
In big and old legacy systems, tests are often a mess. Especially end-to-end-tests with UI testing frameworks like Selenium quickly become a PITA aka unmaintainable. They are running slow and you are confronted with plenty of tests that do partly the same.

In this data analysis, I want to illustrate a way that can take us out of this misery. We want to spot test cases that are structural very similar and thus can be seen as duplicated. We'll calculate the similarity between tests based on their invocations of production code. We can achieve this treating our software data as observations of linear features. This opens up ways for us to leverage existing machine learning techniques like multidimensional scaling or clustering.

As software data under analysis, we'll use the JUnit tests of a Java application for demonstrating the approach.

Note: The real use case originates from a software system with a massive amount of Selenium tests that uses the Page Object pattern. Each page object represents one HTML site of your web application. So, a page object exposes methods in the programming language you use enabling the interaction with a web site programmatically. In such a scenario, you can infer which tests are triggering the same set of UI components (like buttons). This is a good estimator for test cases that test the same use cases in the application. We can use the results of such an analysis to find repeating test scenarios as well as tests that just differ from a minor nuance of an otherwise similar use case (which could probably be tested with other means like integration or pure UI tests with a mocked backend).


I'm using a dataset that I've created in a previous blog post. It shows which test methods call which code in the main line ("production").

Note: There are also other ways to get this structural information e. g. by mining the log file of a test execution (this would even add real runtime information as well). But for our demo purpose, the pure structural information between the test code and our production code is sufficient.

First, we read in the data with Pandas.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

invocations = pd.read_csv("datasets/test_code_invocations.csv", sep=";")

test_type test_method prod_type prod_method invocations
0 AddCommentTest void blankSiteContainsRightComment() AddComment at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentRespons... 1
1 AddCommentTest void blankSiteContainsRightCreationTime() AddComment at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentRespons... 1
2 AddCommentTest void blankSiteContainsRightUser() AddComment at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentRespons... 1
3 AddCommentTest void failsAtCommentNull() AddComment at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentRespons... 1
4 AddCommentTest void failsAtCreatorNull() AddComment at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentRespons... 1

What we've got here are all names of our test types (test_type) and production types (prod_type) as well as the signatures of the test methods (test_method) and production methods (prod_method). We also have the amount of calls from the test methods to the production methods (invocations).


OK, let's do some actual work! We want to calculate the structural similarity of test cases to spot possible duplications of tests.

What we have are all tests cases (aka test methods) and their calls to the production code base (= the production methods). We can transform this data to get a matrix representation that shows which test method triggers which production method by using Pandas' pivot_table function on our invocations DataFrame.

In [2]:
invocation_matrix = invocations.pivot_table(
    index=['test_type', 'test_method'],
    columns=['prod_type', 'prod_method'],
# show interesting parts of results

prod_type AddComment AddScheduling
prod_method at.dropover.comment.boundary.GetCommentResponseModel doSync(at.dropover.comment.boundary.AddCommentRequestModel) at.dropover.scheduling.boundary.AddSchedulingResponseModel doSync(at.dropover.scheduling.boundary.AddSchedulingRequestModel)
test_type test_method
AddCommentTest void failsAtCreatorNull() 1 0
void worksAtMinimalRequest() 1 0
AddSchedulingDateTest void addDateToScheduling() 0 0
void addTwoDatesToScheduling() 0 0

What we've got now is the information for each invocation (or non-invocation) of test methods to production methods. In mathematical words, we've got now a n-dimensional vector for each test method where n is the number of tested production methods in our code base! That means we've just transformed our software data to a representation that we can now work on with standard Data Science tools :-D! That means all further problem solving techniques in this area can be reused by us.

This is exactly what we do now in our further analysis. We reduced our problem to a distance calculation between vectors (we use distance instead of similarity because later used visualization techniques work with distances). For this, we can use the cosine_distances function of the machine learning library to calculate a pair-wise distance matrix between the test methods.

In [3]:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_distances

distance_matrix = cosine_distances(invocation_matrix)
# show some interesting parts of results

array([[ 0.10557281,  0.2       ],
       [ 0.10557281,  0.2       ],
       [ 0.80388386,  0.8245884 ],
       [ 1.        ,  1.        ]])

From this data, we create a DataFrame to get a better representation. You can find the complete DataFrame here as excel file as well.

In [4]:
distance_df = pd.DataFrame(distance_matrix, index=invocation_matrix.index, columns=invocation_matrix.index)
# show some interesting parts of results

test_type CommentGatewayTest
test_method void readRoundtripWorksWithFullData() void readRoundtripWorksWithMandatoryData()
test_type test_method
CommentsResourceTest void postCommentActuallyCreatesComment() 0.105573 0.200000
void postCommentActuallyCreatesCommentJSON() 0.105573 0.200000
void postTwiceCreatesTwoElements() 0.803884 0.824588
ConfigurationFileTest void keyWorks() 1.000000 1.000000

In [5]:
    (invocations.test_method == "void readRoundtripWorksWithFullData()") |
    (invocations.test_method == "void postCommentActuallyCreatesComment()")]

test_type test_method prod_type prod_method invocations
112 CommentGatewayTest void readRoundtripWorksWithFullData() CommentGateway java.util.List read(java.lang.String) 2
147 CommentsResourceTest void postCommentActuallyCreatesComment() Comment java.lang.String getContent() 1
148 CommentsResourceTest void postCommentActuallyCreatesComment() CommentGateway java.util.List read(java.lang.String) 2

In [6]:
    (invocations.test_method == "void readRoundtripWorksWithFullData()") |
    (invocations.test_method == "void postTwiceCreatesTwoElements()")]

test_type test_method prod_type prod_method invocations
112 CommentGatewayTest void readRoundtripWorksWithFullData() CommentGateway java.util.List read(java.lang.String) 2
151 CommentsResourceTest void postTwiceCreatesTwoElements() Comment java.lang.String getContent() 5
152 CommentsResourceTest void postTwiceCreatesTwoElements() CommentGateway java.util.List read(java.lang.String) 1


Our now 422x422 big distance matrix distance_df isn't a good way to spot similarities very well. Let's break down the result into two dimensions using multidimensional scaling (MDS) from scikit-learn and plot the results with the plotting library matplotlib.

MDS tries to find a representation of our 422-dimensional data set into the two-dimensional space while retaining the distance information between all data points (=test methods). We use the MDS technique with our precomputed dissimilarity matrix distance_df.

In [7]:
from sklearn.manifold import MDS

model = MDS(dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=10)
distance_df_2d = model.fit_transform(distance_df)

array([[-0.02495802,  0.10768622],
       [ 0.34902428,  0.58676902],
       [-0.0249776 ,  0.10768132],
       [-0.26850959,  0.32472212],
       [-0.02497707,  0.10768145]])

Next, we plot the now two-dimensional matrix with matplotlib. We colorize all data points according to the name of the test types. We can achieve this by assigning each type a number within 0 and 1 (relative_index) and draw a color from a predefined color spectrum (cm.hsv) for each type. With this, each test class gets its own color. This enables us to quickly reason about test classes that belong together.

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

relative_index = distance_df.index.labels[0].values() / distance_df.index.labels[0].max()
colors = [x for x in cm.hsv(relative_index)]
x = distance_df_2d[:,0]
y = distance_df_2d[:,1]
plt.scatter(x, y, c=colors)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1ef070c8518>

We now have the visual information about which test methods call similar production code! Let's discuss this plot:

  • Groups of data points (aka clusters) of the same color are the good ones (like the blue colored ones in the lower middle). They show that there is a high cohesion of test methods with test classes that test the corresponding production code.
  • Clusters with mixed colored data points (like in the upper middle) require further analysis. Here, different test classes test the similar production code

Let's quickly find those spots programmatically by using another machine learning technique: density-based clustering! Here, we use DBSCAN to find data points that are close together. We plot this information into the plot above to visualize dense groups of data.

In [9]:
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=0.08, min_samples=10)
clustering_results =
cluster_members = clustering_results.components_

# plot all data points
plt.scatter(x, y, c='k', alpha=0.2)

# plot cluster members
    c='r', s=100, alpha=0.1)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1ef07185240>

In [10]:
tests = pd.DataFrame(index=distance_df.index)
tests['cluster'] = clustering_results.labels_
cohesive_tests = tests[tests.cluster != -1]

test_type test_method
AddSchedulingTest void add2EmptySchedulingWidgetsToSite() 0
void addEmptySchedulingWidgetToSite() 0
void failsIfPositionIsNull() 0
AddTodoTest void addedTodoIsPersisted() 4
CommentGatewayTest void readFailsOnNullSite() 1

In [11]:
test_measures = cohesive_tests.reset_index().groupby("cluster").test_type.agg({"nunique", "count"})

nunique count
0 7 10
1 3 16
2 1 19
3 1 31
4 7 17
5 1 12
6 6 32

In [12]:
test_list = cohesive_tests.reset_index().groupby("cluster").test_type.apply(set)

0    {AddSchedulingTest, GetSchedulingsTest, Delete...
1    {CommentResourceTest, CommentGatewayTest, Comm...
2                                     {CreateSiteTest}
3                                 {CreateTimeDiffTest}
4    {TodoResourceTest, GetTodoListTest, TodoGatewa...
5                                        {GetSiteTest}
6    {SchedulingDateResourceTest, SchedulingDatesRe...
Name: test_type, dtype: object

In [13]:
test_analysis_result = test_measures.join(test_list)

nunique count test_type
0 7 10 {AddSchedulingTest, GetSchedulingsTest, Delete...
1 3 16 {CommentResourceTest, CommentGatewayTest, Comm...
2 1 19 {CreateSiteTest}
3 1 31 {CreateTimeDiffTest}
4 7 17 {TodoResourceTest, GetTodoListTest, TodoGatewa...
5 1 12 {GetSiteTest}
6 6 32 {SchedulingDateResourceTest, SchedulingDatesRe...

In [ ]:

In [14]:



What a trip! We've started from a data set that showed us the invocations of production methods by test methods. We also went our way deep through the three mathematical / machine learning techniques cosine_distances, MDS and DBSCAN. Finally, we've found out which different test class classes test the same production code. The result is a helpful starting point to reorganizing your tests.

In general, we saw how we can transform software specific problems to questions that can be answered by using standard Data Science tooling.