In [1]:
%autosave 0
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
display(HTML('<style>.container { width:100%; } </style>'))
The process of creating a spam detector using a Support Vector Machine is split up into five steps.
In [2]:
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import math
In [3]:
from collections import Counter
The directory contains 960 emails that are divided into four subdirectories:
contains 350 spam emails for training,ham-train
contains 350 non-spam emails for training,spam-test
contains 130 spam emails for testing,ham-test
contains 130 non-spam emails for testing.I have found this data on the page provided by Andrew Ng.
We declare some variables so that this notebook can be adapted to other data sets.
In [4]:
spam_dir_train = 'EmailData/spam-train/'
ham__dir_train = 'EmailData/ham-train/'
spam_dir_test = 'EmailData/spam-test/'
ham__dir_test = 'EmailData/ham-test/'
Directories = [spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train, spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test]
The function $\texttt{get_word_set}(\texttt{fn})$ takes a filename $\texttt{fn}$ as its argument. It reads the file and returns a set
of all words that are found in this file. The words are transformed to lower case.
In [5]:
def get_words_set(fn):
with open(fn) as file:
text =
text = text.lower()
return set(re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))
The function read_all_files
reads all files contained in those directories that are stored in the list Directories
It returns a Counter
. For every word $w$ this counter contains the number of files that contain $w$.
In [6]:
def read_all_files():
Words = Counter()
for directory in Directories:
for file_name in os.listdir(directory):
Words.update(get_words_set(directory + file_name))
return Words
is a numpy
array of the 2500 most common words found in all of our emails.
In [11]:
M = 2500 # number of the most common words to use
Word_Counter = read_all_files()
Common_Words = np.array(list({ w for w, _ in Word_Counter.most_common(M) }))
In [12]:
is a dictionary that maps from the most common words to their index in the array Common_Words
In [13]:
Index_Dict = { w: i for i, w in enumerate(Common_Words) }
The function $\texttt{transform_to_vector}(L)$ takes a list of words $L$ and transforms this list into a vector $\mathbf{v}$. If $\texttt{CommonWords}[i] = w$, then $\mathbf{v}[i]$ specifies the number of times that $w$ occurs in $L$.
In [14]:
def transform_to_vector(L):
Result = np.zeros((len(Common_Words, )))
for w in L:
if w in Index_Dict:
Result[Index_Dict[w]] += 1
return Result
The function $\texttt{get_word_vector}(fn)$ takes a filename fn
, reads the specified file and transforms it into a feature vector.
In [15]:
def get_word_vector(fn):
with open(fn) as file:
text =
text = text.lower()
return transform_to_vector(re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))
In natural language processing, the notion term is used as a synonym for word. Given a term $t$ and a document $d$, the term frequency $\texttt{tf}(t, d)$ is defined as $$ \texttt{tf}(t, d) = \frac{d.\texttt{count}(t)}{\texttt{len}(d)}, $$ where $d.\texttt{count}(t)$ counts the number of times $t$ appears in $d$ and $\texttt{len}(d)$ is the length of the list representing $d$.
A corpus is a set of documents. Given a term $t$ and a corpus $\mathcal{C}$, the inverse document frequency
$\texttt{idf}(t,\mathcal{C})$ is defined as
$$ \texttt{idf}(t,\mathcal{C}) = \ln\left(\frac{\texttt{card}(\mathcal{C}) + 1}{\texttt{card}\bigl(\{ d \in \mathcal{C} \mid t \in d \}\bigr) + 1}\right). $$
The addition of $1$ in both nominator and denominator is called Laplace smoothing. This is necessary to prevent a division by zero error
for those terms $t$ that do not occur in the list Common_Words
The function $\texttt{feature_matrix}(\texttt{spam_dir}, \texttt{ham_dir})$ takes two directories that contain spam and ham, respectively. It computes a matrix $X$ and a vector $Y$, where $X$ is the feature matrix and for every row $r$ of the feature matrix, $Y[r]$ is 1 if the mail is ham and 0 if it's spam.
The way $X$ is computed is quite inefficient, it would have been better to initialize $X$ as a matrix with the shape $(N,M)$, where $N$ is the number of mails and $M$ is the number of common words.
In [16]:
def feature_matrix(spam_dir, ham_dir):
X = []
Y = []
for fn in os.listdir(spam_dir):
X.append(get_word_vector(spam_dir + fn))
for fn in os.listdir(ham_dir):
X.append(get_word_vector(ham_dir + fn))
X = np.array(X)
Y = np.array(Y)
return X, Y
We convert the training set into a feature matrix.
In [17]:
X_train, Y_train = feature_matrix(spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train)
Up to now, the feature matrix contains only the term frequencies. Next we multiply with the inverse document frequencies.
In [18]:
N, _ = X_train.shape
IDF = {}
for w, i in Index_Dict.items():
IDF[w] = np.log((N + 1) / (Word_Counter[w] + 1))
X_train[:, i] = X_train[:, i] * IDF[w]
We build the feature matrix for the test set.
In [19]:
X_test, Y_test = feature_matrix(spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test)
In [20]:
for w, i in Index_Dict.items():
X_test[:, i] = X_test[:, i] * IDF[w]
In [21]:
import sklearn.svm as svm
Train an SVM and compute the accuracy on the training data.
In [22]:
M = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=100000) (X_train, Y_train)
M.score(X_train, Y_train)
Compute the accuracy for the test data.
In [23]:
M.score(X_test, Y_test)
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