In this Notebook, the data collected in the previous Notebook will be cleansed and clustered.

The description of each account will be clustered to one of the following categories:

  • Librarian
  • Library
  • Publisher
  • Varia
  • without a given description

The location of each account will be clustered to one of the following categories:

  • local (if the location is the same as the one of the library)
  • without a given location (" -- ")
  • otherwise the given location is kept (slightly cleansed)

The clustering-function sums up all the other functions in this Notebook. It takes as input the basicStats-Files and the Friends- and Followers-Files and saves the cleansed and clustered information in the same Friends- and Followers-files. Furthermore the function returns a short report with the clustering and the 15 most mentioned locations.

Helper Functions

In [165]:
import csv

def impCSV(input_file):
    input_file = csv with keys: "URL", "Twitter"
    output = list of dictionaries
    f = open(input_file, 'r')
    d = csv.DictReader(f)
    LoD = []   # list of dictionaries
    for row in d:
    return LoD

def exp2CSV(listOfDict, filename):
    arguments = list of dictionaries, filename
    output = saves file to cwd (current working directory)
    outputfile = filename
    keyz = listOfDict[0].keys()
    f = open(outputfile,'w')
    dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(f,keyz)

# helper function Prettyprint from MTSW 2 Ed.
from prettytable import PrettyTable   #for pretty printing in a table

def prettyPrint(Sp_1, Sp_2, counted_list_of_tuples):
    ptLang = PrettyTable(field_names=[Sp_1, Sp_2])
    [ptLang.add_row(kv) for kv in counted_list_of_tuples]
    ptLang.align[Sp_1], ptLang.align[Sp_2] = 'l', 'r'
    print ptLang

Description Clustering Functions

In [166]:
#normalizing the description
def normalizeDescription(LoD):
    normalizeList = LoD
    if 'followers_description' in LoD[0].keys():
        for e in range(len(LoD)):
            LoD[e]['followers_description'] = LoD[e]['followers_description'].lower()
    elif 'friends_description' in LoD[0].keys():
        for e in range(len(LoD)):
            LoD[e]['friends_description'] = LoD[e]['friends_description'].lower()
    return LoD

def clusterDescription(LoD):
    input: list of dictionaries
    output: list of dictionaries with clustered and normalized description
    prints out a short status report on the number of items in each cluster
    #clustering the list of friends/followers in groups:
    #(1) without description, (2) librarians, (3) libraries, archives, museums, (4) publishers, bookseller etc., (5) varia
    #each id shall only be sorted in one cluster (in the given order)
    #this clustering is "dirty"! E.g. a "book addict"/"buchfanatiker" will be sorted into the publisher bin!
    LoD = normalizeDescription(LoD)    
    clusteredLoD = []
    if 'followers_description' in LoD[0].keys():
        descrip = 'followers_description'
        user_id = 'followers_user_id'
    elif 'friends_description' in LoD[0].keys():
        descrip = 'friends_description'
        user_id = 'friends_user_id'
    librarianKeywords = ['bibliothekar', 'librarian', 'fachrefer', 'malis']
    bibKeywords = ['ub', 'bib', 'librar', 'ULB', 'cherei', 'stabi', 'archiv', 'museum', 'vifa', 'webis']
    bookKeywords = ['buch', 'verleg', 'verlag', 'book', 'publish', 'medien', 'media', 
                    'autor', 'author', 'redaktion', 'zeitung', 'press']
    cluster = {}
    cluster['no_Description'] = []
    cluster['Bib'] = []
    cluster['librarian'] = []
    cluster['publisher'] = []
    cluster['varia'] = []
    # 1. sorting out the no-description accounts
    copylist = []
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        if LoD[e][descrip] == "":
            d = LoD[e]
            d['cluster'] = "--"
    #2. clustering librarians
    LoD = copylist[:]
    copylist = []
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        for i in librarianKeywords:
            if i in LoD[e][descrip]:
                d = LoD[e]
                d['cluster'] = "librarian"
        if LoD[e][user_id] not in cluster['librarian']:
    #3. clustering libraries
    LoD = copylist[:]
    copylist = []
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        for i in bibKeywords:
            if i in LoD[e][descrip]:
                d = LoD[e]
                d['cluster'] = "Bib"
        if LoD[e][user_id] not in cluster['Bib']:
    #4. clustering book industry
    LoD = copylist[:]
    copylist = []
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        for i in bookKeywords:
            if i in LoD[e][descrip]:
                d = LoD[e]
                d['cluster'] = "publisher"
        if LoD[e][user_id] not in cluster['publisher']:
    #5. clustering the varia        
    LoD = copylist[:]
    copylist = []
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        d = LoD[e]
        d['cluster'] = "varia"

    #Printing a short report
    print "List length =",len(clusteredLoD)

    print 'Librarians', len(cluster['librarian'])
    print 'Libraries',len(cluster['Bib'])
    print 'Publisher', len(cluster['publisher'])
    print 'Varia', len(cluster['varia'])
    print 'without Description', len(cluster['no_Description'])
    return clusteredLoD

Location Clustering Functions

In [167]:
def locatingFnFs(LoD):
    input: list of dictionaries
    output: the LoD with marked empty locations & cleaned up locations
    # getting a counted list of the followers locations 
    if 'followers_location' in LoD[0].keys():
        location = 'followers_location'
    elif 'friends_location' in LoD[0].keys():
        location = 'friends_location'

    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        if len(LoD[e][location]) < 3:   #marking the locationless accounts
            LoD[e][location] = "--"
            LoD[e][location] = cleaningLocation(LoD[e][location])
    return LoD

def cleaningLocation(location):
    input: the location of the twitter account
    output: a normalized str of the location
    import re
    # list of words to remove from the location's description (Bundesländer & Country)
    removeWords = ['deutschland', 'germany', 'baden-württemberg', 'bayern', 'brandenburg', 'hessen', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern', 
              'niedersachsen', 'nordrhein-Westfalen', 'rheinland-Pfalz', 'saarland', 'sachsen', 
              'sachsen-anhalt', 'schleswig-holstein','thüringen', 'europa', 'europe'] #ausser 'Berlin', 'Bremen', 'Hamburg'!

    # normalizing English => German names:
    eng = [('munich', 'münchen'), ('muenchen', 'münchen'), ('cologne', 'köln'), ('nuremberg', 'nürnberg'), 
           ('frankfurt', 'frankfurt'), ('vienna', 'wien')]
    #normalizing location (lowercase, stripping of Germany etc.) ("Oldenburg, Germany", "Hessen, Kassel"))
    location = location.lower()
    for e in eng:
        if e[0] in location:
            location = e[1]
    location = re.sub('[/,]', ' ', location)  #remove separator
    for w in removeWords:   #remove Bundesland and/or Country
        if w in location:
            location = location.replace(w,'')
            location = location.strip()   #strip off white space
            if len(location) == 0:
                location = '--'
    return location

def ReportLocatingFnFs(LoD):
    input: list of dictionaries
    output: a counted list of tuples of the 15 most mentioned locations
    from collections import Counter       #for turning lists to dictionaries etc.
    # getting a counted list of the followers locations 
    locList = []

    if 'followers_location' in LoD[0].keys():
        location = 'followers_location'
    elif 'friends_location' in LoD[0].keys():
        location = 'friends_location'
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
    countedLocations = Counter(locList) #type = class: Counter({u'Uni_MR': 12, u'glaserti': 10, ...})
    allLocations = countedLocations.most_common(15)
    return allLocations

# This function wraps up all the other functions in this Notebook

def clustering(basicStatsFile,timeStamp):
    input: filename of 'NatBib_BasicStats_2014-04-06.csv', etc. and
    Timestamp = Timestamp of the friends/followers files
    output: updates the friends/followers files and prints out an error message if no 
    such file could be accessed

    LoT = []
    errorList = []
    f = impCSV(basicStatsFile)

    # create a tuple for each entry in the list with twitter handle and place
    for e in f:
        t = (e['screen_name'], e['location'])
    # for each tuple[0] open the corresponding Libname__Friends_Timestamp.csv and _Follower_Timestamp.csv
    for e in LoT:
        f1 = ''
        f2 = ''
        filename1 = e[0] + '_Friends_' + timeStamp + '.csv'
        filename2 = e[0] + '_Followers_' + timeStamp + '.csv'
        # only open if such a file exists - otherwise create an error list
            f1 = impCSV(filename1)
            f2 = impCSV(filename2)

        libLocation = e[1]                     # get the location of the library
        if f1 != '':
            print len(filename1)*'='
            print filename1
            print len(filename1)*'='
            f1 = clusterDescription(f1)
            f1 = locatingFnFs(f1)

            # if friends_location is identical with libLocation, replace location with 'local'
            for e in range(len(f1)):
                if libLocation in f1[e]['friends_location']:
                    f1[e]['friends_location'] = 'local'
            rep = ReportLocatingFnFs(f1)
            prettyPrint('Location', 'Count', rep)
        if f2 != '':
            print len(filename2)*'='
            print filename2
            print len(filename2)*'='
            f2 = clusterDescription(f2)
            f2 = locatingFnFs(f2)
            for e in range(len(f2)):
                if libLocation in f2[e]['followers_location']:
                    f2[e]['followers_location'] = 'local'
                    f2[e]['followers_location'] = 'local'
            rep = ReportLocatingFnFs(f2)
            prettyPrint('Location', 'Count', rep)
        # save files
        if f1 != '':
        if f2 != '':
    #print an error message
    if len(errorList) > 0:
        print 'These files could not be accessed:', errorList

Supplementary Functions

In [168]:
#printing out the description for the 'Varia' for further investigation

def printClusterReport(LoD):
    import json
    for e in range(len(LoD)):
        if LoD[e]['cluster'] == 'varia':
            if 'friends_description' in LoD[e]:
                print json.dumps(LoD[e]['friends_description'], indent = 1)
                print json.dumps(LoD[e]['followers_description'], indent = 1)

Function Calls

In [169]:
clustering('NatBib_BasicStats_2014-04-06.csv', '2014-04-07')


List length = 95

Librarians 8
Libraries 41
Publisher 11
Varia 25
without Description 10

| Location                   | Count |
| local                      |    25 |
| --                         |    17 |
| berlin                     |     8 |
| hannover                   |     4 |
| hamburg                    |     3 |
| frankfurt                  |     3 |
| wien                       |     2 |
| bremen                     |     2 |
| mainz                      |     1 |
| iphone: 47.370832 8.546812 |     1 |
| leipzig                    |     1 |
| uni bayreuth bibliothek    |     1 |
| wien  Österreich           |     1 |
| wiesbaden                  |     1 |
| charleston  sc             |     1 |


List length = 1722

Librarians 99
Libraries 263
Publisher 157
Varia 621
without Description 582

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   703 |
| local     |   289 |
| berlin    |    61 |
| hamburg   |    20 |
| wien      |    11 |
| köln      |    10 |
| frankfurt |    10 |
| göttingen |     8 |
| bonn      |     8 |
| dresden   |     8 |
| paris     |     6 |
| hannover  |     6 |
| bavaria   |     6 |
| stuttgart |     6 |
| leipzig   |     6 |


List length = 85

Librarians 3
Libraries 21
Publisher 27
Varia 25
without Description 9

| Location                    | Count |
| --                          |    24 |
| berlin                      |    15 |
| local                       |    11 |
| köln                        |     3 |
| leipzig                     |     2 |
| münchen                     |     2 |
| hamburg                     |     2 |
| potsdam                     |     2 |
| leuven   belgium            |     1 |
| traverse city  mi           |     1 |
| bx  manhattan  si           |     1 |
| düsseldorf                  |     1 |
| berlin: inetbib-tagung 2013 |     1 |
| hirn will arbeit.           |     1 |
| dortmund                    |     1 |


List length = 557

Librarians 39
Libraries 107
Publisher 57
Varia 213
without Description 141

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   218 |
| berlin    |    44 |
| local     |    28 |
| münchen   |    13 |
| leipzig   |    12 |
| köln      |     9 |
| paris     |     6 |
| bonn      |     6 |
| hamburg   |     6 |
| dresden   |     5 |
| bremen    |     5 |
| potsdam   |     5 |
| london    |     4 |
| stuttgart |     4 |
| mainz     |     3 |


List length = 709

Librarians 44
Libraries 110
Publisher 71
Varia 238
without Description 246

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   266 |
| local     |   162 |
| münchen   |    14 |
| hamburg   |    12 |
| dresden   |     6 |
| nürnberg  |     5 |
| frankfurt |     5 |
| paris     |     4 |
| bielefeld |     4 |
| göttingen |     4 |
| köln      |     4 |
| potsdam   |     4 |
| hannover  |     4 |
| freiburg  |     3 |
| wien      |     3 |

These files could not be accessed: ['sbb_news_Friends_2014-04-07.csv']

In [170]:
clustering('UniBib_BasicStats_2014-04-06.csv', '2014-04-06')


List length = 27

Librarians 1
Libraries 16
Publisher 4
Varia 4
without Description 2

| Location              | Count |
| hannover              |     5 |
| --                    |     4 |
| berlin                |     3 |
| dresden               |     2 |
| tel: +41 44 632 21 35 |     1 |
| leipzig               |     1 |
| bremen                |     1 |
| wolfsburg             |     1 |
| stuttgart             |     1 |
| jülich                |     1 |
| gütersloh             |     1 |
| hamburg               |     1 |
| freiburg              |     1 |
| de  at  weltweit.     |     1 |
| local                 |     1 |


List length = 164

Librarians 6
Libraries 43
Publisher 22
Varia 59
without Description 34

| Location   | Count |
| local      |    44 |
| --         |    41 |
| berlin     |    10 |
| hannover   |     5 |
| bremen     |     4 |
| hamburg    |     4 |
| dresden    |     3 |
| köln       |     3 |
| kassel     |     2 |
| regensburg |     2 |
| stuttgart  |     2 |
| darmstadt  |     1 |
| mainz      |     1 |
| 27798 hude |     1 |
| leeuwarden |     1 |


List length = 166

Librarians 18
Libraries 62
Publisher 25
Varia 41
without Description 20

| Location                  | Count |
| local                     |    43 |
| --                        |    32 |
| berlin                    |    13 |
| köln                      |     6 |
| hannover                  |     4 |
| münchen                   |     3 |
| dortmund                  |     3 |
| bremen                    |     3 |
| leipzig                   |     2 |
| lüneburg                  |     2 |
| washington  dc            |     2 |
| stuttgart                 |     2 |
| salzgitter   lower saxony |     1 |
| doha                      |     1 |
| zurich                    |     1 |


List length = 697

Librarians 43
Libraries 120
Publisher 53
Varia 263
without Description 218

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   273 |
| local     |   121 |
| berlin    |    29 |
| köln      |     8 |
| münchen   |     7 |
| bremen    |     7 |
| frankfurt |     7 |
| dresden   |     6 |
| hannover  |     5 |
| bonn      |     4 |
| stuttgart |     4 |
| göttingen |     4 |
| nürnberg  |     3 |
| wien      |     3 |
| bielefeld |     3 |


List length = 25

Librarians 0
Libraries 13
Publisher 5
Varia 5
without Description 2

| Location  | Count |
| local     |    11 |
| --        |     8 |
| münchen   |     1 |
| dresden   |     1 |
| zurich    |     1 |
| frankfurt |     1 |
| bremen    |     1 |
| hamburg   |     1 |


List length = 488

Librarians 26
Libraries 78
Publisher 31
Varia 186
without Description 167

| Location | Count |
| --       |   202 |
| local    |   131 |
| dresden  |     6 |
| hamburg  |     5 |
| potsdam  |     5 |
| münchen  |     4 |
| hannover |     4 |
| paris    |     3 |
| leipzig  |     3 |
| köln     |     3 |
| bremen   |     3 |
| global   |     2 |
| lüneburg |     2 |
| london   |     2 |
| mannheim |     2 |


List length = 20

Librarians 1
Libraries 10
Publisher 4
Varia 5
without Description 0

| Location              | Count |
| local                 |     6 |
| berlin                |     4 |
| hannover              |     2 |
| münchen               |     1 |
| dresden               |     1 |
| --                    |     1 |
| dortmund              |     1 |
| tel: +41 44 632 21 35 |     1 |
| bremen                |     1 |
| bielefeld             |     1 |
| hamburg               |     1 |


List length = 269

Librarians 5
Libraries 40
Publisher 17
Varia 99
without Description 108

| Location                   | Count |
| --                         |   136 |
| local                      |    52 |
| berlin                     |     9 |
| münchen                    |     3 |
| bielefeld                  |     3 |
| düsseldorf                 |     2 |
| bremen                     |     2 |
| potsdam                    |     2 |
| heppenheim                 |     2 |
| jülich                     |     1 |
| mainz                      |     1 |
| iphone: 47.370832 8.546812 |     1 |
| saar-lor-lux               |     1 |
| heilbronn                  |     1 |
| global                     |     1 |


List length = 64

Librarians 0
Libraries 1
Publisher 3
Varia 41
without Description 19

| Location                     | Count |
| local                        |    34 |
| --                           |    20 |
| ger                          |     1 |
| o27                          |     1 |
| made in                      |     1 |
| standort                     |     1 |
| |     1 |
| südstaaten                   |     1 |
| uk                           |     1 |
| newcastle  uk                |     1 |
| lonsee                       |     1 |
| köln                         |     1 |


List length = 143

Librarians 0
Libraries 4
Publisher 13
Varia 71
without Description 55

| Location                       | Count |
| --                             |    68 |
| local                          |    36 |
| münchen                        |     2 |
| berlin                         |     2 |
| köln                           |     2 |
| sandkrug                       |     1 |
| london                         |     1 |
| wegberg düsseldorf             |     1 |
| jukkasjärvi  kiruna            |     1 |
| ludwigsfeld                    |     1 |
| gera                           |     1 |
| big data inmemory b2b          |     1 |
| 8962 bergdietikon              |     1 |
| 16. + 17. sept. 14 | stuttgart |     1 |
| langenstein  eigeltingen       |     1 |


List length = 48

Librarians 3
Libraries 24
Publisher 3
Varia 13
without Description 5

| Location                | Count |
| local                   |    11 |
| --                      |    11 |
| dresden                 |     3 |
| goettingen              |     3 |
| hamburg                 |     2 |
| münchen                 |     1 |
| zurich                  |     1 |
| boston                  |     1 |
| leipzig                 |     1 |
| dresden   de            |     1 |
| lüneburg                |     1 |
| ゲッティンゲン          |     1 |
| kassel                  |     1 |
| british library  london |     1 |
| bremen                  |     1 |


List length = 130

Librarians 10
Libraries 20
Publisher 6
Varia 46
without Description 48

| Location                    | Count |
| --                          |    67 |
| local                       |    30 |
| london                      |     2 |
| dresden                     |     2 |
| bonn                        |     2 |
| freistaat flaschenhals      |     1 |
| ab und zu mal in eichenberg |     1 |
| dresden   de                |     1 |
| lüneburg                    |     1 |
| bielefeld                   |     1 |
| ゲッティンゲン              |     1 |
| lower saxony                |     1 |
| usa                         |     1 |
| goe                         |     1 |
| wien                        |     1 |


List length = 218

Librarians 25
Libraries 83
Publisher 18
Varia 63
without Description 29

| Location     | Count |
| --           |    44 |
| local        |    38 |
| berlin       |    14 |
| hamburg      |     6 |
| köln         |     6 |
| münchen      |     5 |
| dortmund     |     5 |
| hannover     |     5 |
| frankfurt    |     4 |
| nrw          |     3 |
| bremen       |     3 |
| münster      |     3 |
| essen        |     2 |
| new york  ny |     2 |
| bielefeld    |     2 |


List length = 1068

Librarians 46
Libraries 155
Publisher 76
Varia 374
without Description 417

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   466 |
| local      |   159 |
| berlin     |    34 |
| dortmund   |    20 |
| ruhrgebiet |    15 |
| köln       |    14 |
| essen      |    13 |
| münchen    |    10 |
| nrw        |    10 |
| hannover   |     9 |
| düsseldorf |     7 |
| hamburg    |     7 |
| bonn       |     6 |
| stuttgart  |     6 |
| bielefeld  |     6 |


List length = 824

Librarians 37
Libraries 142
Publisher 95
Varia 397
without Description 153

| Location  | Count |
| local     |   321 |
| --        |   169 |
| berlin    |    45 |
| leipzig   |    20 |
| münchen   |    15 |
| hamburg   |    15 |
| köln      |    11 |
| chemnitz  |     9 |
| frankfurt |     9 |
| hannover  |     7 |
| wien      |     6 |
| göttingen |     5 |
| stuttgart |     4 |
| bremen    |     4 |
| dortmund  |     3 |


List length = 3129

Librarians 75
Libraries 222
Publisher 213
Varia 1228
without Description 1391

| Location   | Count |
| --         |  1409 |
| local      |   866 |
| berlin     |    72 |
| leipzig    |    40 |
| münchen    |    36 |
| hamburg    |    26 |
| köln       |    17 |
| chemnitz   |    11 |
| frankfurt  |    10 |
| düsseldorf |     8 |
| hannover   |     8 |
| bonn       |     8 |
| wien       |     8 |
| bremen     |     8 |
| göttingen  |     6 |


List length = 755

Librarians 98
Libraries 189
Publisher 67
Varia 290
without Description 111

| Location  | Count |
| local     |   156 |
| --        |   153 |
| berlin    |    52 |
| hamburg   |    25 |
| hannover  |    16 |
| münchen   |    11 |
| göttingen |    11 |
| köln      |    10 |
| london    |     7 |
| bochum    |     7 |
| leipzig   |     6 |
| bielefeld |     6 |
| frankfurt |     6 |
| potsdam   |     5 |
| dresden   |     5 |


List length = 1079

Librarians 72
Libraries 165
Publisher 112
Varia 440
without Description 290

| Location                   | Count |
| --                         |   342 |
| local                      |   278 |
| berlin                     |    52 |
| hamburg                    |    29 |
| münchen                    |    13 |
| hannover                   |    13 |
| göttingen                  |    12 |
| köln                       |    10 |
| bielefeld                  |     8 |
| frankfurt                  |     8 |
| oldenburg                  |     7 |
| bonn                       |     6 |
| dresden                    |     6 |
| groningen  the netherlands |     5 |
| nürnberg                   |     5 |


List length = 248

Librarians 28
Libraries 64
Publisher 52
Varia 95
without Description 9

| Location  | Count |
| local     |    83 |
| --        |    36 |
| berlin    |    23 |
| hannover  |     7 |
| köln      |     5 |
| stuttgart |     5 |
| potsdam   |     4 |
| mannheim  |     3 |
| leipzig   |     3 |
| wien      |     3 |
| bremen    |     3 |
| frankfurt |     3 |
| bochum    |     3 |
| göttingen |     2 |
| münchen   |     2 |


List length = 1726

Librarians 80
Libraries 222
Publisher 183
Varia 691
without Description 550

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   613 |
| local      |   476 |
| berlin     |    72 |
| münchen    |    24 |
| köln       |    21 |
| frankfurt  |    15 |
| bremen     |    13 |
| wien       |    12 |
| hannover   |     8 |
| leipzig    |     8 |
| dresden    |     8 |
| düsseldorf |     6 |
| bielefeld  |     6 |
| göttingen  |     5 |
| kiel       |     5 |


List length = 377

Librarians 20
Libraries 91
Publisher 75
Varia 158
without Description 33

| Location  | Count |
| local     |   101 |
| --        |    67 |
| hamburg   |    16 |
| münchen   |    12 |
| frankfurt |    11 |
| köln      |     9 |
| dortmund  |     6 |
| hannover  |     6 |
| stuttgart |     5 |
| bielefeld |     5 |
| bochum    |     5 |
| potsdam   |     5 |
| dresden   |     4 |
| mainz     |     4 |
| bremen    |     4 |


List length = 877

Librarians 32
Libraries 131
Publisher 87
Varia 364
without Description 263

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   302 |
| local     |   233 |
| hamburg   |    15 |
| münchen   |    12 |
| frankfurt |     8 |
| bonn      |     7 |
| dresden   |     7 |
| hannover  |     7 |
| stuttgart |     6 |
| mannheim  |     5 |
| köln      |     5 |
| bochum    |     5 |
| potsdam   |     5 |
| karlsruhe |     5 |
| wien      |     4 |


List length = 29

Librarians 3
Libraries 16
Publisher 3
Varia 5
without Description 2

| Location              | Count |
| local                 |    13 |
| --                    |     3 |
| münster               |     1 |
| hannover              |     1 |
| dresden               |     1 |
| nederland             |     1 |
| zurich                |     1 |
| tel: +41 44 632 21 35 |     1 |
| leipzig               |     1 |
| bremen                |     1 |
| saarbrücken           |     1 |
| berlin                |     1 |
| heidelberg;           |     1 |
| palo alto  ca         |     1 |
| san francisco  ca     |     1 |


List length = 652

Librarians 44
Libraries 102
Publisher 59
Varia 171
without Description 276

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   298 |
| local      |   117 |
| berlin     |    28 |
| münchen    |     6 |
| stuttgart  |     5 |
| bielefeld  |     5 |
| dresden    |     4 |
| mannheim   |     4 |
| bremen     |     4 |
| nürnberg   |     3 |
| regensburg |     3 |
| hannover   |     3 |
| frankfurt  |     3 |
| global     |     2 |
| heidelberg |     2 |


List length = 36

Librarians 0
Libraries 5
Publisher 4
Varia 22
without Description 5

| Location          | Count |
| local             |    15 |
| --                |     6 |
| hamburg           |     3 |
| berlin            |     2 |
| mannheim          |     1 |
| mainz             |     1 |
| hirn will arbeit. |     1 |
| sankt augustin    |     1 |
| zurich            |     1 |
| münchen           |     1 |
| bielefeld         |     1 |
| dortmund          |     1 |
| frankfurt         |     1 |
| köln              |     1 |


List length = 410

Librarians 5
Libraries 45
Publisher 28
Varia 193
without Description 139

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |   154 |
| local               |   138 |
| köln                |    10 |
| nrw                 |     6 |
| berlin              |     5 |
| münchen             |     3 |
| bielefeld           |     3 |
| hamburg             |     3 |
| hannover            |     3 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     2 |
| leipzig             |     2 |
| düsseldorf          |     2 |
| leverkusen          |     2 |
| dortmund            |     2 |
| barcelona           |     2 |


List length = 354

Librarians 9
Libraries 57
Publisher 34
Varia 133
without Description 121

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   121 |
| local      |    71 |
| berlin     |    14 |
| münchen    |     6 |
| kulmbach   |     6 |
| hamburg    |     5 |
| usa        |     4 |
| hannover   |     4 |
| frankfurt  |     4 |
| london     |     3 |
| stuttgart  |     3 |
| düsseldorf |     3 |
| köln       |     3 |
| münster    |     3 |
| mainz      |     2 |


List length = 239

Librarians 8
Libraries 79
Publisher 51
Varia 92
without Description 9

| Location   | Count |
| --         |    38 |
| local      |    28 |
| berlin     |    22 |
| münchen    |    10 |
| hamburg    |     9 |
| frankfurt  |     9 |
| hannover   |     7 |
| bonn       |     5 |
| köln       |     5 |
| karlsruhe  |     4 |
| leipzig    |     3 |
| london     |     2 |
| heidelberg |     2 |
| würzburg   |     2 |
| dresden    |     2 |


List length = 273

Librarians 13
Libraries 61
Publisher 29
Varia 91
without Description 79

| Location          | Count |
| --                |   107 |
| local             |    60 |
| berlin            |     6 |
| münchen           |     4 |
| köln              |     4 |
| düsseldorf        |     3 |
| karlsruhe         |     3 |
| bonn              |     3 |
| hamburg           |     3 |
| hannover          |     3 |
| bremen            |     2 |
| potsdam           |     2 |
| frankfurt         |     2 |
| darmstadt         |     1 |
| berlin  göttingen |     1 |


List length = 1

Librarians 0
Libraries 0
Publisher 0
Varia 1
without Description 0

| Location         | Count |
| your pc or mac.  |     1 |


List length = 123

Librarians 6
Libraries 29
Publisher 8
Varia 33
without Description 47

| Location                     | Count |
| --                           |    51 |
| local                        |    25 |
| berlin                       |     3 |
| hamburg                      |     3 |
| hannover                     |     3 |
| bremen                       |     2 |
| mainz                        |     1 |
| peine                        |     1 |
| global                       |     1 |
| münchen                      |     1 |
| springe                      |     1 |
| bielefeld                    |     1 |
| münchen ()                   |     1 |
| between bremen and göttingen |     1 |
| gera                         |     1 |


List length = 17

Librarians 0
Libraries 4
Publisher 2
Varia 8
without Description 3

| Location   | Count |
| local      |    10 |
| --         |     2 |
| münchen    |     1 |
| zurich     |     1 |
| bochum     |     1 |
| bonn       |     1 |
| regensburg |     1 |


List length = 220

Librarians 2
Libraries 31
Publisher 14
Varia 74
without Description 99

| Location          | Count |
| --                |   110 |
| local             |    51 |
| berlin            |     5 |
| münchen           |     3 |
| leipzig           |     2 |
| global            |     2 |
| mainz             |     1 |
| schweinfurt       |     1 |
| wuerzburg         |     1 |
| springe           |     1 |
| ann arbor  mi     |     1 |
| wallenhorst       |     1 |
| bielefeld         |     1 |
| düsseldorf        |     1 |
| dublin - istanbul |     1 |


List length = 12

Librarians 0
Libraries 4
Publisher 1
Varia 4
without Description 3

| Location | Count |
| local    |     7 |
| --       |     4 |
| bochum   |     1 |


List length = 1067

Librarians 49
Libraries 123
Publisher 80
Varia 419
without Description 396

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |   435 |
| local               |   218 |
| berlin              |    25 |
| köln                |    13 |
| hamburg             |    12 |
| bochum              |    11 |
| münchen             |     9 |
| essen               |     9 |
| nrw                 |     9 |
| frankfurt           |     9 |
| hannover            |     8 |
| bonn                |     7 |
| ruhrgebiet          |     7 |
| bielefeld           |     6 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     4 |


List length = 34

Librarians 0
Libraries 20
Publisher 5
Varia 6
without Description 3

| Location                | Count |
| --                      |     5 |
| local                   |     3 |
| hamburg                 |     3 |
| dortmund                |     2 |
| köln                    |     2 |
| berlin                  |     2 |
| leipzig                 |     1 |
| uni bayreuth bibliothek |     1 |
| graz  austria           |     1 |
| bielefeld               |     1 |
| düsseldorf              |     1 |
| hannover.               |     1 |
| bremen                  |     1 |
| jülich                  |     1 |
| münster                 |     1 |


List length = 795

Librarians 22
Libraries 81
Publisher 62
Varia 337
without Description 293

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |   326 |
| local               |    87 |
| essen               |    43 |
| berlin              |    17 |
| dortmund            |    14 |
| düsseldorf          |    12 |
| köln                |    12 |
| hamburg             |    10 |
| bochum              |     7 |
| nrw                 |     7 |
| ruhrgebiet          |     7 |
| dresden             |     6 |
| krefeld             |     5 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     4 |
| gelsenkirchen       |     4 |


List length = 24

Librarians 0
Libraries 6
Publisher 3
Varia 11
without Description 4

| Location      | Count |
| local         |    12 |
| nürnberg      |     4 |
| --            |     2 |
| berlin        |     2 |
| leipzig       |     1 |
| hamburg       |     1 |
| regensburg    |     1 |
| dessau-roßlau |     1 |


List length = 432

Librarians 7
Libraries 41
Publisher 35
Varia 152
without Description 197

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   205 |
| local      |    71 |
| nürnberg   |    42 |
| berlin     |    10 |
| münchen    |     3 |
| frankfurt  |     3 |
| mainz      |     2 |
| fürth      |     2 |
| global     |     2 |
| dresden    |     2 |
| hier       |     2 |
| bielefeld  |     2 |
| düsseldorf |     2 |
| hannover   |     2 |
| hamburg    |     2 |


List length = 1025

Librarians 80
Libraries 248
Publisher 133
Varia 430
without Description 134

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   238 |
| local      |   159 |
| berlin     |    82 |
| hamburg    |    32 |
| münchen    |    23 |
| köln       |    17 |
| frankfurt  |    15 |
| bielefeld  |    12 |
| potsdam    |    11 |
| heidelberg |    10 |
| wien       |    10 |
| karlsruhe  |    10 |
| bonn       |     9 |
| düsseldorf |     9 |
| bremen     |     7 |


List length = 1571

Librarians 89
Libraries 211
Publisher 140
Varia 639
without Description 492

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   588 |
| local      |   290 |
| berlin     |    73 |
| hamburg    |    30 |
| köln       |    21 |
| münchen    |    20 |
| frankfurt  |    14 |
| bremen     |    13 |
| bonn       |    11 |
| wien       |    11 |
| düsseldorf |    10 |
| göttingen  |     8 |
| potsdam    |     7 |
| karlsruhe  |     7 |
| bielefeld  |     6 |


List length = 136

Librarians 11
Libraries 77
Publisher 16
Varia 25
without Description 7

| Location          | Count |
| --                |    29 |
| local             |    11 |
| berlin            |     8 |
| dortmund          |     4 |
| hamburg           |     4 |
| bremen            |     3 |
| köln              |     3 |
| frankfurt         |     3 |
| springe           |     2 |
| bielefeld         |     2 |
| würzburg          |     2 |
| karlsruhe         |     2 |
| dresden           |     2 |
| san francisco  ca |     2 |
| erlangen          |     2 |


List length = 172

Librarians 6
Libraries 41
Publisher 21
Varia 56
without Description 48

| Location  | Count |
| --        |    64 |
| local     |    38 |
| berlin    |     5 |
| köln      |     4 |
| frankfurt |     4 |
| hamburg   |     3 |
| mainz     |     2 |
| mannheim  |     2 |
| madrid    |     2 |
| münchen   |     2 |
| bielefeld |     2 |
| bremen    |     2 |
| göttingen |     2 |
| hannover  |     2 |
| darmstadt |     1 |


List length = 232

Librarians 16
Libraries 83
Publisher 36
Varia 73
without Description 24

| Location         | Count |
| local            |    59 |
| --               |    30 |
| berlin           |    19 |
| hamburg          |    13 |
| hannover         |     7 |
| dresden          |     6 |
| münchen          |     5 |
| chemnitz         |     4 |
| köln             |     3 |
| dortmund         |     2 |
| wien             |     2 |
| göttingen        |     2 |
| kiel und hamburg |     2 |
| bremen           |     2 |
| frankfurt        |     2 |


List length = 368

Librarians 15
Libraries 43
Publisher 29
Varia 152
without Description 129

| Location         | Count |
| --               |   135 |
| local            |   125 |
| berlin           |    13 |
| frankfurt        |     4 |
| dresden          |     3 |
| köln             |     2 |
| bielefeld        |     2 |
| karlsruhe        |     2 |
| wuppertal        |     2 |
| hamburg          |     2 |
| heidelberg       |     2 |
| regensburg       |     2 |
| bochum           |     2 |
| london           |     2 |
| münster   iphone |     1 |


List length = 1066

Librarians 52
Libraries 188
Publisher 181
Varia 438
without Description 207

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   356 |
| local      |   158 |
| berlin     |    46 |
| frankfurt  |    22 |
| köln       |    21 |
| münchen    |    20 |
| hamburg    |    18 |
| wiesbaden  |    16 |
| wien       |    13 |
| hannover   |    12 |
| dortmund   |     8 |
| stuttgart  |     7 |
| düsseldorf |     7 |
| mannheim   |     6 |
| darmstadt  |     5 |


List length = 653

Librarians 28
Libraries 96
Publisher 109
Varia 288
without Description 132

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   256 |
| local      |    74 |
| berlin     |    23 |
| köln       |    16 |
| frankfurt  |    16 |
| münchen    |    12 |
| wiesbaden  |    10 |
| hamburg    |     9 |
| düsseldorf |     7 |
| wien       |     6 |
| mannheim   |     5 |
| leipzig    |     4 |
| karlsruhe  |     4 |
| hannover   |     4 |
| darmstadt  |     3 |


List length = 49

Librarians 6
Libraries 15
Publisher 9
Varia 14
without Description 5

| Location               | Count |
| --                     |    11 |
| local                  |     8 |
| hamburg                |     3 |
| hannover               |     2 |
| new york  ny           |     2 |
| darmstadt              |     1 |
| mainz                  |     1 |
| lost in time and space |     1 |
| leipzig                |     1 |
| münchen                |     1 |
| impressum              |     1 |
| bielefeld              |     1 |
| detroit  mi            |     1 |
| bavaria                |     1 |
| london nw1 2db         |     1 |


List length = 307

Librarians 8
Libraries 25
Publisher 30
Varia 112
without Description 132

| Location               | Count |
| --                     |   151 |
| local                  |    63 |
| frankfurt              |    10 |
| berlin                 |     6 |
| münchen                |     3 |
| hamburg                |     3 |
| mittel                 |     2 |
| detroit  mi            |     2 |
| hannover               |     2 |
| darmstadt              |     1 |
| mainz                  |     1 |
| lost in time and space |     1 |
| : federal state        |     1 |
| irgendwo im nirgendwo  |     1 |
| dagobertshausen        |     1 |


List length = 254

Librarians 16
Libraries 100
Publisher 43
Varia 86
without Description 9

| Location  | Count |
| --        |    55 |
| local     |    25 |
| berlin    |    20 |
| münchen   |    16 |
| frankfurt |    10 |
| hannover  |     8 |
| hamburg   |     5 |
| bonn      |     4 |
| stuttgart |     3 |
| bielefeld |     3 |
| wien      |     3 |
| köln      |     3 |
| passau    |     2 |
| dortmund  |     2 |
| mannheim  |     2 |


List length = 115

Librarians 3
Libraries 15
Publisher 15
Varia 44
without Description 38

| Location           | Count |
| --                 |    48 |
| local              |    19 |
| münchen            |     4 |
| bielefeld          |     3 |
| hamburg            |     3 |
| ratisbon           |     1 |
| 93073 neutraubling |     1 |
| cape town (sa)     |     1 |
| winterthur berlin  |     1 |
| speyer             |     1 |
| wallenhorst        |     1 |
| düsseldorf         |     1 |
| eisenstadt         |     1 |
| pettendorf         |     1 |
| st. gallen         |     1 |


List length = 2

Librarians 0
Libraries 0
Publisher 1
Varia 1
without Description 0

| Location | Count |
| local    |     2 |


List length = 503

Librarians 7
Libraries 69
Publisher 48
Varia 228
without Description 151

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |   179 |
| local               |   131 |
| berlin              |    23 |
| hamburg             |     7 |
| bonn                |     7 |
| düsseldorf          |     6 |
| hannover            |     6 |
| münchen             |     5 |
| frankfurt           |     5 |
| dresden             |     4 |
| aachen              |     3 |
| nrw                 |     3 |
| salzgitter          |     2 |
| baunatal            |     2 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     2 |

These files could not be accessed: ['ubbayreuth_info_Friends_2014-04-06.csv']

In [171]:
clustering('OeBib_BasicStats_2014-04-06.csv', '2014-04-06')


List length = 15

Librarians 1
Libraries 7
Publisher 3
Varia 4
without Description 0

| Location  | Count |
| bremen    |     2 |
| local     |     2 |
| hamburg   |     2 |
| paderborn |     1 |
| --        |     1 |
| dortmund  |     1 |
| erlangen  |     1 |
| stuttgart |     1 |
| berlin    |     1 |
| gütersloh |     1 |
| krefeld   |     1 |
| chemnitz  |     1 |


List length = 158

Librarians 8
Libraries 37
Publisher 25
Varia 39
without Description 49

| Location                   | Count |
| --                         |    60 |
| local                      |    31 |
| berlin                     |     4 |
| münchen                    |     3 |
| mannheim                   |     2 |
| düsseldorf                 |     2 |
| hamburg                    |     2 |
| bremen                     |     2 |
| nrw                        |     2 |
| köln                       |     2 |
| ostwestfalen und anderswo. |     1 |
| neuss                      |     1 |
| global                     |     1 |
| santiago de chile          |     1 |
| world                      |     1 |


List length = 32

Librarians 4
Libraries 15
Publisher 2
Varia 9
without Description 2

| Location            | Count |
| local               |     8 |
| --                  |     5 |
| hannover            |     2 |
| berlin              |     2 |
| göttingen           |     2 |
| hamburg-ottensen    |     1 |
| münchen             |     1 |
| dresden             |     1 |
| hamburg             |     1 |
| lüneburg            |     1 |
| 48.207437 16.346835 |     1 |
| traverse city  mi   |     1 |
| portland  maine     |     1 |
| freiburg            |     1 |
| essen   nrw         |     1 |


List length = 981

Librarians 30
Libraries 136
Publisher 124
Varia 393
without Description 298

| Location           | Count |
| --                 |   338 |
| local              |   299 |
| berlin             |    30 |
| hamburg            |    16 |
| münchen            |    13 |
| köln               |     9 |
| frankfurt          |     9 |
| hannover           |     6 |
| bremerhaven        |     5 |
| dresden            |     5 |
| nürnberg           |     5 |
| basel  switzerland |     3 |
| stuttgart          |     3 |
| freiburg           |     3 |
| mannheim           |     3 |


List length = 77

Librarians 6
Libraries 21
Publisher 13
Varia 30
without Description 7

| Location                     | Count |
| --                           |    17 |
| local                        |    13 |
| berlin                       |     8 |
| köln                         |     4 |
| hannover                     |     4 |
| metropole ruhr               |     2 |
| in etwa 150 städten weltweit |     2 |
| new york  ny                 |     2 |
| frankfurt                    |     2 |
| dormagen                     |     1 |
| mannheim                     |     1 |
| hamburg                      |     1 |
| basel  switzerland           |     1 |
| 71083                        |     1 |
| neuss                        |     1 |


List length = 357

Librarians 18
Libraries 49
Publisher 48
Varia 126
without Description 116

| Location       | Count |
| --             |   148 |
| local          |    81 |
| ruhrgebiet     |     7 |
| nrw            |     6 |
| düsseldorf     |     6 |
| berlin         |     5 |
| münchen        |     4 |
| gelsenkirchen  |     3 |
| frankfurt      |     3 |
| mannheim       |     2 |
| dortmund       |     2 |
| göttingen      |     2 |
| köln           |     2 |
| bochum         |     2 |
| metropole ruhr |     2 |


List length = 761

Librarians 54
Libraries 121
Publisher 166
Varia 356
without Description 64

| Location   | Count |
| local      |   249 |
| --         |   124 |
| berlin     |    33 |
| hamburg    |    19 |
| frankfurt  |    15 |
| münchen    |    13 |
| bonn       |    12 |
| wien       |     8 |
| düsseldorf |     7 |
| stuttgart  |     7 |
| nrw        |     7 |
| hannover   |     6 |
| dortmund   |     5 |
| erlangen   |     5 |
| mannheim   |     4 |


List length = 2120

Librarians 78
Libraries 208
Publisher 308
Varia 1010
without Description 516

| Location          | Count |
| --                |   668 |
| local             |   649 |
| berlin            |    50 |
| hamburg           |    31 |
| münchen           |    26 |
| bonn              |    23 |
| frankfurt         |    16 |
| nrw               |    15 |
| düsseldorf        |    12 |
| wien              |    11 |
| dortmund          |    11 |
| stuttgart         |    10 |
| aachen            |     8 |
| mannheim          |     7 |
| bergisch gladbach |     5 |


List length = 917

Librarians 28
Libraries 131
Publisher 323
Varia 367
without Description 68

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   314 |
| berlin    |    53 |
| münchen   |    49 |
| local     |    33 |
| hamburg   |    29 |
| köln      |    27 |
| frankfurt |    25 |
| wien      |    16 |
| hannover  |    11 |
| nrw       |    10 |
| mainz     |     8 |
| stuttgart |     7 |
| leipzig   |     7 |
| münster   |     7 |
| dortmund  |     6 |


List length = 433

Librarians 19
Libraries 72
Publisher 144
Varia 126
without Description 72

| Location    | Count |
| --          |   164 |
| local       |    25 |
| berlin      |    17 |
| münchen     |    14 |
| wien        |    10 |
| köln        |     8 |
| mannheim    |     6 |
| hamburg     |     6 |
| nrw         |     5 |
| frankfurt   |     5 |
| münster     |     3 |
| würzburg    |     3 |
| wiesbaden   |     3 |
| duesseldorf |     3 |
| london      |     2 |


List length = 131

Librarians 9
Libraries 32
Publisher 50
Varia 33
without Description 7

| Location                  | Count |
| local                     |    21 |
| --                        |    19 |
| münchen                   |    15 |
| berlin                    |    12 |
| frankfurt                 |     7 |
| köln                      |     6 |
| wien                      |     3 |
| stuttgart                 |     3 |
| bindlach                  |     2 |
| leipzig                   |     2 |
| düsseldorf                |     2 |
| würzburg                  |     2 |
| hannover                  |     2 |
| mannheim                  |     1 |
| salzgitter   lower saxony |     1 |


List length = 208

Librarians 8
Libraries 26
Publisher 24
Varia 80
without Description 70

| Location                     | Count |
| --                           |    79 |
| local                        |    46 |
| berlin                       |    11 |
| münchen                      |     7 |
| düsseldorf                   |     2 |
| bremen                       |     2 |
| würzburg                     |     2 |
| hannover                     |     2 |
| pakistan                     |     1 |
| san diego                    |     1 |
| at home                      |     1 |
| dormagen                     |     1 |
| hamsterdam                   |     1 |
| schweiz                      |     1 |
| los angeles (and worldwide!) |     1 |


List length = 50

Librarians 0
Libraries 29
Publisher 4
Varia 12
without Description 5

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |     7 |
| bochum              |     4 |
| dortmund            |     3 |
| metropole ruhr      |     2 |
| nrw                 |     2 |
| local               |     2 |
| frankfurt           |     2 |
| dormagen            |     1 |
| marl (nrw)          |     1 |
| münster-hiltrup     |     1 |
| leipzig             |     1 |
| springe             |     1 |
| düsseldorf          |     1 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     1 |
| gera                |     1 |


List length = 51

Librarians 5
Libraries 21
Publisher 4
Varia 11
without Description 10

| Location                  | Count |
| --                        |    19 |
| berlin                    |     3 |
| düsseldorf                |     2 |
| erlangen                  |     2 |
| mannheim                  |     1 |
| münster-hiltrup           |     1 |
| dormagen                  |     1 |
| de-at-ch-nl               |     1 |
| springe                   |     1 |
| emsdetten                 |     1 |
| gera                      |     1 |
| ruhr area  alpha quadrant |     1 |
| neuss                     |     1 |
| krefeld                   |     1 |
| duesseldorf               |     1 |


List length = 850

Librarians 38
Libraries 139
Publisher 238
Varia 375
without Description 60

| Location          | Count |
| --                |   226 |
| berlin            |    47 |
| münchen           |    34 |
| hamburg           |    26 |
| köln              |    24 |
| frankfurt         |    22 |
| local             |    19 |
| hannover          |    12 |
| stuttgart         |     8 |
| düsseldorf        |     8 |
| wien              |     7 |
| los angeles       |     7 |
| san francisco  ca |     6 |
| los angeles  ca   |     5 |
| dortmund          |     5 |


List length = 667

Librarians 34
Libraries 94
Publisher 110
Varia 192
without Description 237

| Location    | Count |
| --          |   302 |
| local       |    81 |
| berlin      |    15 |
| köln        |    15 |
| münchen     |    12 |
| düsseldorf  |     9 |
| frankfurt   |     9 |
| hamburg     |     7 |
| nrw         |     6 |
| münster     |     4 |
| hannover    |     4 |
| niederrhein |     3 |
| nürnberg    |     3 |
| tönisvorst  |     3 |
| mannheim    |     3 |


List length = 497

Librarians 39
Libraries 120
Publisher 93
Varia 168
without Description 77

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   140 |
| local     |    80 |
| berlin    |    33 |
| nürnberg  |    24 |
| münchen   |    21 |
| frankfurt |    13 |
| hamburg   |     8 |
| hannover  |     6 |
| köln      |     4 |
| lüneburg  |     3 |
| würzburg  |     3 |
| dresden   |     3 |
| stuttgart |     3 |
| dortmund  |     3 |
| mannheim  |     3 |


List length = 986

Librarians 52
Libraries 146
Publisher 130
Varia 365
without Description 293

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   384 |
| local      |   149 |
| nürnberg   |    45 |
| münchen    |    28 |
| berlin     |    28 |
| hamburg    |    13 |
| frankfurt  |    10 |
| franken    |     7 |
| stuttgart  |     6 |
| wien       |     6 |
| bamberg    |     5 |
| hannover   |     5 |
| köln       |     4 |
| düsseldorf |     4 |
| dortmund   |     4 |


List length = 394

Librarians 7
Libraries 56
Publisher 54
Varia 160
without Description 117

| Location    | Count |
| local       |   128 |
| --          |    89 |
| berlin      |    26 |
| münchen     |    10 |
| hamburg     |    10 |
| bremen      |     4 |
| wiesbaden   |     3 |
| hannover    |     3 |
| bern        |     2 |
| saarbrücken |     2 |
| stuttgart   |     2 |
| waldkirch   |     2 |
| erlangen    |     2 |
| köln        |     2 |
| frankfurt   |     2 |


List length = 623

Librarians 18
Libraries 97
Publisher 103
Varia 214
without Description 191

| Location    | Count |
| --          |   207 |
| local       |   124 |
| berlin      |    29 |
| münchen     |    10 |
| frankfurt   |    10 |
| hamburg     |     8 |
| düsseldorf  |     5 |
| hannover    |     5 |
| dresden     |     4 |
| dormagen    |     3 |
| stuttgart   |     3 |
| mannheim    |     3 |
| offenburg   |     2 |
| london      |     2 |
| switzerland |     2 |


List length = 91

Librarians 14
Libraries 26
Publisher 17
Varia 25
without Description 9

| Location                     | Count |
| local                        |    24 |
| --                           |    17 |
| hamburg                      |     4 |
| bremen                       |     2 |
| goettingen                   |     2 |
| berlin                       |     2 |
| frankfurt                    |     2 |
| salzgitter   lower saxony    |     1 |
| heilbronn                    |     1 |
| in etwa 150 städten weltweit |     1 |
| lüneburg                     |     1 |
| landkreis celle              |     1 |
| wiesbaden                    |     1 |
| chicago  illinois            |     1 |
| erbach im odenwald           |     1 |


List length = 333

Librarians 22
Libraries 71
Publisher 49
Varia 115
without Description 76

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   112 |
| local      |    83 |
| goettingen |     9 |
| berlin     |     6 |
| münchen    |     5 |
| hamburg    |     5 |
| hannover   |     4 |
| dransfeld  |     3 |
| frankfurt  |     3 |
| lüneburg   |     2 |
| dresden    |     2 |
| hier       |     2 |
| düsseldorf |     2 |
| köln       |     2 |
| wiesbaden  |     2 |


List length = 585

Librarians 24
Libraries 151
Publisher 121
Varia 162
without Description 127

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   180 |
| local      |    49 |
| berlin     |    23 |
| münchen    |    21 |
| köln       |    17 |
| hamburg    |    13 |
| frankfurt  |    12 |
| düsseldorf |     8 |
| stuttgart  |     7 |
| dortmund   |     6 |
| würzburg   |     4 |
| mannheim   |     4 |
| bielefeld  |     4 |
| wien       |     4 |
| zürich     |     4 |


List length = 397

Librarians 18
Libraries 80
Publisher 72
Varia 111
without Description 116

| Location            | Count |
| --                  |   158 |
| local               |    42 |
| münchen             |    10 |
| berlin              |     9 |
| hamburg             |     6 |
| köln                |     6 |
| frankfurt           |     5 |
| bielefeld           |     4 |
| dortmund            |     3 |
| mannheim            |     3 |
| düsseldorf          |     3 |
| nrw                 |     3 |
| wiesbaden           |     3 |
| mönchengladbach     |     3 |
| nordrhein-westfalen |     2 |


List length = 192

Librarians 36
Libraries 79
Publisher 29
Varia 25
without Description 23

| Location     | Count |
| --           |    43 |
| hannover     |     7 |
| münchen      |     6 |
| berlin       |     6 |
| hamburg      |     5 |
| wien         |     5 |
| erlangen     |     5 |
| local        |     4 |
| braunschweig |     4 |
| frankfurt    |     4 |
| düsseldorf   |     3 |
| dortmund     |     3 |
| wiesbaden    |     3 |
| bremen       |     3 |
| lüneburg     |     2 |


List length = 229

Librarians 19
Libraries 58
Publisher 39
Varia 58
without Description 55

| Location     | Count |
| --           |    83 |
| local        |    12 |
| berlin       |     7 |
| münchen      |     5 |
| braunschweig |     4 |
| frankfurt    |     4 |
| mannheim     |     3 |
| erlangen     |     3 |
| köln         |     3 |
| hannover     |     3 |
| lüneburg     |     2 |
| bonn         |     2 |
| leipzig      |     2 |
| springe      |     2 |
| düsseldorf   |     2 |


List length = 28

Librarians 3
Libraries 12
Publisher 5
Varia 3
without Description 5

| Location                  | Count |
| --                        |     6 |
| local                     |     2 |
| köln                      |     2 |
| münchen                   |     1 |
| nordrhein-westfalen       |     1 |
| salzgitter   lower saxony |     1 |
| reutlingen                |     1 |
| augsburg                  |     1 |
| hamburg                   |     1 |
| bremen                    |     1 |
| bonn                      |     1 |
| stuttgart                 |     1 |
| berlin                    |     1 |
| gütersloh                 |     1 |
| wiesbaden                 |     1 |


List length = 328

Librarians 10
Libraries 44
Publisher 34
Varia 176
without Description 64

| Location          | Count |
| --                |    85 |
| local             |    25 |
| sacramento        |     7 |
| kansas city       |     6 |
| memphis           |     5 |
| arlington         |     5 |
| berlin            |     5 |
| dallas      texas |     5 |
| washington        |     4 |
| detroit           |     4 |
| philadelphia      |     4 |
| köln              |     4 |
| san antonio       |     4 |
| indianapolis      |     4 |
| phoenix           |     4 |


List length = 1021

Librarians 17
Libraries 82
Publisher 129
Varia 486
without Description 307

| Location        | Count |
| local           |   471 |
| --              |   175 |
| berlin          |    32 |
| münchen         |    23 |
| dresden         |    23 |
| leipzig         |    17 |
| hamburg         |    12 |
| köln            |    10 |
| frankfurt       |    10 |
| saxony          |     7 |
| wien            |     6 |
| stuttgart       |     5 |
| karl-marx-stadt |     5 |
| hannover        |     5 |
| erlangen        |     4 |


List length = 1103

Librarians 23
Libraries 122
Publisher 123
Varia 439
without Description 396

| Location        | Count |
| --              |   410 |
| local           |   281 |
| berlin          |    32 |
| dresden         |    17 |
| münchen         |    15 |
| leipzig         |    14 |
| hamburg         |    14 |
| frankfurt       |    11 |
| köln            |     8 |
| nürnberg        |     5 |
| stuttgart       |     5 |
| karl-marx-stadt |     4 |
| saxony          |     4 |
| potsdam         |     4 |
| hannover        |     4 |


List length = 169

Librarians 18
Libraries 66
Publisher 21
Varia 30
without Description 34

| Location   | Count |
| --         |    35 |
| berlin     |    12 |
| local      |    11 |
| hamburg    |     7 |
| hannover   |     6 |
| frankfurt  |     6 |
| bielefeld  |     4 |
| bremen     |     4 |
| münchen    |     3 |
| nrw        |     3 |
| dormagen   |     2 |
| guetersloh |     2 |
| wiesbaden  |     2 |
| chemnitz   |     2 |
| stuttgart  |     2 |


List length = 445

Librarians 20
Libraries 92
Publisher 63
Varia 122
without Description 148

| Location    | Count |
| --          |   165 |
| local       |    61 |
| bielefeld   |    15 |
| berlin      |    13 |
| frankfurt   |     7 |
| münchen     |     6 |
| hamburg     |     5 |
| harsewinkel |     4 |
| nrw         |     4 |
| hannover    |     4 |
| owl         |     3 |
| verl        |     3 |
| mannheim    |     3 |
| wiesbaden   |     3 |
| bremen      |     3 |


List length = 264

Librarians 18
Libraries 82
Publisher 36
Varia 104
without Description 24

| Location     | Count |
| local        |    79 |
| --           |    43 |
| berlin       |     9 |
| hannover     |     7 |
| hamburg      |     5 |
| heidelberg   |     4 |
| rhein-neckar |     4 |
| stuttgart    |     3 |
| dortmund     |     3 |
| köln         |     3 |
| bremen       |     3 |
| frankfurt    |     3 |
| münchen      |     2 |
| dresden      |     2 |
| ludwigshafen |     2 |


List length = 473

Librarians 17
Libraries 66
Publisher 65
Varia 196
without Description 129

| Location     | Count |
| --           |   155 |
| local        |   127 |
| heidelberg   |    12 |
| frankfurt    |     7 |
| berlin       |     6 |
| münchen      |     5 |
| hamburg      |     5 |
| stuttgart    |     4 |
| karlsruhe    |     4 |
| ludwigshafen |     4 |
| rhein-neckar |     3 |
| viernheim    |     2 |
| hemsbach     |     2 |
| dossenheim   |     2 |
| dresden      |     2 |


List length = 17

Librarians 1
Libraries 11
Publisher 1
Varia 3
without Description 1

| Location                     | Count |
| --                           |     4 |
| local                        |     2 |
| 36.033333 103.8              |     1 |
| dresden                      |     1 |
| reutlingen                   |     1 |
| ilmenau                      |     1 |
| bremen                       |     1 |
| erlangen                     |     1 |
| hannover                     |     1 |
| bonn                         |     1 |
| in etwa 150 städten weltweit |     1 |
| Österreich   austria         |     1 |
| chemnitz                     |     1 |


List length = 283

Librarians 12
Libraries 67
Publisher 54
Varia 55
without Description 95

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   112 |
| local     |    42 |
| münchen   |     8 |
| frankfurt |     8 |
| hamburg   |     6 |
| wien      |     3 |
| hannover  |     3 |
| nürnberg  |     2 |
| stuttgart |     2 |
| freiburg  |     2 |
| mannheim  |     2 |
| erlangen  |     2 |
| dresden   |     2 |
| global    |     1 |
| mainz     |     1 |


List length = 703

Librarians 23
Libraries 147
Publisher 280
Varia 207
without Description 46

| Location  | Count |
| --        |   196 |
| berlin    |    47 |
| münchen   |    46 |
| köln      |    24 |
| hamburg   |    23 |
| frankfurt |    18 |
| wien      |    16 |
| hannover  |    11 |
| dortmund  |     9 |
| münster   |     9 |
| local     |     8 |
| stuttgart |     7 |
| leipzig   |     7 |
| nrw       |     7 |
| bielefeld |     4 |


List length = 319

Librarians 13
Libraries 59
Publisher 92
Varia 99
without Description 56

| Location         | Count |
| --               |   111 |
| local            |    40 |
| berlin           |    16 |
| köln             |    10 |
| hamburg          |     9 |
| münchen          |     8 |
| wien             |     4 |
| nrw              |     4 |
| düsseldorf       |     3 |
| moenchengladbach |     3 |
| frankfurt        |     3 |
| mannheim         |     2 |
| global           |     2 |
| mainz            |     2 |
| münster          |     2 |


List length = 3

Librarians 0
Libraries 2
Publisher 1
Varia 0
without Description 0

| Location  | Count |
| krefeld   |     1 |
| gütersloh |     1 |
| köln      |     1 |


List length = 108

Librarians 3
Libraries 13
Publisher 16
Varia 29
without Description 47

| Location                  | Count |
| --                        |    49 |
| local                     |    23 |
| bindlach                  |     2 |
| dormagen                  |     1 |
| münchen                   |     1 |
| ponyhof.                  |     1 |
| westphalia                |     1 |
| düsseldorf                |     1 |
| hokkaidō 北海道           |     1 |
| erbach im odenwald        |     1 |
| nordrhein-westfalen       |     1 |
| jerusalem                 |     1 |
| osnabrücker land          |     1 |
| weroth [ ] | dortmund [x] |     1 |
| seattle                   |     1 |


List length = 193

Librarians 19
Libraries 46
Publisher 43
Varia 71
without Description 14

| Location   | Count |
| --         |    50 |
| local      |    43 |
| münchen    |     8 |
| berlin     |     8 |
| erlangen   |     5 |
| hamburg    |     5 |
| wuerzburg  |     3 |
| frankfurt  |     3 |
| düsseldorf |     2 |
| dortmund   |     2 |
| franken    |     2 |
| bremen     |     2 |
| köln       |     2 |
| hannover   |     2 |
| wien       |     2 |


List length = 412

Librarians 25
Libraries 61
Publisher 57
Varia 160
without Description 109

| Location   | Count |
| --         |   159 |
| local      |    90 |
| münchen    |    10 |
| berlin     |     8 |
| erlangen   |     6 |
| köln       |     5 |
| frankfurt  |     5 |
| wuerzburg  |     4 |
| hamburg    |     4 |
| mannheim   |     3 |
| franken    |     3 |
| nürnberg   |     2 |
| stuttgart  |     2 |
| dortmund   |     2 |
| düsseldorf |     2 |

In [ ]: