NewsroomDB is the Tribune's proprietary database for tracking data that needs to be manually entered and validated rather than something that can be ingested from an official source. It's mostly used to track shooting victims and homicides. As far as I know, CPD doesn't provide granular data on shooting victims and the definition of homicide can be tricky (and vary from source to source).
We'll grab shooting victims from the shootings
In [31]:
import os
import requests
def get_table_url(table_name, base_url=os.environ['NEWSROOMDB_URL']):
return '{}table/json/{}'.format(os.environ['NEWSROOMDB_URL'], table_name)
def get_table_data(table_name):
url = get_table_url(table_name)
r = requests.get(url)
return r.json()
print("Request failed. Probably because the response is huge. We should fix this.")
return get_table_data(table_name)
shooting_victims = get_table_data('shootings')
print("Loaded {} shooting victims".format(len(data['shooting_victims'])))
In [32]:
from datetime import date, datetime
def get_shooting_date(shooting_victim):
return datetime.strptime(shooting_victim['Date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
def shooting_is_this_year(shooting_victim, today):
shooting_date = get_shooting_date(shooting_victim)
except ValueError:
if shooting_victim['RD Number']:
msg = "Could not parse date for shooting victim with RD Number {}".format(
shooting_victim['RD Number'])
msg = "Could not parse date for shooting victim with record ID {}".format(
return False
return shooting_date.year == today.year
today =
# Use a list comprehension to filter the shooting victims to ones that
# occured on or before today's month and day.
# Also sort by date because it makes it easier to group by year
shooting_victims_this_year = sorted([sv for sv in shooting_victims
if shooting_is_this_year(sv, today)],
In [37]:
import re
def blockify(address):
Convert a street address to a block level address
>>> blockify("1440 W 84th St, Chicago, IL 60620")
'1400 W 84th St, Chicago, IL 60620'
m ='^(?P<address_number>\d+) ', address)
address_number ='address_number')
block_address_number = (int(address_number) // 100) * 100
return address.replace(address_number, str(block_address_number))
def add_block(sv):
"""Make a copy of a shooting victim record with an added block field"""
with_block = dict(**sv)
if not sv['Shooting Location']:
# No location, just set block to none
print("Record with RD number {0} has no location.".format(
sv['RD Number']))
with_block['block'] = None
return with_block
if sv['Shooting Specificity'] == 'Exact':
# Address is exact, convert to 100-block
with_block['block'] = blockify(sv['Shooting Location'])
# Address is already block. Use it
with_block['block'] = sv['Shooting Location']
return with_block
# Create a list of shooting victim dictionaries with blocks
shooting_victims_this_year_with_block = [add_block(sv) for sv in shooting_victims_this_year]
In [45]:
import pandas as pd
# Load shooting victims into a dataframe,
# filtering out victim records for which we couldn't determine the block
shooting_victims_this_year_df = pd.DataFrame([sv for sv in shooting_victims_this_year_with_block if sv['block'] is not None])
# Group by block
shooting_victims_this_year_by_block = shooting_victims_this_year_df.groupby('block').size().sort_values(ascending=False)
In [48]:
# Output to a CSV file so I can email to the reporter who requested it
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