In [1]:
import sys; print('Python \t\t{0[0]}.{0[1]}'.format(sys.version_info))
import tensorflow as tf; print('Tensorflow \t{}'.format(tf.__version__))
import keras; print('Keras \t\t{}'.format(keras.__version__))
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [3]:
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("../mnist-data/", one_hot=True)
In [4]:
In [5]:
for i in list(range(10)):
plt.subplot(1, 10, i+1)
pixels = mnist.test.images[i]
pixels = pixels.reshape((28, 28))
plt.imshow(pixels, cmap='gray_r')
In [6]:
import tensorflow as tf
In [7]:
# Set parameters
learning_rate = 0.01
training_iteration = 5
batch_size = 250
In [8]:
def weight_variable(shape):
initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1, mean=0.0) #tf.constant(0.0, shape=shape)
return tf.Variable(initial)
def bias_variable(shape):
initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)
return tf.Variable(initial)
In [9]:
# TF graph input
x = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 784]) # mnist data image of shape 28*28=784
y = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 10]) # 0-9 digits recognition => 10 classes
#dropout rate = 1 - keep_rate
keep_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
In [ ]:
# keras model for reference
# model = Sequential()
# model.add(Reshape(input_shape, input_shape=(784,)))
# model.add(Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
# model.add(Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
# model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2)))
# model.add(Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
# model.add(Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
# model.add(MaxPooling2D((2,2)))
# model.add(Flatten())
# model.add(Dropout(0.25))
# model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu'))
# model.add(Dropout(0.25))
# model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
In [14]:
def conv2d(name, x, weight, bias):
with tf.name_scope(name) as scope:
#filter definition
f = weight_variable(weight)
b = bias_variable(bias)
# Construct a dense linear model, with act=relu and dropout
y = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(input=x, filter=f, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME') +b)
return y
In [10]:
def conv2d_maxpool(name, x, d_in, d_out):
# 2 conv layers stride 1,1 and maxpool maxpool strides of 2
with tf.name_scope(name) as scope:
c1 = conv2d("conv_1", x, [3,3,d_in,d_out], [d_out])
c2 = conv2d("conv_2", c1, [3,3,d_out,d_out], [d_out])
y = tf.nn.max_pool(value=c2, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
return y
In [11]:
def dropout(name, x, keep_rate):
with tf.name_scope(name) as scope:
return tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_rate)
def dense(name, x, weight, bias, activation='linear'):
with tf.name_scope(name) as scope:
# Set model weights
W = weight_variable(weight)
b = bias_variable(bias)
# Construct a dense linear model, with act=relu and dropout
y = tf.matmul(x, W) + b
if activation=='relu':
return tf.nn.relu(y)
return y
In [12]:
with tf.name_scope("reshape") as scope:
layer_0 = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 28, 28, 1])
In [15]:
layer_1 = conv2d_maxpool('CONV-3x3x32', layer_0, 1 , 32)
layer_2 = conv2d_maxpool('CONV-3x3x64', layer_1, 32, 64)
In [16]:
with tf.name_scope("flatten") as scope:
layer_3 = tf.reshape(layer_2, [-1, 7*7*64])
In [17]:
layer_4 = dropout("dropout", layer_3, keep_rate)
layer_5 = dense('dense_256', layer_4, [7*7*64,256], [256], 'relu')
layer_6 = dropout("dropout", layer_5, keep_rate)
layer_7 = dense('dense_10', layer_6, [256,10], [10], 'linear')
In [18]:
# get the softmax as a separate tensorflow op
y_out = tf.nn.softmax(layer_7)
# softmax cross entropy descend on y_hat
y_hat = layer_7
# More name scopes will clean up graph representation
with tf.name_scope("cost_function") as scope:
# Minimize error using cross entropy
# Cross entropy
cost_function = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y,logits=y_hat))
# Create a summary to monitor the cost function
tf.summary.scalar("cost_function", cost_function)
In [19]:
with tf.name_scope("train") as scope:
# Gradient descent
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost_function)
In [20]:
predictions = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_out, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(predictions, "float"))
In [21]:
# Initializing the variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Merge all summaries into a single operator
merged_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
In [22]:
# Launch the graph
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Logs and graph for tensorboard
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./tensorboard/tf-rewrite', graph=sess.graph)
# Init the session
In [23]:
# Training cycle
for iteration in range(training_iteration):
total_batch = int(mnist.train.num_examples/batch_size)
# Loop over all batches
avg_loss =0.
for i in range(total_batch):
batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)
# dropout placeholder
batch_kr = 0.75
# Fit training using batch data
loss, accuracy, optm =[cost_function,acc,optimizer],
feed_dict={x: batch_xs, keep_rate: batch_kr, y: batch_ys})
avg_loss += loss
stdout.write('\r{}/{} avg_cost:{:6f} cost:{:6f} acc:{:6f}'.format(i*batch_size,
loss, accuracy))
# Display logs per iteration step
if iteration % print_freq ==0 :
accuracy_test =[acc], feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, keep_rate: 1.0, y: mnist.test.labels})
print(" epoch: {:02d} acc_test={:.9f}".format(iteration, accuracy_test[0]))
In [ ]:
print("Accuracy:", acc.eval({x: mnist.test.images, keep_rate:1.0, y: mnist.test.labels}))
In [ ]:
# test item #100 is a six
pixels = mnist.test.images[100]
result =, feed_dict={x:[pixels], keep_rate:1.0})
dict(zip(range(10), result[0]))
In [ ]:
def test_render(pixels, result, truth):
#pixels, result and truth are np vectors
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
pixels = pixels.reshape((28, 28))
plt.imshow(pixels, cmap='gray_r')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
#index, witdh
ind = np.arange(len(result))
width = 0.4
plt.barh(ind,result, width, color='gray')
plt.barh(ind+width,truth,width, color='green')
plt.yticks(ind+width, range(10))
In [ ]:
import random
i = random.randint(0,mnist.test.images.shape[0])
pixels = mnist.test.images[i]
truth = mnist.test.labels[i]
result =, feed_dict={x:[pixels], keep_rate:1.0})[0]
test_render(pixels, result, truth)
In [ ]:
### What went wrong?
pixels = mnist.test.images
truth = mnist.test.labels
feed_dict = {x:pixels,keep_rate:1.0}
result =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
In [ ]:
index_correct = result.argmax(axis=1) == truth.argmax(axis=1)
incorrect = np.argwhere(index_correct==False).flatten()
print("Incorrect predictions: {}".format(len(incorrect)))
In [ ]:
plt_idx = 1
for i in list(incorrect[:16]):
plt.subplot(1, 16, plt_idx)
pixels = mnist.test.images[i]
pixels = pixels.reshape((28, 28))
plt.imshow(pixels, cmap='gray_r')
plt_idx += 1
In [ ]:
i = random.choice(list(incorrect))
pixels = mnist.test.images[i]
truth = mnist.test.labels[i]
feed_dict = {x:[pixels]}
result =, feed_dict=feed_dict)[0]
test_render(pixels, result, truth)
In [ ]:
# Close the Session when we're done.