
From a predictive model, score a new dataset using the Python SDK


  • PredicSis.ai Python SDK (pip install predicsis; documentation)
  • A model in PredicSis.ai and a dataset to be scored.

In [1]:
# Load PredicSis.ai SDK
from predicsis import PredicSis

Retrieve the predictive model

In [2]:
prj = PredicSis.project('Outbound Mail Campaign')
mdl = prj.schema('My first model')

Upload dataset to be scored

In [3]:
       'name': 'Customers',
       'file': './Outbound Mail Campaign/tobedeployed/Master.csv'
       'name': 'Orders',
       'file': './Outbound Mail Campaign/tobedeployed/Orders.csv'
       'name': 'VisitedPages',
       'file': './Outbound Mail Campaign/tobedeployed/VisitedPages.csv'
       'name': 'Email',
       'file': './Outbound Mail Campaign/tobedeployed/Email.csv'


Scoring the uploaded dataset

Asking to add the user information such as email, first_name and last_name

In [4]:
score = mdl.compute_scores('datasets_January', output_features=['email', 'first_name' ,'last_name'])

In [5]:
score.download_scorefile('./Outbound Mail Campaign/January_scores.csv')

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