In our game of Seafall the 3rd island is named Tahiti. It has a crucial caveat when attempting endeavors on this island, "Reroll all minor successes rolled during endeavors here." On first thought, this doesn't sound too bad. Minor successes are only a single face on each die, but just how risky is it to step foot on this island?
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import itertools
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import os
import pandas
import scipy.misc
import scipy.special
import seaborn
In [2]:
# colormap for data visualizations
cmap = seaborn.cubehelix_palette(n_colors = 20, start = 0.8, rot = 0.75,
gamma = 0.3, hue = 2.0, dark = 0.005,
light = 0.95, reverse = True, as_cmap = True)
Without any modifications the chance of rolling a blank is $1/3$ and the chance of rolling a minor success is $1/6$. Now, we must account for the situation where every minor success is re-rolled. Again there is a $1/3$ of rolling a blank, but we might end up with additional rolls if another minor success turns up. Conceivably, an infinite sequence of rolling could occur if a minor success is repeatedly rolled over and over again. To calculate the chances of rolling a blank than requires us to write an equation that is infinitely long.
$$\frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{6} \left( \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{6} \left( \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{6} \left( \frac{1}{3} + \cdots \right.\right.\right.$$Beginning to perform the mulitplication reveals a series,
$$\frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{3} \cdot \frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{3} \cdot \frac{1}{6 \cdot 6} + \frac{1}{3} \cdot \frac{1}{6 \cdot 6 \cdot 6} + \cdots$$Conveniently, this is a geometric series, which converges to a known formula.
$$ \frac{1}{3} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\frac{1}{6}\right)^k \Rightarrow \frac{1}{3} \cdot \frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{6}} = 0.4$$
In [3]:
p_success = 0.6
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_success:
p = 0.0
p = (p_success)**num_success * \
(1-p_success)**(total_dice-num_success) * \
scipy.misc.comb(total_dice, total_dice - num_success)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_success:
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(n, total_dice) for n in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [4]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice showing the success face
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_dataframe_stack = sdp_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot > 0.999, numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1))
In [5]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, weak successes are re-rolled:
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_rerollweak.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [6]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
sdp_dataframe_7 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 8) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] < 8)]
sdp_pivot_7 = sdp_dataframe_7.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask_7 = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot_7 > 0.999, numpy.triu(numpy.ones((7,7)), 1))
ax2 = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot_7, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask_7, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, weak successes are re-rolled:
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax2.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=24)
ax2.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=24)
fig = ax2.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to7_rerollweak.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
The increase in probability from $0.\overline{3}$ to $0.4$ is enough to warrant a second thought before choosing to roll the dice. Some rolls become considerably less favorable. Consider rolling 4 dice and weighing the odds of 2 or more blanks. On a normal island this would happen $40.7\%$ of the time, but still favors success. On Tahiti the tables turn and the odds become worse than a coin toss, $52.5\%$.
In [7]:
p_success = 0.5
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_success:
p = 0.0
p = (p_success)**num_success * \
(1-p_success)**(total_dice-num_success) * \
scipy.misc.comb(total_dice, total_dice - num_success)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_success:
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(n, total_dice) for n in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [8]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice showing the success face
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_dataframe_stack = sdp_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot > 0.999, numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1))
In [9]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, weak successes count as blanks:
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_weakasblank.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [ ]: