This is a simple interactive demo that briefly goes over nested sampling and some of the features available in dynesty
. See the documentation for more details.
First, let's set up some environmental dependencies. These just make the numerics easier and adjust some of the plotting defaults to make things more legible.
In [1]:
# Python 3 compatability
from __future__ import division, print_function
from six.moves import range
# system functions that are always useful to have
import time, sys, os
# basic numeric setup
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg
# inline plotting
%matplotlib inline
# plotting
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# seed the random number generator
In [2]:
# re-defining plotting defaults
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.size': '7.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.width': '1.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.size': '3.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.width': '1.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.size': '7.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.width': '1.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.size': '3.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.width': '1.0'})
rcParams.update({'font.size': 30})
Let's get a sense for how dynesty
works using a strongly correlated 3-D multivariate Normal distribution.
In [3]:
import dynesty
In [4]:
ndim = 3 # number of dimensions
C = np.identity(ndim) # set covariance to identity matrix
C[C==0] = 0.95 # set off-diagonal terms (strongly correlated)
Cinv = linalg.inv(C) # precision matrix
lnorm = -0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi) * ndim + np.log(linalg.det(C))) # ln(normalization)
# 3-D correlated multivariate normal log-likelihood
def loglikelihood(x):
"""Multivariate normal log-likelihood."""
return -0.5 *,, x)) + lnorm
As described in the documentation, dynesty
samples over the unit cube. We'll define our prior (via prior_transform
) to be uniform in each dimension from -10 to 10 and 0 everywhere else.
In [5]:
# prior transform
def prior_transform(u):
"""Transforms our unit cube samples `u` to a flat prior between -10. and 10. in each variable."""
return 10. * (2. * u - 1.)
Finally, dynesty
can also incorporate gradients when sampling, provided they are properly defined with respect to the unit cube. An example is shown below.
In [6]:
# gradient of log-likelihood *with respect to u*
# -> d(lnl)/du = d(lnl)/dv * dv/du
# dv/du = 1. / prior(v)
def gradient(x):
"""Multivariate normal log-likelihood gradient."""
dlnl_dv =, x) # standard gradient
jac = np.diag(np.full_like(x, 20.)) # Jacobian
return, dlnl_dv) # transformed gradient
Let's now initialize our nested sampler. We'll use $K=1500$ live points (rather than the default $K=500$) along with dynesty
's default bounding/sampling modes.
In [7]:
# initialize our nested sampler
sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(loglikelihood, prior_transform, ndim, nlive=1500)
We can now begin sampling from our target distribution. NestedSampler
is designed for evidence estimation (posteriors are a nice byproduct), so the stopping criteria defaults to $\Delta \ln \hat{\mathcal{Z}}_i < 0.005 (K+1)$ if we intend to "recycle" the final set of live points (add_live=True
; this is the default behavior) and $\Delta \ln \hat{\mathcal{Z}}_i < 0.01$ otherwise.
In [8]:
# sample from the target distribution
The results can be accessed after a run via sampler.results
and are stored as a modified dictionary. We can get a quick summary of our results using the summary()
method, although the actual file contains a host of information about the nested sampling run.
In [9]:
res = sampler.results # grab our results
print('Keys:', res.keys(),'\n') # print accessible keys
res.summary() # print a summary
The most relevant quantities for a general user will be samples
(the collection of samples from the run), logwt
(their corresponding ln-importance weights), logz
(the cumulative ln-evidence), and logzerr
(the error on the ln-evidence). The remaining quantities are used to help visualize the output (see below) and will also be useful for more advanced users who want additional information about the nested sampling run. See the documentation for more detailed information.
Let's see if we can do any better by adding more samples (dead points) until an even more stringent stopping criterion is met. By default, dynesty
keeps track of the live points and final set of samples, making it easy to add additional samples to the same run.
In [10]:
In addition to having our samples generated entirely internally to our NestedSampler
object via run_nested()
, dynesty
can also be run explicitly as a generator using the sample()
In [11]:
dlogz_final = 0.01
from dynesty.results import print_fn
# continue sampling from where we left off
ncall = sampler.ncall # internal calls
nit = # internal iteration
for it, results in enumerate(sampler.sample(dlogz=dlogz_final)):
# split up our results
(worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt, logz, logzvar,
h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer, eff, delta_logz) = results
# add number of function calls
ncall += nc
nit += 1
# print results
print_fn(results, nit, ncall, dlogz=dlogz_final)
# add the remaining live points back into our final results
# (they are removed from our set of dead points each time we start sampling)
for it2, results in enumerate(sampler.add_live_points()):
# split up results
(worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt, logz, logzvar,
h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer, eff, delta_logz) = results
# print results
print_fn(results, nit, ncall, add_live_it=it2+1, dlogz=dlogz_final)
res2 = sampler.results
At this point, note that our estimated evidence $\ln \mathcal{Z}_i$ from our original run (res
) and this extended run (res2
) are almost identical even though we've almost doubled the total number of samples, although the effective error is somewhat smaller. This demonstrates how much we can gain by "recycling" the final set of live points.
supports evaluating likelihood functions in parallel through a user-provided pool
. The only requirements are that the pool has a map
function and supports advanced pickling (via dill
or cloudpickle
) to facilitate passing nested function calls.
We will use the excellent ipyparallel
package to support our parallelization. In this particular example, the underlying cluster is also running the MPICH implementation of MPI. See the ipyparallel
documentation for additional information on getting set up.
In [12]:
import ipyparallel as ipp
Once we have ipyparallel
imported and a cluster up and running, we need to create a "client" to interface with our processors.
In [13]:
rc = ipp.Client()
nprocs = len(rc.ids)
To enable direct execution, we will then make used of a DirectView
object and set it to use dill
instead of the default pickle
. This helps to avoid some pickling issues that can arise when transferring information to members of the pool
In [14]:
dview = rc[:]
Although our processors have now been initialized, they do not share global memory. We now need to initialize each member of the group with the same global environment. This can be done using the %%px
magic function, which automatically runs all commands below it in the same cell in parallel.
In [15]:
# import environment
from __future__ import division, print_function
from six.moves import range
import time, sys, os
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg
import dynesty
# define likelihood constants
ndim = 3
C = np.identity(ndim)
C[C==0] = 0.95
Cinv = linalg.inv(C)
lnorm = -0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi) * ndim + np.log(linalg.det(C)))
# seed the random number generator
print('Random seed:',os.getpid())
The final step is to create an appropriate pool
. By default,
aliases an asynchronous map whose results can be accessed afterwards. We, however, require a simpler, synchronous map
that just returns the results of the distributed computation in one batch. This just requires wrapping the dview.map_sync
In [16]:
class Pool(object):
"""A simple wrapper for `dview`."""
def __init__(self, dview):
self.dview = dview
self.size = nprocs
def map(self, function, tasks):
return self.dview.map_sync(function, tasks)
# define our pool
pool = Pool(dview)
With that, our pool is all set! By default, dynesty
will use our pool to compute most bulk operations in parallel. For illustrative purposes, here we'll opt to do perform ellipsoid decompositions in serial by specifying the appropriate use_pool
flag. We'll also switch sampling methods to 'hslice'
to illustrate how dynesty
can use gradients to generate new live points with "Hamiltonian" slice sampling. Finally, we'll change the bounding/sampling behavior by tweaking the first_update
argument to illustrate that behavior.
In [17]:
psampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(loglikelihood, prior_transform, ndim,
nlive=1500, sample='hslice', gradient=gradient,
first_update={'min_ncall': 5000, 'min_eff': 50.},
pool=pool, use_pool={'update_bound': False})
In [18]:
pres = psampler.results
Let's see how we did!
In [19]:
# 3-D plots of position and likelihood, colored by weight
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
# plotting the initial run
p = ax.scatter(res.samples[:, 0], res.samples[:, 1], res.samples[:, 2],
marker='o', c=np.exp(res.logwt) * 1e7, linewidths=(0.,), cmap='coolwarm')
ax.set_xlim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_ylim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_zlim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_zticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_zlabel(r'$z$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_title('Initial Run')
cb = fig.colorbar(p)
cb.set_label('Weight (1e-6)', labelpad=50., rotation=270.)
# plotting the extended run
ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
p = ax.scatter(res2.samples[:, 0], res2.samples[:, 1], res2.samples[:, 2],
marker='o', c=np.exp(res2.logwt) * 1e8, linewidths=(0.,), cmap='coolwarm')
ax.set_xlim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_ylim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_zlim(-10., 10.)
ax.set_zticks(np.linspace(-10., 10., 5))
ax.set_zlabel(r'$z$', labelpad=25)
ax.set_title('Extended Run')
cb = fig.colorbar(p)
cb.set_label('Weight (1e-8)', labelpad=50., rotation=270.)
We can take a more detailed look at what our nested sampler is doing over the course of our run using several of dynesty
's built-in plotting utilities.
In [20]:
from dynesty import plotting as dyplot
In [21]:
# analytic evidence solution
lnz_truth = ndim * -np.log(2 * 10.) # log(volume) of prior; log(like) is normalized
# plot parallel run
fig, axes = dyplot.runplot(pres, color='red')
# plot extended run
fig, axes = dyplot.runplot(res2, color='dodgerblue', fig=(fig, axes))
# overplot original run
fig, axes = dyplot.runplot(res, color='blue', lnz_truth=lnz_truth, truth_color='black',
fig=(fig, axes))
We see that up until we recycle our final set of live points (indicated by the dashed lines), the number of live points is constant as a function of $\ln X_i$. Afterwards, however, it flattens out, rapidly traversing the remaining prior volume in linear fashion. While this clearly introduces additional sampling noise, the overall effect on $\ln \hat{\mathcal{Z}}$ itself is quite muted (especially given the estimated uncertainties).
In [22]:
# plotting the original run
fig, axes = dyplot.traceplot(res, truths=[0., 0., 0.], truth_color='black',
show_titles=True, title_kwargs={'fontsize': 28, 'y': 1.05},
trace_cmap='plasma', kde=False,
connect=True, connect_highlight=range(5),
fig=plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(14, 12)))
# plotting the continued run
fig, axes = dyplot.traceplot(res2, truths=[0., 0., 0.], truth_color='black',
show_titles=True, title_kwargs={'fontsize': 28, 'y': 1.05},
trace_cmap='viridis', kde=False,
connect=True, connect_highlight=range(5),
fig=plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(14, 12)))
We see that although the evidences we estimate from both runs are almost identical, the (marginalized) posteriors we derive in our extended run is considerably smoother since we have more finely sampled the bulk of the posterior mass (clearly visible in the bottom three left panels).
Let's first take a look at the positions and weights of our individual samples to see where our samples are concentrated using cornerpoints
In [23]:
# initialize figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(25, 10))
axes = axes.reshape((2, 5))
[a.set_frame_on(False) for a in axes[:, 2]]
[a.set_xticks([]) for a in axes[:, 2]]
[a.set_yticks([]) for a in axes[:, 2]]
# plot initial run (left)
fg, ax = dyplot.cornerpoints(res, cmap='plasma', truths=[0., 0., 0.],
kde=False, fig=(fig, axes[:, :2]))
# plot extended run (right)
fg, ax = dyplot.cornerpoints(res2, cmap='viridis', truths=[0., 0., 0.],
kde=False, fig=(fig, axes[:, 3:]))
Just by looking at our projected samples, it is readily apparent that our extended run does a much better job of localizing the overall distribution. Let's try and get a better qualatative handle on this below by plotting the marginal 1-D and 2-D posteriors using cornerplot
In [24]:
# initialize figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 7, figsize=(35, 15))
axes = axes.reshape((3, 7))
[a.set_frame_on(False) for a in axes[:, 3]]
[a.set_xticks([]) for a in axes[:, 3]]
[a.set_yticks([]) for a in axes[:, 3]]
# plot initial run (left)
fg, ax = dyplot.cornerplot(res, color='blue', truths=[0., 0., 0.], truth_color='black',
show_titles=True, max_n_ticks=3, title_kwargs={'y': 1.05},
quantiles=None, fig=(fig, axes[:, :3]))
# plot extended run (right)
fg, ax = dyplot.cornerplot(res2, color='dodgerblue', truths=[0., 0., 0.], truth_color='black',
show_titles=True, title_kwargs={'y': 1.05},
quantiles=None, max_n_ticks=3, fig=(fig, axes[:, 4:]))
Even though our original run (with 2x less samples) gave similar evidence estimates, it gives somewhat "noisier" estimates of the posterior than those from our extended run.
To visualize how we're sampling in nested "shells", we can look at the evolution of our bounding distributions in a given 2-D projection over the course of the run.
In [25]:
# initialize figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 10))
# plot 6 snapshots over the course of the run
for i, a in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
it = int((i+1)*res2.niter/8.)
# overplot the result onto each subplot
temp = dyplot.boundplot(res2, dims=(0, 1), it=it, prior_transform=prior_transform, max_n_ticks=3,
show_live=True, span=[(-10, 10), (-10, 10)], fig=(fig, a))
a.set_title('Iteration {0}'.format(it), fontsize=26)
Alternately, cornerbound
generates corner plots for our proposals.
In [26]:
# initialize figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
# plot proposals in corner format
fg, ax = dyplot.cornerbound(res2, it=7000, prior_transform=prior_transform, show_live=True,
span=[(-10, 10), (-10, 10)], fig=(fig, axes))
We see that the default multi-ellipsoid proposals are able to adapt well to the target distribution over time, ensuring we continue to make efficient proposals without violating our uniform sampling assumptions. We can also see the impact our bootstrapping procedure has on the bounding ellipsoids: they always remain slightly larger than the set of live points. While this slightly decreases our efficiency, it helps ensure we do not "leave out" any likelihood during the course of the run.
Nested sampling is a powerful and versatile approach for computing Bayesian evidences (with posterior estimates as a "free" by-product). Various nested sampling algorithms can be implemented using the NestedSampler
"class" in dynesty
, which allow for a variety of bounding and sampling methods. Sampling can be done implicitly (within NestedSampler
) or explicitly (as a generator) depending on the degree of control users want over the outputs. Sampling can also be done in parallel using a user-supplied pool
. Results can be accessed via the results
property and can be visualized using several built-in plotting functions (via plotting