Tutorial from RASA NLU.

0) Installation

MITTE: For corpus
pip install git+https://github.com/mit-nlp/MITIE.git

Spacy: For corpus
pip install -U spacy

Rasa NLU: For NLP programming
pip install rasa_nlu

Flask: For API/Web Service support
pip install flask

Gevent: For coroutines with the API
pip install gevent

1) Initiate the server

$ python -m rasa_nlu.server

In [1]:
# INFO:root:Configuration: {
#     "num_threads": 1,
#     "log_level": 20,
#     "language": "en",
#     "mitie_file": "data/total_word_feature_extractor.dat",
#     "emulate": null,
#     "config": "config.json",
#     "response_log": "/Users/flavio.clesio/logs",
#     "server_model_dirs": null,
#     "fine_tune_spacy_ner": false,
#     "token": null,
#     "path": "/Users/flavio.clesio/models",
#     "log_file": null,
#     "data": null,
#     "port": 5000,
#     "backend": "mitie"
# }
# INFO:root:Logging requests to '/Users/flavio.clesio/logs/rasa_nlu_log-20170423-110825-12766.log'.
# INFO:root:Started http server on port 5000
# - - [2017-04-23 11:08:39] "GET /parse?q=hello HTTP/1.1" 200 193 0.002418
# - - [2017-04-23 11:08:40] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 342 0.020442

2) In shell script to see the version

$ python -c "import rasa_nlu; print rasa_nlu.__version__"

3) Train the model using Mitte background

$ python -m rasa_nlu.train -c config_mitie.json

In [2]:
# Training to recognize 4 categories: 'greet', 'restaurant_search', 'affirm', 'goodbye'
# Train classifier
# extracting text features
# now do training
# num training samples: 51
# C: 200   f-score: 0.84
# C: 400   f-score: 0.84
# C: 300   f-score: 0.84
# C: 100   f-score: 0.84
# C: 0.01   f-score: 0.74
# C: 600   f-score: 0.84
# C: 1400   f-score: 0.84
# C: 3000   f-score: 0.84
# C: 5000   f-score: 0.84
# C: 2550   f-score: 0.84
# C: 1325   f-score: 0.84
# C: 712.5   f-score: 0.84
# C: 406.25   f-score: 0.84
# C: 253.125   f-score: 0.84
# C: 176.562   f-score: 0.84
# C: 138.281   f-score: 0.84
# C: 119.141   f-score: 0.84
# C: 109.57   f-score: 0.84
# C: 104.785   f-score: 0.84
# C: 102.393   f-score: 0.84
# C: 101.196   f-score: 0.84
# C: 100.598   f-score: 0.84
# C: 100.299   f-score: 0.84
# best C: 100.598
# test on train:
# 10  0  0  0
#  0 17  0  0
#  0  0 14  0
#  0  0  0 10

# overall accuracy: 1
# Training time: 535 seconds.
# df.number_of_classes(): 4

# Training to recognize 2 labels: 'location', 'cuisine'
# Part I: train segmenter
# words in dictionary: 200000
# num features: 271
# now do training
# C:           20
# epsilon:     0.01
# num threads: 1
# cache size:  5
# max iterations: 2000
# loss per missed segment:  3
# C: 20   loss: 3 	1
# C: 35   loss: 3 	1
# C: 20   loss: 4.5 	1
# C: 5   loss: 3 	1
# C: 20   loss: 1.5 	0.888889
# C: 20   loss: 3.75 	1
# C: 21.5   loss: 3 	1
# C: 20   loss: 3.375 	1
# C: 18.5   loss: 3 	1
# C: 20   loss: 3.1875 	1
# C: 20   loss: 2.9 	1
# C: 20   loss: 2.9 	1
# C: 20   loss: 2.97801 	1
# best C: 20
# best loss: 3
# num feats in chunker model: 4095
# train: precision, recall, f1-score: 1 1 1
# Part I: elapsed time: 1 seconds.

# Part II: train segment classifier
# now do training
# num training samples: 9
# C: 200   f-score: 1
# C: 400   f-score: 1
# C: 300   f-score: 1
# C: 100   f-score: 1
# C: 0.01   f-score: 0.875
# C: 600   f-score: 1
# C: 1400   f-score: 1
# C: 3000   f-score: 1
# C: 5000   f-score: 1
# C: 2550   f-score: 1
# C: 1325   f-score: 1
# C: 712.5   f-score: 1
# C: 406.25   f-score: 1
# C: 253.125   f-score: 1
# C: 176.562   f-score: 1
# C: 138.281   f-score: 1
# C: 119.141   f-score: 1
# C: 109.57   f-score: 1
# C: 104.785   f-score: 1
# C: 102.393   f-score: 1
# C: 101.196   f-score: 1
# C: 100.598   f-score: 1
# C: 100.299   f-score: 1
# best C: 100.598
# test on train:
# 4 0
# 0 5

# overall accuracy: 1
# Part II: elapsed time: 9 seconds.
# df.number_of_classes(): 2

4) See new folder created

$ cd /Users/flavio.clesio/Desktop/RASA_NLU/models/model_20170423-130702

5) See contents

$model_20170423-130702 ls


6) Use the model

$RASA_NLU python -m rasa_nlu.server -c config_spacy.json --server_model_dirs=./model_20170423-130702

7) Kill who's using the port(Because I've made a test before)

$ lsof -i :5000
$ kill 12766

8) Request to see the cousine

$ curl -XPOST localhost:5000/parse -d '{"q":"I am looking for Chinese food"}' | python -mjson.tool

In [3]:
# % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
#                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
# 100   279  100   242  100    37  10041   1535 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10521
# {
#     "confidence": 0.6487632074644808,
#     "entities": [
#         {
#             "end": 24,
#             "entity": "cuisine",
#             "start": 17,
#             "value": "Chinese"
#         }
#     ],
#     "intent": "restaurant_search",
#     "text": "I am looking for Chinese food"
# }