In [1]:
%pylab inline
from gpkit import GP, VectorVariable, Variable
import gpkit.interactive

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Optimizing Maintenance Schedules with GPkit

In [2]:
L = Variable("L", 0.1, "years", "system lifetime")

Rmin = 0.997  # minimum system reliability
mlogRmin = Variable("\\mathrm{log}(\\tfrac{1}{R_{min}})",
                    log(1/Rmin), "-", "log of inverse of system reliability")

n = 3  # number of parts

c = VectorVariable(n, "c", [1, 2, 2], "-", "cost to replace each part, in USD")

q = gpkit.VectorVariable(n, "q", "1/years", "log of inverse of part reliabilities")
L10 = VectorVariable(n, "L_{10}", [1, 3, 1], "years", "L10 lifetimes")
k = array([1.5, 1.5, 2])  # part shape factors; 1.5 is what's used by ISO-281
lam = 4.4828*L10  # Weibull scale factors

x = gpkit.VectorVariable(n, "x", "1/years", "maintenance rate")

In [3]:
gp = gpkit.GP(L*(c*x).sum(),
              [q == x*(lam*x)**-k,
               q.sum() <= mlogRmin/L,
               L*x >= 1])

$$\begin{array}[ll] \text{} \text{minimize} & {c}_{0} {x}_{0} L + {x}_{1} {c}_{1} L + {x}_{2} {c}_{2} L\mathrm{\left[ - \right]} \\ \text{subject to} & {q}_{0} = \frac{0.1054}{{L_{10}}_{0}^{1.5} {x}_{0}^{0.5}} \\ & {q}_{1} = \frac{0.1054}{{x}_{1}^{0.5} {L_{10}}_{1}^{1.5}} \\ & {q}_{2} = \frac{0.04976}{{x}_{2} {L_{10}}_{2}^{2}} \\ & \frac{\mathrm{log}(\tfrac{1}{R_{min}})}{L} \geq {q}_{0} + {q}_{1} + {q}_{2} \\ & 1 \leq {x}_{0} L \\ & 1 \leq {x}_{1} L \\ & 1 \leq {x}_{2} L \\ \text{substituting} & L = 0.1 \\ & \mathrm{log}(\tfrac{1}{R_{min}}) = 0.003005 \\ & {L_{10}}_{0} = 1 \\ & {L_{10}}_{1} = 3 \\ & {L_{10}}_{2} = 1 \\ & {c}_{0} = 1 \\ & {c}_{1} = 2 \\ & {c}_{2} = 2 \\ \end{array}$$

In [4]:
sol = gp.solve()
print "The optimal schedule, over the lifetime of %.2g years" % sol(L)
print "    is to buy each part [ %s ] times" % "  ".join(["%.2g" % xi for xi in sol(L*x)])
print "    at a total cost of $%.3g" % sol["cost"]

Using solver 'cvxopt'
Solving for 6 variables.
Solving took 0.0813 seconds.

The optimal schedule, over the lifetime of 0.1 years
    is to buy each part [ 3.2  1  1 ] times
    at a total cost of $7.19

In [5]:

$$0.3675\frac{{c}_{0}^{0.44} {c}_{1}^{0.28} {c}_{2}^{0.28} L^{2.3}}{\mathrm{log}(\tfrac{1}{R_{min}})^{1.4} {L_{10}}_{0}^{1.3} {L_{10}}_{1}^{0.46} {L_{10}}_{2}^{0.47}}$$

In [6]:
from IPython import utils
from IPython.core.display import HTML
import os
def css_styling():
    """Load default custom.css file from ipython profile"""
    base = utils.path.get_ipython_dir()
    styles = ("<style>\n%s\n</style>" % 
    return HTML(styles)
