Bokeh Tutorial

1.4 Plotting - Climate

Exercise: Plot temperature anomaly monthly average for a given year and month by lat/lon with bokeh.plotting.image_rgba()

  • Data: 'data/'

Note: For your convienience, I'm providing an RGBAColorMapper

Bokeh color palettes

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from utils.colormap import RGBAColorMapper

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# Get the netCDF4 variable for temperature anomaly
import netCDF4

data = netCDF4.Dataset('data/')
t = data.variables['temperature']

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# Initialize the colormap with a bokeh palette and the low and high values for the scale.
from bokeh.palettes import RdBu11
colormap = RGBAColorMapper(-6, 6, RdBu11)

In [ ]:
# Write a function ``get_slice(temperature_variable, year, month)`` that given a temperature variable, year and month
# returns an array of rgba colors. (Hint: Use RGBAColorMapper.color()). 
def get_slice(t, year, month):
    i = (year - 1850)*12 + month - 1
    return colormap.color(t[i, :, :])

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from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_notebook, show

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# Set output option

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# Get image data for a given year and month using the ``get_slice`` function
image = get_slice(t, 1950, 1)

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# Create plot
# Tip: Make sure to set x_range and y_range appropriately
p =  figure(width=900, height=500, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, x_range=[-180,180], y_range=[-90,90])

    x=[-180], y=[-90],
    dw=[360], dh=[180], name='image'

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# Show plot

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# Change the year and month and rerun the plot again.
image = get_slice(t, 1980, 8)
p =  figure(width=900, height=500, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, x_range=[-180,180], y_range=[-90,90])

    x=[-180], y=[-90],
    dw=[360], dh=[180], name='image'

Exercise: Overlay the worldmap boundaries in the temperature image plot

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# Get worldmap data
import pandas as pd
import utils.world_countries as wc
world_countries =

worldmap = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(world_countries, orient='index')

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# Create your plot
p =  figure(width=900, height=500, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, x_range=[-180,180], y_range=[-90,90])

    x=[-180], y=[-90],
    dw=[360], dh=[180], name='image'

p.patches(xs=worldmap['lons'], ys=worldmap['lats'], fill_color="white", fill_alpha=0,
    line_color="black", line_width=0.5)

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# Show plot

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