In [1]:
import pandas as pd
In [2]:
import targetsmosh as tm
In [29]:
ghgfins = pd.read_pickle("../CDPdata/s12_ghgfins.pkl")
targets = pd.read_pickle("../CDPdata/targets_all.pkl")
In [30]:
targets = targets.reset_index().set_index(["Organisation", "year"])
ghgfintars = ghgfins.join(targets[["has absolute", "has intensity", "target type"]])
In [31]:
# some years for some companies don't have target infos
# set them all to false
ghgfintars["has absolute"].fillna(False, inplace=True)
ghgfintars["has intensity"].fillna(False, inplace=True)
In [32]:
# i should compare first by GICS Industry Group
In [33]:
# get company counts again. it should be the same as for ghgfins
len(ghgfintars.index.levels[0].value_counts().index) #1243 instead of 1247 requested from COMPUSTAT
len(ghgfintars) # 4673
In [5]:
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from bokeh.charts import Scatter
from bokeh.charts import Histogram
from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook, show
import datavis as dv
In [270]:
In [150]:
compareintensity = forcomparing[['year', 'percent change 1and2 intensity', 'often cares']]
compareintensity = compareintensity[compareintensity['percent change 1and2 intensity'].notnull()]
compareintensity = compareintensity.groupby('often cares')
In [273]:
xycomint = dv.prep_groups(compareintensity)
In [269]:
xycomby = dv.prep_groups(compareby)
In [14]:
scatter = dv.scatter_groups(xycomby, "foo.html", "industry vs. change", "year", "percent change")
In [275]:
scatter = dv.scatter_groups(xycomint.values(), "intensity v has_target 3_13.html", "% Intensity change vs. Has Target", "year", "percent change")
In [96]:
In [37]:
ghgfintars["has target"] = ghgfintars["has absolute"] + ghgfintars["has intensity"]
ghgfintars["has target"] = ghgfintars["has target"].apply(lambda(x): min(x, 1))
ghgfintars["has target"].fillna(0, inplace=True)
In [38]:
# get if there was a target the previous year
ghgfintars = tm.get_hadtarget(ghgfintars)
In [22]:
gft_hi = {}
for yr in range(2010,2014):
gft_hi[yr] = gft_year.loc[yr].groupby("has intensity")
In [23]:
hi_values = {}
for yr in range(2010, 2014):
hi_values[yr] = {"No target": gft_hi[yr].get_group(False)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist(),
"Had target": gft_hi[yr].get_group(True)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist()}
In [41]:
gftall = prep_forhist(ghgfintars, "percent change 1and2 intensity", -.5, .5)
gft_hiall = gftall.groupby("has intensity")
hiall_values = {"No target": gft_hiall.get_group(False)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist(),
"Had target": gft_hiall.get_group(True)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist()}
In [51]:
# had intensity last year
gft_gs = {}
for yr in range(2010,2014):
gft_gs[yr] = gft_year.loc[yr].groupby("had intensity last year")
ht_values = {}
for yr in range(2011, 2014):
ht_values[yr] = {"No target": gft_gs[yr].get_group(False)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist(),
"Had target": gft_gs[yr].get_group(True)["percent change 1and2 intensity"].tolist()}
In [107]:
hily_values = ht_values
In [56]:
fname = "2013 had inttarget vs int change.html"
title = "Effect of Intensity Target on % Intensity Change 2013"
# title = "Scope 1 and 2 Total Change by Year"
# fname = "12intchangeyear.html"
hist = Histogram(ht_values[2011], bins=50, filename=fname, title = title, legend=True)
In [57]:
In [ ]: