In [1]:
using PyPlot, Interact
push!(LOAD_PATH, "../src/")
using HDStat
In [5]:
f = figure(figsize=(8, 3))
σ = 1.0
@manipulate for n = [1000, 2000, 5000], p = 100:5000, ϕ = 0.02:0.02:0.98
m = ARMPModel(n, p, ϕ, σ)
Ss = sv_rand(m)
Su, Sl = sv_ub(m), sv_lb(m)
Es = ev_rand(m)
Eu, El = ev_ub(m), ev_lb(m)
svspec, evspec = sv_spec(m), ev_spec(m)
withfig(f) do
x = ev_linsupport(m, 51)[2:end - 1]
y = map(evspec, x)
plt.hist(Es, normed=true, histtype="step", bins=40)
plot(x, y, "r--", linewidth=2)
axvline(El, linewidth=2, color="k", linestyle="--")
axvline(Eu, linewidth=2, color="k", linestyle="--")
xticks([El, Eu]); yticks([minimum(y), maximum(y)]); ylim([0, maximum(y) * 1.2]); title("Eigenvalue Spectrum")
x = sv_linsupport(m, 51)[2:end - 1]
y = map(svspec, x)
plt.hist(Ss, normed=true, histtype="step", bins=40)
plot(x, y, "r--", linewidth=2)
axvline(Sl, linewidth=2, color="k", linestyle="--")
axvline(Su, linewidth=2, color="k", linestyle="--")
xticks([Sl, Su]); yticks([minimum(y), maximum(y)]); ylim([0, maximum(y) * 1.2]); title("Singular Value Spectrum")
In [ ]:
g = figure(figsize=(8, 3))
npt, σ = 20, 1.0
# cca(U, V) = sum(svd(U' * V)[2]) / size(U, 2)
@manipulate for n in [500, 1000, 2000], p = 100:5000, k = 1:5, ϕ = 0.02:0.02:0.98
m = ARMPModel(n, p, ϕ, σ)
sthresh = sv_infloor(m)
ethresh = ev_infloor(m)
sv_out = zeros(npt, k)
ev_out = zeros(npt, k)
sv_in = linspace(0, sthresh * 2, npt)
for (ksv, sv) in enumerate(sv_in)
U, V = qr(randn(n, k))[1], qr(randn(p, k))[1]
X = rand(m) + sv * U * V'
ev_out[ksv, :] = eigs(X * X'; nev=k)[1]
sv_out[ksv, :] = sqrt(ev_out[ksv, :])
# sv_out_theory = map(x -> sv_xfer(m, x), sv_in)
# ev_out_theory = map(x -> ev_xfer(m, x), sv_in.^2)
withfig(g) do
plot(sv_in, sv_out, ".")
# plot(sv_in, sv_out_theory, "k-", linewidth=2)
axvline(sthresh, color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
# axhline(sv_xfer(m, sthresh), color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
title("Singular Value Phase Transition")
plot(sv_in.^2, ev_out, ".")
axvline(ethresh, color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
title("Eigenvalue Phase Transition")
# subplot(222)
# plot(sv_in.^2, ev_out, ".")
# plot(sv_in.^2, ev_out_theory, "k-", linewidth=2)
# axvline(sthresh^2, color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
# axhline(sv_xfer(m, sthresh)^2, color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
# title("Eigenvalue Phase Transition")
# subplot(223)
# plot(sv_in, left, ".")
# plot(sv_in, left_theory, "r--", linewidth=2)
# yticks([0, 1]); title("Left Singular Vector Overlap")
# subplot(224)
# plot(sv_in, right, ".")
# plot(sv_in, right_theory, "r--", linewidth=2)
# yticks([0, 1]); title("Right Singular Vector Overlap")
Comparison of the Marchenko-Pastur model and the AR MP model. For the AR model, we have $\phi = 1 - 1 / \tau$. For the MP model, we have $\sigma^2 = 1 / (1 - \phi^2)$. Maintaining the same aspect ratio ($p / n$) for the AR model, we ask what is the equivalent number of columns ($\alpha n$) in an MP model for the spectra of the two models to be similar?
In [53]:
tau = 0.5; phi = exp(-1.0 / tau)
sigma = 1 / sqrt(1 - phi^2)
c = 0.4;
println("tau: ", tau)
println("phi: ", phi)
println("sigma: ", sigma)
println("c: ", c)
In [54]:
n = 500; p = int(c * n);
nTrial = 2; nBin = 41;
armp_model = ARMPModel(p, n, phi, 1/sigma)
mp_model = MPModel(p, n, 1)
In [56]:
In [55]:
figure(figsize=(3, 2.5))
armpSpecSupport = ev_logsupport(armp_model, 101)
armpPDF = map(ev_spec(armp_model), armpSpecSupport)
Es = sv_rand(armp_model).^2
plt[:hist](Es / p, normed=true, histtype="step", bins=40, color="red")
plot(armpSpecSupport / p, armpPDF * p, "r")
PyPlot.axvline(maximum(armpSpecSupport) / p, linestyle="--", color="r")
mpSpecSupport = ev_logsupport(mp_model, 101)
mpPDF = map(ev_spec(mp_model), mpSpecSupport)
Es = sv_rand(mp_model).^2
plt[:hist](Es / p, normed=true, histtype="step", bins=40, color="blue")
PyPlot.axvline(maximum(mpSpecSupport) / p, linestyle="--", color="b")
plot(mpSpecSupport / p, mpPDF * p, "b")
xlabel("Eigen Values"); ylabel("Density")
# yscale("log")
# yticks([])
# legend(["Correlated noise", "Uncorrelated noise"])
# ylim([0, 1.1*max(maximum(mpPDF), maximum(armpPDF))])
In [ ]:
using Optim
nN = 5
Ns = logspace(2, 8, nN)
Ps = c * Ns
aUpper = zeros(nN)
aLower = zeros(nN)
for (kN, (n, p)) in enumerate(zip(Ns, Ps))
armpModel = ARMPModel(int(p), int(n), phi, 1)
armpLb, armpUp = ev_lb(armpModel), ev_ub(armpModel)
eqLb(a) = (ev_lb(MPModel(int(p), int(a * n / tau), sigma)) - armpLb)^2
eqUp(a) = (ev_ub(MPModel(int(p), int(a * n / tau), sigma)) - armpUp)^2
aUpper[kN] = optimize(eqUp, 0.1, 500.0).minimum
aLower[kN] = optimize(eqLb, 0.1, 500.0).minimum
In [ ]:
println("upper: ", aUpper[end])
println("lower: ", aLower[end])
plot(Ns, aUpper)
plot(Ns, aLower)