by Shyue Ping Ong
This notebook demonstrates the computation of orbits in the $m\overline{3}m$ ($O_h$) point group (more complex than the simple mmm example). It is part of course material for UCSD's NANO106 - Crystallography of Materials.
Let's start by importing the numpy, sympy and other packages we need. Instead of going through all the steps one by one, we will use the symmetry.point_groups written by Prof Ong, which basically consolidates the information for all point groups in a single module.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from sympy import symbols, Mod
from symmetry.groups import PointGroup
#Create the point group.
oh = PointGroup("m-3m")
print "The generators for this point group are:"
for m in oh.generators:
print m
print "The order of the point group is %d." % len(oh.symmetry_ops)
In [2]:
x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
def pt_2_str(pt):
return str([i.args[0] if isinstance(i, Mod) else i for i in pt])
In [3]:
p = np.array([x, y, z])
orb = oh.get_orbit(p, tol=0)
print "For the general position %s on the two-fold axis, the orbit comprise %d points:" % (str(p), len(orb))
for o in orb:
print pt_2_str(o),
In [4]:
p = np.array([0, 0, z])
orb = oh.get_orbit(p, tol=0)
print "For the special position %s on the two-fold axis, the orbit comprise %d points:" % (str(p), len(orb))
for o in orb:
print pt_2_str(o),
The orbit is similar for the other two-fold axes on the a and b axes are similar.
In [5]:
p = np.array([x, x, x])
orb = oh.get_orbit(p, tol=0)
print "For the special position %s on the two-fold axis, the orbit comprise %d points:" % (str(p), len(orb))
for o in orb:
print pt_2_str(o),
In [6]:
p = np.array([x, x, 0])
orb = oh.get_orbit(p, tol=0)
print "For the special position %s on the two-fold axis, the orbit comprise %d points:" % (str(p), len(orb))
for o in orb:
print pt_2_str(o),
In [7]:
p = np.array([x, y, 0])
orb = oh.get_orbit(p, tol=0)
print "For the special position %s on the two-fold axis, the orbit comprise %d points:" % (str(p), len(orb))
for o in orb:
print pt_2_str(o),
The orbit is similar for the other mirror planes on the a-c and b-c planes are similar.