# Zero Replacement
df['Glucose']=df.Glucose.mask(data.Glucose == 0,cal_mmm("Glucose")[0])
df['BloodPressure']=df.BloodPressure.mask(data.BloodPressure == 0,cal_mmm("BloodPressure")[0])
df['SkinThickness']=df.SkinThickness.mask(data.SkinThickness == 0,cal_mmm("SkinThickness")[0])
df['Insulin']=df.Insulin.mask(data.Insulin == 0,cal_mmm("Insulin")[0])
df['BMI']=df.BMI.mask(data.BMI == 0,cal_mmm("BMI")[0])
df['DiabetesPedigreeFunction']=df.DiabetesPedigreeFunction.mask(data.DiabetesPedigreeFunction == 0,cal_mmm("DiabetesPedigreeFunction")[0])
print (df.head(5))

   Pregnancies  Glucose  BloodPressure  SkinThickness     Insulin   BMI  \
0            6    148.0           72.0      35.000000   79.799479  33.6   
1            1     85.0           66.0      29.000000   79.799479  26.6   
2            8    183.0           64.0      20.536458   79.799479  23.3   
3            1     89.0           66.0      23.000000   94.000000  28.1   
4            0    137.0           40.0      35.000000  168.000000  43.1   

   DiabetesPedigreeFunction  Age  Outcome  
0                     0.627   50        1  
1                     0.351   31        0  
2                     0.672   32        1  
3                     0.167   21        0  
4                     2.288   33        1  

In [319]:

filt_df = df[['SkinThickness','Insulin']]
#filt_df = df[['Glucose','BloodPressure','SkinThickness','Insulin','BMI','DiabetesPedigreeFunction']]

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12e5fd940>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f04abe0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f0a12b0>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f10b278>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f15dd30>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f15dd68>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f2257f0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f29dac8>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12f2fc160>]], dtype=object)

In [320]:
df.plot(kind= 'box' , subplots=True, layout=(3,3), sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10,8))

Pregnancies                    Axes(0.125,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
Glucose                     Axes(0.398529,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
BloodPressure               Axes(0.672059,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
SkinThickness                  Axes(0.125,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
Insulin                     Axes(0.398529,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
BMI                         Axes(0.672059,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
DiabetesPedigreeFunction          Axes(0.125,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
Age                            Axes(0.398529,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
Outcome                        Axes(0.672059,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
dtype: object

In [321]:
#print (data.describe())
#Outlier removal & Visualization
low = .1
high = .9
quant_df = filt_df.quantile([low, high])

filt_df = filt_df.apply(lambda x: x[(x>quant_df.loc[low,]) & (x < quant_df.loc[high,])], axis=0)

#filt_df.dropna(axis=0, how='any',inplace=True)
print("*******after outlier removal*********")


df.dropna(axis=0, how='any',inplace=True)


#from scipy import stats
#df[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df)) < 1.5).all(axis=1)]


     SkinThickness  Insulin
0.1           18.0     67.0
0.9           40.0    210.0
*******after outlier removal*********
Pregnancies Glucose BloodPressure SkinThickness Insulin BMI DiabetesPedigreeFunction Age Outcome
count 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000
mean 4.216867 121.404987 72.533517 25.091920 95.674746 32.056663 0.450902 34.650602 0.369478
std 3.411007 29.085953 11.732471 5.909335 32.059872 6.102319 0.322686 11.888077 0.483149
min 0.000000 44.000000 30.000000 19.000000 68.000000 18.200000 0.078000 21.000000 0.000000
25% 1.000000 101.000000 65.250000 20.536458 79.799479 27.625000 0.233000 25.000000 0.000000
50% 4.000000 117.000000 72.000000 20.536458 79.799479 31.992578 0.340000 31.000000 0.000000
75% 6.000000 138.750000 80.000000 30.000000 91.750000 35.700000 0.591000 42.000000 1.000000
max 15.000000 197.000000 122.000000 39.000000 207.000000 52.900000 2.288000 72.000000 1.000000

In [322]:
df.plot(kind= 'box' , subplots=True, layout=(3,3), sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10,8))

Pregnancies                    Axes(0.125,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
Glucose                     Axes(0.398529,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
BloodPressure               Axes(0.672059,0.657941;0.227941x0.222059)
SkinThickness                  Axes(0.125,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
Insulin                     Axes(0.398529,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
BMI                         Axes(0.672059,0.391471;0.227941x0.222059)
DiabetesPedigreeFunction          Axes(0.125,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
Age                            Axes(0.398529,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
Outcome                        Axes(0.672059,0.125;0.227941x0.222059)
dtype: object

In [323]:
#Categorise continuous variables
df["Pregnancies"] = pd.cut(df.Pregnancies,bins_Pregnancies,labels=False)

#labels_Glucose = ["NorGlucose","MedGlucose","HigGlucose"]
#Glucose- (0,139], (139,199] , (199,1000]
bins_Glucose = [0.0,139.0,199.0,1000.0]
df["Glucose"] = pd.cut(df.Glucose,bins_Glucose,labels=False)

#BP-(0,59], (59,90] , (90,200] or <60, 60-90, >90
bins_BP = [0.00,59.00,90.00,200.00]
df["BloodPressure"] = pd.cut(df.BloodPressure,bins_BP,labels=False)

#SkinThickness -(0,23],(23,200]
bins_SkinThickness = [0.0,23.0,200.0]
df["SkinThickness"] = pd.cut(df.SkinThickness,bins_SkinThickness,labels=False)

#Insulin -(0,15],(15,166),(166,1000]
df["Insulin"] = pd.cut(df.Insulin,bins_Insulin,labels=False)

#BMI - (0,18.4], (18.4,24], (24,29], (29,100] 
df["BMI"] = pd.cut(df.BMI,bins_BMI,labels=False)

#DiabetesPedigreeFunction use equidistant bins
df["DiabetesPedigreeFunction"] = pd.cut(df.DiabetesPedigreeFunction,bins_DPF,labels=False)

#Age (20,44],(44,64],(64,100]
df["Age"] = pd.cut(df.Age,bins_Age,labels=False)


'\nbins_Pregnancies=3\ndf["Pregnancies"] = pd.cut(df.Pregnancies,bins_Pregnancies,labels=False)\n\n#labels_Glucose = ["NorGlucose","MedGlucose","HigGlucose"]\n#pd.cut([5,139,140,141,145,199,200,201],bins_Glucose,labels=labels_Glucose)\n#Glucose- (0,139], (139,199] , (199,1000]\nbins_Glucose = [0.0,139.0,199.0,1000.0]\ndf["Glucose"] = pd.cut(df.Glucose,bins_Glucose,labels=False)\n\n#BP-(0,59], (59,90] , (90,200] or <60, 60-90, >90\nbins_BP = [0.00,59.00,90.00,200.00]\ndf["BloodPressure"] = pd.cut(df.BloodPressure,bins_BP,labels=False)\n\n#SkinThickness -(0,23],(23,200]\nbins_SkinThickness = [0.0,23.0,200.0]\ndf["SkinThickness"] = pd.cut(df.SkinThickness,bins_SkinThickness,labels=False)\n\n#Insulin -(0,15],(15,166),(166,1000]\nbins_Insulin=[0.0,15.0,166.0,1000.0]\ndf["Insulin"] = pd.cut(df.Insulin,bins_Insulin,labels=False)\n\n#BMI - (0,18.4], (18.4,24], (24,29], (29,100] \nbins_BMI=(0.0,18.4,24.0,29.0,100.0)\ndf["BMI"] = pd.cut(df.BMI,bins_BMI,labels=False)\n\n#DiabetesPedigreeFunction use equidistant bins\nbins_DPF=3\ndf["DiabetesPedigreeFunction"] = pd.cut(df.DiabetesPedigreeFunction,bins_DPF,labels=False)\n\n#Age (20,44],(44,64],(64,100]\nbins_Age=(20.0,44.0,64.0,100.0)\ndf["Age"] = pd.cut(df.Age,bins_Age,labels=False)\n\nprint(df.head(20))\n'

In [324]:
#step3 divide the dataset into training - 30%, tuneing -30% and testing 40%
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size = 0.4, random_state=30)
target = train["Outcome"]
feature = train[train.columns[0:8]]
feat_names = train.columns[0:8]
target_classes = ['0','1'] 

     Pregnancies     Glucose  BloodPressure  SkinThickness     Insulin  \
25            10  125.000000      70.000000      26.000000  115.000000   
362            5  103.000000     108.000000      37.000000   79.799479   
151            4  114.000000      65.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
418            1   83.000000      68.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
26             7  147.000000      76.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
40             3  180.000000      64.000000      25.000000   70.000000   
731            8  120.000000      86.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
430            2   99.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
435            0  141.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
146            9   57.000000      80.000000      37.000000   79.799479   
697            0   99.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
560            6  125.000000      76.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
238            9  164.000000      84.000000      21.000000   79.799479   
0              6  148.000000      72.000000      35.000000   79.799479   
212            7  179.000000      95.000000      31.000000   79.799479   
357           13  129.000000      69.105469      30.000000   79.799479   
638            7   97.000000      76.000000      32.000000   91.000000   
277            0  104.000000      64.000000      23.000000  116.000000   
33             6   92.000000      92.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
129            0  105.000000      84.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
93             4  134.000000      72.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
427            1  181.000000      64.000000      30.000000  180.000000   
354            3   90.000000      78.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
541            3  128.000000      72.000000      25.000000  190.000000   
380            1  107.000000      72.000000      30.000000   82.000000   
641            4  128.000000      70.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
495            6  166.000000      74.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
589            0   73.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
644            3  103.000000      72.000000      30.000000  152.000000   
635           13  104.000000      72.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
..           ...         ...            ...            ...         ...   
135            2  125.000000      60.000000      20.000000  140.000000   
223            7  142.000000      60.000000      33.000000  190.000000   
141            5  106.000000      82.000000      30.000000   79.799479   
603            7  150.000000      78.000000      29.000000  126.000000   
167            4  120.000000      68.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
758            1  106.000000      76.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
442            4  117.000000      64.000000      27.000000  120.000000   
389            3  100.000000      68.000000      23.000000   81.000000   
140            3  128.000000      78.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
227            3  162.000000      52.000000      38.000000   79.799479   
300            0  167.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
498            7  195.000000      70.000000      33.000000  145.000000   
303            5  115.000000      98.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
724            1  111.000000      94.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
9              8  125.000000      96.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
87             2  100.000000      68.000000      25.000000   71.000000   
309            2  124.000000      68.000000      28.000000  205.000000   
751            1  121.000000      78.000000      39.000000   74.000000   
338            9  152.000000      78.000000      34.000000  171.000000   
183            5   73.000000      60.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
347            3  116.000000      69.105469      20.536458   79.799479   
518           13   76.000000      60.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
648           11  136.000000      84.000000      35.000000  130.000000   
365            5   99.000000      54.000000      28.000000   83.000000   
592            3  132.000000      80.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
536            0  105.000000      90.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
342            1  120.894531      68.000000      35.000000   79.799479   
410            6  102.000000      90.000000      39.000000   79.799479   
116            5  124.000000      74.000000      20.536458   79.799479   
500            2  117.000000      90.000000      19.000000   71.000000   

           BMI  DiabetesPedigreeFunction  Age  Outcome  
25   31.100000                     0.205   41        1  
362  39.200000                     0.305   65        0  
151  21.900000                     0.432   37        0  
418  18.200000                     0.624   27        0  
26   39.400000                     0.257   43        1  
40   34.000000                     0.271   26        0  
731  28.400000                     0.259   22        1  
430  22.200000                     0.108   23        0  
435  42.400000                     0.205   29        1  
146  32.800000                     0.096   41        0  
697  25.000000                     0.253   22        0  
560  33.800000                     0.121   54        1  
238  30.800000                     0.831   32        1  
0    33.600000                     0.627   50        1  
212  34.200000                     0.164   60        0  
357  39.900000                     0.569   44        1  
638  40.900000                     0.871   32        1  
277  27.800000                     0.454   23        0  
33   19.900000                     0.188   28        0  
129  27.900000                     0.741   62        1  
93   23.800000                     0.277   60        1  
427  34.100000                     0.328   38        1  
354  42.700000                     0.559   21        0  
541  32.400000                     0.549   27        1  
380  30.800000                     0.821   24        0  
641  34.300000                     0.303   24        0  
495  26.600000                     0.304   66        0  
589  21.100000                     0.342   25        0  
644  27.600000                     0.730   27        0  
635  31.200000                     0.465   38        1  
..         ...                       ...  ...      ...  
135  33.800000                     0.088   31        0  
223  28.800000                     0.687   61        0  
141  39.500000                     0.286   38        0  
603  35.200000                     0.692   54        1  
167  29.600000                     0.709   34        0  
758  37.500000                     0.197   26        0  
442  33.200000                     0.230   24        0  
389  31.600000                     0.949   28        0  
140  21.100000                     0.268   55        0  
227  37.200000                     0.652   24        1  
300  32.300000                     0.839   30        1  
498  25.100000                     0.163   55        1  
303  52.900000                     0.209   28        1  
724  32.800000                     0.265   45        0  
9    31.992578                     0.232   54        1  
87   38.500000                     0.324   26        0  
309  32.900000                     0.875   30        1  
751  39.000000                     0.261   28        0  
338  34.200000                     0.893   33        1  
183  26.800000                     0.268   27        0  
347  23.500000                     0.187   23        0  
518  32.800000                     0.180   41        0  
648  28.300000                     0.260   42        1  
365  34.000000                     0.499   30        0  
592  34.400000                     0.402   44        1  
536  29.600000                     0.197   46        0  
342  32.000000                     0.389   22        0  
410  35.700000                     0.674   28        0  
116  34.000000                     0.220   38        1  
500  25.200000                     0.313   21        0  

[200 rows x 9 columns]

In [325]:
#step4 use training dataset to apply algorithm 
import seaborn as sns
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=4, random_state=0)
expected = test["Outcome"]
predicted = model.predict(test_input)
print(metrics.classification_report(expected, predicted))
conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted)
print("Decision Tree accuracy: ",model.score(test_input,expected))
dtreescore = model.score(test_input,expected)

label = ["0","1"]
sns.heatmap(conf, annot=True, xticklabels=label, yticklabels=label)
print (a)

#Feature Importance DecisionTreeClassifier
importance = model.feature_importances_
indices = np.argsort(importance)[::-1]
print("DecisionTree Feature ranking:")
for f in range(feature.shape[1]):
    print("%d. feature %s (%f)" % (f + 1, feat_names[indices[f]], importance[indices[f]]))
plt.title("DecisionTree Feature importances")[1]), importance[indices], color="y", align="center")
plt.xticks(range(feature.shape[1]), feat_names[indices])
plt.xlim([-1, feature.shape[1]])

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.77      0.87      0.82       126
          1       0.72      0.57      0.64        74

avg / total       0.76      0.76      0.75       200

[[110  16]
 [ 32  42]]
Decision Tree accuracy:  0.76
DecisionTree Feature ranking:
1. feature Glucose (0.558787)
2. feature BMI (0.260081)
3. feature Pregnancies (0.134401)
4. feature Age (0.036539)
5. feature Insulin (0.010191)
6. feature DiabetesPedigreeFunction (0.000000)
7. feature SkinThickness (0.000000)
8. feature BloodPressure (0.000000)

In [326]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=21),target)
knnpredicted = neigh.predict(test_input)
print(metrics.classification_report(expected, knnpredicted))
print(metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, knnpredicted))
print("KNN accuracy: ",neigh.score(test_input,expected))

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.75      0.82      0.78       126
          1       0.63      0.53      0.57        74

avg / total       0.70      0.71      0.70       200

[[103  23]
 [ 35  39]]
KNN accuracy:  0.71

In [327]:
names_ = []
results_ = []

res = pd.DataFrame()
ax = sns.boxplot(x='x',y='y',data=res)

In [328]:
import graphviz 
import pydotplus
from IPython.display import Image
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO
dot_data = export_graphviz(model, out_file = None, feature_names=feat_names, class_names=target_classes, 
                filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True) 

graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data)

digraph Tree {
node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname=helvetica] ;
edge [fontname=helvetica] ;
0 [label=<Glucose &le; 154.5<br/>gini = 0.4657<br/>samples = 298<br/>value = [188, 110]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e581396a"] ;
1 [label=<BMI &le; 26.3<br/>gini = 0.4178<br/>samples = 259<br/>value = [182, 77]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e5813993"] ;
0 -> 1 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="True"] ;
2 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 46<br/>value = [46, 0]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139ff"] ;
1 -> 2 ;
3 [label=<Glucose &le; 99.5<br/>gini = 0.4616<br/>samples = 213<br/>value = [136, 77]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e581396f"] ;
1 -> 3 ;
4 [label=<Age &le; 42.5<br/>gini = 0.1827<br/>samples = 59<br/>value = [53, 6]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139e2"] ;
3 -> 4 ;
5 [label=<gini = 0.0783<br/>samples = 49<br/>value = [47, 2]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139f4"] ;
4 -> 5 ;
6 [label=<gini = 0.48<br/>samples = 10<br/>value = [6, 4]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e5813955"] ;
4 -> 6 ;
7 [label=<Pregnancies &le; 6.5<br/>gini = 0.497<br/>samples = 154<br/>value = [83, 71]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e5813925"] ;
3 -> 7 ;
8 [label=<gini = 0.4749<br/>samples = 116<br/>value = [71, 45]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e581395d"] ;
7 -> 8 ;
9 [label=<gini = 0.4321<br/>samples = 38<br/>value = [12, 26]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de589"] ;
7 -> 9 ;
10 [label=<BMI &le; 28.05<br/>gini = 0.2604<br/>samples = 39<br/>value = [6, 33]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de5d1"] ;
0 -> 10 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="False"] ;
11 [label=<BMI &le; 26.0<br/>gini = 0.5<br/>samples = 10<br/>value = [5, 5]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e5813900"] ;
10 -> 11 ;
12 [label=<Pregnancies &le; 3.5<br/>gini = 0.4082<br/>samples = 7<br/>value = [2, 5]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de599"] ;
11 -> 12 ;
13 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 2<br/>value = [2, 0]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139ff"] ;
12 -> 13 ;
14 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 5<br/>value = [0, 5]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de5ff"] ;
12 -> 14 ;
15 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 3<br/>value = [3, 0]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139ff"] ;
11 -> 15 ;
16 [label=<Insulin &le; 163.5<br/>gini = 0.0666<br/>samples = 29<br/>value = [1, 28]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de5f6"] ;
10 -> 16 ;
17 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 26<br/>value = [0, 26]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de5ff"] ;
16 -> 17 ;
18 [label=<Glucose &le; 169.5<br/>gini = 0.4444<br/>samples = 3<br/>value = [1, 2]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de57f"] ;
16 -> 18 ;
19 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 1<br/>value = [1, 0]<br/>class = 0>, fillcolor="#e58139ff"] ;
18 -> 19 ;
20 [label=<gini = 0.0<br/>samples = 2<br/>value = [0, 2]<br/>class = 1>, fillcolor="#399de5ff"] ;
18 -> 20 ;

In [329]:
#Evaluation DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
import random

fpr,tpr,thres = roc_curve(expected, predicted)
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
plt.title('DecisionTreeClassifier-Receiver Operating Characteristic Test Data')
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='green', lw=2, label='DecisionTree ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc)
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')

In [330]:
#KNeighborsClassifier-ROC curve
kfpr,ktpr,kthres = roc_curve(expected, knnpredicted)
kroc_auc = auc(kfpr, ktpr)
plt.title('KNeighborsClassifier- Receiver Operating Characteristic')
plt.plot(kfpr, ktpr, color='darkorange', lw=2, label='KNeighbors ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % kroc_auc)
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')

In [ ]: