In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from random import uniform, choice
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
import cvxopt
cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
from sklearn.svm import libsvm
from sklearn import svm
def rand_point():
return np.array([uniform(-1, 1), uniform(-1, 1)])
def f(A, B, P):
return np.sign(np.cross(B-A, P-A, axis=0))
def dataset_point(A, B):
p = rand_point()
return (
np.append([1], p),
f(A, B, p))
def do_hip(w, x):
return np.sign(, x))
In [ ]:
def fraction_misclassified(A, B, w):
many = 1000
testset = [dataset_point(A, B) for i in xrange(many)]
cnt = 0
for p in testset:
if p[1] != do_hip(w, p[0]):
cnt +=1
return float(cnt)/many
def compare_pla_svm(N):
A = rand_point()
B = rand_point()
trainset = np.array([dataset_point(A, B) for i in xrange(N)])
# throw away datasets with unbalanced examples
cutoff = max(1, int(.05) * N)
ones = [x for x in trainset if x[1] == 1]
if len(ones) < cutoff or len(ones) > (N-cutoff):
w_pla = run_pla(trainset)
if w_pla is not None:
pla_perf = fraction_misclassified(A, B, w_pla)
#w_svm, s_svm = run_svm(trainset)
#svm_perf = fraction_misclassified(A, B, w_svm)
# High-level interface to libsvm
w_libsvm_h, s_libsvm_h = run_libsvm_highlevel(trainset)
libsvm_h_perf = fraction_misclassified(A, B, w_libsvm_h)
#return 1 if pla_perf > svm_perf else 0
return 1 if pla_perf > libsvm_h_perf else 0
def run_pla(trainset):
"""Run PLA. Return None if the max number of iterations is exceeded."""
converged = False
iter_count = 0
w = np.zeros(3)
while not converged or iter_count<500:
misclass = [x for x in trainset if x[1] != do_hip(w, x[0])]
if len(misclass) == 0:
#return iter_count, w
pivot = choice(misclass)
w = w + pivot[1] * pivot[0]
iter_count += 1
return w
def run_svm(trainset):
"""Run SVM using cvxopt for quadratic programming."""
N = len(trainset)
# N elements
Y = [x[1] for x in trainset]
# Remove the leading 1 for X points!
X = [np.array(x[0][1:]) for x in trainset]
# enforce a > 0
G = matrix(-1.0 * np.eye(N))
h = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
# enforce y* dot alpha = 0
# see example:
A = matrix(Y, (1, N))
b = matrix(0.0)
# linear term
q = matrix(-1.0, (N, 1))
# quadratic matrix
P = np.zeros([N, N])
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
P[i][j] = Y[i] * Y[j] *[i], X[j])
P = matrix(P)
res = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
w = np.zeros(2)
for i in range(N):
w += res['x'][i] * Y[i] * X[i]
supports = [ x[0] for x in enumerate(res['x']) \
if abs(x[1]) > 1e-5]
i_sup, sup = max(enumerate(res['x']), key=lambda p: p[1])
if not len(supports):
print 'no supports'
# compute all b's for verification (should be 'similar')
# bs = [ (1/Y[i]) -, X[i]) for i in supports ]
b = (1/Y[i_sup]) -, X[i_sup])
# b = np.mean([1/Y[i] -, X[i]) for i in supports or [i_sup] ])
# return a vector 3 weight, just like PLA does
return np.append(b, w), len(supports)
def run_libsvm_highlevel(trainset):
"""Use libsvm for the training."""
N = len(trainset)
# N elements
Y = np.array([x[1] for x in trainset])
# Remove the leading 1 for X points!
X = np.array([x[0][1:] for x in trainset])
support, support_vectors, n_class_SV, \
sv_coef, intercept, probA, probB, x =, Y, 0, 'linear')
ssvm = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=10000000), Y)
"""This parameters can be accessed through the members dual_coef_ which holds the product y_i \alpha_i,
support_vectors_ which holds the support vectors, and intercept_ which holds the independent term \rho
w = np.zeros(2)
for i in range(len(ssvm.support_vectors_)):
orig_i = ssvm.support_[i]
w += ssvm.dual_coef_[0][i] * X[orig_i]
# return a vector 3 weight, just like PLA does
return np.append([ssvm.intercept_], w), []
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# Exercises 8 and 9
def ex8():
results = np.array([compare_pla_svm(10) for i in range(1000)])
results = results[results != np.array(None)]
return np.mean(results)
def ex9():
results = np.array([compare_pla_svm(100) for i in range(100)])
results = results[results != np.array(None)]
return np.mean(results)
In [ ]:
# Exercise 10
def count_support_vectors():
A = rand_point()
B = rand_point()
trainset = np.array([dataset_point(A, B) for i in xrange(100)])
svm_perf, supports = run_svm(trainset)
return supports
def ex10():
return np.mean([count_support_vectors() for i in range(100)])
In [ ]:
A = rand_point()
B = rand_point()
N = 10
trainset = np.array([dataset_point(A, B) for i in xrange(N)])
# throw away datasets with unbalanced examples
cutoff = max(1, int(.05) * N)
ones = [x for x in trainset if x[1] == 1]
if len(ones) < cutoff or len(ones) > (N-cutoff):
raise Exception("Unbalanced")
#print run_pla(trainset)
#print run_svm_libsvm(trainset)
w_pla = run_pla(trainset)
pla_perf = fraction_misclassified(A, B, w_pla)
print 'PLA weights', w_pla
w_svm, supports = run_svm_libsvm(trainset)
svm_perf = fraction_misclassified(A, B, w_svm)
print 'SVM weights', w_svm
print "Performance", pla_perf, svm_perf