Using Pretrained Inception-BatchNorm Network

In this example we will show how to use a pretrained Inception-BatchNorm Network. This network is described in the paper

Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. "Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift." arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03167 (2015).

The pre-trained Inception-BatchNorm network is able to be downloaded from this link. Run the script in models/Inception/ will download and unpack it automatically.

Let us first load and display the demo image (try to use other images you like). You will need to install Images.jl and Colors.jl to load the image.

In [1]:
using Images, Colors, ImageMagick
img = load("cat.png")


Now let us do some preprocessing. The most important thing is to resize image to 224x224 that the pre-trained neural network model expect. However, since Images.jl does not have a imresize function yet, we will call Python to do the preprocessing. The helper function is defined in under the same directory.

In [2]:
img = convert(Array, separate(convert(Image{RGB}, img)))
using PyCall
unshift!(PyVector(pyimport("sys")["path"]), "")
@pyimport imagehelper as helper

img = helper.PreprocessImage(img)
# transform from Python row-major to Julia column-major
img = permutedims(img, [3,2,1])
println("Image resized to $(size(img))")

Image resized to (224,224,3)
('Original Image Shape: ', (256, 256, 3))

The last thing we need to do to prepare the image is to subtract it from the mean. The mean image is computed on the training set, and it comes with the pre-trained model archive.

In [3]:
using MXNet

model_dir = joinpath(Pkg.dir("MXNet"), "models/Inception/Inception/")
mean_file = joinpath(model_dir, "mean_224.nd")
mean_arr  = mx.load(mean_file, mx.NDArray)[:mean_img]

img       = img - copy(mean_arr)
img       = reshape(img, 224, 224, 3, 1) # add a mini-batch dim
println("Image prepared!")

Image prepared!

Now we can load the pre-trained model, via the load_checkpoint function.

In [7]:
model_prefix = joinpath(model_dir, "Inception_BN")
model_epoch  = 39
model        = mx.load_checkpoint(model_prefix, model_epoch, mx.FeedForward)
println("Model loaded")

[09:48:53] src/operator/./softmax_output-inl.h:187: Softmax symbol is renamed to SoftmaxOutput. This API will be deprecated in Dec, 2015
Model loaded

With the loaded model, we can do prediction by wrapping the image with a ArrayDataProvider. The output is a 1000-way vector giving the predicted probability of each class. The class names are read from synset.txt, and we show the class name with the maximum probability.

In [8]:
pred = mx.predict(model, mx.ArrayDataProvider(img))
classes = open(joinpath(model_dir, "synset.txt")) do s 
    map(x -> replace(strip(x), r"^n[0-9]+ ", ""), readlines(s))

tiger cat

We can also show easily the top-5 classes and the associated probabilities.

In [9]:
K = 5
n_best = sortperm(vec(pred), rev=true)[1:K]
best_probs = pred[n_best]
best_labels = classes[n_best]

for (l,p) in zip(best_labels, best_probs)
    println(mx.format("{1:>18} w.p. {2:4f}", l, p))

         tiger cat w.p. 0.415807
  tabby, tabby cat w.p. 0.235859
      Egyptian cat w.p. 0.161553
   lynx, catamount w.p. 0.136078
       Persian cat w.p. 0.007109

In [ ]: