In [1]:
import cPickle
import datetime
import glob
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import urllib2
import cdpybio as cpb
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
import pybedtools as pbt
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import vcf as pyvcf
import cardipspy as cpy
import ciepy
%matplotlib inline
dy_name = 'cnv_processing'
import socket
if socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn1' or socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn2':
dy = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'sandbox', 'tmp', dy_name)
outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', dy_name)
private_outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', dy_name)
In [2]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rsem_tpm.tsv')
tpm = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rnaseq_metadata.tsv')
rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'unrelateds.tsv')
unr_rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'subject_metadata.tsv')
subject_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'wgs_metadata.tsv')
wgs_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
rna_meta = rna_meta.merge(subject_meta, left_on='subject_id', right_index=True)
gene_info = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_gene_info, index_col=0)
gene_info['ensembl_id'] = [x.split('.')[0] for x in gene_info.index]
genes = pbt.BedTool(cpy.gencode_gene_bed)
exons = pbt.BedTool(cpy.gencode_exon_bed)
tss_bt = pbt.BedTool(tss_bed)
exp = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input',
'tpm_log_filtered_phe_std_norm_peer_resid.tsv'), index_col=0)
In [3]:
fn = os.path.join(os.path.split(cpy.roadmap_15_state_annotation)[0], 'EIDlegend.txt')
roadmap_ids = pd.read_table(fn, squeeze=True, index_col=0, header=None)
In [4]:
fn = '/projects/CARDIPS/pipeline/WGS/BF_GS_Discovery/eval/'
report = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
In [5]:
mhc_bt = pbt.BedTool('chr6\t{}\t{}'.format(int(29.6e6), int(33.1e6)), from_string=True)
In [6]:
plt.ylabel('Number of CNVs')
plt.xlabel('Number of variant samples');
In [7]:
def get_genomestrip_vcf_copy_number_states(vcf):
"""Parse a genomestrip VCF file and get the diploid copy number states
for each sample."""
f = open(vcf)
line = f.readline()
while line[0:2] == '##':
line = f.readline()
header = line[1:].strip().split('\t')
ind = []
copy_numbers = []
line = f.readline().strip()
while line != '':
t = line.split('\t')
copy_numbers.append([int(x.split(':')[1]) for x in t[9:]])
line = f.readline().strip()
cns = pd.DataFrame(copy_numbers, index=ind, columns=header[9:])
return cns
def annotate_genomestrip_cnvs(
report = pd.read_table(report, index_col=0)
cnv_info = pd.DataFrame([x.split('_')[1:] for x in report.index],
index=cns.index, columns=['chrom', 'start', 'end'])
if add_chr:
cnv_info['chrom'] = 'chr' + cnv_info.chrom
cnv_info['start'] = cnv_info.start.astype(int)
cnv_info['end'] = cnv_info.end.astype(int)
cnv_info['length'] = cnv_info.end - cnv_info.start
cnv_info['name'] = cnv_info.index
s = '\n'.join(cnv_info.chrom + '\t' + cnv_info.start.astype(str) +
'\t' + cnv_info.end.astype(str) + '\t' + + '\n'
cnv_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cnv_bt = cnv_bt.sort()
# Find genes that the CNV overlaps.
res = cnv_bt.intersect(genes, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['overlaps_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Find genes that the CNV contains completely.
df = df[df.blockSizes == df.thickStart - df.strand]
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['contains_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Annotate with genes where the CNV overlaps exonic regions.
tg = pd.read_table(transcript_to_gene, index_col=0, header=None, squeeze=True)
res = cnv_bt.intersect(exons, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd.apply(lambda x: tg[x])
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['overlaps_gene_exon'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Distance to nearest TSS.
res = cnv_bt.closest(tss_bt, D='b')
df = res.to_dataframe()
cnv_info.ix[, 'nearest_tss_dist'] = df.thickEnd.values
cnv_info = cnv_info.join(report)
mode = cns.mode(axis=1)[0]
cnv_info['cn_mode'] = mode
nvariant = [sum(cns.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['diff_from_mode'] = nvariant
cnv_info['percent_diff_from_mode'] = cnv_info.diff_from_mode / cns.shape[1]
t = cns[unr_rna_meta.wgs_id]
nvariant = [sum(t.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['unrelated_diff_from_mode'] = nvariant
cnv_info['unrelated_percent_diff_from_mode'] = cnv_info.unrelated_diff_from_mode / unr_rna_meta.shape[0]
rna_meta_eqtl = rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl]
vc = rna_meta_eqtl.family_id.value_counts()
vc = vc[vc > 4]
for x in vc.index:
t = cns[rna_meta_eqtl.ix[rna_meta_eqtl.family_id == x, 'wgs_id']]
pvariant = [sum(t.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['{}_{}_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x])] = np.array(pvariant)
cnv_info['{}_{}_percent_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x])] = np.array(pvariant) / float(vc[x])
family_cols = ['{}_{}_percent_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x]) for x in vc.index]
return cnv_info, cnv_bt
In [8]:
out = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_genotypes.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(out):
fn = '/projects/CARDIPS/pipeline/WGS/BF_GS_Discovery/gs_cnv.genotypes.vcf'
gs_cns = get_genomestrip_vcf_copy_number_states(fn)
gs_cns.to_csv(out, sep='\t')
gs_cns = pd.read_table(out, index_col=0)
In [9]:
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_info.pickle')
if not os.path.exists(out):
fn = '/projects/CARDIPS/pipeline/WGS/BF_GS_Discovery/eval/'
gs_info, gs_bt = annotate_genomestrip_cnvs(fn, gs_cns)
gs_bt.saveas(os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_cnvs.bed'), trackline="track type=bed name='GenomeStrip CNVs'")
if not os.path.exists('/home/cdeboever/public_html/gs_cnvs.bed'):
os.symlink(os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_cnvs.bed'), '/home/cdeboever/public_html/gs_cnvs.bed')
cPickle.dump(gs_info, open(out, 'w'))
gs_info = cPickle.load(open(out))
gs_bt = pbt.BedTool(os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_cnvs.bed'))
In [10]:
plt.xlabel('Number of unrelateds different from mode')
plt.ylabel('Number of CNVs');
In [11]:
p1 = gs_info.percent_diff_from_mode
p2 = gs_info.unrelated_percent_diff_from_mode
diff = p1 - p2
plt.scatter(p1, p2)
plt.xlabel('Percent samples different from mode')
plt.ylabel('Percent unrelated samples different from mode');
In [12]:
plt.ylabel('$\log_{10}$ number of CNVs')
plt.xlabel('CNV length');
In [13]:
plt.ylabel('Number of CNVs')
plt.xlabel('$\log_{10}$ CNV length');
In [14]:
In [15]:
cutoffs = np.array([2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200]) * 1000
for c in cutoffs:
print('{:.1f}% of CNVs are less than {:,} bp'.format(
100 * sum(gs_info.length < c) / float(gs_info.shape[0]), c))
In [16]:
In [17]:
In [18]:
print(gs_info[gs_info.CNCATEGORY == 'DEL'].length.median())
print(gs_info[gs_info.CNCATEGORY == 'DUP'].length.median())
print(gs_info[gs_info.CNCATEGORY == 'MIXED'].length.median())
I want to merge adjacent CNVs that have highly correlated copy number estimates. These are likely just one CNV that GS has split into more than one.
For instance, the heatmap below shows the copy number correlation for the first 100 CNVs on chr1. We can see some blocks of red. These are adjacent CNVs that have highly correlated copy numbers. I think these should be merged into single larger CNVs.
In [19]:
# Add order so we can check whether CNVs are adjacent.
gs_info.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'start', 'end'], inplace=True)
gs_info['order'] = range(gs_info.shape[0])
In [20]:
t = gs_info[gs_info.chrom == 'chr1'].head(100)
corr = gs_cns.ix[t.index].T.corr()
sns.heatmap(corr, xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]);
I will merge chromosome by chromosome as follows:
In [21]:
def combine_connected_component(cnvs, info, cns):
If appropriate, combine CNVs from the list cnvs. The CNVs in cnvs should
have highly correlated genotypes (for instance, cnvs might be a list of connected
nodes from a graph built from the genotype correlations).
cnvs : list
List of CNVs of the form CNV_2_400_800 (aka CNV_{chrom}_{start}_{end}).
info : pandas.DataFrame
Data frame whose index contains the values in cnvs. This dataframe should at least
have chrom, start, and end columns.
cns : pandas.DataFrame
Data frame whose index contains the values in cnvs. This data frame should contain
the diploid copy number estimates.
cnvs = sorted(cnvs)
out = dict()
combine = []
for i in range(len(cnvs) - 1):
combine.append((abs(info.ix[cnvs[i], 'order'] - info.ix[cnvs[i + 1], 'order']) == 1) and
((cns.ix[cnvs[i]] - cns.ix[cnvs[i + 1]]).abs().mean() < 0.5))
i = 0
to_combine = [cnvs[0]]
while i < len(cnvs) - 1:
if combine[i]:
to_combine.append(cnvs[i + 1])
if len(to_combine) > 1:
out[combine_cnvs(to_combine, gs_info)] = to_combine
to_combine = [cnvs[i + 1]]
i += 1
if len(to_combine) > 1:
out[combine_cnvs(to_combine, gs_info)] = to_combine
return out
def combine_cnvs(cnvs, info):
"""Combine the list of CNVs cnvs into a single CNV of form CNV_{chrom}_{start}_{end}."""
return 'CNV_{}_{}_{}'.format(info.ix[cnvs[0], 'chrom'][3:],
info.ix[cnvs, 'start'].min(),
info.ix[cnvs, 'end'].max())
def merge_cnvs(a, b, info, cns):
"""Return boolean indicating whether CNVs a and b should be merged."""
return ((abs(info.ix[a, 'order'] - info.ix[b, 'order']) == 1) and
((cns.ix[a] - cns.ix[b]).abs().mean() < 0.5))
In [22]:
combined = dict()
# We'll go through one chromosome at a time.
for chrom in set(gs_info.chrom):
t = gs_info[gs_info.chrom == chrom]
corr = gs_cns.ix[t.index].T.corr()
g = corr > 0.9
edges = []
for i in g.columns:
se = g[i]
se = se[se]
for j in se.index:
edges.append((i, j))
g = nx.Graph(edges)
cc = nx.connected_components(g)
while True:
c = list(
if len(c) > 1:
d = combine_connected_component(c, gs_info, gs_cns)
for k in d.keys():
combined[k] = d[k]
except StopIteration:
In [23]:
mapping_from = []
mapping_to = []
for k in combined.keys():
for x in combined[k]:
mapping = pd.Series(mapping_to, index=mapping_from)
mapping.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'combined_mapping.tsv'), sep='\t')
In [24]:
to_remove = []
new_genotypes = []
for k in combined.keys():
to_remove += combined[k]
print('{} CNVs combined into {} CNVs.'.format(len(to_remove), len(combined)))
In [25]:
new_genotypes = pd.DataFrame(new_genotypes, index=combined.keys())
gs_combined_cns = pd.concat([gs_cns.drop(to_remove), new_genotypes])
fn = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_combined_genotypes.tsv')
gs_combined_cns.to_csv(fn, index_col=0)
In [26]:
def annotate_merged_genomestrip_cnvs(
if add_chr:
cnv_info['chrom'] = 'chr' + cnv_info.chrom
cnv_info['start'] = cnv_info.start.astype(int)
cnv_info['end'] = cnv_info.end.astype(int)
cnv_info['length'] = cnv_info.end - cnv_info.start
cnv_info['name'] = cnv_info.index
s = '\n'.join(cnv_info.chrom + '\t' + cnv_info.start.astype(str) +
'\t' + cnv_info.end.astype(str) + '\t' + + '\n'
cnv_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cnv_bt = cnv_bt.sort()
# Find genes that the CNV overlaps.
res = cnv_bt.intersect(genes, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['overlaps_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Find genes that the CNV contains completely.
df = df[df.blockSizes == df.thickStart - df.strand]
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['contains_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Annotate with genes where the CNV overlaps exonic regions.
tg = pd.read_table(transcript_to_gene, index_col=0, header=None, squeeze=True)
res = cnv_bt.intersect(exons, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd.apply(lambda x: tg[x])
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
cnv_info['overlaps_gene_exon'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Distance to nearest TSS.
res = cnv_bt.closest(tss_bt, D='b')
df = res.to_dataframe()
cnv_info.ix[, 'nearest_tss_dist'] = df.thickEnd.values
mode = cns.mode(axis=1)[0]
cnv_info['cn_mode'] = mode
nvariant = [sum(cns.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['diff_from_mode'] = nvariant
cnv_info['percent_diff_from_mode'] = cnv_info.diff_from_mode / cns.shape[1]
t = cns[unr_rna_meta.wgs_id]
nvariant = [sum(t.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['unrelated_diff_from_mode'] = nvariant
cnv_info['unrelated_percent_diff_from_mode'] = cnv_info.unrelated_diff_from_mode / unr_rna_meta.shape[0]
rna_meta_eqtl = rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl]
vc = rna_meta_eqtl.family_id.value_counts()
vc = vc[vc > 4]
for x in vc.index:
t = cns[rna_meta_eqtl.ix[rna_meta_eqtl.family_id == x, 'wgs_id']]
pvariant = [sum(t.ix[i] != cnv_info.ix[i, 'cn_mode']) for i in cnv_info.index]
cnv_info['{}_{}_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x])] = np.array(pvariant)
cnv_info['{}_{}_percent_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x])] = np.array(pvariant) / float(vc[x])
family_cols = ['{}_{}_percent_diff_from_mode'.format(x, vc[x]) for x in vc.index]
return cnv_info, cnv_bt
In [27]:
tdf = pd.DataFrame([x.split('_') for x in combined.keys()], columns=['cnv', 'chrom', 'start', 'end'],
index=combined.keys()).drop('cnv', axis=1)
tdf.start = tdf.start.astype(int)
tdf.end = tdf.end.astype(int)
a,b = annotate_merged_genomestrip_cnvs(tdf, new_genotypes)
gs_combined_info = pd.concat([a, gs_info.drop(to_remove)])
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_combined_info.pickle')
In [28]:
def cnv_counts(cnv_bt, cnv_info, url, name):
bt = pbt.BedTool(cpb.general.read_gzipped_text_url(url), from_string=True)
bt = bt.sort()
res = cnv_bt.intersect(bt, sorted=True, wo=True)
r = res[0]
df = res.to_dataframe(names=range(len(res[0].fields)))
vc = df[3].value_counts()
counts = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=[name], index=cnv_info.index)
counts.ix[vc.index, name] = vc
return counts
def cluster_setup():
from ipyparallel import Client
parallel_client = Client(profile='parallel')
dview = parallel_client[:]
print('Cluster has {} engines.'.format(len(parallel_client.ids)))
with dview.sync_imports():
import cdpybio
import pandas
import pybedtools
%px cpb = cdpybio
%px pd = pandas
%px pbt = pybedtools
return dview
cluster_ready = False
In [34]:
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_roadmap_overlap.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(out):
url = (''
website = urllib2.urlopen(url)
html =
files = re.findall('href="(.*\.gz)"', html)
lines = [x for x in roadmap_ids.index if ('ES' in roadmap_ids[x] and 'Cultured' not in roadmap_ids[x])]
lines += [x for x in roadmap_ids.index if 'iPS' in roadmap_ids[x]]
files = [x for x in files if x.split('-')[0] in lines]
files = [x for x in files if 'hotspot' not in x]
roadmap_peak_pvals = pd.DataFrame(
-1, index=lines,
columns=set([x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0] for x in files]))
roadmap_peak_oddsratios = pd.DataFrame(
0, index=lines,
columns=set([x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0] for x in files]))
urls = ['{}'.format(n)
for n in files]
lines = [roadmap_ids[re.findall('E\d{3}', url)[0]][0:-10].replace(' ', '_') for url in urls]
btype = [re.findall('-(.+)\.', url)[0].split('.')[0] for url in urls]
names = ['{}_{}'.format(lines[i], btype[i]) for i in range(len(lines))]
todo = zip(urls, names)
if cluster_ready == False:
dview = cluster_setup()
cluster_ready = True
counts = dview.map_sync(lambda x: cnv_counts(gs_bt, gs_info, x[0], x[1]), todo)
roadmap_dnase_counts = pd.concat(counts, axis=1)
roadmap_dnase_counts.to_csv(out, sep='\t')
roadmap_dnase_counts = pd.read_table(out, index_col=0)
In [36]:
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_encode_dnase_overlap.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(out):
encode_dnase = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output',
'encode_dnase.tsv'), index_col=0)
encode_dnase = encode_dnase[encode_dnase.biosample_type == 'stem cell']
encode_dnase['name'] = encode_dnase.cell_type + '_' + 'DNase'
if cluster_ready == False:
dview = cluster_setup()
cluster_ready = True
counts = dview.map_sync(lambda i: cnv_counts(gs_bt, gs_info,
encode_dnase.ix[i, 'narrowPeak_url'],
encode_dnase.ix[i, 'name']),
encode_dnase_counts = pd.concat(counts, axis=1)
encode_dnase_counts.to_csv(out, sep='\t')
encode_dnase_counts = pd.read_table(out, index_col=0)
In [37]:
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'gs_encode_tf_chip_seq_overlap.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(out):
encode_tf_chip_seq = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output',
'encode_stem_cell_chip_seq.tsv'), index_col=0)
encode_tf_chip_seq = encode_tf_chip_seq.drop_duplicates(subset='target')
encode_tf_chip_seq['name'] = encode_tf_chip_seq.cell_type + '-' +
if cluster_ready == False:
dview = cluster_setup()
cluster_ready = True
counts = dview.map_sync(lambda i: cnv_counts(gs_bt, gs_info,
encode_tf_chip_seq.ix[i, 'narrowPeak_url'],
encode_tf_chip_seq.ix[i, 'name']),
encode_tf_chip_seq_counts = pd.concat(counts, axis=1)
encode_tf_chip_seq_counts.to_csv(out, sep='\t')
encode_tf_chip_seq_counts = pd.read_table(out, index_col=0)
I want to find CNVs that I can include in the EMMAX association analysis.
For GS, I can use CNVs that have at most three copy number states and have a minor allele frequency greater than 1% (aka at least 1% of samples differ from the mode copy number state). I can also separately test mCNVs for an association with gene expression.
In [38]:
# Get copy number states for samples in eQTL analysis.
cns_f = gs_cns[rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl].wgs_id]
# Get the number of distinct copy number states for each CNV.
num_states = cns_f.apply(lambda x: len(set(x)), axis=1)
# Keep CNVs with two or three states.
cns_emmax = cns_f.ix[num_states[num_states.apply(lambda x: x in [2, 3])].index]
# Remove CNVs where less than 1% of the samples are different from the mode.
b = (cns_emmax.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts().max() <
cns_emmax.shape[1] - np.floor(rna_meta.in_eqtl.sum() * 0.01), axis=1))
cns_emmax = cns_emmax[b]
In [39]:
maj_af = cns_emmax.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts().max(), axis=1) / cns_emmax.shape[1]
maj_af.hist(bins=np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01))
plt.ylabel('Number of CNVs')
plt.xlabel('Mode CN frequency (major allele frequency)');
In [40]:
t = gs_info.ix[cns_emmax.index]
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + t.start.astype(str) + '\t' + t.end.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
cns_emmax_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cns_emmax_bt = cns_emmax_bt.sort()
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'variant_regions.bed')
variant_regions = pbt.BedTool(fn)
genes_todo = set(exp.index)
res = cns_emmax_bt.intersect(variant_regions, sorted=True, wo=True)
g = []
for r in res:
cnv_gene_vc = pd.Series(g).value_counts()
cnv_gene_vc = cnv_gene_vc[set(cnv_gene_vc.index) & genes_todo]
In [41]:
plt.ylabel('Number of genes')
plt.xlabel('Number of CNVs overlapping variant window');
I think that I can collapse some mCNVs to be biallelic. For instance, the CNV below has one person with copy number 4, but if we exclude that person, we would only have three copy number states. The person who is four is likely just an error and should actually be 3, or at the least it wouldn't hurt to make them copy number 3 or just not include them in the analysis.
In [42]:
In [43]:
t = cns_f.ix[set(cns_f.index) - set(cns_emmax.index)]
t = t[t.apply(lambda x: len(set(x)) > 3, axis=1)]
# b has the number of samples that have one of the top three copy number states
b = t.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts()[0:3].sum(), axis=1)
In [44]:
plt.xlim(0, 209)
plt.ylabel('Number of CNVs')
plt.xlabel('Number of individuals with one of top three CNs');
This plot shows us that many CNVs are almost biallelic. If we remove a few samples, we can make more sites biallelic.
In [45]:
sum(b >= rna_meta.in_eqtl.sum() * 0.95)
There are 807 CNVs for which I can remove people with rare copy numbers and still have 95% call rate. I'll set the rare copy numbers to missing and include these.
In [46]:
rows = []
for i in b[b >= rna_meta.in_eqtl.sum() * 0.95].index:
se = cns_f.ix[i]
vc = se.value_counts()
se[se.apply(lambda x: x not in vc.index[0:3])] = np.nan
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=b[b >= rna_meta.in_eqtl.sum() * 0.95].index,
In [47]:
b = df.apply(lambda x: x.value_counts().max() < df.shape[1] - np.floor(rna_meta.in_eqtl.sum() * 0.05), axis=1)
df = df[b]
In [48]:
cns_emmax = pd.concat([cns_emmax, df])
cns_emmax.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_emmax_cnvs.tsv'), sep='\t')
In [49]:
I want to remove CNV in the MHC region because these are likely alignment artifacts.
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
by Jonathan Pevsner
says the MHC is ~29.6 to 33.1 mb on chromosome 6 so I'll use that.
In [50]:
t = gs_info.ix[cns_emmax.index]
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + t.start.astype(str) + '\t' + t.end.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
cns_emmax_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cns_emmax_bt = cns_emmax_bt.sort()
res = cns_emmax_bt.intersect(mhc_bt, wa=True, v=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
cns_emmax = cns_emmax.ix[]
In [51]:
I'll write a VCF file with the CNV genotypes.
In [52]:
cns_emmax_genotypes = cns_emmax.copy(deep=True).astype(str)
mins = cns_emmax.apply(lambda x: x == x.min(), axis=1)
maxs = cns_emmax.apply(lambda x: x == x.max(), axis=1)
nulls = cns_emmax.isnull()
hets = (mins.astype(int) + maxs.astype(int) + nulls.astype(int) == 0)
cns_emmax_genotypes[mins] = '0/0'
cns_emmax_genotypes[hets] = '0/1'
cns_emmax_genotypes[maxs] = '1/1'
cns_emmax_genotypes[nulls] = './.'
In [53]:
cns_emmax_info = gs_info.ix[cns_emmax.index, ['chrom', 'start']]
cns_emmax_info.chrom = cns_emmax_info.chrom.apply(lambda x: x[3:])
#cns_emmax_info = cns_emmax_info.drop(['end', 'length'], axis=1)
cns_emmax_info.start = cns_emmax_info.start.astype(str)
cns_emmax_info['id'] = cns_emmax_info.index
cns_emmax_info['ref'] = 'N'
cns_emmax_info['alt'] = 'N'
cns_emmax_info['qual'] = '100000'
cns_emmax_info['filter'] = 'PASS'
cns_emmax_info['info'] = ''
cns_emmax_info['format'] = 'GT'
cns_emmax_info = cns_emmax_info.join(cns_emmax_genotypes[sorted(cns_emmax_genotypes.columns)])
In [54]:
with open('/projects/CARDIPS/analysis/cardips-ipsc-eqtl/misc/header.vcf') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
vs = lines[-1].strip().split('\t')[9:]
colnames = lines[-1].strip().split('\t')[0:9]
In [55]:
out = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_emmax_sorted.vcf')
if not os.path.exists(out):
with open(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_emmax.vcf'), 'w') as f:
f.write('\t'.join(colnames + list(cns_emmax_info.columns[9:])) + '\n')
f.write('\n'.join(cns_emmax_info.apply(lambda x: '\t'.join(x), axis=1)) + '\n')
!cat {os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_emmax.vcf')} | vcf-sort > {out}
!bgzip {out}
!bcftools index -f {out}.gz
!bcftools index -f -t {out}.gz
!rm {os.path.join(private_outdir, 'gs_emmax.vcf')}
Let's see which genes have CNVs to test now that we've added in some more CNVs.
In [56]:
t = gs_info.ix[cns_emmax.index]
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + t.start.astype(str) + '\t' + t.end.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
cns_emmax_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cns_emmax_bt = cns_emmax_bt.sort()
res = cns_emmax_bt.intersect(variant_regions, sorted=True, wo=True)
g = []
for r in res:
cnv_gene_vc = pd.Series(g).value_counts()
cnv_gene_vc = cnv_gene_vc[set(cnv_gene_vc.index) & genes_todo]
In [57]:
t = gs_info.ix[cns_emmax.index]
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + t.start.astype(str) + '\t' + t.end.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
cns_emmax_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
cns_emmax_bt = cns_emmax_bt.sort()
In [58]:
plt.ylabel('Number of genes')
plt.xlabel('Number of CNVs overlapping variant window');
In [59]:
def read_merged_lumpy_vcf(fn):
"""Read and parse a merged VCF of lumpy results."""
df = pd.read_table(fn, skiprows=641, low_memory=False)
df.columns = [x.replace('#', '') for x in df.columns]
df = df[df.ALT.apply(lambda x: x in ['<DEL>', '<DUP>'])]
gcols = df.columns[8:]
genotypes = df[gcols]
genotypes = genotypes.apply(lambda x: [y.split(':')[0] for y in x], axis=1)
df = df.drop(gcols, axis=1)
cols = [x.split('=')[0] for x in df.INFO[0].split(';')]
imprecise = []
rows = []
for i in df.index:
vals = list(df.ix[i, 'INFO'].split(';'))
if 'IMPRECISE' in vals:
rows.append(dict([x.split('=') for x in vals]))
df['imprecise'] = imprecise
tdf = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=df.index)
df = df.join(tdf)
df = df.drop('INFO', axis=1)
df.CHROM = 'chr' + df.CHROM.astype(str)
# cols = df.FORMAT[0].split(':')
# ds = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(dict(zip(x['FORMAT'].split(':'), x[df.columns[8]].split(':')))), axis=1)
# ds = ds.drop(set(df.columns) & set(ds.columns), axis=1)
# df = df.join(ds)
# df = df.drop(['FORMAT', df.columns[8]], axis=1)
df.ALT = df.ALT.apply(lambda x: x[1:4])
df = df[df.END.isnull() == False]
for c in ['POS', 'END', 'PE', 'SR', 'SU', 'SVLEN']:
df[c] = df[c].astype(int)
return df, genotypes
In [60]:
fn = '/frazer01/home/djakubosky/sandbox/svtools/Lumpy_274_Merged.vcf'
lumpy_info, lumpy_genotypes = read_merged_lumpy_vcf(fn)
lumpy_info['name'] = (lumpy_info.ALT + '_' + lumpy_info.CHROM.apply(lambda x: x[3:]) +
'_' + lumpy_info.POS.astype(str) + '_' + lumpy_info.END.astype(str))
# Some lumpy SVs show up multiple times in the VCF (not sure why) so I'll just keep one.
lumpy_info = lumpy_info.drop_duplicates(subset=['name'])
lumpy_genotypes = lumpy_genotypes.ix[lumpy_info.index]
lumpy_info.index =
lumpy_genotypes.index =
In [61]:
s = '\n'.join(lumpy_info.CHROM + '\t' + lumpy_info.POS.astype(str) + '\t' +
lumpy_info.END.astype(str) + '\t' + + '\n'
lumpy_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True).sort()
In [62]:
# Find genes that the CNV overlaps.
res = lumpy_bt.intersect(genes, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
lumpy_info['overlaps_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Find genes that the CNV contains completely.
df = df[df.blockSizes == df.thickStart - df.strand]
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
lumpy_info['contains_gene'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Annotate with genes where the CNV overlaps exonic regions.
tg = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_transcript_gene, index_col=0, header=None, squeeze=True)
res = lumpy_bt.intersect(exons, sorted=True, wo=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
df['gene'] = df.thickEnd.apply(lambda x: tg[x])
gb = df[['name', 'gene']].groupby('name')
se = pd.Series(dict(list(gb['gene'])))
lumpy_info['overlaps_gene_exon'] = se.apply(lambda x: set(x))
# Distance to nearest TSS.
tss_bt = pbt.BedTool(tss_bed)
res = lumpy_bt.closest(tss_bt, D='b')
df = res.to_dataframe()
lumpy_info.ix[, 'nearest_tss_dist'] = df.thickEnd.values
In [63]:
plt.ylabel('Number of SVs')
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}$ SU');
In [64]:
lumpy_genotypes_f = lumpy_genotypes[rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl].wgs_id]
In [65]:
lumpy_ref_ac = lumpy_genotypes_f.apply(lambda x: ''.join(x).count('0'), axis=1)
lumpy_alt_ac = lumpy_genotypes_f.apply(lambda x: ''.join(x).count('1'), axis=1)
lumpy_ref_af = lumpy_ref_ac.astype(float) / (lumpy_ref_ac + lumpy_alt_ac)
lumpy_alt_af = lumpy_alt_ac.astype(float) / (lumpy_ref_ac + lumpy_alt_ac)
In [66]:
plt.scatter(lumpy_ref_af, lumpy_info.SU)
plt.xlabel('Reference allele frequency');
In [67]:
lumpy_ref_af[lumpy_info[lumpy_info.SU == 4].index].hist()
plt.xlabel('Reference allele frequency')
plt.ylabel('Number of SVs with SU == 4');
In [68]:
lumpy_af = pd.DataFrame({'ref':lumpy_ref_af, 'alt':lumpy_alt_af})
lumpy_af['maj_af'] = lumpy_af.max(axis=1)
lumpy_af['min_af'] = lumpy_af.min(axis=1)
In [69]:
n = lumpy_af[lumpy_af.min_af >= 0.01].shape[0]
print('{:,} lumpy SVs have minor allele frequency > 1%.'.format(n))
I'll make a VCF file like I did for GS. I'll make them similarly formatted.
In [70]:
lumpy_keep = lumpy_af[lumpy_af.min_af >= 0.01].index
In [71]:
t = lumpy_info.ix[lumpy_keep]
s = '\n'.join(t.CHROM + '\t' + t.POS.astype(str) + '\t' + t.END.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
lumpy_emmax_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
lumpy_emmax_bt = lumpy_emmax_bt.sort()
mhc_bt = pbt.BedTool('chr6\t{}\t{}'.format(int(29.6e6), int(33.1e6)), from_string=True)
res = lumpy_emmax_bt.intersect(mhc_bt, wa=True, v=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
lumpy_keep = list(
In [72]:
lumpy_emmax_info = lumpy_info.ix[lumpy_keep, ['CHROM', 'POS','ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'END']]
lumpy_emmax_info.CHROM = lumpy_emmax_info.CHROM.apply(lambda x: x[3:])
lumpy_emmax_info.ID = (lumpy_emmax_info.ALT + '_' + lumpy_emmax_info.CHROM +
'_' + lumpy_emmax_info.POS.astype(str) + '_' + lumpy_emmax_info.END.astype(str))
lumpy_emmax_info.ALT = 'N'
lumpy_emmax_info.FILTER = 'PASS'
lumpy_emmax_info = lumpy_emmax_info.drop('END', axis=1)
lumpy_emmax_info['INFO'] = ''
lumpy_emmax_info['FORMAT'] = 'GT'
lumpy_emmax_info = lumpy_emmax_info.join(lumpy_genotypes_f[sorted(lumpy_genotypes_f.columns)])
lumpy_emmax_info = lumpy_emmax_info.astype(str)
In [73]:
with open('/projects/CARDIPS/analysis/cardips-ipsc-eqtl/misc/header.vcf') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
vs = lines[-1].strip().split('\t')[9:]
colnames = lines[-1].strip().split('\t')[0:9]
In [74]:
out = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'lumpy_emmax_sorted.vcf')
if not os.path.exists(out):
with open(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'lumpy_emmax.vcf'), 'w') as f:
f.write('\t'.join(colnames + list(lumpy_emmax_info.columns[9:])) + '\n')
f.write('\n'.join(lumpy_emmax_info.apply(lambda x: '\t'.join(x), axis=1)) + '\n')
!cat {os.path.join(private_outdir, 'lumpy_emmax.vcf')} | vcf-sort > {out}
!bgzip {out}
!bcftools index -f {out}.gz
!bcftools index -f -t {out}.gz
!rm {os.path.join(private_outdir, 'lumpy_emmax.vcf')}
In [75]:
lumpy_info.columns = [x.lower() for x in lumpy_info.columns]
In [76]:
lumpy_info['start'] = lumpy_info.pos
lumpy_info = lumpy_info.drop('pos', axis=1)
In [77]:
lumpy_info = lumpy_info.drop(['ref', 'qual', 'alg'], axis=1)
lumpy_info['ref_ac'] = lumpy_ref_ac[lumpy_info.index]
lumpy_info['alt_ac'] = lumpy_alt_ac[lumpy_info.index]
lumpy_info['ref_af'] = lumpy_ref_af[lumpy_info.index]
lumpy_info['alt_af'] = lumpy_alt_af[lumpy_info.index]
lumpy_info['maf'] = lumpy_info[['ref_af', 'alt_af']].min(axis=1)
In [78]:
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax = axs[0]
ax.set_ylabel('Number of SVs')
ax.set_xlabel('$log_{10}$ length');
ax = axs[1]
np.log10(lumpy_info[ > 14].svlen.abs()).hist(ax=ax)
ax.set_ylabel('Number of SVs')
ax.set_xlabel('$log_{10}$ length')
ax.set_title('SU > 14');
In [79]:
In [80]:
print(lumpy_info[lumpy_info.svtype == 'DEL'].svlen.abs().median())
print(lumpy_info[lumpy_info.svtype == 'DUP'].svlen.abs().median())
In [81]:
cPickle.dump(lumpy_info, open(os.path.join(outdir, 'lumpy_info.pickle'), 'w'))
In [82]:
conv = {'0/0':0, '0/1':1, '1/1':2, './.':np.nan}
t = lumpy_genotypes.apply(lambda x: [conv[y] for y in x])
fn = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'lumpy_genotypes.tsv')
t.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
In [83]:
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'lumpy_roadmap_overlap.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(out):
url = (''
website = urllib2.urlopen(url)
html =
files = re.findall('href="(.*\.gz)"', html)
lines = [x for x in roadmap_ids.index if ('ES' in roadmap_ids[x] and 'Cultured' not in roadmap_ids[x])]
lines += [x for x in roadmap_ids.index if 'iPS' in roadmap_ids[x]]
files = [x for x in files if x.split('-')[0] in lines]
files = [x for x in files if 'hotspot' not in x]
roadmap_peak_pvals = pd.DataFrame(
-1, index=lines,
columns=set([x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0] for x in files]))
roadmap_peak_oddsratios = pd.DataFrame(
0, index=lines,
columns=set([x.split('-')[1].split('.')[0] for x in files]))
urls = ['{}'.format(n)
for n in files]
lines = [roadmap_ids[re.findall('E\d{3}', url)[0]][0:-10].replace(' ', '_') for url in urls]
btype = [re.findall('-(.+)\.', url)[0].split('.')[0] for url in urls]
names = ['{}_{}'.format(lines[i], btype[i]) for i in range(len(lines))]
todo = zip(urls, names)
dview.push(dict(lumpy_bt=lumpy_bt, lumpy_info=lumpy_info));
if cluster_ready == False:
dview = cluster_setup()
cluster_ready = True
counts = dview.map_sync(lambda x: cnv_counts(lumpy_bt, lumpy_info, x[0], x[1]), todo)
roadmap_dnase_counts = pd.concat(counts, axis=1)
roadmap_dnase_counts.to_csv(out, sep='\t')
roadmap_dnase_counts = pd.read_table(out, index_col=0)
In [84]:
gs_info['svlen'] = gs_info.length
gs_info['svtype'] = gs_info.CNCATEGORY
gs_info['variant_caller'] = 'genomestrip'
lumpy_info['variant_caller'] = 'lumpy'
lumpy_info['emmax'] = False
lumpy_info.ix[lumpy_emmax_info.index, 'emmax'] = True
gs_info['emmax'] = False
gs_info.ix[cns_emmax_info.index, 'emmax'] = True
combined_info = pd.concat([lumpy_info, gs_info], join='inner')
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'combined_info.pickle')
cPickle.dump(combined_info, open(fn, 'w'))
In [85]:
I want to identify mCNVs that I can test for associations with gene expression. I'll filter the mCNVs more in the notebook where I do the analysis. For now, I'll define mCNVs as CNVs with more than three copy number states in my 131 unrelated individuals. I'll keep mCNVs where there are more than 5 non-mode copy number estimates and more than 5 samples with copy number estimates outside the top three states.
In [86]:
t = gs_combined_cns[unr_rna_meta.wgs_id]
ns = t.apply(lambda x: len(set(x)), axis=1)
mcnvs = t[ns > 3]
# Remove CNVs in MHC.
t = gs_combined_info.ix[mcnvs.index]
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + t.start.astype(str) + '\t' + t.end.astype(str) +
'\t' + + '\n'
mcnv_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
df = mcnv_bt.intersect(mhc_bt, wa=True, v=True).to_dataframe()
mcnvs = mcnvs.ix[]
t = gs_combined_cns.ix[mcnvs.index, unr_rna_meta.wgs_id]
mode = t.mode(axis=1)[0]
nvariant = [sum(t.ix[i] != mode[i]) for i in t.index]
mcnvs = mcnvs[np.array(nvariant) > 5]
keep = []
for i in t.index:
vc = t.round().ix[i].value_counts()
if vc[vc.index[3:]].sum() > 5:
mcnvs = mcnvs.ix[keep]
mcnvs.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'mcnvs.tsv'), sep='\t')