Extract facility generation and fuel use data

This notebook creates dataframes with monthly facility generation and fuel use data, merges them, and exports the results. The code assumes that you have already downloaded an ELEC.txt file from EIA's bulk download website.

In [1]:
import json
import pandas as pd
import os
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import sys

cwd = os.getcwd()
data_path = join(cwd, '..', 'Data storage')

Date string for filenames

This will be inserted into all filenames (reading and writing)

In [ ]:
file_date = '2018-03-06'

In [2]:
%load_ext watermark

In [3]:
%watermark -iv -v

json        2.0.9
pandas      0.22.0
numpy       1.14.2
CPython 3.6.4
IPython 6.2.1

In [4]:
# Load the "autoreload" extension
%load_ext autoreload

# always reload modules marked with "%aimport"
%autoreload 1

In [5]:
# add the 'src' directory as one where we can import modules
src_dir = join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, 'src')

In [6]:
%aimport Data.data_extraction
from Data.data_extraction import facility_line_to_df

%aimport Analysis.index
from Analysis.index import add_datetime, add_quarter

Read ELEC.txt file

Download the most current file from EIA's bulk download site. Save it to \Data storage\Raw data. I've tried to do this via the requests library, but the data file often gets corrupted.

In [7]:
path = join(data_path, 'Raw EIA bulk', '{} ELEC.txt'.format(file_date))
with open(path, 'r') as f:
    raw_txt = f.readlines()

Filter lines to only include facility generation

  • Include ELEC.PLANT in the series_id
  • Include "All" as the only allowable prime mover
    • Some facilities have incorrect data at the individual prime mover level
  • Do not include "All" as a fuel code
  • Only monthly frequency

In [8]:
gen_rows = [row for row in raw_txt if 'ELEC.PLANT.GEN' in row 
            and 'series_id' in row 
            and 'ALL.M' in row 
            and 'ALL-' not in row]
total_fuel_rows = [row for row in raw_txt if 'ELEC.PLANT.CONS_TOT_BTU' in row 
                   and 'series_id' in row 
                   and 'ALL.M' in row 
                   and 'ALL-' not in row]
eg_fuel_rows = [row for row in raw_txt if 'ELEC.PLANT.CONS_EG_BTU' in row 
                and 'series_id' in row 
                and 'ALL.M' in row 
                and 'ALL-' not in row]

Combine generation into one large dataframe

In [9]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    exception_list = []
    facility_gen = pd.concat(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(facility_line_to_df)(json.loads(row)) for row in gen_rows))
    facility_gen.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    facility_gen.rename({'value':'generation (MWh)'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

In [10]:
facility_gen.loc[:,'lat'] = facility_gen.loc[:,'lat'].astype(float)
facility_gen.loc[:,'lon'] = facility_gen.loc[:,'lon'].astype(float)
facility_gen.loc[:, 'plant id'] = facility_gen.loc[:, 'plant id'].astype(int)

In [11]:

f fuel geography last_updated lat lon month plant id prime mover series_id units generation (MWh) year
1645711 M SC USA-FL 2016-07-07T17:18:42-04:00 29.733056 -81.632778 5 136 ALL ELEC.PLANT.GEN.136-SC-ALL.M megawatthours 111269.0 2003
1645712 M SC USA-FL 2016-07-07T17:18:42-04:00 29.733056 -81.632778 4 136 ALL ELEC.PLANT.GEN.136-SC-ALL.M megawatthours 0.0 2003
1645713 M SC USA-FL 2016-07-07T17:18:42-04:00 29.733056 -81.632778 3 136 ALL ELEC.PLANT.GEN.136-SC-ALL.M megawatthours 131711.0 2003
1645714 M SC USA-FL 2016-07-07T17:18:42-04:00 29.733056 -81.632778 2 136 ALL ELEC.PLANT.GEN.136-SC-ALL.M megawatthours 127918.0 2003
1645715 M SC USA-FL 2016-07-07T17:18:42-04:00 29.733056 -81.632778 1 136 ALL ELEC.PLANT.GEN.136-SC-ALL.M megawatthours 112533.0 2003

Combine total fuel use into one large dataframe

In [12]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    exception_list = []
    facility_all_fuel = pd.concat(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(facility_line_to_df)(json.loads(row)) for row in total_fuel_rows))
    facility_all_fuel.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    facility_all_fuel.rename({'value':'total fuel (mmbtu)'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

In [13]:
facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'lat'] = facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'lat'].astype(float)
facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'lon'] = facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'lon'].astype(float)
facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'plant id'] = facility_all_fuel.loc[:,'plant id'].astype(int)

Combine total fuel use for electricity into one large dataframe

In [14]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    exception_list = []
    facility_eg_fuel = pd.concat(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(facility_line_to_df)(json.loads(row)) for row in eg_fuel_rows))
    facility_eg_fuel.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    facility_eg_fuel.rename({'value':'elec fuel (mmbtu)'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

In [15]:
facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'lat'] = facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'lat'].astype(float)
facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'lon'] = facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'lon'].astype(float)
facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'plant id'] = facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,'plant id'].astype(int)

Merge dataframes

Need to be careful here because there are fuel/prime mover combinations that have generation but no fuel use (e.g. the steam cycle of a combined cycle system - but only in some cases).

In [16]:
keep_cols = ['fuel', 'generation (MWh)', 'month', 'plant id', 'prime mover', 'year',
             'geography', 'lat', 'lon', 'last_updated']
merge_cols = ['fuel', 'month', 'plant id', 'year']
gen_total_fuel = facility_all_fuel.merge(facility_gen.loc[:,keep_cols], 
                                    how='outer', on=merge_cols)

Fill in missing values from the first merge

In [17]:
def fill_missing(df):
    cols = [col[:-2] for col in df.columns if '_x' in col]
    # Create new column from the _x version, fill missing values from the _y version
    for col in cols:
        df[col] = df.loc[:, col + '_x']
        df.loc[df[col].isnull(), col] = df.loc[df[col].isnull(), col + '_y']
        df.drop([col+'_x', col+'_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [18]:

In [19]:
keep_cols = ['fuel', 'elec fuel (mmbtu)', 'month', 'plant id', 'prime mover', 'year',
             'geography', 'lat', 'lon', 'last_updated']
all_facility_data = gen_total_fuel.merge(facility_eg_fuel.loc[:,keep_cols], 
                                         how='outer', on=merge_cols)

FIll in missing values from second merge and drop units/series_id columns

In [20]:

In [21]:
all_facility_data.drop(['units', 'series_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)

f fuel month plant id total fuel (mmbtu) year generation (MWh) elec fuel (mmbtu) geography last_updated lat lon prime mover
0 M DFO 12 1001 1116.0 2017 114.587 1116.0 USA-IN 2018-02-28T02:03:13-05:00 39.9242 -87.4244 ALL
1 M DFO 11 1001 2772.0 2017 265.428 2772.0 USA-IN 2018-02-28T02:03:13-05:00 39.9242 -87.4244 ALL
2 M DFO 10 1001 4819.0 2017 460.695 4819.0 USA-IN 2018-02-28T02:03:13-05:00 39.9242 -87.4244 ALL
3 M DFO 9 1001 2720.0 2017 300.705 2720.0 USA-IN 2018-02-28T02:03:13-05:00 39.9242 -87.4244 ALL
4 M DFO 8 1001 6273.0 2017 609.358 6273.0 USA-IN 2018-02-28T02:03:13-05:00 39.9242 -87.4244 ALL

Add datetime and quarter columns

In [22]:

Load emission factors

These are mostly EIA emission factors

In [23]:
path = join(data_path, 'Final emission factors.csv')
ef = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)

Apply factors to facility generation

In [24]:
fossil_factors = dict(zip(ef.index, ef['Fossil Factor']))
total_factors = dict(zip(ef.index, ef['Total Factor']))
fossil_factors, total_factors

({'AB': 0.0,
  'BFG': 274.32,
  'BIT': 93.3,
  'BLQ': 0.0,
  'DFO': 73.16,
  'GEO': 7.71,
  'JF': 70.9,
  'KER': 72.3,
  'LFG': 0.0,
  'LIG': 97.7,
  'MSB': 0.0,
  'MSN': 90.7,
  'MSW': 41.69,
  'NG': 53.07,
  'NUC': 0.0,
  'OBG': 0.0,
  'OBL': 0.0,
  'OBS': 0.0,
  'OG': 59.0,
  'OTH': 0.0,
  'PC': 102.1,
  'PG': 63.07,
  'PUR': 0.0,
  'RC': 93.3,
  'RFO': 78.79,
  'SC': 93.3,
  'SGC': 93.3,
  'SGP': 73.16,
  'SLW': 0.0,
  'SUB': 97.2,
  'SUN': 0.0,
  'TDF': 85.97,
  'WAT': 0.0,
  'WC': 93.3,
  'WDL': 0.0,
  'WDS': 0.0,
  'WH': 0.0,
  'WND': 0.0,
  'WO': 95.25},
 {'AB': 118.17,
  'BFG': 274.32,
  'BIT': 93.3,
  'BLQ': 94.4,
  'DFO': 73.16,
  'GEO': 7.71,
  'JF': 70.9,
  'KER': 72.3,
  'LFG': 52.17,
  'LIG': 97.7,
  'MSB': 90.7,
  'MSN': 90.7,
  'MSW': 41.69,
  'NG': 53.07,
  'NUC': 0.0,
  'OBG': 52.17,
  'OBL': 83.98,
  'OBS': 105.51,
  'OG': 59.0,
  'OTH': 0.0,
  'PC': 102.1,
  'PG': 63.07,
  'PUR': 0.0,
  'RC': 93.3,
  'RFO': 78.79,
  'SC': 93.3,
  'SGC': 93.3,
  'SGP': 73.16,
  'SLW': 83.98,
  'SUB': 97.2,
  'SUN': 0.0,
  'TDF': 85.97,
  'WAT': 0.0,
  'WC': 93.3,
  'WDL': 83.98,
  'WDS': 93.8,
  'WH': 0.0,
  'WND': 0.0,
  'WO': 95.25})

Apply emission factors

Fuel emission factor is kg/mmbtu

In [25]:
# Start with 0 emissions in all rows
# For fuels where we have an emission factor, replace the 0 with the calculated value
all_facility_data['all fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = 0
all_facility_data['elec fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = 0
all_facility_data['all fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = 0
all_facility_data['elec fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = 0
for fuel in total_factors.keys():
    # All fuel CO2 emissions
    all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'all fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = \
        all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'total fuel (mmbtu)'] * fossil_factors[fuel]      
    all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'all fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = \
        all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'total fuel (mmbtu)'] * total_factors[fuel]
    # Electric fuel CO2 emissions
    all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'elec fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = \
        all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'elec fuel (mmbtu)'] * fossil_factors[fuel]
    all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'elec fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = \
        all_facility_data.loc[all_facility_data['fuel']==fuel,'elec fuel (mmbtu)'] * total_factors[fuel]

Set nan and negative emissions to 0

When no fuel was used for electricity production, or when negative fuel is somehow reported by EIA, set the emissions to 0. This is implemented by filtering out all values that are greater than or equal to 0.

In [26]:
# Fossil CO2
all_facility_data.loc[~(all_facility_data['all fuel fossil CO2 (kg)']>=0),
                      'all fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = 0
all_facility_data.loc[~(all_facility_data['elec fuel fossil CO2 (kg)']>=0),
                      'elec fuel fossil CO2 (kg)'] = 0
# Total CO2
all_facility_data.loc[~(all_facility_data['all fuel total CO2 (kg)']>=0),
                      'all fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = 0
all_facility_data.loc[~(all_facility_data['elec fuel total CO2 (kg)']>=0),
                      'elec fuel total CO2 (kg)'] = 0


In [27]:
path = join(data_path, 'Derived data',
            'Facility gen fuels and CO2 {}.csv'.format(file_date))
all_facility_data.to_csv(path, index=False)