Benchmark Creation

Notebook to create the report file to export Benchmark data (to be released)

Note: : this notebook assumes the use of Python 3

Preamble: Settings Django Environment

In [ ]:

Benchmark Report (per Project)

In [2]:
from source_code_analysis.models import SoftwareProject

In [3]:
projects = SoftwareProject.objects.all()

The Replication Dataset contains the following report files:

  • (Benchmark_Coherence_Data.txt, Benchmark_Raw_Data.txt): Report files containing information about the Coherence and the raw data of methods from all the 4 considered Software Systems.
  • (CoffeeMaker_Coherence_Data.txt, CoffeeMaker_Raw_Data.txt): Report files providing the Coherence and the raw data of methods gathered from the CoffeeMaker Software System.
  • (JFreeChart060_Coherence_Data.txt, JFreeChart060_Raw_Data.txt): Report files providing the Coherence and the raw data of methods gathered from the JFreeChart 0.6.0 Software System.
  • (JFreeChart071_Coherence_Data.txt, JFreeChart071_Raw_Data.txt): Report files providing the Coherence and the raw data of methods gathered from the JFreeChart 0.7.1 Software System.
  • (JHotDraw741_Coherence_Data.txt, JHotDraw741_Raw_Data.txt): Report files providing the Coherence and the raw data of methods gathered from the JHotDraw 7.4.1 Software System.

Coherence Data Report Structure

Report files providing information about the Coherence of methods are structured according to the CSV (i.e., Comma Separated Values) format. Each line of the file contains the following information:

method_id, coherence

  • method_id: the unique identifier of the corresponding method
  • coherence : the coherence value associated to the comment and the implementation of the referred method. Allowed Coherence Values are: NOT_COHERENT and COHERENT. In case, it would be more than straightforward to translate these values into 0, 1 values, respectively.

In [4]:
# Write Coherence Report
def write_coherence_report(coherence_report_filepath, target_methods):
    with open(coherence_report_filepath, 'w') as coherence_report:
        for method in target_methods:
            evaluation = method.agreement_evaluations.all()[0]
            coherence_value = 'COHERENT' if evaluation.agreement_vote in [3, 4] else 'NOT_COHERENT'
            coherence_report.write('{0}, {1}\n'.format(, coherence_value))

Raw Data Report Structure

All the report files containing the raw data of the methods share exactly the same multiline structure. That is (for each method):

method_id, method_name, class_name, software_system
filepath, start_line, end_line, 
Length of the Head Comments
Head Comment
Length of the Implementation
Method Implementation

In [9]:
# Write Raw Data Report
def write_raw_data_report(raw_report_filepath, target_methods):
    with open(raw_report_filepath, 'w') as raw_report:
        for method in target_methods:
            software_system_name = + method.project.version.replace('.', '')
            raw_report.write('{mid}, {method_name}, {class_name}, {software_system}\n'.format(
                          , method_name=method.method_name, class_name=method.code_class.class_name,
            method_fp = method.file_path
            relative_filepath = method_fp[method_fp.find('extracted')+len('extracted')+1:]
            raw_report.write('{filepath}, {start_line}, {end_line}\n'.format(filepath=relative_filepath, 
            if not method.comment.endswith('\n'):
            if not method.code_fragment.endswith('\n'):
            # Last Line of this method

In [10]:
RAW_DATA_SUFFIX = 'Raw_Data.txt'
COHERENCE_DATA_SUFFIX = 'Coherence_Data.txt'

In [11]:
import os

# Create Report Folder
report_folderpath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir), 'report_files')
if not os.path.exists(report_folderpath):

In [15]:
all_methods_list = list()

# Project-Specific Reports

for project in projects:
    software_system_name = + project.version.replace('.', '')
    target_methods = list()
    project_methods = project.code_methods.order_by('pk')
    # Collect Project Methods whose evaluations are Coherent|Not Coherent
    for method in project_methods:
        evaluation = method.agreement_evaluations.all()[0]
        if not evaluation.wrong_association and evaluation.agreement_vote != 2:
    # Coherence Data Report
    coherence_report_filename = '{0}_{1}'.format(software_system_name, COHERENCE_DATA_SUFFIX)
    coherence_report_filepath = os.path.join(report_folderpath, coherence_report_filename)
    write_coherence_report(coherence_report_filepath, target_methods)
    # Raw Data Report
    raw_report_filename = '{0}_{1}'.format(software_system_name, RAW_DATA_SUFFIX)
    raw_report_filepath = os.path.join(report_folderpath, raw_report_filename)
    write_raw_data_report(raw_report_filepath, target_methods)

# -- Entire Benchmark Reports

# Coherence Data Report
coherence_report_filename = '{0}_{1}'.format('Benchmark', COHERENCE_DATA_SUFFIX)
coherence_report_filepath = os.path.join(report_folderpath, coherence_report_filename)

write_coherence_report(coherence_report_filepath, all_methods_list)

# Raw Data Report
raw_report_filename = '{0}_{1}'.format('Benchmark', RAW_DATA_SUFFIX)
raw_report_filepath = os.path.join(report_folderpath, raw_report_filename)

write_raw_data_report(raw_report_filepath, all_methods_list)

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