by Megat Harun Al Rashid bin Megat Ahmad
last updated: November 25, 2014

This tutorial is written as an introductory course to Python programming language for my colleagues at Malaysian Nuclear Agency. It uses IPython Notebook as a teaching tools. It briefly covers almost all the necessary topics that will be helpful to them. The IPython Notebook is an interactive computational system that run on a browser. It enables the users to document not only Python but also other codes (Perl, R, Julia, Haskell etc.), written account, $LaTeX$ equations, HTML, images and videos and can also be easily transformed into a slide show presentation by utilizing reveal.js. The user document will contain full record of all the computations and results and can easily be shared on email, GitHub or nbviewer.ipython.org. This increase research productivity and allows fast distribution and collaboration of the research works undertaken at the agency to other researchers nationally and worldwide. This tutorial is part of the effort to introduce Python especially using the IPython Notebook as narrated in an article (in Malay).


The tutorials are works in progress. Only the completed tutorials are listed here:

Last tutorial will cover topic on Scipy.