In [25]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import seaborn as sns

In [26]:
input_data = pd.read_csv("winemag-data_first150k.csv")

In [27]:

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
0 0 US This tremendous 100% varietal wine hails from ... Martha's Vineyard 96 235.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Heitz
1 1 Spain Ripe aromas of fig, blackberry and cassis are ... Carodorum Selección Especial Reserva 96 110.0 Northern Spain Toro NaN Tinta de Toro Bodega Carmen Rodríguez
2 2 US Mac Watson honors the memory of a wine once ma... Special Selected Late Harvest 96 90.0 California Knights Valley Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc Macauley
3 3 US This spent 20 months in 30% new French oak, an... Reserve 96 65.0 Oregon Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Ponzi
4 4 France This is the top wine from La Bégude, named aft... La Brûlade 95 66.0 Provence Bandol NaN Provence red blend Domaine de la Bégude


In [28]:

points price
Albania 176 40.0
Argentina 484244 116181.0
Australia 435683 152979.0
Austria 272919 77450.0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 339 51.0
Brazil 2081 498.0
Bulgaria 6581 889.0
Canada 17295 6718.0
Chile 501902 111542.0
China 246 61.0
Croatia 7679 1918.0
Cyprus 2662 480.0
Czech Republic 515 108.0
Egypt 251 NaN
England 836 380.0
France 1876158 674490.0
Georgia 3677 799.0
Germany 217312 91559.0
Greece 76128 18964.0
Hungary 20173 10167.0
India 701 111.0
Israel 54921 19096.0
Italy 2075776 705300.0
Japan 170 48.0
Lebanon 3171 941.0
Lithuania 674 80.0
Luxembourg 783 366.0
Macedonia 1357 245.0
Mexico 5340 1833.0
Moldova 6015 1091.0
Montenegro 164 20.0
Morocco 1058 226.0
New Zealand 290680 74212.0
Portugal 468643 109965.0
Romania 11804 2279.0
Serbia 1228 340.0
Slovakia 251 46.0
Slovenia 8294 2273.0
South Africa 196955 47269.0
South Korea 326 54.0
Spain 716394 220716.0
Switzerland 349 106.0
Tunisia 172 NaN
Turkey 4581 1290.0
US 5479629 2091214.0
US-France 88 50.0
Ukraine 423 65.0
Uruguay 7772 2197.0

In [30]:

Albania                   88
Argentina                 80
Australia                 80
Austria                   81
Bosnia and Herzegovina    83
Brazil                    81
Bulgaria                  80
Canada                    82
Chile                     80
China                     82
Croatia                   81
Cyprus                    80
Czech Republic            85
Egypt                     83
England                   91
France                    80
Georgia                   81
Germany                   80
Greece                    80
Hungary                   80
India                     82
Israel                    80
Italy                     80
Japan                     85
Lebanon                   81
Lithuania                 84
Luxembourg                86
Macedonia                 81
Mexico                    80
Moldova                   81
Montenegro                82
Morocco                   82
New Zealand               80
Portugal                  80
Romania                   80
Serbia                    86
Slovakia                  82
Slovenia                  82
South Africa              80
South Korea               81
Spain                     80
Switzerland               83
Tunisia                   85
Turkey                    84
US                        80
US-France                 88
Ukraine                   83
Uruguay                   80
Name: points, dtype: int64

In [61]:

country    province                     
Albania    Mirditë                          88
Argentina  Mendoza Province                 80
           Other                            80
Australia  Australia Other                  80
           New South Wales                  81
           Queensland                       85
           South Australia                  80
           Tasmania                         83
           Victoria                         80
           Western Australia                80
Austria    Austria                          83
           Burgenland                       81
           Carnuntum                        83
           Donauland                        84
           Eisenberg                        90
           Kamptal                          85
           Kremstal                         84
           Langenlois                       84
           Leithaberg                       89
           Mittelburgenland                 82
           Neusiedlersee                    82
           Neusiedlersee-Hügelland          84
           Niederösterreich                 82
           South Styria                     86
           Steiermark                       86
           Styria                           85
           Südoststeiermark                 85
           Südsteiermark                    82
           Thermenregion                    84
           Traisental                       89
US         Idaho                            80
           Iowa                             83
           Kentucky                         81
           Massachusetts                    83
           Michigan                         81
           Missouri                         80
           Nevada                           84
           New Jersey                       80
           New Mexico                       81
           New York                         80
           North Carolina                   81
           Ohio                             80
           Oregon                           80
           Pennsylvania                     80
           Texas                            82
           Vermont                          84
           Virginia                         80
           Washington                       80
           Washington-Oregon                84
US-France  Santa Barbara County-Condrieu    88
Ukraine    Ukraine                          83
Uruguay    Atlantida                        81
           Canelones                        80
           Colonia                          82
           El Colorado                      86
           Juanico                          81
           Montevideo                       89
           Progreso                         88
           San Jose                         82
           Uruguay                          80
Name: points, Length: 455, dtype: int64

In [31]:

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
0 0 US This tremendous 100% varietal wine hails from ... Martha's Vineyard 96 235.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Heitz
1 1 Spain Ripe aromas of fig, blackberry and cassis are ... Carodorum Selección Especial Reserva 96 110.0 Northern Spain Toro NaN Tinta de Toro Bodega Carmen Rodríguez
2 2 US Mac Watson honors the memory of a wine once ma... Special Selected Late Harvest 96 90.0 California Knights Valley Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc Macauley
3 3 US This spent 20 months in 30% new French oak, an... Reserve 96 65.0 Oregon Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Ponzi
4 4 France This is the top wine from La Bégude, named aft... La Brûlade 95 66.0 Provence Bandol NaN Provence red blend Domaine de la Bégude

In [32]:
input_data.groupby(["country"])["points","price"].apply(lambda df: df.loc[df.points.argmax()])

points price
Albania 88.0 20.0
Argentina 97.0 120.0
Australia 100.0 300.0
Austria 98.0 103.0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 88.0 12.0
Brazil 88.0 15.0
Bulgaria 90.0 15.0
Canada 93.0 45.0
Chile 95.0 90.0
China 82.0 27.0
Croatia 91.0 50.0
Cyprus 89.0 18.0
Czech Republic 87.0 15.0
Egypt 84.0 NaN
England 94.0 45.0
France 100.0 848.0
Georgia 92.0 25.0
Germany 97.0 245.0
Greece 92.0 23.0
Hungary 96.0 125.0
India 91.0 12.0
Israel 93.0 40.0
Italy 100.0 460.0
Japan 85.0 24.0
Lebanon 91.0 20.0
Lithuania 85.0 10.0
Luxembourg 88.0 50.0
Macedonia 89.0 20.0
Mexico 92.0 54.0
Moldova 90.0 32.0
Montenegro 82.0 10.0
Morocco 93.0 35.0
New Zealand 94.0 57.0
Portugal 99.0 426.0
Romania 92.0 28.0
Serbia 89.0 20.0
Slovakia 87.0 16.0
Slovenia 92.0 50.0
South Africa 95.0 130.0
South Korea 82.0 16.0
Spain 98.0 450.0
Switzerland 90.0 28.0
Tunisia 87.0 NaN
Turkey 92.0 33.0
US 100.0 65.0
US-France 88.0 50.0
Ukraine 86.0 13.0
Uruguay 90.0 45.0

In [33]:

Albania                    88
Argentina                  97
Australia                 100
Austria                    98
Bosnia and Herzegovina     88
Brazil                     88
Bulgaria                   90
Canada                     93
Chile                      95
China                      82
Croatia                    91
Cyprus                     89
Czech Republic             87
Egypt                      84
England                    94
France                    100
Georgia                    92
Germany                    97
Greece                     92
Hungary                    96
India                      91
Israel                     93
Italy                     100
Japan                      85
Lebanon                    91
Lithuania                  85
Luxembourg                 88
Macedonia                  89
Mexico                     92
Moldova                    90
Montenegro                 82
Morocco                    93
New Zealand                94
Portugal                   99
Romania                    92
Serbia                     89
Slovakia                   87
Slovenia                   92
South Africa               95
South Korea                82
Spain                      98
Switzerland                90
Tunisia                    87
Turkey                     92
US                        100
US-France                  88
Ukraine                    86
Uruguay                    90
Name: points, dtype: int64

In [34]:
input_data.groupby(["country"])["points"].agg([len, min, max])

len min max
Albania 2 88 88
Argentina 5631 80 97
Australia 4957 80 100
Austria 3057 81 98
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 83 88
Brazil 25 81 88
Bulgaria 77 80 90
Canada 196 82 93
Chile 5816 80 95
China 3 82 82
Croatia 89 81 91
Cyprus 31 80 89
Czech Republic 6 85 87
Egypt 3 83 84
England 9 91 94
France 21098 80 100
Georgia 43 81 92
Germany 2452 80 97
Greece 884 80 92
Hungary 231 80 96
India 8 82 91
Israel 630 80 93
Italy 23478 80 100
Japan 2 85 85
Lebanon 37 81 91
Lithuania 8 84 85
Luxembourg 9 86 88
Macedonia 16 81 89
Mexico 63 80 92
Moldova 71 81 90
Montenegro 2 82 82
Morocco 12 82 93
New Zealand 3320 80 94
Portugal 5322 80 99
Romania 139 80 92
Serbia 14 86 89
Slovakia 3 82 87
Slovenia 94 82 92
South Africa 2258 80 95
South Korea 4 81 82
Spain 8268 80 98
Switzerland 4 83 90
Tunisia 2 85 87
Turkey 52 84 92
US 62397 80 100
US-France 1 88 88
Ukraine 5 83 86
Uruguay 92 80 90

In [37]:
input_data.loc[input_data["country"] =="Albania"]

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
4642 4642 Albania This garnet-colored wine made from 100% Kallme... NaN 88 20.0 Mirditë NaN NaN Kallmet Arbëri
4864 4864 Albania This garnet-colored wine made from 100% Kallme... NaN 88 20.0 Mirditë NaN NaN Kallmet Arbëri

In [52]:
input_data.loc[input_data["country"] =="Slovakia"]

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
70992 70992 Slovakia Slovakian winemaker Miroslav Petrech and Germa... NaN 82 15.0 Muzla NaN NaN Riesling Château Bela
87878 87878 Slovakia Delicious scents of honey, apples and petrol l... NaN 87 16.0 Muzla NaN NaN Riesling Château Bela
143322 143322 Slovakia Slovakian winemaker Miroslav Petrech and Germa... NaN 82 15.0 Muzla NaN NaN Riesling Château Bela


In [58]:
input_data.duplicated(subset=["description","points","price","country","province","variety"], keep='first').value_counts()

False    97843
True     53087
dtype: int64

In [55]:

out_data = input_data.drop_duplicates(subset=["description","points","price","country","province","variety"],keep='last',inplace=False)

In [56]:
out_data.duplicated(subset=["description","points","price","country","province","variety"], keep='first').value_counts()

False    97843
dtype: int64

In [59]:

Unnamed: 0 points price
count 97843.000000 97843.000000 89127.000000
mean 82343.749333 87.956573 33.659250
std 46739.581663 3.218062 37.670933
min 0.000000 80.000000 4.000000
25% 38411.500000 86.000000 16.000000
50% 85885.000000 88.000000 25.000000
75% 126458.500000 90.000000 40.000000
max 150929.000000 100.000000 2300.000000

In [42]:

Unnamed: 0 points price
count 150930.000000 150930.000000 137235.000000
mean 75464.500000 87.888418 33.131482
std 43569.882402 3.222392 36.322536
min 0.000000 80.000000 4.000000
25% 37732.250000 86.000000 16.000000
50% 75464.500000 88.000000 24.000000
75% 113196.750000 90.000000 40.000000
max 150929.000000 100.000000 2300.000000

In [ ]:


In [22]:
input_data.sort_values("points",ascending = False)

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
137099 137099 US Tasted in a flight of great and famous Napa wi... NaN 100 200.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Cardinale
19354 19354 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
84035 84035 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
84034 84034 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
122767 122767 US A spectacular Pinot Noir, but a very young one... Litton Estate Vineyard 100 100.0 California Russian River Valley Sonoma Pinot Noir Williams Selyem
2145 2145 France Full of ripe fruit, opulent and concentrated, ... NaN 100 848.0 Bordeaux Pessac-Léognan NaN Bordeaux-style White Blend Château Haut-Brion
83536 83536 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
26296 26296 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
89399 89399 US Tasted in a flight of great and famous Napa wi... NaN 100 200.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Cardinale
24151 24151 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
138867 138867 Italy Thick as molasses and dark as caramelized brow... Occhio di Pernice 100 210.0 Tuscany Vin Santo di Montepulciano NaN Prugnolo Gentile Avignonesi
41521 41521 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
28954 28954 Italy This small, family-run estate in the heart of ... Guado de' Gemoli 100 195.0 Tuscany Bolgheri Superiore NaN Red Blend Giovanni Chiappini
119195 119195 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
119194 119194 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
92916 92916 US A perfect score has to be considered in the co... Hillside Select 100 215.0 California Stags Leap District Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer
119521 119521 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
19355 19355 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
51886 51886 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
78004 78004 Italy This small, family-run estate in the heart of ... Guado de' Gemoli 100 195.0 Tuscany Bolgheri Superiore NaN Red Blend Giovanni Chiappini
98647 98647 US A spectacular Pinot Noir, but a very young one... Litton Estate Vineyard 100 100.0 California Russian River Valley Sonoma Pinot Noir Williams Selyem
111087 111087 Italy Thick as molasses and dark as caramelized brow... Occhio di Pernice 100 210.0 Tuscany Vin Santo di Montepulciano NaN Prugnolo Gentile Avignonesi
114272 114272 US Impossibly aromatic. Hard to imagine greater c... Red Wine 100 245.0 California Rutherford Napa Cabernet Blend Sloan
143522 143522 US Impossibly aromatic. Hard to imagine greater c... Red Wine 100 245.0 California Rutherford Napa Cabernet Blend Sloan
26297 26297 France A magnificent Champagne, one that is light, de... Dom Pérignon Oenothèque Brut 99 385.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Champagne Blend Moët & Chandon
90439 90439 US There are incredible aromatics on this Caberne... Elevation 1147 Estate 99 150.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon David Arthur
90438 90438 US This is an absolutely beautiful wine to drink ... IX Estate 99 290.0 California Napa Valley Napa Red Blend Colgin
114273 114273 US The aroma is deep and inviting, equal parts ne... NaN 99 245.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Blend Harlan Estate
2146 2146 Italy Perfumed berry, rose, new leather and dark spi... Madonna delle Grazie 99 200.0 Tuscany Brunello di Montalcino NaN Sangiovese Il Marroneto
121305 121305 Italy This sweet wine from Italy is guaranteed to bl... Occhio di Pernice 99 237.0 Tuscany Vin Santo di Montepulciano NaN Prugnolo Gentile Avignonesi
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
84764 84764 US This is tannic and tastes artificially sweet, ... NaN 80 9.0 California California California Other Red Blend Kumbaya
84763 84763 US This tastes soft, sweet and simple. The blend ... NaN 80 10.0 California California California Other White Blend Immersion
84762 84762 Argentina This is dark, amorphous and shows almost nothi... NaN 80 15.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Pinot Noir Bodega Carmine Granata
84761 84761 US This has medicinal, sweet-tasting flavors of c... NaN 80 10.0 California California California Other Merlot Fat Cat
84760 84760 Spain This is lean, crisp, acidic and downright shri... NaN 80 10.0 Northern Spain Rioja NaN Tempranillo Casa de la Reina
114270 114270 US Dry, tannic and acidic to the point of mouth-p... Barrel Select 80 15.0 California Sierra Foothills Sierra Foothills Syrah Amador Foothill Winery
114271 114271 Greece The nose opens with a hint of oak that leads t... White 80 9.0 Patras NaN NaN Roditis Kouros
84759 84759 US This is just barely drinkable, with modest bla... NaN 80 36.0 California York Mountain Central Coast Cabernet Sauvignon Calcareous
84758 84758 France This very ripe wine tastes of supermature grap... NaN 80 20.0 Bordeaux Bordeaux Supérieur NaN Bordeaux-style Red Blend Château Timberlay
84757 84757 France Lean and rather dry, this has old wood and lea... Hyppos 80 25.0 Bordeaux Bordeaux Supérieur NaN Bordeaux-style Red Blend Château Majoureau
55225 55225 US As sugary sweet as cherry and raspberry pie fi... Mr. Beast 80 19.0 California Dry Creek Valley Sonoma Zinfandel Barber
55223 55223 Spain Red licorice candy on the nose is the only sig... Gran Reserva 80 15.0 Central Spain La Mancha NaN Tempranillo Blend Gran Oristan
26660 26660 Portugal A curious sauerkraut perfume leads to a hard e... NaN 80 NaN Lisboa NaN NaN Touriga Nacional Quinta do Pinto
103992 103992 Chile Heavy as dead weight, with a raisiny nose. Onl... Family Selection 80 14.0 Colchagua Valley NaN NaN Malbec Luis Felipe Edwards
26661 26661 Spain Strained from front to back. The nose smells p... Sweet Chardonnay-Moscato 80 10.0 Spain Other Spain NaN White Blend Torito Bravo
141754 141754 US Softly tannic and far too sweet for a dry tabl... Diamond Reserve Aria 80 38.0 California Paso Robles Central Coast Cabernet Blend Harmony Cellars
36442 36442 US A barrel fermented Chardonnay that is uncharac... NaN 80 10.0 California Lodi Central Valley Chardonnay Campus Oaks
36443 36443 Spain Sweet melon and peach aromas are candied. In t... 234 80 17.0 Northern Spain Somontano NaN Chardonnay Enate
36444 36444 Spain The cold, rainy conditions of 2008 must have a... Reserva 80 40.0 Northern Spain Rioja NaN Tempranillo Blend Finca Valpiedra
103988 103988 US The official alcohol is under 14%, but the win... Tombs Creek Vineyard 80 29.0 California Sonoma County Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon Tin Barn
103989 103989 US Vegetal and dry, this Rhône-style blend of Syr... The Gem 80 16.0 California Paso Robles Central Coast Rhône-style Red Blend Stacked Stone
42382 42382 US A mix of disjointed impressions. Some floral n... NaN 80 12.0 Oregon Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Château Bianca
42381 42381 Uruguay Not very lively or fruity. Vague aromas and fl... Identity Tannat 80 15.0 Canelones NaN NaN Rosé Gimenez Mendez
42380 42380 US Too sweet in sugary blackberry jam to earn a h... Estate Grown 80 20.0 California Clear Lake Mendocino/Lake Counties Barbera Rosa d'Oro
42379 42379 US After the sulfur smell blows off, this wine re... NaN 80 18.0 California Lake County Mendocino/Lake Counties Dolcetto Rosa d'Oro
42378 42378 US So vegetal, it's barely drinkable. Cabernets S... Hawk Red 80 14.0 California Santa Ynez Valley Central Coast Red Blend Buttonwood Farm
42377 42377 US A blend of five diverse red grapes, this light... Cascade Terrace Red 80 17.0 Oregon Rogue Valley Southern Oregon Red Blend Agate Ridge
103990 103990 US The age of this wine, nearly 5 years, makes yo... NaN 80 25.0 California Dry Creek Valley Sonoma Merlot Hawley
103991 103991 US It's been an uphill battle for Pietra Santa wi... NaN 80 18.0 California Cienega Valley Central Coast Dolcetto Pietra Santa
141755 141755 US The only thing that's not Porty about this win... Select Reserve 80 30.0 California Temecula South Coast Zinfandel Stuart Cellars

150930 rows × 11 columns

In [24]:
input_data.sort_values(by = ["points","price"],ascending = False)

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
26296 26296 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
51886 51886 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
83536 83536 France A wine that has created its own universe. It h... Clos du Mesnil 100 1400.0 Champagne Champagne NaN Chardonnay Krug
2145 2145 France Full of ripe fruit, opulent and concentrated, ... NaN 100 848.0 Bordeaux Pessac-Léognan NaN Bordeaux-style White Blend Château Haut-Brion
24151 24151 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
41521 41521 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
119521 119521 Italy A perfect wine from a classic vintage, the 200... Masseto 100 460.0 Tuscany Toscana NaN Merlot Tenuta dell'Ornellaia
19355 19355 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
84035 84035 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
119195 119195 Australia Not a Cellar Selection in the traditional sens... Rare 100 300.0 Victoria Rutherglen NaN Muscat Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
114272 114272 US Impossibly aromatic. Hard to imagine greater c... Red Wine 100 245.0 California Rutherford Napa Cabernet Blend Sloan
143522 143522 US Impossibly aromatic. Hard to imagine greater c... Red Wine 100 245.0 California Rutherford Napa Cabernet Blend Sloan
92916 92916 US A perfect score has to be considered in the co... Hillside Select 100 215.0 California Stags Leap District Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer
111087 111087 Italy Thick as molasses and dark as caramelized brow... Occhio di Pernice 100 210.0 Tuscany Vin Santo di Montepulciano NaN Prugnolo Gentile Avignonesi
138867 138867 Italy Thick as molasses and dark as caramelized brow... Occhio di Pernice 100 210.0 Tuscany Vin Santo di Montepulciano NaN Prugnolo Gentile Avignonesi
89399 89399 US Tasted in a flight of great and famous Napa wi... NaN 100 200.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Cardinale
137099 137099 US Tasted in a flight of great and famous Napa wi... NaN 100 200.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Cardinale
28954 28954 Italy This small, family-run estate in the heart of ... Guado de' Gemoli 100 195.0 Tuscany Bolgheri Superiore NaN Red Blend Giovanni Chiappini
78004 78004 Italy This small, family-run estate in the heart of ... Guado de' Gemoli 100 195.0 Tuscany Bolgheri Superiore NaN Red Blend Giovanni Chiappini
98647 98647 US A spectacular Pinot Noir, but a very young one... Litton Estate Vineyard 100 100.0 California Russian River Valley Sonoma Pinot Noir Williams Selyem
122767 122767 US A spectacular Pinot Noir, but a very young one... Litton Estate Vineyard 100 100.0 California Russian River Valley Sonoma Pinot Noir Williams Selyem
19354 19354 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
84034 84034 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
119194 119194 US In a stunning lineup of Cayuse Syrahs, the En ... En Chamberlin Vineyard 100 65.0 Oregon Walla Walla Valley (OR) Oregon Other Syrah Cayuse
34920 34920 France A big, powerful wine that sums up the richness... NaN 99 2300.0 Bordeaux Pauillac NaN Bordeaux-style Red Blend Château Latour
68237 68237 France Dense and rich but also incredibly complex, lo... La Landonne 99 450.0 Rhône Valley Côte Rôtie NaN Syrah E. Guigal
113027 113027 France Dense and rich but also incredibly complex, lo... La Landonne 99 450.0 Rhône Valley Côte Rôtie NaN Syrah E. Guigal
135707 135707 France Dense and rich but also incredibly complex, lo... La Landonne 99 450.0 Rhône Valley Côte Rôtie NaN Syrah E. Guigal
81686 81686 Italy This is an elegant Nebbiolo-based wine and arg... Sorì Tildìn 99 440.0 Piedmont Langhe NaN Nebbiolo Gaja
81687 81687 Italy Always a standout among Gaja's five single-vin... Sorì San Lorenzo 99 440.0 Piedmont Langhe NaN Nebbiolo Gaja
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
68229 68229 Argentina Flat and soupy, as if the life had been draine... Antigua Cava 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Bodega Familia Barberis
98644 98644 Chile Neutral aromas, sour apple and citrus flavors,... NaN 80 6.0 Curicó Valley NaN NaN Chardonnay Quasar
113019 113019 Argentina Flat and soupy, as if the life had been draine... Antigua Cava 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Bodega Familia Barberis
115016 115016 France Light in body and flavor, this southern France... NaN 80 6.0 Languedoc-Roussillon Vin de Pays d'Oc NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Vignobles de France
117821 117821 Argentina Almost transparent in color, with leafy, light... Antigua Cava 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Merlot Bodega Familia Barberis
122764 122764 Chile Neutral aromas, sour apple and citrus flavors,... NaN 80 6.0 Curicó Valley NaN NaN Chardonnay Quasar
135221 135221 Argentina Almost transparent in color, with leafy, light... Antigua Cava 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Merlot Bodega Familia Barberis
135699 135699 Argentina Flat and soupy, as if the life had been draine... Antigua Cava 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Bodega Familia Barberis
141924 141924 Argentina Rubbery and jammy, with condensed aromas of co... NaN 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Funky Llama
143677 143677 Chile Weedy, with cinnamon and sweet aromas. Very so... NaN 80 6.0 Aconcagua Valley NaN NaN Syrah Conde de Velázquez
148526 148526 France Light in body and flavor, this southern France... NaN 80 6.0 Languedoc-Roussillon Vin de Pays d'Oc NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Vignobles de France
149169 149169 Argentina Transparent in color, with bubblegum and candi... NaN 80 6.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Tempranillo Funky Llama
7794 7794 Argentina Candied plum and red berry aromas smell like r... Estate Bottled 80 5.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Malbec Terrenal
36356 36356 Argentina While this smells floral and candied, the pala... NaN 80 5.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Malbec Toca Diamonte
103916 103916 Argentina While this smells floral and candied, the pala... NaN 80 5.0 Mendoza Province Mendoza NaN Malbec Toca Diamonte
26660 26660 Portugal A curious sauerkraut perfume leads to a hard e... NaN 80 NaN Lisboa NaN NaN Touriga Nacional Quinta do Pinto
47434 47434 Italy Le Balze is mostly Sangiovese, with small comp... Le Balze 80 NaN Tuscany Rosso di Toscana NaN Red Blend Castel Vecchio
60772 60772 Spain A sweet, clumsy wine with gumball aromas in fr... NaN 80 NaN Northern Spain Ribera del Duero NaN Tempranillo Viña Gormaz
66535 66535 New Zealand Simple and sweet-smelling, like butterscotch L... Reserve 80 NaN Marlborough NaN NaN Chardonnay Omaka Springs
87144 87144 France A wine that has both tight tannins and an unpl... NaN 80 NaN Beaujolais Beaujolais-Villages NaN Gamay Château de Lavernette
108671 108671 Portugal This Sauvignon Blanc has some herbal character... Reserva dos Amigos 80 NaN Estremadura NaN NaN Sauvignon Blanc Vidigal
108678 108678 Portugal green wine, the Cabernet that dominates is ob... Reserva dos Amigos 80 NaN Estremadura NaN NaN Cabernet Sauvignon Vidigal
108681 108681 Portugal The least interesting wine in the normally exc... EA Tinto 80 NaN Alentejano NaN NaN Portuguese Red Cartuxa
117812 117812 US About as rustic as wines get while still drink... Eclectic Red Wine 80 NaN California Paso Robles Central Coast Red Blend Four Vines
135137 135137 US Thin and lean, with moderate flavors of red be... Proprietors Reserve 80 NaN New York North Fork of Long Island Long Island Cabernet Sauvignon Palmer
135212 135212 US About as rustic as wines get while still drink... Eclectic Red Wine 80 NaN California Paso Robles Central Coast Red Blend Four Vines
137020 137020 Portugal Slapping “wine made from organic grapes“ on th... Vintage 80 NaN Douro NaN NaN Port Casal dos Jordões
141915 141915 Argentina Piercing aromas of bulky fruit and horseradish... Estate Bottled 80 NaN Mendoza Province Maipú NaN Merlot Pascual Toso
142696 142696 France This wine is certainly fresh, but it has an ar... Le Bosc 80 NaN Languedoc-Roussillon Vin de Pays d'Oc NaN Chardonnay-Sauvignon Pierre Besinet
150055 150055 New Zealand Simple and sweet-smelling, like butterscotch L... Reserve 80 NaN Marlborough NaN NaN Chardonnay Omaka Springs

150930 rows × 11 columns

type missing

In [62]:

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
0 0 US This tremendous 100% varietal wine hails from ... Martha's Vineyard 96 235.0 California Napa Valley Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Heitz
1 1 Spain Ripe aromas of fig, blackberry and cassis are ... Carodorum Selección Especial Reserva 96 110.0 Northern Spain Toro NaN Tinta de Toro Bodega Carmen Rodríguez
2 2 US Mac Watson honors the memory of a wine once ma... Special Selected Late Harvest 96 90.0 California Knights Valley Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc Macauley
3 3 US This spent 20 months in 30% new French oak, an... Reserve 96 65.0 Oregon Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Ponzi
4 4 France This is the top wine from La Bégude, named aft... La Brûlade 95 66.0 Provence Bandol NaN Provence red blend Domaine de la Bégude

In [64]:


In [65]:


In [67]:


In [68]:

0         96.0
1         96.0
2         96.0
3         96.0
4         95.0
5         95.0
6         95.0
7         95.0
8         95.0
9         95.0
10        95.0
11        95.0
12        95.0
13        95.0
14        95.0
15        95.0
16        95.0
17        95.0
18        95.0
19        95.0
20        95.0
21        95.0
22        95.0
23        95.0
24        95.0
25        94.0
26        94.0
27        94.0
28        94.0
29        94.0
150900    81.0
150901    81.0
150902    81.0
150903    81.0
150904    81.0
150905    80.0
150906    93.0
150907    92.0
150908    90.0
150909    89.0
150910    89.0
150911    87.0
150912    87.0
150913    94.0
150914    94.0
150915    93.0
150916    93.0
150917    92.0
150918    92.0
150919    91.0
150920    91.0
150921    91.0
150922    91.0
150923    91.0
150924    91.0
150925    91.0
150926    91.0
150927    91.0
150928    90.0
150929    90.0
Name: points, Length: 150930, dtype: float64

In [69]:


In [70]:

0         96
1         96
2         96
3         96
4         95
5         95
6         95
7         95
8         95
9         95
10        95
11        95
12        95
13        95
14        95
15        95
16        95
17        95
18        95
19        95
20        95
21        95
22        95
23        95
24        95
25        94
26        94
27        94
28        94
29        94
150900    81
150901    81
150902    81
150903    81
150904    81
150905    80
150906    93
150907    92
150908    90
150909    89
150910    89
150911    87
150912    87
150913    94
150914    94
150915    93
150916    93
150917    92
150918    92
150919    91
150920    91
150921    91
150922    91
150923    91
150924    91
150925    91
150926    91
150927    91
150928    90
150929    90
Name: points, Length: 150930, dtype: int64

In [71]:


In [72]:

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery
1133 1133 NaN Delicate white flowers and a spin of lemon pee... Askitikos 90 17.0 NaN NaN NaN Assyrtiko Tsililis
1440 1440 NaN A blend of 60% Syrah, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon a... Shah 90 30.0 NaN NaN NaN Red Blend Büyülübağ
68226 68226 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas
113016 113016 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas
135696 135696 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas

In [78]:
input_data["nonull_country"] ="Unknown")

In [82]:

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery nonull_country

In [85]:
input_data.loc[input_data["nonull_country"] =="Unknown"]

Unnamed: 0 country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 variety winery nonull_country
1133 1133 NaN Delicate white flowers and a spin of lemon pee... Askitikos 90 17.0 NaN NaN NaN Assyrtiko Tsililis Unknown
1440 1440 NaN A blend of 60% Syrah, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon a... Shah 90 30.0 NaN NaN NaN Red Blend Büyülübağ Unknown
68226 68226 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas Unknown
113016 113016 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas Unknown
135696 135696 NaN From first sniff to last, the nose never makes... Piedra Feliz 81 15.0 NaN NaN NaN Pinot Noir Chilcas Unknown

In [ ]:
#input_data.description.replace("@nose ", "@kerino")

In [ ]:

In [ ]: