It's a type of learning where some function learning is based in some labeled data (X) and the final output of this function it's a target output (y).
Training: Examples X_train together with labels y_train. Testing: Given X_test, predict y_test.
Common tasks:
A.K.A House of Prediction Analytics!!!
In this type of learning a function doesn't have labeled data. It means that the learning comes from the whole structure of the data, instead some statistical/algorithm approximation
Examples X. Learn something about X.
Common tasks:
A.K.A. learn from data itself
A.K.A No-structured info apriori
Reinforcement learning it's a term stolen from robots where an agent makes decisions based in their environment (state) and for each action this agent have some penalty (for bad actions) or reward (for good actions). The main objective is get the maximum reward in some cummulative way.
Use a structure of reward and penalty of the model with memory.
A.K.A Where the magic happens! Multiple models! Models learning based in other models, like Inception movie!
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