There are event cards that increase odds that an endeavor will be successful. For the "plus 1" event, strong success count as two successes. We'll need to account for two outcomes in each combination: strong successes and blanks. The formula for computing these odds is a bit trickier since a strong success will cancel out a blank roll.
A simulation will be used to sample the probability space and be used as a sanity check to verify the formula.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import itertools
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import os
import pandas
import scipy.misc
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
import seaborn
In [2]:
# colormap for data visualizations
cmap = seaborn.cubehelix_palette(n_colors = 20, start = 0.8, rot = 0.75,
gamma = 0.3, hue = 2.0, dark = 0.005,
light = 0.95, reverse = True, as_cmap = True)
In [3]:
p_blank = 1.0/3
p_major = 1.0/6
def simulate_roll(total_dice):
x = numpy.random.uniform(size=total_dice)
conds = [x <= p_blank, (x > p_blank) & (x <= p_blank + p_major), (x > p_blank + p_major)]
# each blank counts as 0, a major success counts as 2, and a regular success counts as 1
roll_array = numpy.piecewise(x, conds, [0, 2, 1])
return numpy.sum(roll_array)
def success_roll_simulator(total_dice, n):
sim_list = [simulate_roll(total_dice) for i in range(n)]
return numpy.array(sim_list)
In [4]:
n = 10000
success_count_list = [success_roll_simulator(i, n) for i in numpy.arange(1,31)]
for i, array in enumerate(success_count_list):
array[array < 0] = 0
success_count_list[i] = array
success_count_itemfreq = [scipy.stats.itemfreq(a) for a in success_count_list]
In [5]:
In [6]:
success_max = numpy.max([numpy.max(myarray[:,0]) for myarray in success_count_itemfreq])
In [7]:
# sdp_sim will give the probability of a specific instance occuring.
# the rows are the size of the dice pool
# the columns are the specific number of blanks after accounting for major successes
sdp_sim = numpy.zeros((30,numpy.uint(success_max + 1)))
for i, array in enumerate(success_count_itemfreq):
for j in array:
sdp_sim[i, j[0].astype(int)] = j[1]/n
In [8]:
row_success = numpy.arange(0,numpy.uint(success_max + 1)) # number of dice showing the blank face
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,31) # number of dice in the pool
sdp_sim_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp_sim, index = col_dice, columns = row_success)
sdp_sim_dataframe_stack = sdp_sim_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_number_success"})
sdp_sim_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,16)), 2)
sdp_sim_pivot = sdp_sim_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_success",
In [9]:
#mask = sdp_sim_mask
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(24, 18))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_sim_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 1, simulation):
Probability exactly X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_exact_1to15_plus1_simulation.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [10]:
# for the greater than or equal probabilites, sum along the rows
sdp_sim_gte = numpy.zeros((30,40))
for (i, j), _ in numpy.ndenumerate(sdp_sim_gte):
sdp_sim_gte[i, j] = numpy.sum(sdp_sim[i, j+1:])
In [11]:
col_success = numpy.arange(1,41) # number of dice showing the blank face
row_dice = numpy.arange(1,31) # number of dice in the pool
sdp_sim_gte_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp_sim_gte, index = row_dice, columns = col_success)
sdp_sim_gte_dataframe_stack = sdp_sim_gte_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
sdp_sim_gte_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,30)), 1)
sdp_sim_gte_pivot = sdp_sim_gte_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_success",
In [12]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(24, 18))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_sim_gte_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 1, simulation):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus1_simulation.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
The odds for strong successes are $1/6$. The key to calculating the number of outcomes is the Multinomial Coefficient.
In [13]:
p_blank = 1.0/3
p_major = 1.0/6
def prob_success_and_major(num_success, num_major, total_dice):
if num_success + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**(total_dice-num_success-num_major) * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**num_success * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_success) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_success - num_major))
return p
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(0, total_dice + 1)
array_prob = []
# x + 2y = n, x = success, y = major success, n = total number of successes
for i in rng_success:
x = i
if num_success < x:
y = num_success - x
if y % 2 == 0:
y = y/2.0
array_prob.append(prob_success_and_major(x, y, total_dice))
p = numpy.sum(array_prob)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, 2*total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(i, total_dice) for i in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [14]:
p_blank = 1.0/3
p_major = 1.0/6
def prob_blank_and_major(num_blank, num_major, total_dice):
if num_blank + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**num_blank * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**(total_dice-num_blank-num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_blank) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_blank - num_major))
return p
def prob_blank(num_blank, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_blank:
p = 0.0
rng_blank = numpy.arange(num_blank, total_dice + 1)
array_blank_and_major = [prob_blank_and_major(i, i-num_blank, total_dice) for i in numpy.arange(num_blank, 1 + numpy.floor((total_dice + num_blank)/2))]
p = numpy.sum(array_blank_and_major)
return p
def prob_blank_or_worse(num_blank, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_blank:
p = 0.0
rng_blank = numpy.arange(num_blank, total_dice + 1)
array_blank = [prob_blank(i, total_dice) for i in rng_blank]
p = numpy.sum(array_blank)
return p
In [15]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,41) # number successes in a dice pool
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,31) # number of dice in the pool
sdp = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_dataframe_stack = sdp_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
#sdp_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1)
sdp_dataframe_15 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 21) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] < 16)]
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_15.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot < 0.001, sdp_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_mask = sdp_mask.as_matrix()
In [16]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 1):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus1.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [17]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sdp_dataframe_7 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 11) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] < 8)]
sdp_pivot_7 = sdp_dataframe_7.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask_7 = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot_7 < 0.001, sdp_pivot_7 > 0.999)
sdp_mask_7 = sdp_mask_7.as_matrix()
ax2 = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot_7, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask_7, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2.0, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 1):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax2.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=24)
ax2.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=24)
fig = ax2.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to7_plus1.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [18]:
sdp_dataframe_30 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] > 10) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 31) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] >= 16)]
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_30.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot < 0.001, sdp_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_mask = sdp_mask.as_matrix()
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 1):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_16to30_plus1.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [19]:
p_major = 1.0/6
def prob_major(num_major, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_major:
p = 0.0
p = (p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_major)**(total_dice-num_major) * \
scipy.misc.comb(total_dice, total_dice - num_major)
return p
def prob_major_or_better(num_major, total_dice):
if total_dice < num_major:
p = 0.0
rng_major = numpy.arange(num_major, total_dice + 1)
array_major = [prob_major(n, total_dice) for n in rng_major]
p = numpy.sum(array_major)
return p
In [20]:
row_major = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice showing the major success face
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp_major = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_major),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_major_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_major, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_major, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp_major[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_major_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp_major, index = row_major, columns = col_dice)
sdp_major_dataframe_stack = sdp_major_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_major",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_major"})
sdp_major_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1)
sdp_major_pivot = sdp_major_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
In [21]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_major_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_major_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Probability at least X strong successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of strong successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","strong_successes_1to15.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
There is an upgrade that reduces damage by 1 for each strong success. There are relics that add 1 for a strong success. When thinking about damage taken, then each strong success is worth 3 instead of 1 or 2. Note that if the damage reduction upgrade is being considered in the following charts, then these numbers will not reflect the probability of the number of successes when raiding a province, which is necessary for determing what can be plundered. A proper application of this chart is when raiding a tomb or colony and looking at the probability no damage will be taken.
My belief is that strong success bonuses do not combine or stack. The only combination that appears logical is the Enduring ship upgrade and any other strong success bonus, such as Fog. Therefore, only the plus 2 chart will be game relevant. However, out of curiosity I've included a plus 3 chart as well. Comparing the plus 3 chart to the plus 1 or normal ship damage probability chart reveals game-breaking changes that stacking strong success bonuses would cause. I consider the total possible number of successes from strong success bonus stacking game breaking, because the last island with defense 30 could possibly be discovered with a dice pool of 7 if the strong success bonus is +3 (though the probability of this is 3.57e-6)! Smaller challenges become almost automatic, and I don't think near guarunteed success is consistent with the overall game design within SeaFall.
In [22]:
# strong success is worth 3 standard successes
p_blank = 1.0/3
p_major = 1.0/6
def prob_success_and_major(num_success, num_major, total_dice):
if num_success + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**(total_dice-num_success-num_major) * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**num_success * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_success) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_success - num_major))
return p
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/3.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(0, total_dice + 1)
array_prob = []
# x + 3y = n, x = success, y = major success, n = total number of successes
for i in rng_success:
x = i
if num_success < x:
y = num_success - x
if y % 3 == 0:
y = y/3.0
array_prob.append(prob_success_and_major(x, y, total_dice))
p = numpy.sum(array_prob)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/3.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, 3*total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(i, total_dice) for i in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [23]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,36) # number successes in a dice pool
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,31) # number of dice in the pool
sdp = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_dataframe_stack = sdp_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
#sdp_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1)
sdp_dataframe_15 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 21) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] < 16)]
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_15.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot < 0.001, sdp_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_mask = sdp_mask.as_matrix()
In [24]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 2):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus2.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [25]:
sdp_dataframe_30 = sdp_dataframe_stack.loc[(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] > 10) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_success"] < 31) &
(sdp_dataframe_stack["number_dice_pool"] >= 16)]
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_30.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot < 0.001, sdp_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_mask = sdp_mask.as_matrix()
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 2):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_16to30_plus2.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [26]:
# strong success is worth 3 standard successes
p_blank = 1.0/3
p_major = 1.0/6
def prob_success_and_major(num_success, num_major, total_dice):
if num_success + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**(total_dice-num_success-num_major) * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**num_success * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_success) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_success - num_major))
return p
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/4.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(0, total_dice + 1)
array_prob = []
# x + 4y = n, x = success, y = major success, n = total number of successes
for i in rng_success:
x = i
if num_success < x:
y = num_success - x
if y % 4 == 0:
y = y/4.0
array_prob.append(prob_success_and_major(x, y, total_dice))
p = numpy.sum(array_prob)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/4.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, 4*total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(i, total_dice) for i in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [27]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,21) # number successes in a dice pool
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_dataframe_stack = sdp_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
#sdp_mask = numpy.triu(numpy.ones((15,15)), 1)
sdp_pivot = sdp_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_pivot < 0.001, sdp_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_mask = sdp_mask.as_matrix()
In [28]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty, strong success bonus (plus 3):
Probability at least X successes given Y sized dice pool""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus3.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
Previously, we calculated that the probability of rolling a blank increased from $0.\overline{3}$ to $0.4$. Now that strong successes are meaningful, and could also result from re-rolling and weak success, we must update the probability of this result as well. The strong success probability can be calculated by modifying our previous result:
\begin{equation} \frac{1}{6} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\frac{1}{6}\right)^k \Rightarrow \frac{1}{6} \cdot \frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{6}} = 0.2 \end{equation}Interestingly, it is now clear how the probabilities change due to re-rolling minor successes. Instead of solving a geometric series we could have inferred that re-rolling minor successes is akin to removing the face of the die, changing a 6-sided die into a 5-sided die. Then computing the fractions of the dice faces would yield all the probabilities, just like they did for the first calculations we made with 6-sided dice.
In [29]:
p_blank = 0.4
p_major = 0.2
def prob_success_and_major(num_success, num_major, total_dice):
if num_success + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**(total_dice-num_success-num_major) * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**num_success * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_success) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_success - num_major))
return p
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(0, total_dice + 1)
array_prob = []
# x + 2y = n, x = success, y = major success, n = total number of successes
for i in rng_success:
x = i
if num_success < x:
y = num_success - x
if y % 2 == 0:
y = y/2.0
array_prob.append(prob_success_and_major(x, y, total_dice))
p = numpy.sum(array_prob)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, 2*total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(i, total_dice) for i in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [30]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,21) # number of successes in the pool
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp_i3 = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp_i3[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_i3_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp_i3, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_i3_dataframe_stack = sdp_i3_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
sdp_i3_pivot = sdp_i3_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_i3_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_i3_pivot < 0.001, sdp_i3_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_i3_mask = sdp_i3_mask.as_matrix()
In [31]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_i3_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_i3_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty
strong success bonus and re-roll weak successes""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus1_rerollweak.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [32]:
p_blank = 0.5
p_major = 1/6.0
def prob_success_and_major(num_success, num_major, total_dice):
if num_success + num_major > total_dice:
p = 0.0
p = (p_blank)**(total_dice-num_success-num_major) * \
(p_major)**num_major * \
(1-p_blank-p_major)**num_success * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice) / \
(scipy.misc.factorial(num_success) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(num_major) * \
scipy.misc.factorial(total_dice - num_success - num_major))
return p
def prob_success(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(0, total_dice + 1)
array_prob = []
# x + 2y = n, x = success, y = major success, n = total number of successes
for i in rng_success:
x = i
if num_success < x:
y = num_success - x
if y % 2 == 0:
y = y/2.0
array_prob.append(prob_success_and_major(x, y, total_dice))
p = numpy.sum(array_prob)
return p
def prob_success_or_better(num_success, total_dice):
if total_dice < numpy.ceil(num_success/2.0):
p = 0.0
rng_success = numpy.arange(num_success, 2*total_dice + 1)
array_success = [prob_success(i, total_dice) for i in rng_success]
p = numpy.sum(array_success)
return p
In [33]:
row_success = numpy.arange(1,21) # number of successes in the pool
col_dice = numpy.arange(1,16) # number of dice in the pool
sdp_i3 = numpy.zeros((numpy.size(row_success),numpy.size(col_dice)))
prob = [prob_success_or_better(*i) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
ind = [tuple(numpy.subtract(i,1)) for i in itertools.product(row_success, col_dice)]
for idx, val in enumerate(ind):
sdp_i3[val] = prob[idx]
sdp_i3_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data = sdp_i3, index = row_success, columns = col_dice)
sdp_i3_dataframe_stack = sdp_i3_dataframe.stack().reset_index().rename(
columns = {
"level_0" : "number_success",
"level_1" : "number_dice_pool",
0 : "probability_GTE_to_number_success"})
sdp_i3_pivot = sdp_i3_dataframe_stack.pivot("number_dice_pool",
sdp_i3_mask = numpy.logical_or(sdp_i3_pivot < 0.001, sdp_i3_pivot > 0.999)
sdp_i3_mask = sdp_i3_mask.as_matrix()
In [34]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
ax = seaborn.heatmap(sdp_i3_pivot, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
cbar = False, mask = sdp_i3_mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0,
"""Ship Damage Probabilty
strong success bonus and weak successes count as blanks""",
ax.set_xlabel("Number of successes", fontsize=32)
ax.set_ylabel("Size of dice pool", fontsize=32)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","ship_damage_probabilities_1to15_plus1_weakasblank.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)
In [ ]: