Issue printing R tables in ipython notebook

IPython has a "rich output" interface

options(jupiter.rich_display = FALSE)


Microsoft ML, Jupiter Lab

RTVS vs R Studio

- not a competitor
- covers different use cases
- RTVS: good integration with SQL Server, Azure

CRAN R / MRO / Scale R

Cran R

Vanilla R (CRAN), Academia In-memory, Single-threaded


MRO: CRAN R + Intel MKL (Intel Math Kernel Library) MRO: Microsoft R Open, formerly known as Revolution R Open (RRO), Enhanced R libraries: In-memory Multi-threaded MKL: Linear Algebra functions

Scale R

MRS: CRAN R + MRO + Scale R PEMA = Parallel External Memory Algorithms Out-of-core functions

Microsoft R Client (PEMA, 2 cores, in-memory)


  • takes data frame in, gives data frame back
  • super quick - c++ at the back (r is just an interface)
  • does one thing well
  • has multiple backends for working with data stored in various sources: SQLite, MySQL, bigquery, SQL Server, and many more

  • check evaluation functions (same as normal with underscore, i.e. filter_ ) and then you can provide val which is the name of the variable that can be provided in the run time


GBB (EMEA): Simon Field

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